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TPACK Template

Online Learning Synchronous

Subject Science

Grade Level 1st Grade

Learning Objective 1.2 The student will investigate and understand that moving
objects exhibit different kinds of motion.
a) objects may have straight, circular, and back-and-forth

b) objects may vibrate and produce sound; and

c) pushes or pulls can change the movement of an object.

Online Activity In this activity students will explore the forces at work when
pulling against a cart and pushing a crate, refrigerator, or
person. Students will also be expected to create and applied
force to see how it makes objects move. Students will also be
expected to see how it affects the motion of objects.

Prior to this activity, the main concepts about force, energy, and
motion were introduced via zoom meeting. The meeting was an
introduction to the new chapter. I screen shared a PowerPoint
to introduce and review the information with the students. The
students were asked to answer a few application questions at
the end of the PowerPoint.

For the next lesson, students will be assigned a simulation. The

information from the first lesson will apply to the simulation.
The students should have a better understanding about forces
and motion.

In this assignment students will be able to identify when forces

are balanced or unbalanced. Students will also determine the
sum of forces on an object with more than one force on it.
Lastly, students will be expected to predict the motion of an
object with zero net force and the direction of motion given a
combination of forces.

Following the simulation assignment, students will be assessed

on the information they learned and applied. I will give students

a short quiz on the material.

Technology Technology • Force and Motion : Basics simulation on Phet
• Computer with required software

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