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Our Bright History of Education
1600s Estefania Caro
EDU 201- 2002
Boston Latin 1642-
1690- The New
School is Massachusetts England
Printing Press
founded Act of 1642 Primer was

1636-Harvard 1693- The

College is 1638- Hartford College of
1647- Massachusetts
established Public High William and
Act of 1647
School opens Mary opens

1635 - The first Latin Grammar School is established to provide a pre-college education for the new country’s future leaders.

1636 - The first university is established in Newtowne (now Cambridge), Massachusetts.

1638 - The first printing press in the American Colonies is set up at Harvard College, which accelerated the process of printing multiple copies of written paper.

1638 – The school, opened in Hartford, Connecticut, is the second oldest secondary school in the United States.

1642 - Massachusetts Bay Colony passed the first educational law requiring that all children be taught to read and write to be able to read and understand the
principles of religion and the capital laws of the country.

1647 - The Old Deluder Satan Act is passed, which required towns of 50 households or more to appoint a person to teach the town's children how to read and write,
and towns of 100 households or more to establish a Latin grammar school to prepare students for Harvard College.

1690 – This Primer introduced children to the letters of the alphabet through the use of illustrative woodcuts and rhymed couplets.

1693- It is the second college to open in colonial America which is established in Virginia.
1783-Noah Webster
1751- introduced his speller, 1785-
1770- The first 1787- The Young
Philadelphia A Grammatical University of
African American Ladies Academy
Academy is Institute of English Georgia is
School is founded opens
founded Language established

1752 - St. 1779- Bill for 1785- The

Matthew the More Northwest
Lutheran General Ordinance is
School opens Diffusion of passed

1751- Benjamin Franklin designed and promoted this private secondary school that replaced the old Latin grammar school and focused on the English language
rather than Latin.

1752- One of the first Lutheran "parish schools" in North America is founded in New York City by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg.

1770- One of the best known schools for African Americans was founded in Philadelphia by Anthony Benezet.

1779- Thomas Jefferson proposed to the Virginia this Bill, which called for state-controlled elementary schools that would teach 3 years of reading, writing, and
arithmetic to all White children at no cost to parents.

1783- Webster’s speller addressed so many topics that it has been called one of the first curriculum guides for the elementary grades.

1785 – This university is America's first state-chartered university.

1785- This ordinance gave federal land to the states for educational purposes. The ordinance divided the Northwest Territories into 36-square-mile sections, with
the 16th square mile designated for public schools.

1787 - The first academy for girls in the original 13 colonies/states.

1849- Electa
1836- William Lincoln Walton
1819- Indian 1821- Troy Holmes McGuffey's 1839- The becomes acting
Schools were Seminary is Readers are Normal School head
founded founded published was founded administrator

1821- Boston 1837- Horace Mann is 1862- The

1848- Horace
English the Secretary of the Morrill Land-
Mann resigns
Classical Massachusetts State Grand Act
as secretary
School is Board of Education
1819- Quakers founded Indian schools as philanthropic enterprises. Federal funds for reservation schools were first granted.

1821- Founded by Emma Willard, it became one of the first women’s colleges in the country.

1821- The first public high school that opened in the U.S. which marked the beginning of a long, slow struggle for state-supported common schools in the country.

1836 - The McGuffey Readers had a religious, moral, and ethical influence over millions of American readers and are among the most influential textbooks of the 19th

1837- Horace Mann immediately begins to improve the quality of schools.

1839 - The first public normal school specifically for teacher education opened in Lexington, Massachusetts.

1848- Massachusetts has a firmly established system of common schools and led the way for other states to establish free public schools because of Horace Mann.

1849- Electa Lincoln Walton, an 1843 graduate of the normal school, became the first woman to administer a state normal school.

1862 – This law provided federal land for states either to sell or to rent in order to raise funds for the establishment of colleges of agriculture and mechanical arts. It set
a precedent for the government to take an active role in shaping higher education in the U.S.
1919- The
1954- The 1965- The 1975- The
beginning of Elementary and Education for All
school Secondary Handicapped
Association is
desegregation. Education Act Children Act

1958- The 1974- The Equal 1989- The

1944- G.I. Bill
National Educational University of
of Rights is
Defense Opportunities Phoenix establishes
Education Act Act their "online

1919- It went on for the next two decades implementing progressive theories in the classroom that they believed would lead to the improvement of society.

1944- This Bill provided millions of veterans with payments for tuition and room and board at colleges, universities, and special schools.

1954- The U.S. Supreme court rejected the “separate but equal” doctrine that had been used since 1850 that excluded African Americans from attending school with

1958- The U.S. Office of Education increased funding for scientific research as well as science, mathematics, and foreign language education.

1965- As part of President Johnson’s Great Society Program, this act provided federal funds to help low-income students.

1974 – This act prohibits any discrimination based on sex under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, such as women being able to
join sports in school.

1975- This act extended greater educational opportunities to children with disabilities. It guarantees that children with special needs will receive a free, appropriate
education in the least restrictive educational environment.

1989 – This is the first private university to offer online bachelors and master’s degrees.
2011-Alabama becomes the
2007- The first state "to require 2014- Obama
2002 - The No
Virginia Tech public schools to check signs the
Child Left
University the immigration status" of Bipartisan
Behind Act
shooting students. Budget Bill

2009- The
2003 - The 2015- The
Common Core 2012- Race to
Higher Every Student
State the Top
Education Act Succeeds Act
2002- Signed into law by President George W. Bush; this law mandates high-stakes student testing, holds schools accountable for student achievement levels, and
provides penalties for schools that do not make adequate yearly progress.

2003- Expands access to higher education for low and middle income students, and provides additional funds for graduate studies.

2007- Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old student, kills two students in a dorm, then 30 more in a classroom building, and leaves fifteen others wounded. This is the deadliest
school shooting in U.S. history.

2009- A state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers is launched. It is
expected that most states will adopt the common core standards.

2011- Even though the law does not require schools to prohibit the enrollment nor report the names of undocumented children, Alabama’s requirement is
unconstitutional due to the Plyer v. Doe ruling.

2012- Race to the Top expanded to include competition for school districts; 55 school districts receive a total of $400 million.

2014- President Barack Obama signs the 1.1-trillion dollar bipartisan budget bill on January 17. The bill restores some of the cuts to federal education programs

2015- President Obama signs it into law on December 10 which includes provisions that will help to ensure success for students and schools such as increasing high
school graduation rates, decreasing dropout rates, and having more students going to college.

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