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Procedures to find the rotation center of Caxis and the swiveling center of A


Regardless of the specifications (C, P, or F) of MAX-410i, the rotation center of the C

axis and the swiveling center of A axis can be found and verified by the following
First of all, find out the tentative rotation center of C axis by the following procedu-
re [P-1], and the tentative swiveling center of A axis by the procedure [P-2].

【P-1】Procedure to find out the rotation center of C axis in case


① Index A=C=0 (by the MDI program (“M65; G91 G28 A0 C0; M64;”)), attach a set of a
pick tester to the main spindle, rotate the main spindle, and find out
the center (X and Y coordinate values) of the datum hole (Φ50 or 60)
located in the center of the table.
Xrc is about -225.00000 and Yrc is about -205.00000 in the machine coordinate system.
(rc:acronym of rotation center)
These values are inputted into the macro variables #600 and #601 respectively before

② The Z coordinate value of the table top surface is required to get the swiveling center of
A axis. It is about -560.0 based on the main spindle nose top surface (Zf) and about
-561.0 based on the main spindle taper gage plane (Zg) in the machine coordinate system.
In case of the former, the Z coordinate value of the table top surface is measured as
Put a block gage (150mm or 20mm) on the table, lower the main spindle until it contacts
the block gage and record the Z coordinate value (Z).

― 1 ―
At this time considering the concaveness of the table top surface, set the block gage near
the place of X=-20 Y=0 (near the periphery of the table on the X axis).
Zf=Z-[the block gage thickness] (f:face)
In case of the latter, you have to use a test bar and a block gage and measure Zg
Zg=Z-[the test bar length (the length measured by a presetter)]-[the block gage thickness]
As mentioned above, Zg ≑ Zf - 1.0 depending on the taper specification.

【P-2】Procedure to find out the swiveling center of A axis

① Yrc is hopefully the swiveling center of A axis but strictly speaking it is not.
The Y coordinate value of the swiveling center of A axis (Ysc)
=in the range of ±0.02mm in + (plus) Y axis direction from Yrc of C axis and its
actual value is inputted into the macro variable #605 before shipment.
(sc:acronym of swiveling center)

T slot 6-14mm

Datum hole

② The Z coordinate value of the swiveling center of A axis (Zsc) is about -511.0
(50mm above the Z coordinate value of the table top surface (Zg: based on the main
spindle gage plane)) and its actual value is inputted into the macro variable #602 before

― 2 ―
Please verify the tentative rotation center of C axis and the tentative swiveling center of A
axis by the subsequent procedure [P-3].

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【P-3】 The procedure to verify the tentative rotation center of C axis
and the tentative swiveling center of A axis using the master ball for
3-dimensional coordinate measuring machine.

◎ Required instruments

Master ball for 3-dimensional coordinate measuring machine

Test bar
Daishowa base master (BM-50)
Block gage (50mm)
A set of pick test (0.001mm graduation)
Magnet stand

◎ Find out the tentative rotation center of C axis

and the tentative swiveling center of A axis.

Find out the tentative rotation center of C axis and the tentative swiveling center of A axis
by using the procedures [P-1] and [P-2]..

◎ How to measure the coordinate value of the table top surface bas-
ed on the main spindle taper gage plane (Zg) (mentioned in Item ② of
[P-1]) and the Z coordinate value of A axis swiveling center (Zsc)
(mentioned in Item ② of [P-1])

① Clamp the table at A=0 and C=0, insert a test bar into the main spindle, set 50mm block
gage near the place of X=-20 Y=0 (near the periphery of the table on the X axis), as shown
by the red arrow on the below photos, lower the main spindle until the test bar contacts the
block gage and read the Z coordinate value (Zb) in the machine coordinate system.
By the following equation you can get Zg:
Zg=Zb-the test bar length-block gage thickness (50mm)

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② Next set the Daishowa base master (BM-50) at the place where 50mm block gage is set,
lower the main spindle until the test bar contacts the base master, and read the Z corordina-
te value (Zbm).
The length of the base master (Lbm) is obtained by the following equation:
Lbm=50+Zbm-Zb (The nominal length of the base master is 50mm)
Refer to the below photo.

③ Set the base master upside down to the test bar and lower the main spindle until the
base master contacts the place where the base master was set in Item ② and read the Z
coordinate value (Zbm(ud)).
The base master upside down length is obtained by the following equation:
Refer to the below photo.

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④ Keep the base master attached to test bar upside down in the state of Item ③ and set
a master ball for 3-dimensional measuring machine at the same place on the table as the
base master and the 50mm block gage were set.
By moving the main spindle, measure the Z coordinate value of the top point of the master
ball for 3-dimensional measuring machine (Zmb(t)) in the machine coordinate system and set
forth the Z coordinate value of the center of the master ball (Zmb(c)) as the origin of G56
work coordinate system by using the following equation:
Zmb(c)=Zmb(t)-the test bar length-Lbm(ud)-the master ball radius
Refer to the below photo.

― 6 ―

(a) Set for Xrc, Yrc, and Zg+(No.6 value of MMK’s inspection data sheet) as the origin of
G54 work coordinate system.
(b) Measure the X and Y coordinate values of the center of the master ball Xmb(c) and
Ymb(c) by attaching the pick tester to the test bar and rotating the main spindle, read
and set forth Xmb(c), and Ymb(c), as the the origins of X and Y axes of G56 respectively.

(c) Keep the main spindle at the center of the master ball in X and Y coordinates, execute
“G54;” in MDI mode and get the values of the arguments “I” and “J” for our coordinate
transformation software.
The value of the argument “K” for our coordinate transformation software is obtained by
the following equation:
K=Zmb(t)-the master ball radius-(Zg+(No.6 value of MMK’s inspection data sheet))

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◎ Measure the coordinate values of the center of the master ball
for 3-dimensional measurement at A=ɑ, C=γ

⑥ Using our coordinate transformation software, you can rather easily measure the master
ball center coordinate at A= ɑ, C=γ as follows:

M500 I149.403 J32.121 K141.155 M55 Aɑ Cγ; Our coordinate transformation software
(Refer to our “Programming Manual”.)
M65; Machine unclamps A & C axes.
G55 G90 G00 A0 C0; Machine sets A=ɑ, C=γ as commanded by
the above M500 command.
M64; Machine clamps A & C axes.
G55 G00 X0 Y0 S1000; Machine moves the spindle to X3=Y3=0
in G55.
Therefore beforehand move the Z axis to
upper-most positions for fear that the spindle
may collide with the master ball.

By executing the above program the main spindle wiil move very near to the X & Y
coordinates of the center point of the master ball.
Subsequently lower the main spindle and adjust it so that it may be positioned at the
same X & Y coordinates as the center of the master ball by rotating the main spindle
with the pick tester attached to it contacting and measuring the run-out of the master ball
spherical surface.
Read the current X & Y coordinate values in the machine coordinate system.
Regarding Z coordinate value in the machine coordinate system, measure it as mentioned
in Item ④ hereof.

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◎ How to set the accurate rotation center of C axis and the
accurate swiveling center of A axis.

⑦ The accurate rotation center of C axis and accurate swivel center of A axis can be obta-
ined as follows:
The center of the respective X and Y coordinate values of the master ball at A=C=0,
And A=0, C=180°is the accurate rotation center of C axis.
The accurate swivel center of A axis is obtained as follows:
The mean value of Zms(c) measured at A=C=0, and that measured at A=0, C=180°is
the accurate value of the swivel center of A axis.

Therfore, I, J, and K has to be revised accordingly.

⑧ By changing the rotation angle of C axis and the swivel angle of A axis, measure the
coordinate values (X, Y, and Z) of the center of the master ball. You have only to fill in the
blanks of the following list:

No. A axis C axis X Y Zmb(t) Zmb(c)

1 0 0
2 0 180.000
3 15.000 0
4 -30.000 0
5 -45.000 0
6 -60.000 0
7 -90.000 0
8 -90.000 180.000
9 -45.000 180.000
10 15.000 180.000
11 15.000 90.000
12 15.000 -90.000
13 -30.000 -90.000
14 -60.000 -90.000
15 -90.000 -90.000

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◎ How to verify the accuracy of the rotation of C axis and that of
swiveling of A axis.

The accuracy of the rotation of C axis and the swiveling of A axis has to be measured by
using X, Y, and Z axis movements, and therefore it is affected by the accuracy of their
mutual perpendicularity.
This orthogonal coordinate system is hopefully coorect, but strictly speaking it is not, and
actually an unorthogonal (oblique) coordinate system.
Actually the respective mutual perpendicularities between any two of X, Y, and Z axes is
About 0.01mm/300mm and this induces 11μm deviation in our subsequent case study
(I=162.875, J=31.479, and K=141.134).
The thermal sensibility of the main spindle in Z direction in our air-condditioned factory would
produce no less than 10μm deviation.
Indexing error of A and C axes is ±10″. This means max. 7μm for C axis and max.10μm
for A axis in our test case written hereinafter (I=162.875, J=31.479, K=141.134).
Considering all the above deviation, the respective deviation of each axis would be as follow
X and Y axes - - 28μm
Z axis - - 38μm
The results of our test case written hereinafter are within these figures as follows:

X axis deviation : 19μm

Y axis deviation : 18μm
Z axis deviation : 34μm

In conclusion A and C axes of our machine is quite accurate.

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◎ Our test case

Our machine’s and measuring instruments’ inherent data are as follows:

No.2 value of MMK’s inspection data sheet : 0.18
No.6 value of MMK’s inspection data sheet : 49.962
Master ball : Dia.=19.993
Test bar : L=299.661
Daishowa base master BM-50G : Lbm(ud)=50.006
As our test case we verified A & C axes accuracy following the above-mentioned method as

First we measured the master ball center and filled in the blanks of our proposed measuring
data list.

No. A axis C axis X Y Zmb(t) Zmb(c)

1 0 0 -62.150 -173.493 -359.901 -369.898
2 0 180.000 -387.899 -236.451 -359.899 -369.896
3 15.000 0
4 -30.000 0 -62.156 -248.284 -363.086 -373.083
5 -45.000 0 -62.155 -282.519 379.000 -388.997
6 -60.000 0 -62.155 -311.472 -403.232 -413.229
7 -90.000 0 -62.156 -346.119 -469.601 -479.598
8 -90.000 180.000
9 -45.000 180.000 -62.156 -346.119 -469.601 -479.598
10 -90.000 180.000 -387.893 -346.119 -532.567 -542.564
11 15.000 90.000
12 15.000 -90.000
13 -30.000 -90.000 -256.523 -134.490 -297.390 -307.387
14 -60.000 -90.000 -256.528 -245.770 -289.442 -299.439
15 15.000 -90.000 -256.504 -11.122 -406.865 -416.862

C axis rotation center Xrc=(-62.150+(-387.899))/2= -225.0245

Yrc=(-173.493+(-236.451)/2= -204.972
A axis swivel center Ysc=0.018
A axis swivel center Zsc=Zg+49.962=-560.994+49.962=-511.032
Considering the difference between Zmb(t) in the above No.1 and

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No.2 data, the above value is adjusted to
I,J, and K for our coordinate transformation
(-369.897=the mean value of -369.896 and -369.898.)

We calculated the deviation of the set of data for each combination of A and C axes rotation
and swiveling and the result is attached herewith titled “Deviation of Our Test Case”.

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