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Human Resource Management

(MBA G510)
Project Report
Submitted By: -
 A(2019H14908--P)
 B(2019H14908--P)
 A(2019H14908--P)
 B(2019H14908--P)
 A(2019H14908--P)
 B(2019H14908--P)
Submitted To: - Dr Jayashree Mahesh
Submission Date: - 29th April 2020
Contents Pages

1 Introduction

2 Literature Review

3 Objective of the Study

4 Research Methodology

5 Propositional Framework

6 Finding and Discussion

7 Future Scope

8 Limitations

9 Conclusion

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2.Literature Review 

(Your understanding of the various papers studied in a proper meaningful sequence)

3.Objective of the Study

4. Research Methodology

[(in case of primary data collection)- Details about sample size, means of data
collection, methodology of analysis etc]

5. Propositional Framework 

( in case of secondary data) - Details of what you propose to implement or suggest

6. Findings and Discussion

(If you analysed data, the major implications. If it is a framework, how you propose to
implement it)
On the basis of many research papers and browsing various blogs dedicated to this topic, we
build a questionnaire about possible welfare scheme that institutes should provide to its non-
teaching employees. But to confirm and proceed further, we contacted the HR of BITS Pilani
(HR Ka naam), after asking him about the welfare scheme provided by BITS and which are
not provided, we updated our questionnaire. Then we did telephonic interview with five
chowkidar, five cleaning staff and five office staff and analysed the finding we got.
The first finding that we wanted to know if the number of years spend in campus, have effect
on the awareness about welfare scheme provided by BITS Pilani or not. So, our first question
started with the number of years of services each Chowkidar, Office Staff and Cleaning Staff
have given to BITS Pilani.

Years of Service of Respondent in BITS Pilani

3 3

1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Less than 10 10 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 more than 25

Years of Services in BITS Pilani of Respondent Chowkidar

Years of Services in BITS Pilani of Respondent Office staff

Years of Services in BITS Pilani of Respondent Cleaning staff

We found that the number of years of services given by 60% of the cleaning staff in our
sample was more than 25years, for 60% of the chowkidar it was between 21 to 25 years, and
for 80% of office staff it was between 16 to 20 years. From this data of years of services
given to BITS, the generals finding could be that the awareness of welfare scheme must be
greater in cleaning staff, than in chowkidar and least in office staff.
But when we interviewed them and asked further questions about if they are aware about
welfare schemes, like accommodation, food, and paid leave and insurance, we found that the
general assumption we thought that awareness will be proportional to the number year of
services spend in BITS was wrong and years of service don’t have much relation with being
aware about services.

Awareness Percentage among Cleaning Staff about
Welfare Schemes provided by BITS
100% 100% 100%




Campus accomodation Paid Leave Food Health Insurance Insurance Scheme Grievance Cell

Though the years of services given by cleaning staff was most, but the awareness about the
welfare schemes provided by BITS was not highest among all, we found that no one in our
sample of cleansing staff was aware about the Grievance Cell, only 20% were aware about
the insurance scheme and the basics about the food scheme (which for some was added in
their salary) also 40% of them were not aware.
But we found interesting thing in this that, the though cleaning staff was not aware about
grievance cell or insurance scheme but all were aware about accommodation, paid leave and
health insurance (but not other insurance scheme), after interviewing we found some don’t
take food facility from BITS but was added in their salary, which they don’t look much how
much divisions are there in salary slip, they care about the total of it. As, cleaning staff are
more vulnerable to being infected with health issues, so all being aware about health
insurance is justified. Most of cleaning

Awareness Percentage among Chowkidar about
Welfare Schemes provided by BITS
100% 100% 100%

80% 80%


Campus accomodation Paid Leave Food

Health Insurance Insurance Scheme Grievance Cell

The number of years of services given by Chowkidar was not neither highest nor lowest, but
they are one who were most aware about most of the welfare schemes provided by BITS. I
having interacted much on daily basis with some of them, I see they are totally involved in
BITS Pilani, many chowkidars’ children are studying in BITS only and most of them are
very proactive to help to solve any problem faced by students and among non-teaching staff
they are also one whom we found were most aware about other things about BITS also, like
its history, its other schemes for students, rules and guidelines, etc.
The next when we tried to analyse the awareness among Office staff, our general assumption
was that they will be one least aware (if look from years of services given to BITS) and could
be most aware (if look to fact that they were more educated then other category of non-
teaching staffs), by looking from the finding we got from telephonic interviews, we found
that for most schemes they were aware but were not aware much about food an grievance cell
schemes. But from further research we found that, food schemes are not provided to office
staffs. And having not being aware much about grievance cell is because most of them
approach the department head of office head in which they are working to get their problem

Awareness Percentage among Office Staff about Welfare Schemes
provided by BITS
100% 100% 100%




Campus accomodation Paid Leave Food Health Insurance Insurance Scheme Grievance Cell

After analysing all the finding we got from knowing about awareness about welfare schemes
provided by BITS, we got to know that its years of services given to BITS, doesn’t have much
relation with being aware about schemes provided by BITS. But their awareness dependent on
the importance of those of schemes to them.

Next, we also tried to analyse the rating these employees, i.e., chowkidar, cleaning staff and
office staff gave for various services like development opportunities/ promotion, leave policy,
remuneration/pay, working conditions and medical facilities.



From our finding of being aware about welfare scheme we found that though some were not
aware about some welfare schemes, but still the rating about most of things were fair to good.
Only two option got poor ratings one, where approx. 25% of employee gave poor for
development opportunities and 6% of all gave poor for pay.
For majority of other options employee gave good ratings about services of BITS, having
personally known some employees, we asked them reason for being satisfied with most things,
even when they are not aware about many schemes. Their answers were like, which is what we
learning in HRM, they said various schemes are so that we are motivated towards our work and
don’t face much problem in our personal life, but we already know that if any problem arises
BITS will help us anyhow. BITS don’t always help officially but many a times from faculty
members, from its alumni and its current student are those who help us solve our problem.

7. Future scope

8. Limitations

9. Conclusion


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