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A safety program is a plan or outline

of activities conducted to promote
Safety Program
safety consciousness among
management and workers in work
places in order that accidents and/or
illness can be eliminated or
minimized to the lowest reducible
Role of Management in Safety

Effective safety program

can be achieved basically
through control of
people’s actions. Only
top management has the
authority to implement
such controls.
Seven (7) Basic Elements for Successful
Safety Program
1. Management Leadership
2. Assignment of Responsibility
3. Maintenance of Safe Working Conditions
4. Establishment of Safety Training
5. An Accident Record System
6. Medical and First-Aid System
7. Acceptance of Personal Responsibility
Management Leadership
Assumption of responsibility;declaration of policy
Management should make a
written statement of this
attitude towards safety in the
workplace. This can be set
forth in a policy which must be
brief and clearly define
management attitude.

A document stating the top management’s

safety objectives, the level of safety that can
be performed by the organization, and the
responsibility of the organization’s members
for executing the policy and ensuring safety.

• Be a statement of principles stating what, not, how;

• Promote consistency throughout the organization and
across projects;

• Provide an explanation to outsiders of how the

organization views safety;

• Provide specific guidelines for important safety matters;

• Provide provision for changing/updating the policy

General Safety Policy
 GENERAL SAFETY POLICY - A brief statement of the
company’s commitment to safety.

 Sample of Safety Policy

“ABC Construction Company is committed to provide

every employee to work under the safest possible
conditions. To this end, every reasonable effort will be
made in the interest of accident prevention, fire protection
and health preservation.”
John D. Hancock
President & CEO
Management Leadership
Management Attitude:

a. enforce safe practices and conditions

b. comply with company policy
c. follow safety instructions
d. obtain good preventive maintenance
of equipment or selection of proper
equipment when purchased.
Assignment of Responsibility
To operating officials, safety directors,
supervisors, health and safety committees
Maintenance of Safe Working
Inspectors, supervisors, purchasing, workers
Some protective measures to maintain safe working conditions are:
a. operational methods revisions to eliminate risks
b. mechanical guarding
c. isolation of operation storage or warehouse
d. use of personal protective equipment
e. proper ventilation
f. proper use and maintenance of tools and equipment
g. sufficient and proper lighting
h. sanitation
I. fire control measures
Maintenance of Safe Working
Safety Conditions can be appraised by keeping track
of the following:

a. regular routine inspection

b. special inspection and
c. follow-ups to see if recommendations
for health and safety maintenance are
met or carried out.
Establishment of Safety Training
Conduct of training courses should be both
for supervisors and employees.
Kinds of Training courses:
a. for new employees
b. on-the job-training
c. refresher courses
d. supervisory training
e. participation in the safety work.
- off the job
- conferences
- workshops
Six (6) Musts in Training
1. Tell the employees WHAT the safety program is.

2. Encourage them to learn, teach and practice safety every

WHERE in the project and off-the-job.

3. Answer questions so they will know WHY safety pays.

4. Teach them WHEN you know they need training.

5. Make them conscious of WHO benefits all the way.

6. Show them HOW to do things the safe way.

An Accident Record System
Accident analysis reports on injuries -
measurements of results

a. Provide the safety director

with the means for an objective
evaluation of his program.

b. identify high-injury rate

c. provide information on the

causes of accidents which
contribute to high injury rates.
Medical and First-Aide System
Placement examinations - treatment of injuries - first
aid services - periodic health examinations
Medical and First-Aid System
Pertinent Activities:
a. conducts pre-employment physical examinations for
proper physical check-up and proper placement of workers.

b. conducts periodic physical examination of workers exposed

to harmful of toxic substances.

c. arrange surveys of new operations or processes to know

what exposures are detrimental to health that may be present.

d. establishes a system for assigning injured workers on the kind

of job they can handle for their condition.
Acceptance of Personal Responsibility
of Employees
Training - Maintenance of Interest
Employees obligations for a safety program to succeed:

a. observe safe practices and procedures

b. have regard at all times for the safety of fellow employees.
c. report to proper authorities any unsafe condition that may
call his attention.
d. contribute his ideas, suggestions and recommendations for
the improvement of of working conditions to achieve
maximum safety.
e. participate actively, whenever appointed as full pledge
member of the health and safety committee.
Some Promotional Methods
 Safety Meetings
a. executive and supervisor’s
meeting - to formulate policies,
initiate safety programs or plan,
special safety activities.
b. mass meeting - for special purpose
c. departmental meeting - to discuss
special problems, plan
campaigns or analyze accidents.
d. small group meeting - to plan the
day’s work so that it is
Some Promotional Methods
 Safety Contest SLOGAN

a. injury rate contest 1ST

b. interdepartmental contest
c. intergroup contest
d. personalized contest
e. non - injury rate contest - safety
slogans, poster, housekeeping
and community contest
Some Promotional Methods
 Use of posters, bulletin, boards, displays
to publicize safety
Some Promotional Methods
 Others like safety campaigns, safety
courses and demonstrations, public address
systems, publications, suggestion system.

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