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Name: Vilamor, Abegail B. Offering No.

: ABen 145

Student ID: 18-1-00985 Mobile No.: 09380040800

Assessment 1.1

1. Of the three main storages of water, which has the biggest reserve?

 Among the three main storages of water, namely Ocean, Surface water and Groundwater,

Ocean has the biggest reserve, occupies about 96.3% of the Earth and has a volume of

1,285,400,000 km3.

2. Groundwater composes at what percentage?

 Groundwater has about 1.75%.

3. It is the water loss to the atmosphere from the plants and surface water.

 Evapotranspiration is the water loss from the plants and surface water to the atmosphere.

4. The main processes of hydrologic cycle.

 The main processes of Hydrologic cycle are:

 Evaporation

 Condensation

 Precipitation

 Run Off

 Infiltration

 Percolation

5. Form of precipitation for tropical countries like in the Philippines.

 Rain, drizzle, fog, dew, are the common form of precipitation that occurs in tropical

countries like Philippines. On rare phenomenon, there are records that hail showers were

experienced on some parts of the Philippines.

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