LECTURE 10-Functional Feeds in Aquaculture

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Functional Fe 59. Functional Feeds in Aquaculture

Part J | 59.1
Jorge Olmos Soto, José de Jesús Paniagua-Michel, Lus Lopez, Leonel Ochoa

59.2 Food Formulation Ingredients .............. 1304

The development of functional feed (FF) represents
59.2.1 Fish Meal and Oil....................... 1305
a great opportunity in the aquaculture industry.
59.2.2 Soybean Meal and Oil ................ 1306
FF must promote the growth and health of culti- 59.2.3 Complex
vated organisms, improve their immune systems, and Most Used Carbohydrates..... 1307
and induce physiological benefits beyond tradi- 59.2.4 Probiotic Bacteria ...................... 1308
tional feeds. FF must be economically attractive
and environmentally friendly. In this sense, the 59.3 Conventional Feeds
inclusion of animal products in FF formulations Versus Functional Feeds ....................... 1309
must be partially or totally eliminated, increasing 59.4 Aquaculture Regulations ...................... 1310
the inclusion of alternative economical vegetable 59.4.1 Sanitary Regulations.................. 1310
products. However, the kind and amount of veg- 59.4.2 Environmental Regulations ........ 1311
etable protein, carbohydrates (CHO), and lipids
59.5 Functional Feeds in Aquaculture........... 1311
added to formulations are of great concern for
59.5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages
growth, health, environmental, and economical
of Adhesion .............................. 1311
issues. Therefore, deficiencies in proteases, carbo-
hydrolases, and lipases in shrimp/fish are a major 59.6 Results Obtained in Crustaceans
impediment to the digestion and assimilation of and Fish Using Functional Feeds........... 1312
vegetable sources, limiting its high-level inclusion 59.6.1 Functional and Commercial Feed
in formulations. In this sense, the utilization of Proximal Composition Used
probiotic bacteria has emerged as a solution with in Litopenaeus vannamei
huge applications in the aquaculture industry. and Oreochromis niloticus.......... 1312
Today, Bacillus species are the most investigated 59.6.2 Basal and Functional Feed
bacteria for animal probiotic development due to: Proximal Composition Used
in Atractoscion nobilis ............... 1313
a) The versatility of their growth nutrients 59.6.3 Functional Feed Effects
b) High level of enzyme production on Survival and Growth
c) Secretion of antimicrobial compounds. Performance of L. vannamei,
O. niloticus and A. nobilis .......... 1313
In addition, Bacillus subtilis (Bs) is generally 59.6.4 Functional Feed Effects
recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug on L. vannamei
Administration (FDA), meaning that it is harmless and A. nobilis – Health Status .... 1316
to animal and humans. In this work, we present 59.6.5 Functional Feed Effects
the potential benefits of the utilization of FF in the on Environmental Parameters
aquaculture industry. in L. vannamei ......................... 1316
59.6.6 Functional Feed Effects
59.1 Overview ............................................. 1304 on Stress Tolerance
59.1.1 Importance in L. vannamei ......................... 1317
of Aquaculture Development ...... 1304
59.7 Conclusions ......................................... 1317
59.1.2 Development
of Functional Feed .................... 1304 References................................................... 1317
1304 Part J Industrial Applications

59.1 Overview
Part J | 59.2

59.1.1 Importance 59.1.2 Development

of Aquaculture Development of Functional Feed

Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of the world Today, feeding represents 4060% of the total pro-
food economy, increasing by more than 10% per year duction costs in shrimp/fish farming, making the aqua-
and currently accounts for more than 50% of all shrimp/ culture industry a great challenge for future genera-
fish consumed. The United Nations Food and Agri- tions; therefore, new feed formulations must be di-
culture Organization (FAO) defines aquaculture as the rected to be well-balanced and less expensive [59.7].
farming of aquatic organisms including fish, mollusks, Use of animal protein sources, such as fish meal
crustaceans, and aquatic plants. Farming implies some (FM) in shrimp/fish feeds, is expected to be con-
sort of intervention in the rearing process to enhance siderably reduced or totally eliminated as a conse-
production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protec- quence of increasing economical, environmental and
tion from predators, etc. Farming also implies that sanitary regulations [59.8–11]. Partial or complete FM
individual or corporate ownership of the stock being substitution by vegetable protein and complex car-
cultivated [59.1]. bohydrates sources has been a major concern to the
The global population’s demand for aquatic food field for more than 10 years, without promising re-
products is growing in importance; however fisheries’ sults [59.12, 13]. In this sense, functional feeds devel-
capture production has leveled off and most of the opment as foods with dietary ingredients that provide
main fishing areas have reached their maximum poten- growth, health, environmental and economical benefits
tial [59.2, 3]. Because of this, fishmeal and oil prices beyond traditional feeds represents a great opportu-
have increased considerably in recent years (Fig. 59.1). nity to guarantee the future of Aquaculture [59.14]. FF
In addition, concern has also arisen about the nega- must be primarily supplemented with high levels of
tive impact of fishmeal production on the ecology of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates and specifi-
global fisheries and on the environment [59.4, 5]. Aqua- cally selected innocuous probiotic bacteria (Fig. 59.2).
culture, which is probably the fastest growing food- A well formulated FF could transform aquaculture in
producing sector, represents the greatest potential to a sustainable and competitive industry for new gen-
meet demands for aquatic food supply. However, in- erations [59.15]. The present work evaluated a FF
stead of helping to ease the crisis in wild fisheries, supplemented with high levels of soy bean meal (SBM),
unsustainable aquaculture development may exacerbate high levels of complex carbohydrates and a Bacillus
the problems and create new ones, damaging our impor- subtilis probiotic strain on; Litopennaeus vannamei,
tant and already-stressed coastal areas [59.6]. In order Oreochromis niloticus and Atractoscion nobilis. Excel-
to accomplish these goals, the sector will face signif- lent results were obtained opening great opportunities
icant challenges to increase aquaculture profitability to new functional feeds development for shrimp and
and, environmental and ecological sustainability. fish.

59.2 Food Formulation Ingredients

Feeds considered traditional are mainly made from (starch) concentrations of around 30% [59.16, 17].
meal and fish oil ingredients and with vegetable flours However, carnivorous marine fishes require or toler-
as a carbohydrate source. These vegetable flours must ate carbohydrate concentrations no greater than 10%,
be kept in the formulation of FF and, in fact, must but they need 50% protein concentration for ade-
be increased; besides carbohydrates, FF must con- quate development [59.18]. It is logical to specu-
tain protein and oil from vegetable origin, preferen- late that such extreme demands are due to the fact
tially from soy [59.15]. Soy contains a large enough that this kind of fish does not contain adequate
quantity of proteins and lipids to substitute both an- types and/or amounts of carbohydrolases to digest
imal ingredients in shrimp and fresh-water fish diets. starches; therefore their energy requirement must be
Additionally, Litopenaeus vannamei and Oreochromis obtained from protein, increasing the cost for its
niloticus require or tolerate protein and carbohydrate cultivation.
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.2 Food Formulation Ingredients 1305

Fig. 59.1 International market price

Part J | 59.2
US $ per tonne
1800 for fish oil and fish meal
Fish oil
1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009

substitute meal and fish oil, without the expected suc-

cess [59.23]. Subsequently, with the increasing knowl-
edge of the digestive physiology, we have tried to
adapt the diets to the enzymatic capability of animals,
which has not been practical or economically viable
for commercial aquaculture. In this sense, our innova-
tion has been focused on understanding the enzymatic
deficiencies in animals and the benefits of vegetable in-
gredients, to general knowledge we will generate FF
that contains enzymatic profiles adequate for diges-
tion and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, and
lipids, independently from the source that they come
Fig. 59.2 Functional feed particle formulated with SBM, from.
CHO’s, vegetable oil and Bacillus subtilis multifunctional
probiotic strain 59.2.1 Fish Meal and Oil

On the other hand, it is important to point out that Several decades ago small pelagic fish, were the great-
there are 20 most represented amino acids in the major- est economical and nutritional source of protein and
ity of proteins present in nature, coming from animal or oil that existed. However, the growing aquaculture and
vegetable origin. In this sense, the conformation struc- livestock activities in general have provoked an exces-
ture is the greatest difference between proteins [59.19]. sive demand, and consequently the over-exploitation of
Furthermore, if added probiotics bacteria are capable of fish stock used for this purpose, causing an ecological
transforming the proteins into amino acids, there will imbalance and an increase in prices, making it unaf-
be no problems for shrimp and/or fish to assimilate and fordable to producers. Worse than the elevated prices
incorporate them into their biosynthetic pathways. is the fact that the capture of fish has been decreasing
Similar situations occur with carbohydrates regard- since 1996, and human need for consumption of aquatic
ing digestion. Although this is more marked in marine products has been increasing [59.3]. Reduced inclusion
fishes, also fresh-water fishes and shrimp present en- of fish meal and oil in the formulations is a tendency
zymatic deficiencies in their digestion, but in smaller for almost a decade. Furthermore, it has been predicted
magnitude [59.20–22]. This is logical if we consider that by 2020, the amount of fish meal and oil in diets
that aquatic animals did not evolve with starch, the main used in aquatic cultures will be minimal or null [59.3].
component used in formulations, therefore, they did not It is evident that in times of abundance, excessive quan-
have the need to produce carbohydrolases to digest it, tities of fish meal and oil were used, without having
producing severe digestive, health and contamination a clear idea of the real nutrient necessities for these an-
problems. Hence, in the last 10 years, many ingredi- imals. Now that we have enough knowledge, we know
ents of animal and vegetable origin have been used to that if the amount of protein and oil is reduced be-
1306 Part J Industrial Applications

Fig. 59.3 Estimated global use of

Part J | 59.2

Present study IFFO–Jackson (2007)

fish oil within compound aquafeeds
Marine finfish
4% 3% Salmon 2%
5% 27 % 5% 5%
Chinese carps 24%
5% 6%
6% Eel
6% 17 %
11 % 18 % crustaceans 23 %
Misc. freshwater
15 % carnivore fish 17 %

Present study IFFO–Jackson (2007)

Fig. 59.4 Estimated global use of
fish oil within compound aquafeeds
2% 1% Salmon 1%
2% Marine finfish
2% 13 %
4% Trout
Shrimp 3%
12% Catfish
43 % Eel 43 %
Tilapia 10 %
13 % Freshwater
11 %
Misc. freshwater
carnivore fish
20% 14 %

low the nutritional requirements, the animals will not produced oil is used in aquaculture feeds, increasing
grow and gain weight properly. From a ton of processed the price of this ingredient even higher than fish meal
fish, approximately 25% of meal is obtained, containing (Fig. 59.1). The possible candidates to replace fish oil
an average of 60% digestible protein. In shrimp and ma- are vegetable oils with profiles of saturated and un-
rine fish feeds the fish meal is added in concentrations saturated fatty acids, similar to those present on fish.
of about 2050%, respectively (Fig. 59.3). Nowadays, In this sense, the oil of some microalgae species ful-
we know that most carnivores require between 2030% fills all the requirements necessary to replace fish oil.
protein and similar amounts of carbohydrates. Regard- Analyzing fatty acids, especially the unsaturated ones
ing this, the aquaculture industry has had to search for contained in fish oil, most come from marine phyto-
viable alternative digestible and economical ingredi- plankton, since the animals does not produce them de
ents to satisfy the nutritional requirements of cultivated novo (Table 59.1). Presently, the technology to pro-
animals. Soy is the most probable candidate due to duce fatty acids from microalgae is well established,
its high concentration of protein, carbohydrates, and due to the interest in the use of these lipids to generate
lipids [59.24]. biodiesel. This technology can facilitate lipid produc-
In addition, the limited capacity of fish and shrimp tion in the required volumes for aquaculture, assure its
to digest starch has induced fish meal to be used by ani- availability, and reduce its cost [59.30].
mals as a source of protein and energy, making feeding
less efficient and more expensive [59.20–22, 25–29]. 59.2.2 Soybean Meal and Oil
Regarding fish oil, the problem is even greater than
with fish meal, because the amount generated by a ton SBM is the most studied ingredient for the substitution
of processed fish is less than 10%, and the require- of fish meal in aquatic animal feeds, because it con-
ments in shrimp and fish diets are between 10 and tains high levels of proteins and carbohydrates and may
40%, respectively (Fig. 59.4) [59.3, 18]. In fact, all the represent half or less of the FM price. However, un-
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.2 Food Formulation Ingredients 1307

Table 59.1 Fatty acids comparison between fish oil and algae oil

Part J | 59.2
Fatty acids Formula Fish oil Algae oil SL
Lauric C12:0 0.16; 0.01 0.32; 0.00 ***
Myristic C14:0 7.04; 0.35 9.09; 0.00 ***
Palmitic C16:0 17.33; 0.59 22.86; 0.00 ***
t-Palmitoleic C16:1t 0.57; 0.18 0.07; 0.00 ***
Palmitoleic C16:1 7.96; 0.40 0.21: 0.00 ***
Stearic C18:0 3.50; 0.07 0.57; 0.00 ***
Elaidic C18:1t 1.17; 0.11 0.01; 0.00 ***
Oleic C18:1(!-9) 8.69; 0.29 1.11; 0.02 ***
Vaccenic C18:l(!-7) 3.11; 0.11 0.13; 0.0 1 ***
t-Linoleic C18:2t 0.06; 0.02 0.06; 0.00 sl
Linoleic C18:2(!-6) 1.26; 0.05 0.46; 0.02 ***
Arachidic C20:0 0.20; 0.01 0.00; 0.00 ***
 -Iinolénico C18:3(!-6) 0.22; 0.02 0.22; 0.00 s1
˛-linolenic acid C18:3(!-3) 1.16; 0.07 0.09; 0.00 ***
Behenic C22:0 0.05; 0.00 0.03; 0.00 ***
Brassidic C20:1t 1.84; 0.02 0.41; 0.00 ***
Erucic C22:1 0.05; 0.00 1.71; 0.00 ***
Arachidonic C20:4(!-6) 1.14; 0.10 0.51; 0.01 ***
Eicosapentaenoic C20:5(!-3) 16.92; 2.03 1.25; 0.01 ***
Docosapentaenoic C22:5(!-6) 0.00; 0.00 15.44; 0.00 ***
Nervonic C24:1 0.60; 0.00 0.00; 0.00 ***
Docosapentaenoic C22:5(!-3) 2.23; 0.00 0.22; 0.00 ***
Docosahexaenoic C22:6(!-3) 13.44; 0.58 42.41; 0.02 ***

SL: level of significance; ***: p < 0:001; s1: no significance: p > 0:05

satisfactory results have been obtained because SBM Soybean oil is another possible candidate to replace
contains compounds that are toxic and antinutritional fish oil, since it also contains enough quantities of es-
to monogastric animals, and no more than 20% can be sential polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), to
included in shrimp/fish formulations without causing satisfy aquaculture and consumer needs. The growing
health problems [59.31, 32]. demand of soybean oil in homes around the world is due
Furthermore, flour from oleaginous seeds offer an- to its low cost and the amounts of omega 3 (linolenic
nually more than 200 million metric tons (MT), soy 7:5%), omega 6 (linoleic 54%), and omega 9 (oleic
being the most abundant and in expansion. Soybean 22%). It is important to comment that oleic acid is a mo-
meal has a natural resistance to oxidation and in storage nounsaturated fatty acid, which can be transformed to
it stays fungus and bacteria free, that can be pathogenic polyunsaturated acid by the enzymatic machinery of an-
to shrimp and fish development [59.33, 34]. The protein imals. Furthermore, soybean oil also contains saturated
fraction of soybean meal is between 4548% for com- fatty acids such as palmitic acid (1112%) and stearic
mon meals, while the premium grade exceeds 50%. acid (35%).
Concerning its carbohydrate composition, soybean
meal contains approximately 32% from which 12% are 59.2.3 Complex
soluble sugars, distributed as follows; 45% sucrose, and Most Used Carbohydrates
12% raffinose, 3:54:5% stachyose, as well as small
amounts of melibiose and verbascose. 20% the remain- Today starch present in corn and wheat flour is the most
ing fraction which is difficult to digest are known as utilized source of energy; for economical and availabil-
anti-nutritional compounds, due to the toxic effects they ity reasons. Additionally, it has been shown that starch
causes in monogastric animals (Table 59.2) [59.34]. may replace protein as an energy source without de-
1308 Part J Industrial Applications

Table 59.2 Non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) content from cereals and soybean meal
Part J | 59.3

Dry matter % Carbohydrates Corn Wheat Barley Soybean meal

NSP 9.9 11.9 18.7 21.9
Arabinoxylans Arabinose 2.2 2.9 2.8 2.6
Xylose 3 4.7 5.6 1.9
Uronic acid 0.7 0.4 – 4.8
Pectins Mannose 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.3
Rhamnose – – – 0.3
Galactose 0.5 0.4 0.3 4.1
ˇ-glucans Glucose 0.1 0.8 4.2 –
Cellulose Glucose 2.2 2 4.3 6.2

creasing growth [59.20, 35]. However, starch is one of gastric animals [59.22, 37, 38]. Additionally, pollution
the less digestible ingredients in fish and crustaceans, of shrimp effluent ponds was also treated with mi-
and high-level inclusions represent an important ob- croorganisms [59.39]. In this sense, we have defined
stacle to shrimp/fish aquaculture; the carbohydrate di- a probiotic as a living microbial supplement that:
gestion capabilities of animals are limited to no more
than 10% in carnivorous fishes and 30% in tilapia and a) Positively affects hosts by modifying the host-
shrimps [59.20, 21, 36]. Nevertheless, higher carbohy- associated microbial community and immune
drate levels are included in feeds because they are the system.
most economical and for this reason the most used b) Secretes a variety of enzymes to improve feed
ingredient in the aquaculture industry. The identifica- degradation, enhancing its assimilation.
tion of glucosidases producing probiotic bacteria and c) Improves the quality of environmental parame-
their addition to low-cost diets as a digestive promot- ters [59.14].
ing supplement should lead to better assimilation, lower
production cost, faster animals growth, and less pollu- Bacillus probiotic strains have been used to im-
tion and diseases [59.22]. prove growth performance, digestive enzyme activity,
and immune response, with good results being ob-
59.2.4 Probiotic Bacteria tained in all the parameters measured [59.22, 40–42].
The genus Bacillus constitutes a diverse group of rod-
Recently, beneficial microorganisms (probiotics) were shaped, Gram-positive bacteria, characterized by their
utilized to improve nutrient assimilation and to en- ability to produce a robust spore. Most Bacillus species
hance the growth performance and health of mono- are not harmful to mammals, including humans, and
are commercially important as producers of a high
and diverse amount of secondary metabolites, antibi-
otics, heterologous proteins, fine chemicals, and en-
Safe for humans zymes [59.43–47]. Bacillus enzymes are very efficient
and animals (FDA)
Natural in breaking down a large variety of proteins, carbohy-
antibiotics drates, and lipids into smaller units. Bacillus species
Growth in
economical grow efficiently with very low-cost carbon and nitrogen
Bacillus subtilis substrates sources [59.43]. They also degrade organic accumu-
Spores lated debris in ponds of shrimp cultures [59.14, 48–50].
producer Taking into account the advantageous characteristics
of Bacillus strains, these bacteria are good candidates
Aerobic for consideration as probiotics in diets of crustaceans
Proteases Anaerobic
Carbohydrolases and fish [59.14, 15]. Additionally, B. subtilis is gener-
Lipases ally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA, meaning
that this bacterium is not harmful to animals or humans
Fig. 59.5 Bacillus subtilis multifunctional probiotic capacities (Fig. 59.5).
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.3 Conventional Feeds Versus Functional Feeds 1309

59.3 Conventional Feeds Versus Functional Feeds

Part J | 59.4
Currently, the cultivation of shrimp and fish is very pathogen proliferation and massive death of the cul-
important, socially and economically speaking, being tured animals.
Litopenaeus vannamei and Oreochromis niloticus the For these reasons, our research group has been try-
most produced around the world. However, apart from ing for more than 10 years to understand the most
the questions about which culture is the most important important strengths and weaknesses of cultivated an-
or which generates the greatest economical dividends, imals [59.14, 19]. Additionally, alternative vegetable
the diets utilized for the aquaculture of any animal are ingredients economically viable to substitute fish meal
developed with mainly three ingredients: and oil have been investigated [59.15, 22]. Also, the an-
imal-environment-pathogen relationship had been stud-
1) Fish meal, because it contains high concentrations ied to generate innovations that can fully satisfy aqua-
of easily digestible protein, which promotes optimal culture necessities [59.53, 54]. After all this time, and
growth and weight gain in cultivated animals. after having experimented with crustacean and fish
2) Carbohydrates that come from vegetable flour, spe- cultivations, we believe that we have found healthy for-
cially those present in corn and wheat starches, mulas that are sustainable with the environment and that
which give the necessary energy for vital function- are economically viable, that we have named functional
ing. feed.
3) Lipids that are obtained as a by-product from the According to our concept, FF must be formulated
processing of fish meal and are the structural base with little or no fish meal and oil, instead vegetable in-
for the production of hormones and other important gredients increase is recommended; this will decrease
bioactive macromolecules. its price and ammonium pond contamination consider-
ably. Furthermore, it will relax the fish population and
However the use of fish meal and oil in the pro- environmental stress. However, vegetable ingredients
duction of feeds is limited due to costs, principally are not recommended by most nutritionists, due to their
since these ingredients come from fish that are at low digestibility, contents of highly toxic compounds,
risk due to unmeasured exploitation [59.3, 51]. In this and mortality increase. We believe that FF must contain
sense, the production of feeds that does not depend high levels of vegetable flour and oils; rich in proteins,
on the utilization of fish products has been widely carbohydrates, and lipids. Micronutrients must be sup-
investigated during the last 10 years, and there has plemented for the optimal development of the animals.
been experimentation with a wide range of animal In this sense and in our particular point of view, the
and vegetable ingredients [59.52]. Unfortunately, up most important components of FF are probiotic bacte-
to now even the high cost of fish products and by- ria, since they produce enzymes with several capacities
products, feeds are for aquaculture still being formu- to amplify the digestive spectrum and help the animals
lated with them. This means that alternative formula- to assimilate the ingredients, even if they come from
tions that can compete with the benefits of survival, vegetable origin. Likewise, the enzymes must have the
weight gain, and growth that fish meal and oil ingre- capacity to degrade the toxic compounds contained in
dients generate has not yet been found. Alternative vegetable flour [59.55]. The enzymatic diversity and ac-
feeds produced and sold in a commercial manner as tivity of proteases, carbohydrolases, and lipases must
a consequence of the high prices, are mixtures re- be maintained, even in adverse physicochemical or
duced in fish meal and oil content and increased in environmental conditions such as temperature, pH, oxy-
the amount of vegetable protein and oils. This has genation, etc.; so the enzymes will not be inhibited in
brought as a consequence low food conversion fac- the digestive system of animals or in cultivation ponds
tors (FCF), poor growth, intoxication and health sta- once they are excreted. This also will help with the ef-
tus detriment. Also, the use of vegetable products fluent bio-remediation. Probiotics must be harmless to
has generated an increase in environmental contami- animals and humans, but must have the capacity to se-
nation due to the low digestibility and, consequently, lectively inhibit pathogen growth.
1310 Part J Industrial Applications

59.4 Aquaculture Regulations

Part J | 59.4

Recently, the massive development of aquaculture has be the main reason of environmental deterioration
promoted the establishment of sanitary and environ- due to the contamination generated, resulting in the
mental regulations in most countries where this activity spread of diseases and death of cultivated animals
is practiced. This is particularly due to the spread (Fig. 59.7).
of diseases and environmental contamination gener-
ated by poor cultivation management (Fig. 59.6). It 59.4.1 Sanitary Regulations
is important to emphasize that the majority of these
regulations have been generated in little or in great The formulation of feeds with animal origin ingredients
measurement due to the feed; starting with the in- can be a factor in the spread of viral as well as bac-
gredients and concentrations utilized in them, up to terial diseases, that can be contained in animal-based
the amount of feed administered during cultivation. ingredients. The feed utilized in aquaculture is some-
Furthermore, the time period of water exchange in times distributed around the world and can generate
ponds is also a consequence of the feed and the global pandemics and epizooties, like the ones pro-
enzymatic limitation of animals must digest and as- duced by Vibrio genera and the white spot syndrome
similate them. Therefore, poorly formulated feeds can virus [59.56, 57]. Therefore, animal products and by-
products used for the formulation of feed must be certi-
fied by the sanitary authorities of each country to verify
Losses in aquaculture
that it does not contain pathogen microorganisms above
the concentrations permitted by the official norms. This
20.8 % Diseases
will assure its innocuousness but raises the production
30.6 % Transportation costs of these ingredients, and thus, the cost of the for-
Predators mulated feed. Furthermore, cysts and spores are forms
Human error of life that are resistant to extreme conditions presented
13.9 % Water shortage
by some pathogenic bacteria [59.58]. This characteris-
6.1 %
Defective design tic allows them to survive the conditions used in the
8.3 % 5.3 % Environment preparation of products and by-products of animal ori-
7.5 % 7.5 % gin, only to germinate once the product is in contact
with water and the cultivated animal. In this sense,
Fig. 59.6 Schematic representation of loss percentages in the prevention of diseases has also generated an un-
aquaculture measured use of antibiotics, which has induced the
development of pathogenic bacteria stock resistant to
a great variety of these compounds. It is important
to keep in mind that human beings can be suscepti-
ble to the antibiotics used in aquaculture, as well as
Environment to pathogens present in cultivated animals, especially
when that person has an immune compromised system.
Vibrio parahemoliticus is an opportunistic pathogen
that can cause death to individuals with problems such
FF as liver cirrhosis, if they consume contaminated oys-
ters. The transmission of the disease known as Mad
Pathogen Host Cow Disease and other diseases that come from poul-
try stock are examples of the importance of the in-
nocuousness and sanitary regulations that have to be
implemented in products from animal origin [59.59].
In this sense, the use of vegetable ingredients in FF
Fig. 59.7 Illustration of the balance involved in the state can eliminate the pathogen transference contained in
of health and disease of a cultivated organism with or with- animal products, as well as the unmeasured use of
out FF antibiotics.
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.5 Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 1311

59.4.2 Environmental Regulations ecosystem that surrounds farms. Unfortunately, most

Part J | 59.5
countries where aquaculture is being practiced, even
Environmental regulations with respect to aquaculture, with the existence of official norms, do not count
even when they are stipulated in the official norms and with mechanisms to carry out those norms. In addi-
are very clear regarding the compounds and quanti- tion, the formulation and usage of FF of easy digestion
ties that can be thrown into rivers or seas; in most and assimilation by cultivated animals will generate
of the countries where massive production of fishes low concentrations of organic waste, and can be a di-
and crustaceans is being practiced, are not being com- rect mechanism to reduce contamination of ponds and
plied. Therefore, high concentrations of organic con- waste that is thrown into rivers and seas [59.14, 60]. In
taminant compounds are indiscriminately thrown into this sense, the probiotics used in FF must also have
rivers and seas each year, generating constant con- the capacity to degrade the contaminants generated in
tamination and deterioration of the environment and farms.

59.5 Functional Feeds in Aquaculture

Autochthonous bacteria of crustaceans and fishes can sion as an invasive mechanism. In this sense, it is almost
be recommended as probiotics, only if they have the a general rule that when cultivation is in its initial
capacity of secreting a wide variety of enzymes that stage, the bacterial flora present is composed by cer-
will allow them to take adequate advantage of differ- tain groups. However, once cultivation advances and
ent sources of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. Also, conditions deteriorate, more capable bacterial groups
they must be capable of producing antimicrobial com- surge, taking advantage of the reigning nutritional and
pounds to inhibit the growth of different pathogens, environmental conditions. Most proliferating bacteria
without having any effect on beneficial bacterial flora. are opportunistic pathogens with a high capacity of ad-
They must also be able of surviving sudden nutritional hesion. Therefore, if we isolate bacterial strains from
and environmental changes, such as temperature, pH, aquatic cultivated organisms with the purpose of uti-
oxygenation, etc. Furthermore, autochthonous strains lizing them as probiotics, it is recommended to isolate
are, in general, bacteria that adhere to the cells of the them from the first stages of the cultivation or from fi-
animal’s intestine and, therefore, are circumscribed to nalized healthy and high-productivity cultures.
scarcely variable nutritional and environmental condi- In the late stages of cultivation, the possibility
tions. For this reason, most of them do not have the of the isolation of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria
capacities mentioned before. On the other hand, free rises [59.54, 60]. Lately, it has been very complicated
life strains like Bacillus subtilis have all these capaci- to keep healthy cultures with economically income,
ties, hence it can be considered as a potential probiotic. mainly due to food expenses and the great amount of
Also, this bacterium is classified by the FDA as GRAS, energy used for water exchange in the required percent-
which means that is not a pathogen to animals or hu- ages. This is one of the reason for the huge proliferation
mans [59.22]. of pathogens and the consequent mortality in cultures.
Generally, when an opportunistic pathogenic bacterium
59.5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages has adequate conditions it takes advantage of it to
of Adhesion proliferate.
If we take probiotics from humans as an example,
The advantage of adhesion is that probiotics should most of them are Lactobacillus species with adhesion
only be used a few times until they have colonized capacity to epithelial intestinal cells, which means that
the digestive tract, which would reduce the cost and a daily dose must be taken to maintain their active
would increase the profitability of producers. Other- growth and probiotic capacity. In this sense, we know
wise, the capacity of adhesion means that the strains for a fact that up to this date there is no commer-
are adapted to live within the host, which assures a high cial strain that is taken once and maintains its activity
percentage of interaction, as long as the conditions of during the rest of the host life. For example, daily or
the environment are satisfactory. Unfortunately, most almost daily consumption of Lactobacillus-based prod-
pathogens have a highly developed capacity of adhe- ucts is needed to keep its positive effects; this is due
1312 Part J Industrial Applications

to the feeding conditions and stress factors that restrict This also happens with unauthorized antibiotics and
Part J | 59.6

the proliferation of probiotic strains on cultivated ani- hormones.

mals. Yet, it is more complicated to maintain probiotic Even though the diverse marine and aquatic sys-
strains that are permanently in contact with a water flow tems represent 85% of all forms of life on earth, it
in the digestive tract, as is the case for fish and crus- is important to point out that if we are going to use
taceans. If we add the fact that most of enzymes and FF especially formulated with nutrients of land origin,
antimicrobial compounds are produced in a short win- we should select probiotic strains with the capacity to
dow of the stationary phase from most bacteria, the digest them without any problem. Therefore, if we de-
protection due to the production of these compounds velop free living bacteria probiotics strains accustomed
will also be restricted to when the probiotic remains to surviving in extreme conditions, with an abundance
inside the animal. Additionally, due to its evolutionary as well as limitations of nutrients, salts, temperature,
environment the autochthonous bacteria of crustaceans and variable pH, they will have a greater adaptive re-
and fish have never been in contact with carbohy- sponse to sudden changes in the culture. Moreover, if
drates of terrestrial origin such as starch, which is the these strains count with the capacity of enzyme se-
main ingredient in used formulations. Therefore, the cretion to degrade any kind of nutrient, as well as to
physiological and economical conditions to utilize an produce compounds to solely kill pathogenic microor-
autochthonous probiotic strain added to the epithelium ganisms and do not present toxic effects in animals
cells, do not appear, in theory, to have advantages with and humans, these strains can be considered as a po-
respect to those free living bacteria. Otherwise, if we tential probiotics. The only inconvenience is that good
have a probiotic that adheres well to epithelium cells, fortune and capacity is needed to isolate and character-
we need to take into consideration that the elimination ize them adequately. Additionally, continuous probiotic
of these bacteria from the digestive tract of the ani- supplementation must be carried out to obtain an effec-
mals is more complicated. In this sense, if the probiotic tive and therapeutic dose, and consequently, maintain
is not recognized as safe and is not approved by the its probiotic properties. In this sense, FF are the ade-
FDA, it can generate problems when the time comes quate vehicle to introduce probiotics into the animal,
to commercialize the animal for human consumption. considering stability and price.

59.6 Results Obtained in Crustaceans and Fish Using Functional Feeds

59.6.1 Functional and Commercial Feed is not the case for tilapia because it is an omnivore
Proximal Composition Used with the capacity to tolerate high concentrations of
in Litopenaeus vannamei carbohydrates.
and Oreochromis niloticus The commercial diet for shrimp has 10% more pro-
tein than the basal diet formulated by our research
Table 59.3 shows the proximal composition of the in- group. The origins of the ingredients of the com-
gredients in diets utilized for white shrimp and tilapia mercial diet for shrimp are unknown to us, although
cultivation. The formulated FF (basal diet C probiotic),
was the same for L. vannamei as for tilapia because Table 59.3 Functional and commercial feed proximal
the nutritional requirements are similar for both an- composition used in Litopenaeus vannamei and Ore-
imals. In this sense, analyzing the commercial diet ochromis niloticus
for tilapia we could see its similarity regarding the
Items % Basal C Commercial Commercial
formulated basal diet. The origin of the ingredients P FF feed to L. feed to O.
contained in the commercial diet for tilapia are not vannamei niloticus
known to us, although the basal diet ingredients were Crude protein 27.41 36.39 32
reported previously [59.14]. It is important to point out Total lipid 6.46 3.98 5
that the protein in the basal diet comes from 100%
Carbohydrates 49.50 38.42 50
soybean meal. In both diets, the carbohydrate concen-
Moisture 11.34 9.88 5
tration is around 50%, which could originate health
Ash 5.29 11.33 8
problems in shrimp, since this amount surpasses the nu-
tritional requirements of this ingredient [59.61]. This Probiotic (P) 1 kg t1 – –
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.6 Crustaceans and Fish Using Functional Feeds 1313

it is a fact that the protein used is of animal ori- with Litopenaeus vannamei (Fig. 59.8), Table 59.5

Part J | 59.6
gin. The commercial diet for shrimp contains 10% shows that the parameters analyzed improved con-
less carbohydrates than the basal diet, which is the siderably in animals fed with the basal diet contain-
closest to what is required and/or tolerated for this ing the probiotic (FF), with respect to the commer-
crustacean [59.61]. cial diet and the basal diet without the probiotic.
The food conversion ratio (FCR) was the parame-
59.6.2 Basal and Functional Feed Proximal ter showing the best result, which confirms that L.
Composition Used vannamei has difficulties digesting vegetable sources
in Atractoscion nobilis of proteins and high levels of CHO. These results
also confirm that the probiotic is the most impor-
Table 59.4 shows the basal diet containing the required tant ingredient in the formulation of FF, since the
ingredients and concentrations for Atractoscion no- inclusions of the bacteria allows the use of alterna-
bilis, a strictly carnivorous fish. From the diets CHO10 tive, economical, healthy and available nutrients [59.14,
to CHO22, the corresponding carbohydrate percentage 22].
was increased and the lipid concentrations reduced,
as indicated in the table. The probiotic was added to
all the CHO diets in concentrations of 1 kg t1 . It has
been widely reported that A. nobilis presents a health
problem when the carbohydrates contained in the diet
surpass 10%. Additionally, the development for marine
fishes is limited when the lipid concentrations in the diet
is reduced. Moreover, it is most important to maintain
the high levels of fish protein in this species, which is
why this ingredient was maintained at 50% in all the
formulated diets.

59.6.3 Functional Feed Effects

on Survival and Growth
Performance of L. vannamei,
O. niloticus and A. nobilis Fig. 59.8 Litopenaeus vannamei Pacific Ocean white
Once the animals were fed in controlled conditions,
biometry studies were carried out to determine the di-
etary effects on growth, survival, etc. In experiments

Table 59.4 Basal and functional feed proximal composi-

tion used in Atractoscion nobilis
Items % Basal CHO CHO CHO CHO
feed 10 FF 14 FF 18 FF 22 FF
Crude 56.5 56.1 56.0 54.2 55.9
Total 19.3 18.3 15.0 15.0 14.3
Carbo- 10.3 10.5 13.9 18.8 21.4
Ash 9.8 10.5 10.2 10.8 8.9
Energy 5076 5102 5037 5071 5066 Fig. 59.9 Effect of FF on Oreochromis niloticus develop-
Cal g1 ment. From left to right: animals fed with basal diet C
Probiotic – 1 kg t1 1 kg t1 1 kg t1 1 kg t1 probiotic (FF), commercial diet C probiotic, commercial
(P) diet, and basal diet
1314 Part J Industrial Applications

Table 59.5 FF effects on survival and growth performance in Litopenaeus vanammei

Part J | 59.6

Items Basal feed Basal C P FF Commercial feed

Initial weight (g) 5:98 ˙ 0:22a 5:96 ˙ 0:20a 6:06 ˙ 0:18a
Final weight (g) 9:48 ˙ 0:13c 10:71 ˙ 0:11a 10:38 ˙ 0:16b
Daily weight gain (g d1 ) 0:125 ˙ 0:003c 0:169 ˙ 0:003a 0:154 ˙ 0:001b
Food conversion ratio (FCR) 2:49 ˙ 0:15c 1:54 ˙ 0:07a 2:06 ˙ 0:22b
Survival (%) 96:67 ˙ 3:87a 100a 96:67 ˙ 3:87a
Probiotic (P) 1 kg t1

Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0:05)

Table 59.6 shows that the values obtained for O. sibilities and hopes for the development of healthy,
niloticus using the basal plus the probiotic bacteria sustainable, and profitable feeds in the immediate
(FF), where almost twofold greater than the results future.
obtained using the basal and the commercial diet, With respect to the results obtained in Atrac-
with the exception of the survival rates, which were toscion nobilis, the CHO22 diet tripled its weight
similar in the three assays. These results mean that and duplicated its size in comparison with the basal
the basal diet formulated for this experiment and the diet (Fig. 59.10). According to studies on this marine
commercial diet are very similar with respect to the
energy content. Moreover, it also means that even
though O. niloticus is an omnivore it shows certain
problems digesting vegetable protein and high con-
centrations of carbohydrates. When the probiotic was
added to the vegetable diet (basal diet), all parame-
ters improved almost 100% (Fig. 59.9). The biomass
and its size doubled in the same period of time and
with the same amount of food, which opens great pos-

Table 59.6 FF effects on survival and growth performance

in Oreochromis niloticus
Items Basal feed Basal C Commercial
P FF feed
Initial weight (g) 3.46a 3.90c 3.63a
Final weight (g) 5.40a 9.40c 6.74b
Absolute growth (g) 1.94a 5.50c 3.11b
Biomass gained (g) 55a 165c 81b
Specific growth rate 3.16a 8.12c 5.40b
Efficiency feed 0.21a 0.49c 0.30b
Food conversion 4.71a 2.04c 3.37b
ratio (FCR)
Protein efficiency 4.95a 10.78c 6.92b
ratio (PER)
Survival (%) 100a 100a 90b
Probiotic (P) 1 kg t1
Fig. 59.10 Effect of FF on Atractoscion nobilis develop-
Means in the same row with different superscripts are signifi-
ment. From top to bottom: animals fed with basal diet,
cantly different (P < 0:05)
CHO10, CHO14, CHO18, and CHO22 FF
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture 59.6 Crustaceans and Fish Using Functional Feeds 1315

animals have sources of energy that are easier to as-

Part J | 59.6
a) Ammonium (mgL–1)
similate than protein, they will prefer them because
0.8 c
0.7 Basal diet
the energy wasted to metabolize them is less signif-
0.6 Basal + P icant [59.19]. In this sense, the CHO22 FF diet was
c b
0.5 Commercial very successful in all the parameters evaluated, due to
0.4 b this diet, the animal used protein to grow and carbohy-
0.3 c drates as a source of energy. Because the weight was
0.2 tripled using FF, regarding the basal diet, it is probable
0.1 a a that the extra energy from digested-assimilated carbo-
0 hydrates was canalized to generate protein, as happened
Day 14 Day 21 Day 36
in assays carried out with L. vannamei [59.14]. The in-
b) Phosphate (mgL–1) terconnection of the biosynthetic pathways gives the
4 c possibility to redirect the carbon flow and send it to
3.5 Basal diet
3 Basal + P where it is required most, as long as the system is
c in balance between the nutrient entry and the output
2.5 Commercial
2 waste discarded from the animal cells. All this shows,
c b
1.5 as demonstrated in this experiment and in the one with
tilapia and shrimp, that it is possible to use complex
0.5 a a a sources of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, when
0 probiotic bacteria are included to carry out processes
Day 14 Day 21 Day 36
to control the liberation of nutrients independently of
Fig. 59.11a,b FF environmental parameter reduction. their origin.
(a) Ammonium evaluation and (b) phosphate evaluation According to the results obtained in this study (Ta-
bles 59.5–59.7), the FF effects were more impressive in
and strictly carnivorous species, it tolerates a maxi- fish for the basic and simple reason that fish eat the pel-
mum of 10% carbohydrates in its diet without having let complete and shrimp chew their food. This small but
health problems. However, the results in Table 59.7 great difference induces fish to obtain a complete dose
show that it is possible to increase the carbohydrate of FF and its consequent benefits. This is not the same
levels up to 22% without producing toxic effects in for shrimp, which because of the way they feed, only
the animal. These results also demonstrate that if these take advantage of half or less of the FF.

Table 59.7 Effect of FF on survival and growth performance of Atractoscion nobilis

Items Basal feed CHO 10 FF CHO 14 FF CHO 18 FF CHO 22 FF
Initial weight (g) 9:63 ˙ 0:07 9:52 ˙ 0:04 9:50 ˙ 0:20 9:37 ˙ 0:20 9:51 ˙ 0:11
Final weight (g) 18:26 ˙ 1:04ed 21:37 ˙ 0:15dc 21:67 ˙ 0:59c 27:45 ˙ 1:88b 33:77 ˙ 1:47a
Gained weight (g) 8:63 ˙ 1:02e 11:85 ˙ 0:11dc 12:16 ˙ 0:78c 18:08 ˙ 1:84b 24:26 ˙ 1:38a
Initial length (cm) 9:02 ˙ 0:06 9:03 ˙ 0:04 8:87 ˙ 0:16 8:99 ˙ 0:09 9:04 ˙ 0:05
Final length (cm) 11:66 ˙ 0:05ed 11:90 ˙ 0:02dc 12:12 ˙ 0:10c 12:91 ˙ 0:22b 13:65 ˙ 0:13a
Gained length (cm) 2:64 ˙ 0:07ed 2:88 ˙ 0:02d 3:26 ˙ 0:18c 3:92 ˙ 0:16b 4:62 ˙ 0:08a
Specific Growth Rate 1:06 ˙ 0:09e 1:35 ˙ 0:01dc 1:37 ˙ 0:08c 1:79 ˙ 0:11b 2:11 ˙ 0:06a
Efficiency of feed conver- 0:62 ˙ 0:07ed 0:81 ˙ 0:01c 0:74 ˙ 0:05dc 1:00 ˙ 0:10ba 1:17 ˙ 0:07a
sion (EFC)
Protein efficiency ratio 1:09 ˙ 0:13e 1:44 ˙ 0:01d 2:36 ˙ 0:06a 1:85 ˙ 0:19cb 2:10 ˙ 0:12ba
Survival % 88:0 ˙ 0:88 98:0 ˙ 0:00 90:0 ˙ 0:58 93:0 ˙ 0:58 100:0 ˙ 0:00
Probiotic (P) – 1 kg t1 1 kg t1 1 kg t1 1 kg t1

Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0:05)
1316 Part J Industrial Applications

Table 59.8 Functional feed effects increasing energy sources and immunology parameters in Litopenaeus vannamei and
Part J | 59.6

Atractoscion nobilis
Parameters L. vannamei A. nobilis
Basal feed Basal C P FF Commercial feed Basal feed CHO 22 FF
Glucose (mmol L1 ) 0:470 ˙ 0:02b 0:675 ˙ 0:02a 0:452 ˙ 0:03b 80 ˙ 3:7b 168 ˙ 3:6a
Lactate (mmol L1 ) 0:261 ˙ 0:02b 0:385a ˙ 0:03a 0:249 ˙ 0:03b
Total cholesterol 0:134 ˙ 0:07b 0:323 ˙ 0:08a 0:163 ˙ 0:03b
(mmol L1 )
Haemocytes (cell mL1 ) 9:41106 ˙0:15b 2:02107 ˙0:08a 9:63  106 ˙
Red cells (cell mL1 ) 1:5 ˙ 0:3b 2:0 ˙ 0:3a
Hb (G dL1 ) 12:5 ˙ 1:8b 14:3 ˙ 2:3a

Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0:05)

Table 59.9 FF effects on stress tolerance in Litopenaeus vannamei

Parameters Survival %
Basal feed Basal C P FF Commercial feed
Stress tolerance to high ammonium concentrations 0:0b 83:33 ˙ 0:11b 0:0b
Stress tolerance to low oxygen concentrations 66:67 ˙ 2:22b 91:67 ˙ 3:20a 41:67 ˙ 4:18c

Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0:05)

59.6.4 Functional Feed Effects improvement, rather than a state of stress in animals
on L. vannamei consuming FF. A greater number of blood parameters
and A. nobilis – evaluated in O. niloticus and A. nobilis will be shown
Health Status in studies published in specialized journals in the near
The capacity of the probiotic used to inhibit the growth
of the pathogens due to the production of antimicro- 59.6.5 Functional Feed Effects
bial compounds was demonstrated previously [59.15]. on Environmental Parameters
Additionally, the improvement in the health status of in L. vannamei
the animals was evidenced with the increase of blood
cells and energy sources like glucose and lactate; these The environment where cultivated animals develop is as
results were obtained exclusively in treatments where important as their nutrition and/or state of health, since
FF had been used (Table 59.8). This means that an- the three parameters are in close relationship with each
imals assimilate nutrients in greater amounts, due to other (Fig. 59.7). Because the conditions of the environ-
the increase in the digestibility processes that was ment are directly related with the quality of food, our
made possible by the probiotic enzymes. Because of conception of a FF take into account the decrease in wa-
the increase in weight and size, it was evident that ter contamination; due to the characteristics of the food
if the animals have a greater nutrient concentration with vegetable ingredients, and/or the intrinsic capac-
in the bloodstream, a greater generation of biomass ity of bioremediation by the probiotic added to the FF.
and energy will be obtained in animals that consume In this sense, all the contaminants evaluated in the cul-
FF. Conventional nutrition classifies the increase in ture shrimp ponds that used FF showed a considerable
glucose, lactose, etc. as stress indicators in animals. decrease in water concentration, in comparison to the
However, if we consider that the animals are in perfect assays where no FF were used (Fig. 59.11). Regarding
shape, are bigger, weigh more, and are more vigor- the results obtained with the basal diet without the pro-
ous, it is logical to translate these increases in blood biotic, this is due in part by the nature of the food, which
parameters as a direct measurement of health status is less pollutant than the commercial diet [59.14, 22].
Functional Feeds in Aquaculture References 1317

59.6.6 Functional Feed Effects On the other hand, even when oxygen depletion

Part J | 59
on Stress Tolerance stress-experiments do not presented such drastic mor-
in L. vannamei tality results as the one presented by the ammonia
experiments, 35 and 60% shrimp mortality was oc-
Ammonia stress experiments carried out by Olmos curred with the use of basal and commercial diets, with
et al. [59.14] showed that shrimp fed with FF tolerated respect to 10% mortality showed by the FF treated ani-
well high levels of ammonia throughout the 24 h of the mals (Table 59.9). These results clearly indicate that:
experiment (Table 59.9). Taking into account that basal
and commercial diet do not presented any survival rate a) Shrimp fed with FF have the capacity to tolerate
and that glucose and lactate were higher and statisti- well oxygen depletion.
cally different in animals treated with FF (Table 59.8), b) The basal diet without the probiotic bacteria, in
we can hypothesize that: comparison with the commercial diet, presented
less oxygen consumption by itself or by less am-
a) Shrimp survived due a higher energy level availabil- monia contamination [59.14].
ity on the circulatory system, giving them a greater
response capacity, The results obtained in the stress experiments indi-
b) by a direct ammonia conversion-transformation cate that FF utilization in shrimp/fish aquaculture would
reaction accomplished by the probiotic bacte- help them to tolerate extreme variation of environmen-
ria [59.14]. tal parameters in a better way than commercial diets do.

59.7 Conclusions
The benefits of FF are the following: 4. FF eliminates ecological stress in seas by using eco-
nomical and abundant vegetable ingredients.
1. FF promotes the digestion of ingredients and assim- 5. FF are cheaper than traditional feeds, which im-
ilation of nutrients, improving growth, weight gain, proves the competitiveness and profitability of the
and FCR. producers.
2. FF increases the health status of animals, elim- 6. There is no alternative than the development of FF
inating pathogens and stimulating the immune to assure the future of aquaculture.
system. 7. The movie star is the probiotic, and therefore we
3. FF improves the quality of water in culture ponds, need to isolate a multifunctional strain.
making them environmentally sustainable. 8. Bacillus subtilis is an ideal probiotic bacteria.


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