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Sample questions for Level 1 – Students from grade/class IV & V

1. Coal, natural gas, and oil are examples of

a) Renewable energy
b) Biomass Energy
c) Nuclear energy
d) Fossil fuels

2. Trees form an integral part of our lives. Which part of the tree, amongst the following, extracts
nutrients and moisture from the soil?
a) Shoots
b) Branches
c) Trunk
d) Roots

3. Organisms capable of synthesizing their own food from inorganic substances, using light or
chemical energy, are called .
a) Autotrophs
b) Biotrophs
c) Catotrophs
d) None of the above

4. Till date, which year marks the rise of world tiger population to 3,890, as the highest to be
recorded in 100 years?
a) 2012
b) 2013
c) 2015
d) 2016

5. This species of fish can generate an electrical charge in order to stun prey and keep predators at
bay. Name the fish.
a) Sailfish
b) Stingray
c) Cubera Snapper
d) Electric eel

6. Aerodynamically built for speed, this animal can make swift, sudden turns in pursuit of prey.
Name this world’s fastest land mammal.
a) Cheetah
b) Snake
c) Swift deer
d) Fox

7. Poached for its skin and body parts, the world has lost three of the nine sub-species of this
beautiful species. Name this animal.
a) Kangaroo
b) Emu
c) Tiger
d) None of the above
8. This land animal has large ears to enable heat loss. Its upper lip and nose forms a trunk. Name
this animal.
a) Elephant
b) Kangaroo
c) Rhinoceros
d) None of the above

9. Trees absorb a gas from the atmosphere and make air cleaner for us to breathe. Name this gas.
a) CO2
b) O2
c) CO
d) SO2

10. Which animal is featured as Master Shifu in the computer- animated film Kung Fu Panda?
a) Lemur
b) Racoon
c) Red Panda
d) Weasel

11. The Galápagos Islands is a group of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. These islands are home
to which largest living species of reptiles?
a) Crocodile
b) Chameleon
c) Turtle
d) Tortoise

12. Producers or autotrophs make their own food. Which of the following are autotrophs?
a) Plants
b) Algae
c) Cyanobacteria
d) All of the above

13. Biodiversity performs several ecological services that have economic, aesthetic, and recreational
value. Why are these services important?
a) For medicinal purposes
b) For agricultural diversity
c) For consumption-related uses
d) All of the above

14. Which of the following bird lays the smallest eggs?

a) Thrush
b) Emu
c) Hummingbird
d) Robin

15. What is solid waste management?

a) Dumping waste materials outside the house
b) Burning waste materials
c) Scientific collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials
d) Collection and dumping of waste materials into the drain
16. Why should we manage waste?
a) To keep our environment clean
b) To protect our health
c) To recycle
d) All of the above

17. What is the official term for waste generated in hospitals/clinics?

a) Biomedical waste
b) Pharma-medical waste
c) Veterinary-medical waste
d) Hospital-medical waste

18. If you practice printing on both sides of paper, you are .

a) reducing
b) recycling
c) refurbishing
d) None of the above

19. One way to reduce individual solid waste is to .

a) use reusable bags and bottles
b) use rechargeable batteries
c) compost organic waste
d) All of the above

20. Vermicomposting is another method of waste management. Which of the following waste(s)
cannot be used for vermicomposting?
a) Egg shells
b) Dried leaves
c) Synthetic fertilizer
d) Fruit peels

21. When excess oil from cars in a parking lot gets washed into a pond, it causes harm to life forms.
What is this an example of?
a) Adaptation
b) Population
c) Pollution
d) Restoration

22. The presence of any substance that is harmful or has a poisonous effect on the environment is
called pollution. Which of the following is not a form of pollution?
a) Factory effluents
b) Birds chirping
c) Loud music
d) Oil spills

23. Annoying levels of sound is known as noise pollution. Which of the following statements is/are
true for noise pollution?
a) It is bad for the ears
b) It can upset animals
c) It can cause stress to the health of small children and senior citizens
d) All of the above
24. If I am running my vehicle on this fuel, then I am an environment-friendly individual.
a) CNG
b) Petrol
c) Diesel
d) Crude oil

25. Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. The presence of carbon
monoxide in air can .
a) increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
b) decrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
c) does not affect the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
d) vary from location to location

26. The addition of toxic substances to our environment is known as .

a) pollution
b) toxicity
c) degradation
d) afforestation

27. When smoke mixes with fog it contributes to the formation of .

a) smog
b) smoke
c) black cloud
d) white cloud

28. To which of the following planets have unmanned spacecrafts been sent?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) All of the above

29. Oil spills in sea water are dangerous for sea birds because___________.
a) wings become colourless
b) wings get torn
c) birds cannot fly due to heavy wings
d) All of the above

30. Identify the fish that eats mosquito larvae present in the water, thereby restricting the spread of
a) Minnows
b) Gold Fish
c) Guppies
d) All of the above

31. Quinine, used for treating malaria, was first discovered in the jungles of .
a) Africa
b) India
c) South America
d) Russia
32. Identify the two main gases found in air in large quantity.
a) Oxygen and carbon
b) Oxygen and nitrogen
c) Oxygen and hydrogen
d) Carbon dioxide and nitrogen

33. Wetlands play a crucial role in .

a) flood control
b) serving as natural rainwater-harvesting systems
c) acting as a rich source of plant and animal species
d) All of the above

34. The increase in ship traffic in East Asia is aggravating ______.

a) generation of sulphur dioxide
b) air pollution
c) fuel oil waft
d) All of the above

35. The first country in the world to adopt a zero-deforestation policy is _______.
a) US
b) Norway
c) Brazil
d) India

36. Which of the following is known as the ‘roof of the world’?

a) Tibetan plateau
b) American plateau
c) Russian plateau
d) Mongolian highlands

37. The transfer of nutrients from one animal or plant to another is called a food _______.
a) ladder
b) tower
c) sequence
d) None of the above

38. What is the term used for a person who fits and repairs pipes, fixtures, taps, and so on for water
supply and sanitation?
a) Mason
b) Plumber
c) Architect
d) Electrician

39. Are there puddles around your home or school? How do puddles dry naturally?
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Mixing with soil
d) None of the above
40. Humans need water for drinking. The amount of water that each person needs depends on the
body temperature, the level of activity, and other factors. Consuming inadequate amount of
water can cause .
a) evaporation
b) dehydration
c) condensation
d) All of the above

41. ___________ does not readily mix with water.

a) Milk
b) Oil
c) Cold drink
d) Vinegar

42. Water is very important for humans and one of its important uses is cooking. Which of the
following methods of cooking is dependent on water?
a) Roasting
b) Grilling
c) Steaming
d) Frying

43. From the below-mentioned options, which living organisim helps in turning organic waste into
a) Common house fly
b) Black ants
c) Earthworms
d) White termites

44. Name the waste treatment method in which thermal energy is extracted from waste.
a) Recycling
b) Landfilling
c) Incineration
d) Composting

45. What is the best way to manage solid waste?

a) Waste collection➔waste segregation➔ recycling ➔waste treatment
b) Waste collection➔recycling➔waste segregation➔waste treatment
c) Waste minimization➔segregation➔ recycling➔waste treatment
d) Waste minimization➔waste collection➔ segregation➔waste treatment

46. From the below-mentioned options, pick the substance that should not be added to a
vermicompost pit as it causes the growth of disease-causing bacteria that will hinder the
composting process.
A) Coconut shells
b) Left-over pickle
c) Dry leaves
d) Pineapple waste
47. Food is essential for our body to develop, replace, and repair itself. Substances that provide
nourishment are essential for the maintenance of life and for growth. These are called .
a) nutrients
b) carbohydrates
c) proteins
d) vitamins

48. Pick the most balanced meal plate from the below-listed options:
a) Poultry, meat, and pulses
b) Fruits, starch, and fats
c) Grains, pulses, and processed food
d) Whole grains, vegetables, and sea food

49. Fats provide energy to the body. However, the energy that is provided is almost twice as much
in comparison to carbohydrates. Hence it is important to consume small quantities of this food
group. What are the main dietary sources of fats from the below-mentioned sources?
a) Red meats
b) Fish and soybean
c) Ghee and butter
d) Peas and spinach

50. When a seed is planted, the embryo or baby plant starts to grow with the right combination of
soil, water, and sunlight. What is this process known as?
a) Grafting
b) Germination
c) Fertilization
d) Pollination


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