Modeling Frequency Dependency of Gas Turbine Output

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K. Kunitomi A. Kurita H. Okamoto Y. Tada S. Ihara P. Pourbeik W.W. Price

A.B. Leirbukt J.J. Sanchez-Gasca
Electric Power Research & Development Center Power Systems Energy Consulting
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. GE Power Systems
Tokyo, JAPAN Schenectady, New York USA

Abstract - The maximum continuous power output of a gas [e.g., 4,5] and the one in this paper. However, Rowen’s
turbine depends on the system frequency and the ambient model is not suitable for determining the frequency
temperature. The temperature control of a gas turbine limits the dependency of the gas turbine power output in the field.
exhaust temperature by reducing the fuel flow as the air flow The contribution of this paper is the development of a gas
decreases with the shaft speed. Thk paper addresses the turbine model based on physical principles, clarifying the
frequency dependency of the gas turbine power output and combined effects on the output power of the shaft speed
presents a physically-based model of a gas turbine that may
and ambient temperature.
enable parameter estimation of the frequency dependency from
the ambient temperature dependency. The model is suitable for
The gas turbine model described in this paper is suitable
long-term simulation of power system dynamic performance
for long-term simulation of power system dynamic
involving abnormal frequency conditions.
performance involving abnormal frequency operations. It
Keywords - gas turbines, combked-cycle power plants, is expected that the model is valid for variations in shaft
dynamic modeling. speed between 95 YO to 10570 and for unit loading above
about 50?Z0load. The model is not intended for use for
simulation of start-up, shutdown or detailed dynamics
1. INTRODUCTION associated with the performance of the gas turbine
combustion systems.
The contribution of large combined-cycle power plants to
the total generation is already substantial and rapidly 2. GAS TURBINE MODEL STRUCTURE
increasing in many power systems. Loss of a large plant
can lead to a rapid decrease of the system frequency The gas turbine consists of an axial compressor, a
especially in a small system during a light load condition combustion system and a turbine (Figure 1). The
if the system is operated with an insuftlcient generation pertinent input variables are fuel flow (Wf) and air flow
reserve. To analyze incidents of abnormal system (WJ. The pertinent output variables are mechanical
frequency, it is necessary to know the power output power output (PA and the exhaust heat to the heat
available from remaining plants. recovery steam generator (HRSG) as determined by the
exhaust gas flow (WX) and temperature (TX). The exhaust
Gas turbines produce approximately two thirds of the total gas flow is practically equal to the air flow since the fuel
power output of a typical combined-cycle power plant. flow is much smaller than the air flow. The fnel flow and
The maximum power output of a gas turbine depends on air flow are adjusted to provide a desired power output
the shaft speed (and hence the system frequency) and the while maintaining the desired level of exhaust temperature
ambient temperature. The temperature control of a gas for efficient heat transfer to the HRSG. Air flow maybe
turbine limits the exhaust temperature by reducing the fuel regulated by inlet guide vanes (IGV) and is also a function
flow (and hence the power output) as the air flow of ambient air temperature ~J, pressure (PJ and shaft
decreases with the shaft speed. This paper addresses the speed (co).
frequency dependency of the gas turbine power output and
presenta a procedure that may enable parameter estimation
of the frequency dependency from the ambient
temperature dependency of the gas turbine output.

W. I. Rowen provided a model of a gas turbine that can be

used for dynamic performance studies of a power system
* +
[1, 2, 3]. Rowen’s model consists of a set of algebraic CPR=P2/Pl+l Preswm Transducer I
equations describing the steady-state characteristics of the
gas turbine thermodynamics, simple time delays, and a
few pertinent controls including the temperature control, Figure 1 Gas ‘lkrbhe and Pertinent Variables
governor, and acceleration control. Rowe.n’s model has
provided a starting point for development of other models

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0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE

The overall model of a gas turbine and its controls is f
shown in Figure 2. This model structure is similar to that
described by Rowen [1,2]. However, a new formulation
of the gas turbine thermodynamic characteristics, as Temperature
M Ta, Pa Transducer
shown in Figure 3, has been developed in order to reveal fc u

the effects of shaft speed.

Gas Turbine
Thermo- w,
The air flow (WJ equation includes the ambient factor, A
dynamics p
q(T., P.), which represents the effects of the ambient e
temperature (T.. in ‘K) and the atmospheric pressure (P.), (0
where T.. = 288 ‘K and Pao = 1 atmosphere. The air
flow depends on the shaft speed (o) through the
temperature-corrected speed (u=). The air flow speed
factor (u) with parameters &, Al and AZ approximates f% A~lerati~n
the effects of the temperature-corrected speed ((o=). The Control
1 I
air flow speed factor and temperature-corrected speed are
both dimensionless quantities that are similar to Mach
Figure 2 Gas Turbine and Controls
numbers. They relate, respectively, the speed of the air
and the speed of the compressor blades to the speed of Similarly, Figures 5, 6, and 7 verify the energy balance
sound. The air flow can be adjusted by changing the considerations leading to the exhaust temperature (Tx)
angular position (OIGV) of the inlet guide vanes. Their equation, compressor pressure ratio (CPR) equation, and
effect can be represented with the sine function. The power output equation (P) given in Figure 3.
parameter emu is the maximum angle the IGVS can
attain. 00 is a parameter dependent on the IGV geometry. The temperature control adjusts the fuel flow and air flow
based on the measurement of the exhaust temperature and
The parameters (&, Al, and A.J of the air flow speed the CPR. CPR is defined as the discharge pressure of the
factor (u) can be estimated from air flow data at different compressor divided by the inlet air pressure. The
ambient temperatures and known IGV angles. Flgnre 4 discharge pressure increases with increasing air flow and
shows, with points, values of W. I q(Ta,PJ obtained from with increasing energy in the gas. The energy in the gas is
gas turbine thermal design data, with OIGv constant, proportional to Wf.
plotted against O= for a range of ambient temperature
values (-5, 15 and 35 “C) and shaft speed values (0.95 to The rest of the gas turbine model structure, including the
1.05 pu). The solid curve in the figure is the equation for fuel systeu exhaust temperature transducer, temperature
U(ACOC) fitted to the data points. The good fit verifies that control, acceleration control, and governor, have been
the air flow equations of Figure 3 are a good model. described in other references [1,2,4,5] and will not be


~ Wa I 1 I
— + As(Pa /Pao ) + A4Wf
Wa =~Ta,Pa)u(Aoc)::::::::\ Tx=Ta+ * Tx
+ w=

Pa Tao
q(Ta,Pa)=G ~
U(AOIC) =1+


Afj AOJc + Al Am: + AZ Ao

A CPR = (A5W= + A6wf )~

+ A7

~ Wf -Wfo p 1P
P= * P~=— Pm
1– Wf(j 1 + T,rbS

Figure 3 Gas Turbine Thermodynamic Equations

IEEE 679

0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE


0.7 I
0.90 0.95 1.05 1.10
0 :“&J)

Figure 4 Airflow Speed Factor Figure 6 Compressor Pressure Ratio (CPR)


o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Wf (pu)
Figure 7 Power Output
Figure 5 Exhaust Temperature

described in detail here. In general, it is desirable to turbine is loaded slowly (e.g., at a ramp rate of 5 % per
model the temperature control, acceleration control, and minute) from no load to full load, and pertinent variables
governor based on the way they are designed and are recorded, includlng the fuel command, electrical
implemented on actual units. Parameters for an example power output, IGV servo command, measured exhaust
gas turbine are given in Appendix A. temperature, and CPR. The air flow and exhaust flow are
typically not available. Figure 8 shows an example of
3. MODEL PARAMETER DETERMINATION variables recorded during an loading test. Because of the
slow ramp, the gas turbine can be assumed to be
The physically-based model presented in Section 2 is essentially in steady state without any significant effect of
suitable for modeling most gas turbines. It has only a control and process dynamics. Consequently, it is easy to
small number of parameters, and it is easy to determine determine the fuel flow (WJ from the fuel command, the
those parameters provided that the proper data are mechanical power output (PA from the electrical power
available. Loading test data can be used to determine output, the IGV angle (olCv) from the IGV servo
most of the parameters defining the steady-state command, and the exhaust temperature (TJ ffom the
characteristics of the gas turbine thermodynamics except measured exhaust temperature. Since the loading test data
for their frequency dependency. lack the air flow data, it is necessary to substitute the air
flow equation into the exhaust temperature equation and
A loading test is made at the rated shaft speed under the the CPR equation, and then determine the model
prevailing ambient condition. During the test, the gas parameters.

IEEE 680

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90, 120 temperature at its limit. It is possible to reformulate the
80 - CPR physically-based model to obtain an equation for the
‘G” 70 -
(dw) ~. , maximum continuous power output (Pm). Appendix B
shows the equation for P= for a particular gas turbine
together with a set of parameter values.
4- SpedError
(%) 2

024681012 14161620
40, Ioil


01 _--7-- $ 0
024681012 14161820 $0.9 -
Time in minutes
Figure 8 Example of Loading Test
0.8 -

To determine the air flow speed factor, it is necessary to

reeord the pertinent variables of the gas turbine in
operation either (a) over a significant range of shaft
speeds or (b) over a significant range of ambient
temperatures. It is extremely difficult to operate a large t
0.6’ I
combined-cycle power plant at an off-nominal frequency. 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.98 1.00
0 (pu)
Therefore, performing loading tests at different ambient
temperatures is a more practical approach. Figure 9 Maximum Continuous Power Output

The gas turbine model includes simple lag blocks

representing the dynamic response characteristics of the Figure 10 shows the calculated response of an example
fuel system turbine, and temperature transducer. The model to a 5% downward ramp of system frequency. The
time constants associated with these dynamic plant was initially operating at less than the 1S0 (15°C)
characteristics can be determined from the recorded base load (1.0 pu) power output. The final steady-state
responses to small perhubations. For example, the turbine power output is less than the base load value due to the
time constant and the time constant associated with the reduced shaft speed. This is particularly severe for the
dynamic response of the fuel system can be determined by case of high (35”C) ambient temperature, where the final
changing the governor load reference and monitoring the power output is less than the initial value.
responses of the fuel command signal, the main fuel valve,
the fuel flow, and the power output. Field tests to
determine the dynamic characteristics of the gas turbine
should be performed with care, preferably with the
manufacturer’s guidance, so as not to trip the unit as well
as not to damage the equipment. For most system studies,
the model performance will not be too sensitive to the
turbine time constant (around 0.2 seconds) and the fuel
system time constant (around 0.4 seconds) since the gas
turbine con~ol characteristics will dominate the overall
dynamic response. The time constants associated with the
temperature transducer are generic and are not expeeted to
change substantially from one manufacturer to another.


0.71 1
Figure 9 shows the calculated maximum continuous power 0 20 40 60 80
output (P_) of an example model of a gas turbine. The Time in seconds
curves in the figure approximate the maximum output Figure 10 Model Response to Frequency Incident
characteristics of a gas turbine with the turbine exhaust

IEEE 681

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Kazuyoshi Krmitomi is a researcher in the Power System Technology
A simplified model structure of a gas turbine has been
Group, Electric Power Engineering R&D Center, Tokyo Electric Power
developed based on the underlying physics. It can be used Company Inc. (TEPCO). He received the BS and MS degrees in
for modeling most gas turbines made by any Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Tokyo Institute of
manufacturer. The resulting model is suitable for long- Technology in 1986 and 1988, respectively. He joined Tokyo Electric
Power Company in 1988.
term simulation of power system dynamic performance
involving abnormal frequency operations. The model Atsushi Kurita is the group manager of the Power System Technology
consists of (1) four algebraic equations describing the Group, Electric Power Engineering R&D Center, TEPCO. He received
the BS degree from Ibaraki University in 1979 and MS from Sfrizuoka
steady-state turbine characteristics, (2) simple dynamic
University in 1981. He joined Tokyo Electric Power Company in 1981.
models of the fuel systeu turbine dynamics, and
temperature transducer, and (3) the models of the Yasuyuki Tada (AM) is a researcher in the Power System Technology
Group, Electric Power Engineering R&D Center, TEPCO. He joined
temperature control, acceleration control, and governor as TEPCO after graduating from Kawagoe Tectilcal High School,
they are designed and implemented on actual units. It has Saitama Prefecture in 1981, and graduated from TEPCO Education
only a small number of parameters, and it is easy to Institute in 1988. From 1989 to 1990 he was a visiting researcher at the
University of Tokyo, where he rweived the Dr. Eng. degree in 1998.
determine those parameters provided that the proper data
is available. In fact, the loading test data can be used to Hkoshi Okamoto (M), was a researcher in the Power System
determine most of the parameters defining the steady-state Technology Group, Electric Power Engineering R&D Center, TEPCO.
He received the BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees from University of Tokyo in
characteristics of the gas turbine thermodynamics except
1988, 1990 and 1993, respectively. He joined Tokyo Electric Power
for their frequency dependency. The air flow speed factor Company in 1993. He currently belongs to Engineering Dept., TEPCO.
describes the frequency dependency. The physically-
Satoru Ihara (SM) is a senior research fellow at GE Power Systems
based structure of the model reveals the possibility of
Energy Consulting in Schenectady, NY. He received BSEE and MSEE
determining the parameters of the air flow speed factor degrees from Kyoto University, Japan and a Ph.D. in Applied
from the loading tests made at different ambient Mathematics from Harvard University. He is chahxm of the JEEE
temperatures. working group on load representation for dynamic performance and a
member of IEE of Japan.

REFERENCES Pouyan Pourb&k (M) was an application engineer at GE Power

Systems Energy Consulting in Schenectady, NY. He received his Ph.D.
[1] W. I. Rowen, “Simplified Mathematical Represent- in Electrical Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Anstrafia. He
ations of Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines”, ASME is currently employed by ABB.
Journal of Engineering for Power, Vol. 105, pp.
WIltiam W. Price (F) is a consulting engineer at GE Power Systems
865-869, Oct. 1983.
Energy Consulting in Schenectady, NY. He received a BSEE from
[2] W. I. Rowen, “Simplified Mathematical
Clarkson Univ. (’68) and a MEng from Rensselaer Polytcctilc Institute
Representations of Single Shaft Gas Turbines in (’71). He is chakman of the IEEE Power System Dynamic Modeling
Mechanical Drive Service”, The International Gas subcommittee.
Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Albert B. Leirbukt (M) is an application engineer at GE Power
Cologne, Germany, June 1-4, 1992. Systems Energy Consulting in Schenectady, NY. He received a MS in
[3] W. I. Rowen, “Operating Characteristics of Heavy- Electrical Power Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU) in 1997.
Duty Gas Turbines in Utility Service”, The Gas
Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Amsterdam Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca (SM) is a consulting engineer at GE Power
June 6-9, 1988. Systems Energy Consulting in Schenectady, NY. He received a BSEE
from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico in 1975 and MSEE (’78),
[4] IEEE Working Group on Prime Mover and Energy
MS in Computer Science (’82) and Ph.D. in Electrical Engincenng
Supply Models for System Dynamic Performance (’83) from University of Wkconsin.
Studies, “Dynamic Models for Combined Cycle
Plants in Power System Studies”, IEEE Trans. on
Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 3, August 1994.
[5] S. Snzaki, K. Kawata, M. Sekoguchi and M. Goto,
“Mathematical Model for a Combined Cycle Plant
and Its Implementation in an Analogue Power
System Simulator”, Proc. IEEELPES Wktter Power
Meeting, Singapore, Jan. 2000.

IEEE 682

0-7803-6674-3/00/$10.00 (C) 2000 IEEE

APPENDIX A – Example Gas Turbine Model Acceleration Control

Parameters for an example gas turbine are given below.

The parameters for the thermodynamic equations of
Figure 3, areas follows:

Ao’ 0.945 Al = -7.8

1%?= 39. A3= 126.7

IL%= 461.6 As= 11.6

Ik = 0.01 p.u. speed I sec. K== 10.
A(3 = 4.64 A7 = -0.85
Temperature Control
00 = 8.73° 0 max = 88°
The temperature control is quite complicated and details
T.o = 288°K Pao= 1 atmos.
differ significantly among manufacturers. The manu-
Wfo = 0.23 Ttti = 0.2 sec. facturer of a specific unit should be consulted for
information on modeling the temperature control. A
Models for the other elements shown in Figure 2 are as
simplified model is given in [2]. The impact of the
temperature control on maximum continuous power
Fuel System output has been determined for the example gas turbine as
shown in Appendix B.

APPENDIX B – Equation for Pw

\*wf The maximum power output of a gas turbine during low

f min = 0.135 T,= 0.4 sec. frequency events will normally be constrained by the
temperature control. The structure of this control will
fcb = base load fuel command= 0.733 vary among manufacturers. A model for the effect of
system frequency on maximum continuous power output
(Pm) was derived for a particular gas turbine and its
controls in the following form
Tx + Kr+—
● T xm -(BIAT, + B2AWa)Wa +B3AWa
1 +Trs l+Tts Pf-rl~ =1+
I 1 #
1+ BOAWa
K,= 0.8 T,= 15 sec. Tt = 2.5 sec.
where: Wa = air flow as given by Figure 3
Governor (droop) (p.u. of base load value)
AWa =Wa – 1. ATa = T= – T.o (oK)
‘refl +

7-F ‘
1 + Tgs
‘ T
The parameter values for this equation for the example
gas turbine are as follows

BO = 0.135 BI = 0.00242
Ba = 0.437 B3 = 1.423
deadband = 0.00025 p.u. speed TQ = 0.02 sec.

R = 0.0427 p.u. speed / p.u. power

IEEE 683

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