Arista FD G0A018078 (RESUME EFN)

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Nama : Arista Fitria Dewi

NIM : G0A018078

Prodi : D3 Kepsrawatan


A. Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is thicken or harden arteries that carry blood from the heart to flow
throughout the body. This condition is abnormal due to blood vessels lose elasticity because
existence plaque formation in arterial wall.

B. Non-modifiable Risk Factors

- Age
- gender
- Ethnicity
- Generic predisposition for hyperlipidemia

C. Causes of Arteriosclerosis
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol levels
- Cigarette smoke exposure
- High blood sugar levels
- Genetic factors in the family

D. Arteriosclerosis Treatment
- Maintain ideal body weight.
- Eat foods high in fiber.
- Take antiplatelet drugs, (blood thinners to prevent plaque from forming).
- A blood vessel replacement surgery (angioplasty) may be performed if the blockage
of the blood vessels is severe and causes severe symptoms.
E. Arteritis

Arteritis is an inflammation in localized segments of arteries. One particularly notable

type is cranial arteritis (temporal arteritis), a disease of variable duration and unknown cause
that is accompanied by fever and involves the temporal and occasionally other arteries of the
skull. In general, older persons are affected. Excision of the involved artery may be carried
out, but the general symptoms may remain.

F. Frostbite

Frostbite may occur after exposure to subfreezing temperature momentarily or to less

severe temperature for a longer period. It occurs more readily if blood vessels are diseased.
Several degrees of frostbite produce thrombosis of the arteries and arterioles and also may
involve veins. Symptoms may vary from a mild stage of reddening to gangrene and eventual
loss of the extremity.

Functional disease


Raynaud syndrome is said to occur when the extremities—primarily the fingers and
toes but also including occasionally even the ears, nose, or cheeks—become pale, cyanotic,
and numb under the influence of cold or emotion. Pain is also present at times. On cessation
of the stimulus, redness develops, and there is a tingling or burning sensation lasting some
minutes. This sequence of events is apparently caused by the excessive constriction of the
small arteries and arterioles of the affected body parts upon stimuli that ordinarily cause only
a minor degree of vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels)

Direct mechanical injury or an infection or other disease process in the neighbouring

tissues may produce spasms in the veins (venospasms). Local venospasm is usually of
relatively minor significance because of the adequacy of alternate pathways for the blood. If
venospasm is widespread, however, involving an entire extremity or the veins in the lungs, it
may impair blood flow and therefore be of greater significance.

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