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Scope of work:
1. Study of Traffic data required to Design the Pavement structures from the Draft Detailed
Design report of Component 5.
2. Identifying the Pavement structures Flexible or Rigid Pavement , Recommendations shall be
submitted to JV Consultants for Review. After the JV Consultants approval, Detailed Design
Report and Calculations.
3. Identifying the applicable design standards in the design. British Port Association is suitable
for Container Handling area.
4. Identifying the Layer thickness for each layer of Pavement structures for Both Rigid and
Flexible Pavements.
5. Preperations of Final design reports consisting of detailed calculations.
6. Preperations of Typical Pavement structural drawings for each type of Pavement in A3 Sheet
which will be included in Final detailed design drawings of component 5.
7. Scope of work, shall be applicable for component 3 and component 1 except that Flexible
pavement is only option for Component 1 as it’s consists of Low traffic volumes in the

II. Design Codes and its methodology:

BANGLADESH – widely using IRC Design code Books.

These code books uses Empirical Design chart for determination of Typical Pavement
 IRC 37-2018: Design of Flexible pavements.
 IRC 15-2011: Code of Practice for Construction Procedure for Rigid Pavements.
 IRC 58-2015: Design of Rigid Pavements.
Designing Pavement structures for Container Depots.
Following are the Types of Pavement structures suggested in the Draft Detailed

CC Blocks Main Road

CC Block Pavement

 Inputs required for Designing as per Indian road congress (IRC)

(a) Axle load data of Containers for at least 1Day, Conducting in each road
connectivity required for Calculation for Million standard axle load.
(b) Traffic survey data (At least 7 Day) on both the directions for Calculation of
Annual average daily traffic (ADT and Again to calculate AADT) in order to
Calculate Traffic forecasting at the end of design period.
(c) Annual growth rate of Vehicles In order to calculate the Traffic forecasting at the
end of Design Period.
(d) Total Number of Road lanes (2 Lanes or 4 Lanes) for concluding the Load
(e) Soil Properties of Borrowing soil using for embankments construction
(CBR > 15% as suggested for National Highways in India)
(f) Any other Inputs related to Drainage facility or Plan and Profile useful for
(g) Axle Load spectrum for Vehicles running – This can be derived from the Axle
load survey data.

2. American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO-1993).

 Widely used Guidelines for Designing the Pavement structures
 Design Approach is almost same as IRC Standard.
 Determination of MSA (Million standard axle load) and the Traffic forecasting
requires Similar requirements as per in the IRC Code Books
 This code is useful for determining Suitability of Pavement structures required for as
per Life Cycle Cost – Method.

III. Methodology for Deciding the Pavement structures:

1. Generally it is depends on Design Period adopted. For this Life cycle cost analysis can be
used for Deciding the Type of pavement adoptable.
- As it requires time and it involves complex economic evaluations at the Beginning
stage itself, we should ask them for clarifications.
2. AASHTO and as well as IRC suggested that Interlocking Pavement structures is widely
accepted for Port and Container depots, Possibility of ICBP can be discussed.

Overall How and what is the methodology we have to opt, we have to ask them because
it involves cost and material and design period to be considered.

IV. Preperation of Typical cross sectional drawings for Road corridor:

 Plan and Profile for entire road stretch to be considered.
 Road parameters like existing Structures like culverts, Bridges in the proposed
 Existing Road survey, If any to be asking for details
 Drainage considerations for the Road structure to be asked.
 Critical levels to be considered while designing the pavement design.

V. Inputs in the Draft Detailed reports which is useful for Pavement design as follows:
1. They are given the Traffic data in terms of TEU, We need Traffic data in terms of
numbers and Tones, these information is critical because both AASHTO and IRC Guidelines
involving Traffic data in terms of Total numbers of vehicles and axle loads in terms of Tones
2. In Draft detail report they mentioned overall TEU’s, It involves Both Freight and Road
vehicles and also Cargo ships, where as we required only for road vehicles involving in the

Fig: Schematic Route map for Component 3

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