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Rica Angela B.

Taub ED 31- B

Tools of the Trade

(Teaching Aids Bank)

This episode provides you the opportunity to examine your own knowledge about how to use
technology in teaching through the TPACK framework.

Intended Learning Outcomes

This episode must enable you to use your technological pedagogical content knowledge in choosing
teacher resources to use for a particular unit of study.

Performance Criteria
You will be rated for the following:
• quality of observations and documentation,
• completeness and depth analysis,
• depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,  completeness, organization,
clarity of portfolio, and  time of submission.

Learning Essentials

The TPACK Framework

The TPACK is a framework that shows the types of knowledge involved in the teacher’s capacity to
integrate technology in the teaching-learning process. This was proposed by Mishra and Koehler in
2007. These three types or bodies of knowledge can be described separately but they work together,
each time you (as the future teacher) use technology for instruction. Reflect on yourself as you read
about the three:

1. Technological Knowledge. This refers not only on whether you are computer literate but also on
knowing what technology is best to use and how they should be utilized in teaching. Technology
here can be as simple as the chalk and the blackboard or as complicated as augmented reality.
As technology is ever-changing, your technological knowledge is also something that must be

2. Pedagogical Knowledge. This refers to the principles and strategies of teaching. It includes your
knowledge of the learners, and in formulating objectives, designing activities and assessing your

3. Content Knowledge. This refers to how well you know the subject area or topic that you will
teach. It includes how wide and how deep you know about what you will teach. You can see
from the diagram that two circles overlap with each other, while all three of them overlap as
well. Each two-circle overlap indicates the interaction of technological and content knowledge
(TCK), content and pedagogical knowledge (CPK), and pedagogical and technological knowledge.

The middle most part of the diagram shows the interaction or interfacing of the three, which is the
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This is what is very important for you to be able
to use technology effectively in teaching. You need to be aware of your strengths and weakness in the
three and reflect how you can grow in each one and use them together as best as you can.

Have this framework in mind as you analyze and reflect in this episode about your own knowledge in
using technology in teaching.

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:

Step 1. Decide on a specific content area and the level of learner’s technology.

Step 2. Find out the learning resources relevant to topics that are available.

Step 3. Develop a pile of teaching aids using technology.

Step 4. Organize them in a box.

Before preparing the learning materials, a resourceful teacher:

1. checks the available learning resources from varied sources,

2. determines which will be most appropriate,
3. Makes adaptations for more effective use of existing materials, and
4. Creates own materials.


Subject Area/ Topic _English- Four Types of Sentences According to Function__

Grade/Year Level _Grade 7__

Big Ideas about the topic

There are four types of sentences in English that are classified by their purpose.

 A declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion.

 An interrogative sentence asks a question. 
 An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request.
 An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses great emotion such as excitement,
surprise, happiness, and anger.


At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:

 Identify the different types of sentences according to function.

 Create their own sentences according to function using Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
 Appreciate making the different types of sentences and encoding it using technology.

1. What skills did you have which helped you prepare the materials? What skills did you lack that
made it difficult for you? (Technological Knowledge)

I have acquired the basic technological skills so it was easy for me to seek for resource
materials and prepare them. I surfed the internet for resource materials and there were a lot
available for this topic. I will utilize Office 365 apps such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
Presentation during my lecture.

It is also important to consider the technological literacy of my students so I intended

them to utilize simple applications such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs since they are still in
Grade 7.

2. Discuss some strategies on how you will use the materials you included here in this episode.
(Pedagogical Knowledge)

Since most of the resources are free and available on the internet, I will borrow them
and also acknowledge the creator of the said material. There are pre-made Pdfs and PowerPoint
Presentations but they have to be purchased, so I will not bother to buy and will just get
inspiration through the pictures in the preview. There are also materials that can be made, so I
will recreate them with the resources that I have.

Having said how I will create the materials, I will now discuss how I will use it in the
delivery of the lesson. I have to prepare the materials beforehand especially those that I will
have to make. I will use the materials I would personally make during the discussion proper. This
means that while I am lecturing, I will use it to aid me in imparting the lesson to the students.
The other materials are worksheets. Majority of the resources available are worksheets so I will
use them to assess the learner’s knowledge about the different types of sentences according to
function after the lecture.

3. How well do you know the topic you have chosen? (Content Knowledge) Discuss the big ideas of
this topic that you would want to focus on.

In English, there are four types of sentences in English that are classified by their purpose:
declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory.

 A declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion.

 An interrogative sentence asks a question. 
 An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request.
 An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses great emotion such as
excitement, surprise, happiness, and anger.
The ideas above are necessary language facets that are useful in becoming a skillful and
fluent communicator. I would also want to emphasize to my class that they are in fact using
these in their daily life and can further use them well after the lesson is presented.


1. Reflect how your technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content
knowledge (CK) worked together in fulfilling the tasks in this Episode.

Technology has made delivery of the lesson easier for the teacher and the students.
Since the students are in Grade 7, I only intended my students to use Microsoft Word and
Google Docs. These are applications for creating documents that are user-friendly. Whether the
students are at a beginner level or advanced level in knowing how to use technology, the
students will be able to simply create and encode the sentences.

The knowledge I have about the lesson and how I am delivering it to my students are
also highly influenced by technology. I can borrow resources or take inspiration from them and
make it my own for the visual aids and worksheets. This how TPACK has guided me in making
the lesson plan for the different sentences according to function.

2. What are some of the things you can do to enhance and enrich your technological, pedagogical
content knowledge (TPACK) to be able to facilitate an active, interesting, learning and fun-filled
learning environment in the future?

To enhance my TPACK, I am also planning to include a messaging app/social media app

most likely Facebook Messenger or Twitter. The students can message someone in Facebook
Messenger using one of the types of sentences. The students can also opt to create a tweet
using one of the types of sentences. They can use declarative, interrogative, imperative or
exclamatory in doing so. However, I will restrict them and remind them not to use vulgar
language. This will help them practice what they have learner while communicating
meaningfully and respectfully to others using what they have learned.
Learning Portfolio

Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area

Use this graphic organizer to present the le arning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the line
inside the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE
(by you, of course!)

___Will be made___
_____Available______ ___ Available ___

_May be purchased_ _May be purchased_

English: Types of
Sentences According to
Content Area

____ Available ___ ___Available ___

__Will be made__

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