The French Revolution: Facts That Matter

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1 The French Revolution

French Revolution:
(a) The Ancient Regime and its crises
(b) The social forces that led to the revolution
(c) The different revolutionary groups and ideas of the time
(d) The legacy

Facts that Matter

1. In 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of kings ascended the throne of France. Upon
his accession he found an empty treasury. It posed problems before the new king.
2. The state was forced to increase taxes to meet its regular expenses, such as the cost of
maintaining an army, the court, running government offices, etc.
3. In the 18th century, the French society was divided into three estates. The clergy
and nobility which formed the first two estates were the privileged classes. They were
exempted from payment of state taxes. The third estate formed the majority of the
population and was the unprivileged class. It bore the burden of taxes with no political
rights and social status.
4. The population of France increased drastically during the period 1715-1789. This led to a
rapid increase in the demand for foodgrains. But the production of grains didn’t increase.
5. Peasants and workers were highly dissatisfied. They revolted every now and then against
increasing taxes and food scarcity. They wanted to bring about a change in the country’s
social and economic order.
6. During the 18th century, social groups, also known as the middle class, emerged. They
were educated and believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth.
7. Philosophers like John Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau enlightened the middle class
people with their revolutionary ideas. They set them on path of revolution.
8. Louis XVI planned to increase further taxes. He called together an assembly of the States
General on May 5, 1789 for this purpose.
9. The members of the third estate participated in the assembly but walked out of it when
their demand of voting rights was rejected by the king.
10. On June 20, they assembled in the hall of an indoor tennis court in the grounds of
Versailles. They declared themselves a National Assembly and swore not to disperse
till they had drafted a constitution for France that would limit the powers of the king.
11. The rest of France was seething with turmoil. On July 14, they stormed and destroyed
the Bastille.

12. Their agitation proved to be fruitful. Louis XVI finally accorded recognition to the
National Assembly and accepted the principle that his powers would from now on
be checked by constitution.
13. On August 14, 1789 the Assembly passed a decree abolishing the feudal system of
obligations and taxes. Members of the clergy too were forced to give up their privileges.
14. The National Assembly completed the draft of the Constitution in 1791. Its main object
was to limit the powers of the monarch.
15. The Constitution of 1791 vested the power to make laws in the National Assembly, which
was indirectly elected.
16. The Constitution began with a declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Rights
such as the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law, were
established as ‘natural and inalienable’ rights.
17. Louis XVI, no doubt had signed the Constitution, but he entered into secret negotiations
with the King of Prussia.
18. The National Assembly acted swiftly. It declared war against Prussia and Austria.
Thousands of volunteers thronged from the provinces to join the army.
19. The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic difficulties to the people of France.
In spite of that large sections of population wanted to carry the revolution further.
20. Political clubs came into limelight. The most successful of these clubs was that of the
Jacobins. The members of the Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less prosperous
sections of society.
21. Maximillian Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobin club.
22. On August 10, 1792 the Jacobins stormed the palace of the Tuileries, massacred the
king’s guards and held the king himself as hostage for several hours. Later the Assembly
voted to imprison the royal family. Elections were held.
23. The newly elected assembly was called the Convention. On September 21, 1792 it
abolished the monarchy and declared France, a republic.
24. Louis XVI was sentenced to death by a court on the charge of treason. On January 21,
1793 he was executed publicly at the Place de la Concorde. The queen Marie Antoinette
met the same fate shortly after.
25. Robespierre remained the centre image from 1793 to 1794. This period is referred to
as the Reign of Terror. During this period, he followed a policy of severe control and
26. Soon he became unpopular. Even his supporters began to demand moderation. Finally,
he was arrested and executed in July 1794.
27. After the fall of the Jacobin government, the wealthier middle classes seized power. A new
constitution was introduced which denied the vote to non-propertied sections of society.
It provided for two elected legislative councils.
28. These legislative councils appointed a Directory, an executive made up of five members.
29. However, the directors often clashed with the legislative councils. As a result, political
instability took place which paved the way for the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was
a military dictator.
30. In 1804, he crowned himself the emperor of France. In the beginning, people saw him
as a liberator who would bring freedom for them. But soon the Napoleonic armies came

The French Revolution 15

to be viewed everywhere as an invading force. He was finally defeated at Waterloo in
31. Many of his measures that carried the revolutionary ideas of liberty and modern laws to
other parts of Europe had an impact on people long after Napoleon had left.
32. The ideas of liberty and democratic rights were the most important legacy of the French
Revolution. These spread from France to the rest of Europe during the 19th century.

Words that Matter

1. Old Regime: This term is usually used to describe the society and institutions of France
before 1789.
2. Livre: Unit of currency in France, discontinued in 1794.
3. Clergy: Group of persons invested with special functions in the church.
4. Tithe: A tax levied by the church, comprising one-tenth of the agricultural produce.
5. Taille: Tax to be paid directly to the state.
6. Subsistence crisis: An extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are
7. Anonymous: One whose name remains unknown.
8. Chateau: Castle or stately residence belonging to a king or a nobleman.
9. Manor: An estate consisting of the lord’s lands and his mansion.
10. Marseillaise: A patriotic song sung for the first time by volunteers from Marseilles as
they marched into Paris. It is now the national anthem of France.
11. Sans-culottes: Literally meaning ‘those without knee breeches’.
12. Treason: Betryal of one’s country or government.
13. Guillotine: A device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person is beheaded.
14. Pain d’égalite: A French word meaning, ‘equality bread’.
15. Citoyen: French men are called Citoyen.
16. Citoyenne: French women are called Citoyenne.
17. Negroes: A term used for the indigenous people of Africa, south of the Sahara.
18. Emancipation: The act of freeing.

1. 1774 –
Louis XVI becomes king of France, faces empty treasury and growing
discontent within society of the Old Regime.
2. 1789 – Convocation of Estates General, Third Estate forms National Assembly,
the Bastille is stormed, peasants revolts in the countryside.
3. 1791 – A Constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king and to guarantee
basic rights to all human beings.
4. 1792-93 – France becomes a republic, the king is beheaded. Overthrow of the
Jacobin republic, a Directory rules France.
5. 1804 – Napoleon becomes emperor of France, annexes large parts of Europe.
6. 1815 – Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.

16 Social Science—IX
Q1. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 5. The peasants had to pay feudal dues
See fig. 3. Textbook page 5. Then to these nobles. They also rendered
explain why the artist has portrayed all kinds of services to them.
the nobleman as the spider and the Q2. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 6.
peasant as the fly. Fill in the blank boxes in fig. 4.
Ans. The figure clearly depicts the vicious given on textbook page 6 with
social set up that existed in France appropriate terms from among the
during the 18th century. A spider following: Food riots, scarcity of
feeds on the fly. Just like the spider, grain, increased number of deaths,
the nobles in the 18th century France rising food prices, weaker bodies.
lived on the labour of the peasants.

Ans. Bad → Scarcity of → Rising food →

The poorest can no
harvest grain prices
longer buy bread
 
↓ ↓
Increased Disease → Weaker Food
number epidemics bodies riots
of deaths
Q3. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 7. stood with his back to the assembled
What message is Young trying to deputies? What could have been
convey in source A? Whom does he David’s intention in placing Bailly
mean when he speaks of ‘slaves’? (fig. 5) the way he has done?
Who is he criticising? What dangers Ans. No, I don’t think that Bailly would
does he sense in the situation of have stood with his back to the
1787? assembled deputies during the actual
Ans. A social set up which is based on event.
inequalities and injustice is bound David, through his painting, wants
to collapse soon or later. When to make it clear that the Constitution
Young speaks of ‘slaves’ he means of 1791 did nothing in the favour
the unprivileged class of people. He of the common mass. Inspite of the
is criticising those who belonged to Declaration of Rights of Man and
privileged class i.e. clergy and nobles. Citizen, the right to vote was not given
He senses dangers of violence or riot. to the common people of France. They
Q4. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 8. were still the passive citizens. The
Representatives of the Third Estate wealthy class of people continued to
take the oath raising their arms in avail all the privileges.
the direction of Bailly, the President of Q5. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 13.
the Assembly, standing on a table in (i) Identify the symbols in Box 1 (page
the centre. Do you think that during 12) which stand for liberty, equality
the actual event Bailly would have and fraternity.

The French Revolution 17

Ans. Symbols stand for liberty – Ans. T he propertied class of French
• The broken chain stands for the act society would have gained from the
of becoming free. Constitution of 1791. Peasants,
• Red Phrygian cap was worn by a workers and women would have
slave on becoming free. had reason to be dissatisfied. Marat
anticipated that the common mass of
Symbols stand for equality –
France would show its dissatisfaction
• T h e w i n g e d w o m a n i s t h e
by taking retaliatory action in future.
personification of the law.
• The Law Tablet refers to the fact that Q6. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 15.
the law is the same for all and all Look carefully at the painting (fig.
are equal before it. 10, page 15) and identify the objects
Symbols stand for fraternity – which are political symbols you saw
in Box 1, page 12 (broken chain,
• The bundle of rods or fasces refers to
red cap, fasces, Chapter of the
the fact that strength lies in unity. Declaration of Rights). The pyramid
(ii) Explain the meaning of the painting stands for equality, often represented
of the Declaration of Rights of Man by a triangle. Use the symbols to
and Citizen (fig. 8, page 11) by interpret the painting. Describe your
reading only the symbols. impressions of the female figure of
Ans. liberty.
• The figure on the right represents Ans. The scroll that the woman is holding in
France. her hand is probably the declaration
of rights of women and citizens. The
• The figure on the left represents the female figure of liberty signifies that
law. women are equal to men. Hence, they
• The Law Tablet symbolizes equality should enjoy the same rights.
before law. Q7. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 16.
(iii) Compare the political rights which Compare the views of Desmoulins
the Constitution of 1791 gave to and Robespierre. How does each one
the citizens with articles 1 and 6 of understand the use of state force?
the Declaration (Source C, page 11). What does Robespierre mean by ‘the
Are the two documents consistent? war of liberty against tyranny’? How
Do the two documents convey the does Desmoulins perceive liberty?
same idea? Ans. Robespierre justifies his reign of terror.
Ans. Yes, the two documents are definitely He believes in the policy of severe
control and punishment. He poses
consistent. They convey the same
himself as the saviour of the ideals
idea, i.e. human beings are born equal
of the revolution and the republic by
and all citizens are equal before the adopting severity. Desmoulins on the
law. other hand views liberty as freedom
(iv) Which groups of French society to do anything which does not harm
would have gained from the anyone. He believes in the principles
Constitution of 1791? Which of reason, equality and justice.
groups would have had reason to Q8. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 18.
be dissatisfied? What developments Describe the persons represented
does Marat (Source B, page 11) in fig. 12, page 18 – their actions,
anticipate in the future? their postures, the objects they

18 Social Science—IX
are carrying. Look carefully to see indicates proclamation of war. The
whether all of them come from the balanced scale on top signifies that
same social group. What symbols has both men and women are equal. No,
the artist included in the image? What the activities of the women do not
do they stand for? Do the actions of reflect traditional ideas about them.
the women reflect traditional ideas of The artist, so far I think, sympathises
how women were effected to behave in with the women and their cause.
public? What do you think: does the Q9. Refer to Activity, Textbook page 20.
artist sympathise with the women’s Compare the manifesto drafted by
activities or is he critical of them? Olympia de Gouges (Source F, page
Ans. The persons represented in the figure 20) with the Declaration of Rights of
are Parisian women. Their actions and Man and Citizen (Source C, page 11).
the objects they are carrying all show Ans. The manifesto drafted by Olympic de
that they are in violent and aggressive Gouges talks about women and their
mood. All of them come from the same rights to be treated equally with men.
social group with the same objective.
On the other hand, the Declaration of
The artist has used the symbols like
Rights of Man and Citizen talks about
pitchforks as weapons. The drum
men only.


Activities Q2. The French Revolution saw the

Q1. Find out more about any one of the rise of newspapers describing the
revolutionary figures you have read events of each day and week. Collect
about in this chapter. Write a short information and pictures on any one
biography of this person. event and write a newspaper article.
Ans. Olympic de Gouge was born to working You could also conduct an imaginary
class parents but was regarded interview with important personages
as one of the most-talked about such as Murabeau, Olympic de
French intellectuals who contributed Gouges or Robespierre. Work in
significantly to the French Revolution. groups of two or three. Each group
She was a well-known playwright at could then put up their articles on a
the time of the French Revolution. board to produce a wallpaper on the
She strongly advocated the rights of French Revolution.
French women. After the publication Ans. Students are suggested to do this
of the Declaration of the Rights of Man activity themselves.
and Citizen she wrote Declaration of
the Rights of Woman and Citizen. She Questions
also wrote Social Contract immediately
Q1. Describe the circumstances leading
after coming through Rousseau’s
to the outbreak of revolutionary
Social Contract. In her book, she
proposed gender equality in marriage. protest in France.
She supported the French Revolution Ans. The following circumstances led to the
and wrote more than 30 political outbreak of the revolutionary protest
pamphlets to further its cause. in France:
Her act of moral courage cost her (i) Louis XVI was an autocratic ruler
dearly. She was ultimately guillotined. who could not compromise with his

The French Revolution 19

luxurious life. He also lacked far- intensive discussions and debates
sightedness. in salons and coffee houses and
(ii) Upon his accession the royal treasury through books and newspapers.
of France was empty. Long years (vii) The French administration was
of war had drained the financial extremely corrupt. It didn’t give
resources of France. Added to this weightage to the French common
was the cost of maintaining an mass.
extravagant court at the immense All the above circumstances paved
palace of  Versailles. the way for revolutionary protest in
(iii) Under Louis XVI, France helped the France.
thirteen American colonies to gain Q2. Which groups of French society
their independence from Britain. The benefitted from the revolution?
war added more than a billion livres Which groups were forced to
to a debt that had already risen to relinquish power? Which sections
more than 2 billion livres. Leaders of society would have been
who gave the state credit, now began disappointed with the outcomes of
to charge 10 per cent interest on the revolution?
loans. So, the French government Ans.
was obliged to spend an increasing (i) The wealthy class of the third estate
percentage of its budget on interest which came to be known as the new
payments alone. middle class of France benefitted the
(iv) The state finally increased taxes to most from the revolution. This group
meet its regular expenses such as the was comprised of big businessmen,
cost of maintaining an army, running petty-officers, lawyers, teachers,
government offices or universities.
doctors and traders. Previously these
(v) The French society was divided into
people had to pay state taxes and
three estates but only members of
they did not enjoy equal status. But
the third estate (peasants, artisans,
after the revolution they began to
workers, etc.) had to pay taxes. The
be treated equally with the upper
members of the first two estates,
sections of the society.
i.e. the clergy and the nobility, were
(ii) With the abolition of feudal system
exempted to pay state taxes. They
belonged to privileged class. Thus, of obligations and taxes the clergy
the burden of financing activities of and the nobility came on the same
the state through taxes was borne level with the middle class. They were
by the third estate alone. forced to give up their privileges.
(vi) The middle class that emerged in the Their executive powers were also
18th century France was educated taken away from them.
and enlightened. They refuted the (iii) The poorer sections of the society, i.e.
theory of divine right of kings and small peasants, landless labourers,
absolute monarchy. They believed servants, daily wage earners would
that a person’s social position have been disappointed with the
must depend on his merit. They outcome of the revolution. Women
had access to the various ideas of also would have been highly
equality and freedom proposed by the discontented.
philosophers like John Locke, Jean Q3. Describe the legacy of the French
Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu, etc. Revolution for the peoples of the
Their ideas got popularised among world during the nineteenth and
the common mass as a result of twentieth centuries.

20 Social Science—IX
Ans. The French Revolution proved to Q5. Would you agree with the view that
be the most important event in the the message of universal rights was
history of the world. beset with contradictions? Explain.
(i) The ideas of liberty and democratic Ans.
rights were the most important legacy (i) The message of universal rights was
of the French Revolution. These definitely beset with contradictions.
ideas became an inspiring force for Many ideals in the ‘Declaration of
the political movements in the world Rights of Man and Citizen’ were
in the nineteenth and twentieth not at all clear. They had dubious
centuries. meanings.
(ii) The French Revolutionary ideas of (ii) The French Revolution could not bring
liberty, equality and fraternity spread economic equality and it is a fact that
from France to the rest of Europe, unless there is economic equality,
real equality cannot be received at
where feudal systems were finally
any sphere. The Declaration of Rights
of Man and Citizen laid stress on
(iii) Colonised peoples reworked the idea
equality but a large section of the
of freedom from bondage into their
society was denied to it. The right to
movements to create a sovereign
vote and elect their representatives
nation state. did not solve the poor man’s problem.
(iv) The idea of nationalism that emerged (iii) Women were still regarded as
after the French Revolution started passive citizens. They did not have
mass movements all over the world. any political rights such as right to
Now, people began to question the vote and hold political offices like
absolute power. men. Hence, their struggle for equal
(v) The impact of the French Revolution political rights continued.
could be seen on India too. Tipu (iv) France continued to hold and
Sultan and Raja Ram Mohan Roy expand colonies. Thus, its image as
got deeply influenced by the ideas a liberator could not last for a long
of the revolution. time.
In nutshell, we can say that for the (v) Slavery existed in France till the first
first time after the French Revolution, half of the nineteenth century.
people all over the world became Q6. How would you explain the rise of
aware of their rights. Napoleon?
Q4. Draw up a list of democratic rights Ans.
we enjoy today whose origins could (i) The political instability of the
be traced to the French Revolution. Directory paved the way for the rise
Ans. The list of democratic rights that we of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon had
enjoy today is given below: achieved glorious victories in wars.
This made France realize that only a
(i) Right to equality
military dictator like Napoleon would
(ii) Right to freedom of speech and
restore a stable government.
(ii) In 1804, he crowned himself as
(iii) Right against exploitation
the emperor of France. He set out
(iv) Right to religious freedom
to conquer neighbouring European
(v) Cultural and educational rights countries, dispossessing dynasties
(vi) Right to vote and creating kingdoms where he
(vii) Right to live placed members of his family.
(viii) Right to get education Napoleon viewed himself as a

The French Revolution 21

moderniser of Europe. He introduced provided by the decimal system.
many laws such as the protection But his rise did not last for a long
of private property and a uniform time. He was finally defeated at
system of weight and measures Waterloo in 1815.


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 8. What did Bastille symbolise as?
(a) Military strength of France

Choose the correct option:
(b) Humanity
1. Who was the king of France at the (c) Despotic rule of Louis XVI
time of the French Revolution? (d) Louis XVI’s cowardice act
(a) Napoleon Bonaparte 9. When was Bastille destroyed?
(b) Louis XVI (c) Louis XV (a) 14 July 1789 (b) 14 July 1798
(d) Nicholas I (c) 2 July 1789
2. What was livre? (d) 5 August 1879
(a) A unit of currency in France 10. What was the main objective of the
(b) A tax levied by the church Constitution of 1791?
(c) A group of priviledged people (a) To dethrone the king
(d) A tax to be paid directly to the (b) To limit the powers of the clergy
state and the nobility
3. What was taille known as? (c) To limit the powers of the king
(a) Indirect tax (b) Direct tax (d) To make the king more powerful
(c) Agricultural produce 11. Who were ‘active citizens’?
(d) Extreme poverty (a) They were entitled to vote.
(b) They were not entitled to vote.
4. Who is the author of Two Treatises
(c) They were entitled to protest.
of Government?
(d) They were entitled to accumulate
(a) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(b) Montesquieu 12. What was ‘Sceptre’?
(c) Mirabeau (d) John Locke (a) Symbol of strength
5. For what purpose did Louis XVI call (b) Symbol of eternity
together an assembly of the Estates (c) Symbol of deep knowledge
General on 5 May 1789? (d) Symbol of royal power
(a) To pass proposals for new taxes 13. What are the national colours of
(b) To pass proposals for abolishing France?
the feudal system (a) White-red-purple
(c) To pass proposals for new price (b) Blue-red-black
index (c) Blue-white-red
(d) To give the poor their due rights (d) Red-yellow-green
6. Who constituted the third estate? 14. By whom was phrygian cap worn
(a) Philosophers and authors and on what occasion?
(b) Clergy and nobility (a) By a man on becoming a slave
(c) Peasants and artisans (b) By a slave on becoming free
(d) Illiterate men and women (c) By a slave on becoming victorious
7. Whose name is associated with the (d) By a soldier on accepting defeat
pamphlet called ‘What is the third 15. What was the Marseillaise?
estate?’ (a) A slogan (b) A type of hat
(a) Mirabeau (b) John Locke (c) A patriotic song
(c) Montesquieu (d) Abbé Sieyès (d) A romantic song

22 Social Science—IX
16. When was France declared a republic? Q3. The members of which estate had
(a) On 21 September 1792 to pay taxes?
(b) On 21 May 1792 Ans. The members of the third estate had
(c) On 21 September 1793 to pay taxes to the state.
(d) On 5 August 1793 Q4. What was tithe?
17. Whose name is associated with ‘the Ans. Tithe was a tax levied by the
reign of terror’? church, comprising one-tenth of the
(a) Robespierre (b) Mirabeau agricultural produce.
(c) Napoleon Bonaparte Q5. What led to a rapid increase in the
(d) Dr Guillotin demand for foodgrains in 1789?
18. Which right was given to the French Ans. The population of France rose
women in 1946? from about 23 million in 1715 to
(a) Right to hold political offices 28 million in 1789. This led to a
(b) Right to get education rapid increase in the demand for
(c) Right to divorce foodgrains.
(d) Right to vote Q6. Mention two characteristics of the
19. Which among the following was not middle class who emerged in the
introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte? eighteenth century.
(a) A uniform system of weight and Ans.
measures (i) They were educated.
(b) A law for the protection of private (ii) They believed that no group in society
property should be privileged by birth.
(c) Decimal system Q7. Who wrote Two Treatises of
(d) Slavery Government? How did the author
Ans. 1—(b) 2—(a) 3—(b) express himself in this book?
4—(d) 5—(a) 6—(c) Ans. John Locke wrote Two Treatises
7—(d) 8—(c) 9—(a)
of Government. In his book, Locke
10—(c) 11—(a) 12—(d)
sought to refute the doctrine of the
13—(c) 14—(b) 15—(c)
divine and absolute right of the
16—(a) 17—(a) 18—(d)
19—(d) Q8. Who wrote The Spirit of the Laws?
II. V E RY S H O R T A N S W E R T Y P E What did the author propose in
QUESTIONS this book?
Ans. Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the
Q1. Upon his accession in 1774, Louis
Laws. In his book, he proposed
XVI found an empty treasure.
a division of power within the
What were the reasons behind the
financial crisis in France? Mention government between the legislature,
one reason. the executive and the judiciary.
Ans. Long years of war had drained the Q9. What was the Estates General?
financial resources of France. Ans. The Estates General was a political
Q2. French society in the eighteenth body and was controlled by the
century was divided into three French monarch.
estates. Name them. Q10. Who were denied entry to the
Ans. assembly of the Estates General,
(i) First Estate (clergy). called by Louis XVI on 5 May
(ii) Second Estate (nobility) 1789?
(iii) Third Estate (big businessmen, Ans. Peasants, artisans and women were
merchants, peasants, artisans, denied entry to the assemly of the
landless labour etc.) Estates General.

The French Revolution 23

Q11. What did the representatives of Q19. What happened in France on 21
the third estate demand in the September 1792?
assembly of the Estates General? Ans. O n 2 1 S e p t e m b e r 1 7 9 2 , t h e
Ans. They demanded that voting be newly elected assembly, called
conducted by the assembly as a the convention, and abolished the
whole, where each member would monarchy and then declared France
have one vote. a republic.
Q12. What happened when Louis XVI Q20. What consequences did Louis XVI
rejected the proposal of the third and his queen face after France
estate? became a republic in 1792?
Ans. When Louis XVI rejected their Ans. Louis XVI was sentenced to death by
proposal, members of the third a court on the charge of treason. On
estate walked out of the assembly 21 January 1793 he was executed
on protest. publicly at the Place de la Concorde.
Q13. What was the main objective of The queen Marie Antoinette met with
the National Assembly? the same fate shortly after it.
Ans. Its main objective was to limit the Q21. Mention the period that is referred
to as the Reign of Terror in France.
powers of the monarch.
Ans. The period from 1793 to 1794 is
Q14. Who were entitled to vote under
referred to as the Reign of Terror in
the Constitution of 1791?
Ans. Only men above 25 years of age who
Q22. What is a guillotine?
paid taxes equal to at least 3 days
Ans. The guillotine is a device consisting
of a labourer’s wage were entitled to
of two poles and a blade with which
a person is beheaded. It was invented
Q15. Why were images and symbols used by Dr. Guillotin.
in the eighteenth century France? Q23. What did Robespierre’s government
Ans. The majority of men and women in do to bring equality in France?
the eighteenth century France could Mention any two points.
not read or write. So images and Ans.
symbols were frequently used instead (i) The use of more expensive white
of printed words to communicate flour was forbidden, all citizens were
important ideas. required to eat the pain d’égalite
Q16. What idea did the Law Tablet (equality bread), a loaf made of whole
convey? wheat.
Ans. It conveyed the idea that the law is (ii) All French men and women were
the same for all, and all are equal now Citoyen and Citoyenne (citizen)
before it. respectively.
Q17. Who were the members of the Q24. W h a t w a s o n e o f t h e m o s t
Jacobin Club? revolutionary social reforms of
Ans. Shopkeepers, artisans—such as the Jacobin regime?
shoe-makers, pastry cooks, watch- Ans. One of the most revolutionary social
makers, printers as well as servants reforms of the Jacobin regime was
and dailywage workers were the the abolition of slavery in the French
members of the Jacobin club. colonies.
Q18. Who was the leader of the Jacobin Q25. When was slavery finally abolished
Club? in French colonies?
Ans. Maximilian Robespierre was the Ans. Slavery was finally abolished in
leader of the Jacobin Club. French colonies in 1848.

24 Social Science—IX
Q26. What did the Declaration of (iii) His wife Marie Antoinette constantly
the Rights of Man and Citizen interferred in the administration
proclaim? but the king never objected her.
Ans. The Declaration of the Right of Man He lacked far-sightedness. This
and Citizen proclaimed freedom of drawback of his personality made
speech or expression to be a natural him a quite unpopular king.
right. (iv) He never took heed to the common
Q27. When was censorship abolished in man’s demands. As a result, the
France? What was its immediate French Revolution occurred and he
effect? and his wife were guillotined.
Ans. Censorship was abolished in 1789. Q2. Describe all the three estates into
Soon afterwards, the newspapers, which French society was divided
pamphlets, books and printed in the 18th century.
pictures flooded the towns of France Ans.
from where they travelled rapidly into
(i) The French society was divided into
the countryside.
three estates in the 18th century:
Q28. How did people initially view
the first estate was comprised of
Napoleon Bonaparte? Why did their
the clergy, the second estate was
opinion change soon afterwards?
Ans. I n i t i a l l y , m a n y p e o p l e v i e w e d comprised of the nobility and the
Napoleon as a liberator who would third estate was comprised of the
bring freedom for them. But soon common mass, i.e. big businessmen,
their opinion changed because his merchants, lawyers, peasants,
armies emerged into an invading artisans, landless labour, etc. The
force. members of the first two estates
Q29. What was the impact of the French enjoyed certain privileges by birth.
Revolution on the colonised people They were exempted from paying
in different countries of the world? taxes to the state. The nobles further
Ans. They reworked the idea of freedom enjoyed feudal privileges. These
from bondage into their movements included feudal dues, which they
to create a sovereign nation-state. extracted from the peasants. Then
came the third estate which was
very far from any such privileges.
Q1. How can you hold Louis XVI The members of this estate had to
responsible for preparing pay taxes to the state. They also had
the background of the French no political rights and social status.
Revolution? Q3. Give a brief description of the third
Ans. estate.
(i) Louis XVI ascended the throne of
France in 1774. He was just twenty
(i) The third estate was on the last rung
years old at that time and was quite
of the French society. This estate
unaware of the problems of the
was constituted of big businessmen,
common mass.
merchants, court officials, lawyers,
(ii) Upon his accession, the royal treasury
was empty. Instead of curtailing his peasants, artisans, landless labour
own extravaganza, he increased taxes. and servants.
This brought severe dissatisfaction (ii) However, peasants made up about
among the French people. Being 90 per cent of the population and
pleasure-loving, he misused money only a small number of them owned
on wasteful festivities. the land they cultivated.

The French Revolution 25

(iii) The members of this estate had no Q5. What drastic changes were brought
political rights and social status. about by the National Assembly in
They were always under the burden 1789? HOTS
of taxes. Here, it is worth mentioning Ans. The following changes were brought
that within this state one could see about by the National Assembly:
gross disparities. Some were very
(i) The powers of Louis XVI were
rich while others were very poor.
reduced. He was now king only in
(iv) The rich, i.e. big businessmen,
merchants, professionals, etc. had
(ii) On the night of 4 August 1789, the
access to education but the poor were
Assembly passed a decree abolishing
always worried about their existence.
They were victims of food scarcity. the feudal system of obligations and
Q4. What role did the philosophers play taxes.
in the French Revolution? HOTS (iii) The members of the clergy were
forced to give up their privileges.
Or (iv) Taxes were abolished and lands owned
Describe the role of the French by the church were confiscated.
philosophers in the French Q6. What were the main features of the
Revolution. Constitution of 1791?
Ans. Ans. The main features of the constitution
(i) The philosophers played an important of 1791 are given below:
role in the French Revolution. They (i) France became a constitutional
inspired the common mass of France
monarchy. The powers of the king
with their revolutionary ideas and
were reduced to a great extent.
prepared them to fight against
(ii) These powers instead of being
concentrated in the hands of one
(ii) They did not believe in the doctrine
person, were now separated and
of the divine and absolute right of
assigned to different institutions—the
the monarch. In his Two Treatises
legislature, executive and judiciary.
of Government John Locke refuted
this doctrine strongly. This made France a constitutional
(iii) Rousseau carried the idea forward monarchy.
proposing a form of government (iii) The Constitution of 1791 vested the
based on a social contract between power to make laws in the National
people and their representatives. Assembly, which was indirectly
(iv) In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu elected, i.e. citizens voted for a group
proposed a division of power of electors, who in turn chose the
within the government between the Assembly.
legislative, the executive and the (iv) Only men above 25 years of age who
judiciary. paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of
(v) The ideas of these philosophers were a labourer’s wage were given the right
discussed intensively in saloons to vote. It means they were active
and coffee-houses and spread citizens. The remaining men and
among people through books and all women were classed as passive
newspapers. These were frequently citizens.
read aloud in groups for the benefit (v) To qualify as an elector and then as
of those who were illiterate. Thus, a member of the assembly a man
the philosophers contributed a lot in had to belong to the highest bracket
bringing of the French Revolution. of tax payers.

26 Social Science—IX
(vi) The Constitution began with a which continued till 1794. Its leader
Declaration of the Rights of Man and was Maximillian Robespierre. He
Citizen. Rights such as the right to followed a policy of severe control
life, freedom of speech, freedom of and punishment. All those whom
opinion, equality before law could now he saw as being ‘enemies’ of the
be availed by each human being by republic — ex-nobles and clergy,
birth. members of other political parties,
Q7. Why were images and symbols used even members of his own party who
in the eighteenth century France? did not agree with his method were
What do the following symbols arrested, imprisoned and then tried
stand for? by a revolutionary tribunal. If the
(i) The broken chain court found them guilty, they were
(ii) The eye within a triangle radiating guillotined. Thus, in Robespierre’s
light policies there was no scope of
(iii) The Law Tablet moderation. Even his supporters got
(iv) The bundle of rods or fasces tired of them in due course. Finally,
Ans. Literacy was very low in the 18th he was convicted by a court in July
century France. Majority of men and 1794, arrested and on the next day
women could not read or write. So sent to the guillotine.
images and symbols were frequently Q9. What were the salient features of
used instead of printed words to Robespierre’s government?
communicate the content of the Ans. Robespierre tried his best to bring
Declaration of Rights. The following equality among French people by all
symbols conveyed different ideas: means. The salient features of his
(i) The broken chain: Chains were government are given below:
used to fetter slaves. A broken chain (i) Robespierre’s government issued
stands for the act of becoming free. laws placing a maximum ceiling on
(ii) The eye within a triangle radiating wages and prices. Meat and bread
light: The all-seeing eye stands for were rationed.
knowledge. The rays of the sun will (ii) Peasants were forced to transport
drive away the clouds of ignorance. their grain to the cities and sell it
(iii) The Law Tablet: The law is the same at prices fixed by the government.
for all and all are equal before it. (iii) The use of more expensive white
(iv) The bundle of rods or fasces: One flour was forbidden. All citizens were
rod can be easily broken, but not required to eat the pain d’ègalite
an entire bundle. This implies that (equality bread), a loaf made of whole
strength lies in unity.
Q8. Give a brief description of the
(iv) Equality was also sought to be
reign of terror led by Maximillian
practised through forms of speech
and address.
Or (v) Instead of the traditional Monsieur
Which period is known as the Reign (Sir) and Madame (Madam) all French
of Terror in the history of France? men and women were henceforth
Give reasons. HOTS Citoyen and Citoyenne (citizen).
Ans. After the execution of Louis XVI (vi) Churches were shut down and their
and his queen Marie Antoinette in buildings converted into barracks or
1793 started the reign of terror offices.

The French Revolution 27

Q10. What happened after the fall of Q12. W h a t d i d t h e r e v o l u t i o n a r y
Robespierre’s government? government do to improve the
Or condition of women in France?
Write a short note on the Directory. HOTS
Ans. The revolutionary government in the
Ans. A f t e r t h e f a l l o f R o b e s p i e r r e ’ s
early years introduced several laws
government, the wealthier middle
to improve the condition of women in
classes came forward to seize power.
A new constitution was introduced
(i) State schools were created and
which denied the vote to non-
schooling was made compulsory for
propertied sections of the society. It
all girls.
provided for two elected legislative
(ii) Women could no longer be forced to
councils. These then appointed a
marry against their wishes.
Directory, an executive made up of (iii) Marriage was made into a contract,
five members. This was meant as a entered into freely and registered
safeguard against the concentration under civil law.
of power in a one-man executive (iv) Divorce was made legal and could
as under the Jacobins. However, be applied for by both women and
the Directors often clashed with men.
the legislative councils, who then (v) Women could now train for jobs,
sought to dismiss them. Thus, the could become artists or run small
Directory became the victim of political businesses.
instability which paved the way for the Q13. Describe in brief about Napoleon’s
rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. rise and downfall in the history of
Q11. What was the condition of women France.
in France before the revolution? Ans. After Napoleon became the emperor of
Describe briefly. France in 1804, he set out to conquer
Ans. Women in France did not avail neighbouring European countries,
respectable status in society. They dispossessing dynasties and creating
were considered much inferior to kingdoms where he placed members
men before the Revolution. Most of his family. He introduced several
of them of the third estate had to laws such as the protection of private
work for a living. They worked as property and a uniform system of
seamstresses or laundresses, sold weight and measures provided by the
flowers, fruits and vegetables at the decimal system. Thus, he began to be
market or were employed as domestic viewed as a liberator in the beginning.
servants in the houses of wealthy But very soon the Napoleonic armies
people. Most women did not have lost their trust in people. They came
access to education or job training. to be regarded as an invading force
Only daughters of nobles or wealthier and in 1815 he was finally defeated
members of the third estate could at Waterloo.
get education. Working women had Q14. What was subsistence crisis?
to take care of their families. They Mention two factors responsible
had to cook, fetch water, queue up for this crisis.
for bread and look after the children. Ans. Subsistence crisis is an extreme
Their wages were always lower than situation where the basic means of
those of men. livelihood are endangered.

28 Social Science—IX
The factors responsible for this type of speech and expression to be a
of crises: natural right.
(i) The population of France rose from (ii) Newspapers, pamphlets, books and
about 23 million in 1715 to 28 million printed pictures flooded the towns
in 1789. This led to a rapid increase in of France from where they travelled
the demand for foodgrains. Production rapidly into the countryside. They all
of grains could not keep pace with the described and discussed the events
demand. So the price of bread which and changes taking place in France.
was the staple diet of the majority rose (iii) Freedom of press also meant that
rapidly. Most workers were employed opposing view of events could be
as labourers in workshops whose expressed. Each side sought to
owner fixed their wages. But wages convince the others of its position
did not keep pace with the rise in through the medium of print.
prices. So, the gap between the poor Q18. Write three chief characteristic
and the rich widened. features of the Constitution of
(ii) Things became worse whenever 1791.
drought or haul reduced the harvest. Ans.
This led to a subsistence crisis.
(i) The Constitution of 1791 vested the
Q15. Which laws were introduced
power to make laws in the National
by revolutionary government to
Assembly, which was indirectly
improve the condition of women
elected. That is, citizens voted for a
in France?
group of electors, who in turn chose
Ans. See Q.No. 12 (Short Answer Type
the Assembly.
(ii) Not all citizens had the right to vote.
Q16. What was the importance of the
Only men above 25 years of age who
‘Tennis Court Swearing’ in the
French Revolution? paid taxes equal to at least 3 days
Ans. This was an important event in the of a labourer’s wage were given the
French Revolution— status of active citizens, that is, they
(i) On 20 June, the representatives of were entitled to vote. The remaining
the third estate assembled in the men and all women were classed as
hall of an indoor tennis court in the passive citizens.
grounds of Versailles. (iii) The Constitution began with a
(ii) These representatives declared Declaration of the Rights of Man
themselves a National Assembly and and Citizen. Rights such as the
swore not to disperse till they had right to life, freedom of speech,
drafted a constitution for France that freedom of opinion, equality before
limit the powers of the Monarch. law, were established as ‘natural
(iii) The National Assembly completed the and inalienable’ rights, that is they
draft of the Constitution in 1791 as a belonged to each human being by
result of which France finally became birth and could not be taken away.
a republic in 1792. Monarchy was Q19. Describe the importance of the
abolished for ever. declaration of the Rights of Man
Q17. Discuss the effects of the abolition and Citizen in France.
of censorship in France. or
Ans. Mention any five values which are
(i) The Declaration of the Rights of associated with Declaration of the
Man and Citizen proclaimed freedom Rights of Man and Citizen.

The French Revolution 29

Ans. T he five values associated with – each estate having one vote.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and But the members of the third
Citizen are: estate demanded that voting now
(i) Right to Life: Everyone has the right be conducted by the Assembly as a
to live in his/her own way. There whole, where each member would
would not be any restriction from have one vote.
the state. (v) The king rejected their demand as a
(ii) Freedom of Speech: Every citizen result of which they walked out of
is entitled to speak whatever he/she the Assembly in protest.
thinks right. (vi) The members of the third estate
(iii) Freedom of Opinion: Every citizen declared themselves a National
is entitled to write or express his/ Assembly and began to draft a
her own opinion freely. Constitution for France which would
(iv) Equality before Law: Law is the limit the powers of the monarch.
expression of the general will. All (vii) W h i l e t h e N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y
citizens have the right to participate was busy at Versailles drafting a
in its formation, personally or Constitution, the rest of France
through their representatives. All
seethed with turmoil. They were
citizens are equal before it.
facing acute food scarcity. Finally,
(v) Liberty: It consists of the power to do
the agitated common mass stormed
whatever is not injurious to others.
and destroyed the Bastille, the
IV. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS symbol of the king’s despotic and
Q1. Why did Louis XVI call together an tyrannic rule on 14 July 1789.
assembly of the Estates General (viii) The condition of the countryside
on 5 May 1789? What was its was also not good. Peasants looted
outcome? HOTS hoarded grains and burnt down
Ans. documents. A large number of nobles
(i) On 5 May 1789, Louis XVI called fled from their houses.
together an assembly of the Estates (ix) Louis XVI finally accorded the
General to pass proposals for new recognition to the National Assembly
taxes. The Estates General was a and accepted the principle that
political body to which the three his powers would from now on be
estates sent their representatives. checked by a Constitution.
(ii) The first and second estates sent (x) The feudal system of obligations and
300 representatives each, who were taxes was also abolished. Members
seated in rows facing each other on of the clergy were forced to give up
two sides, while the 600 members their privileges.
of the third estate had to stand at Q2. France abolished monarchy and
the back. became a republic finally. How did
(iii) The third estate was represented by it all happen? Describe in brief.
its more prosperous and educated Ans.
members. Peasants, artisans and (i) Although Louis XVI signed the
women were denied entry to the Constitution of 1791, he entered into
assembly. secret negotiations with the King of
iv) Louis XVI wanted voting to be Prussia. Rulers of other neighbouring
conducted on the old principle countries too were worried by the

30 Social Science—IX
developments in France and made Q3. How was slavery finally abolished
plans to send troops to suppress the in France?
events that had been taking place or
since the summer of 1789. Describe the triangular slave
(ii) But before this could happen, the trade that was carried on in
National Assembly declared war the eighteenth and nineteenth
against Prussia and Austria in 1792.
Thousands of volunteers came from
the provinces to join the army. They
saw this as a war of the people (i) In order to overcome the shortage
against the king and aristocrats all of labour on the plantations, a
over Europe. triangular slave trade between
(iii) The revolutionary war brought losses Europe, Africa and the Americas
and economic difficulties to the began in the 17th century.
people. Despite that large sections (ii) French merchants sailed from the
of the population were convinced ports of Bordeaux or Nantes to the
that the revolution had to be carried African coast, where they bought
further, as the Constitution of 1791 slaves from local chieftains. Branded
gave political rights only to the richer and shackled, the slaves were packed
sections of society. tightly into ships for the three-month
(iv) As a result, political clubs emerged. long voyage across the Atlantic to the
The most successful of these clubs Caribbean. There they were sold to
was that of the Jacobins, who plantation owners. Thus, slave trade
belonged to the less prosperous was deeply rooted in France.
sections of society. Their leader was (iii) Throughout the 18th century there
Maximillian Robespierre. was little criticism of slavery in
(v) In the summer of 1792, the Jacobins France. The National Assembly held
planned an insurrection of a large long debates about whether the
number of Parisians who were angry rights of man should be extended
due to by the short supplies and
to all French subjects including
high prices of food.
those in the colonies. But it did not
(vi) On August 10, they stormed the
pass any laws, fearing opposition
palace of the Tuileries, killed the
from businessmen whose incomes
king’s guards and held the king
depended on the slave trade. It was
himself as a hostage for several
finally the Convention which in 1794
hours. Later the Assembly voted to
imprison the royal family. legislated to free all slaves in the
(vii) Elections were held. The newly elected French overseas possessions. This,
assembly, called the Convention, however, did not last for long. After
abolished the monarchy and declared a decade, Napoleon re-introduced
France a republic on 21 September slavery in 1804 which was finally
1792. abolished in French colonies in
(viii) Louis XVI was executed publicly at 1848.
Place de la Concorde. The queen Q4. How did the revolution affect
Marie Antoinette met with the same everyday life of the people of
fate shortly after it. France?HOTS

The French Revolution 31

Ans. Some of the basic rights set forth

(i) The revolutionary ideas of the French in Olympe de Gouges’ Declaration.
Revolution, i.e. equality and liberty
changed the clothes people wore, the 1. Woman is born free and remains
equal to man in rights.
language they spoke and the books
2. The goal of all political associations
they read. Laws were passed to
is the preservation of the natural
translate these ideals into everyday
rights of woman and man: These
rights are liberty, property,
(ii) One important law that came into
security, and above all resistance
effect soon after the storming of the
to oppression.
Bastille in 1789 was the abolition 3. The source of all sovereignty resides
of censorship. In the Old Regime in the nation, which is nothing but
all written material and cultural the union of woman and man.
activities could be published or 4. The law should be the expression
performed only after they had been of the general will; all female
approved by the censors of the king. and male citizens should have a
(iii) Now the ‘Declaration of the Rights say either personally or by their
of Man and Citizen’ proclaimed representatives in its formulation;
freedom of speech and expression it should be the same for all.
to be a natural right. As a result, All female and male citizens are
newspapers, pamphlets, books and equally entitled to all honours
printed pictures flooded the towns and public employment according
of France from where they travelled to their abilities and without any
rapidly into the countryside. They all other distinction than that of their
described and discussed the events talents.
and changes taking place in France. 5. No woman is an exception; she is
(iv) Freedom of press also meant that accused, arrested, and detained in
opposing views of events could be cases determined by law. Women,
expressed. Each side sought to like men, obey this rigorous law.
convince the others of its position
(a) How did Olympe de Gouges, view
through the medium of print.
(v) Plays, songs and festive processions
attracted large numbers of people. (b) What should be the goal of all
The visual and oral art forms became political associations according
very popular among the common to her?
mass which could not read and write (c) What was her opinion about law?
in the 18th century. Ans.
(vi) The majority of men and women (a) Olympe de Gouges opined that
could now easily understand the woman was born free and, therefore,
ideas of equality, liberty and justice. she should remain equal to man
Thus, the everyday life of the French in rights. There should not be any
people was deeply affected by the disparity between both the sexes.
revolution. (b) According to Olympe de Gouges,
V. SOURCE-BASED QUESTIONS the goal of all political associations
Q1. Read the following extract (Source should be the preservation of all
F) taken from NCERT Textbook, the natural rights (liberty, property,
page 20 and answer the questions security and resistance to oppression)
that follow: of woman and man.

32 Social Science—IX
(c) She was of the opinion that the being was entitled to.
law should be the expression of the In 1791, she wrote a Declaration of
general will. All female and male the Rights of Woman and Citizen,
citizens should have a say either which she addressed to the Queen
personally or by their representatives and to the members of the National
in its formulation, it should be the Assembly, demanding that they act
same for all. upon it.
Q1. Try to recognise the picture Q1. I n T h e S p i r i t o f t h e L a w s ,
given below taken from NCERT Montesquieu proposed a division
Textbook, page 19 and answer the of power within the government
following questions: between the legislative, the
(i) Who has been shown in the given executive and the judiciary. Give
picture? any three values which can be
(ii) How did she contribute to the nation reflected from this proposal.
and woman’s rights? Ans. The three values which can be
reflected from this proposal are—
(i) Power sharing: This arrangement
would refute the doctrine of the
divine and absolute right of the
(ii) Equality: The enforcement of equality
would bring all the people of France
on the same platform. There would
be no special privileges for the clergy
Ans. or the nobility. Everyone would enjoy
(i) The above picture is of Olympe de equal status.
Gouges, one of the most important (iii) Expansion of peace and prosperity:
of the politically active women in A good administration is always a
revolutionary France. harbinger of peace and prosperity.
(ii) She protested against the Constitution In France if the government valued
and the Declaration of Rights of Man Montesquien’s proposal, there would
and Citizen as women were excluded be peace everywhere. People would
from basic rights that each human prosper day by day.

Q2. Analyse the given table. Which values you think were disturbing the balance
of a country like France.

Active Citizens Entitled to vote. About 4 million of a population of 28 million.

Passive Citizens No voting rights. About 3 million men, women, children
and youth below 25.

Ans. A large section of the people in France was not entitled to vote in elections.
Such an arrangement would definitely make the country weak and imbalanced.
When people are marginalised, there occur hopelessness and dissatisfaction on
a large scale. This is a highly negative point for a country.

The French Revolution 33

Q3. The following is an extract for meet the most urgent needs of the
Robespierre’s speech at the fatherland. To curb the enemies of
conversation on 7th February liberty through terror is the right of
1794. the founder of the Republic.”
“To establish and consolidate Now give any three values which
democracy, to achieve the peaceful can be reflected from the speech.
rule of constitutional laws, we must Ans. The three values reflected from the
first finish the war of liberty against speech are:
tyranny ….. We must annihilate the (i) Nationalism
enemies of the republic at home and (ii) Patriotism
abroad, or else we shall perish. In (iii) National integration
time of Revolution, a democratic Robespierre believed in the policy of
government may rely on terror. Terror severe control and punishment to
is nothing but justice, swift, severe establish the above values firmly in
and inflexible; …. and is used to the society.


1. How was the system of estates in French society organised? Give a brief description.
2. Describe the emergence of the middle class in the 18th century French society.
3. Who was Mirabeau? How did he oppose the feudal system in France?
4. Describe some of the features of the Constitution of 1791.
5. What role did the women play in bringing about important changes in French

34 Social Science—IX

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