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Read the email for an invitation to a picnic. Give a positive or negative answer. Use the
appropriate vocabulary and expressions.

Hi Peter
How’s the family? I hope everything is going perfect for you. As you know, every year we
organize out friends’ meeting and this year it’s not the exception. We are planning to
meet for a picnic on Saturday May, 24th. Alfredo’s house is the place for our meeting. The
address is at the end of the email. We are there from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Alfredo says
he has got a free room for you and for the rest of the people who want to stay there.
Would you like to join us? Please let me know if you can come.
Hope you can make it!


Hi Maryfe
Great to hear from you and thanks for the invitation. I’d love to come but I’m afraid I
can’t. I’ve to travel because my uncle is very sick.
Hope you all have a great time and hope to see you soon.
Keep in touch!

Now is you turn, write an email to a friend to invite him/her to you parents’ golden
anniversary. Give all he information about it. Use the correct vocabulary and expressions.

Hi Paul
How are you? I hope everythings is going perfect for you. My parents are planning to
celebrate their golden anniversary. They want to celebrate it on January 17th at the
La Cascada hostelry. We are them from 7:00 pm at 2:00 am. My brother says he has
a free room for you to stay after the party. Would you like to come? Please let me
know if you can come. 
Hope you can come! 

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