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Industrial Control


Lecture Notes 23

Unit III
Smith Predictor


E E P Y
Gc Gp
+ +

Y 
Y +

1 2
-Td s
G* e -

Y-Y 2

Gv  Gm  1 ; Plant G(s) = G *e-Tds

 * (s)e-Tds  G(s)
Process model : G 
 * (s)
G is to be so chosen that, it is able to predict the effect
of control action on undelayed output. The controller than
uses the predicted response Y 1 to calculate its output signal
. Predicted output signal is also delayed by the amount of
process dead time , for comparison with actual delayed
output Y. This action corrects for modeling errors and
disturbances entering into the process.

E = E -Y (at second comparator)
 ) -Y
= Ysp  (Y-Y 
2 1

If the model is perfect:   Y


and , E =Ysp -Y 1
 controller responds to error signal that would occur
as if no time delay is present.

With a modifucation an alternate form is obtained as:



Ysp E E P Y
Gc G
+ +
 -Y
Y 
1 2
 * (1-e-Tds )
P Gc
inner loop TF G  = 
E 
1+G c G*(1-e -sTd
and 
Ysp 1  GG

1  G c G*(1-e -sTd
)  GGc
 -sTd G
G*e c

 G (G*e
1  G c G*-  -sTd )  GG
c c

 the linear undelayed part of plant T.F. correctly modelled

If G*,
we get ,
Y GcG *e-sTd

Ysp 1  G c G

whereas, without the modification, closed T.F. for the plant

Y GcG GcG *e-sTd
would have been  
Ysp 1  Gc G 1  G c G *e-sTd

By comparison , it is observed that , with the modification ,

the characteristic equation of smith predictor is free from
time delay effect !
Unfortunately , the advantage is lost if process model is not
correct i.e. G *  G *
Practically , it works for differences even up to < 30% of
actual value.
{ Reference: Morari & Zafirion- Robust process control
(PH), 1989}

Sample response For unit step set point change


Td=0 Td =2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Initial time delay will be observed but the difference is
settling time is not much different !!

Smith predictor is effective if changes in model are small.

For more changes , controller performance will

If time -delay varies significantly, some adaptive controller

must be used.
Regulatory response of Smith predictor

Y Gd Gd
 
D 1+GG Gc
1  -sTd
1+G c G*(1-e )

G d [1+G c G*(1-e -sTd

(1+G c G*-G  -sTd )  G G
c c

G d [1+G c G*(1-e -sTd

1+G c G*
A typical response is shown in fig.
Thus, denominator and characteristic equation is same as in
case of SPC problem though the numerator is very
different .

Smith predictor configuration is useful for handling

disturbances. However due to numerator terms, in certain
cases, simple PI may give better performance.

The approach can be improved by incorporating 2 DOF

IMC controller configuration and give better


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