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UMEP Linear Algebra Extension Studies


Assignment 1
Due: Week of 16th March

Q1. Consider the system of equations.

3tx + (t + 12)y + (t − 3)z = 3

3x + (t − 3)y + z = 3t
x + y + 3z = 2

(a) Find the value(s) of t for which the system is consistent.

(b) Find the value(s) of t for which the system has more than one solution.
(c) For these value(s) of t, write down the general solution.

Q2. For the following statements, determine whether the statement is true or false. When the
statement is true, provide a brief reason. When the statement is false, provide a counter-example.

(a) For square matrices of the same size, if AB = BA and BC = CB, then AC = CA.
(b) For any square invertible matrix D,
det (D−1 )2 = det(D)2


(c) If the row-echelon form of a square matrix E has a row of zeroes, then det(E) = 0.
(d) For the matrix  
s−1 1 2
F =  s2 − 1 3 2 
s+1 1 2
there is more than one value of s for which det(F ) = 0.

Q3. Give an example of a 3 × 3 matrix A that is not the zero matrix such that A = −AT , and
A2 = A, or prove that no such matrix exists.

Q4. In another galaxy only a little bit far away, the Albergs and the Bankrotoss have invented
space travel, while the Triterrans have invented teleportation. However, due to technological
impediments, the Albergs and Bankrotoss spaceships can only travel in a plane once they are
launched. The Triterrans can set up a teleportation device in space, which teleports back to
their home planet.
The three alien races are trying to hold a meeting. The Albergs and Bankrotoss will set off from
their planets, fly to a teleportation device and use it to reach the Triterran planet.
Set the Triterrans planet as the origin, and measure distances in lightyears. With these coordi-
nates, after launch the Albergs spaceship can only travel on the plane given by the equation

x + y + z = 3,

while the Bankrotoss can only travel on the plane

x − y − z = 2.

Due to high costs, the Triterrans can only set up one teleportation device that both of the other
alien races must use, and need the device to be as close to the Triterran planet as possible. At
what distance from the Triterran planet will the Triterran teleportation device be set up?

Q5. Bonus marks (Extension question)
Let A be a 2020 × 2020 matrix whose entries are 1 or −1. Prove that det(A) is divisible by 22019 .

For those that need a memory jog: for two integers x and y, x is divisible by y if there is
an integer d such that x = dy.

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