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In-Plane Lateral Response of a Full-Scale Masonry

Subassemblage with and without an Inorganic

Matrix-Grid Strengthening System
N. Augenti1; F. Parisi2; A. Prota3; and G. Manfredi4
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Abstract: A full-scale unreinforced masonry (URM) wall with an opening was tested under in-plane lateral loading. The wall was first
subjected to monotonically increasing displacements until a moderate damage level was reached. The damaged specimen was then cyclically
tested up to almost the same maximum drift attained during the monotonic test to investigate the effects of previous damage on its nonlinear
response. Finally, the masonry wall was repaired with inorganic matrix-grid (IMG) composites and subjected to a cyclic displacement-
controlled test up to a near-collapse state. Most of the observed damage developed in the spandrel panel affecting both lateral resistance
and strength degradation. Rocking of piers governed lateral stiffness and hysteretic response, which was characterized by low residual dis-
placements and recentering behavior. The comparison between the experimental force-displacement curves demonstrated that the IMG
strengthening system was able to provide energy dissipation capacity to the spandrel panel, restoring load-bearing capacity of the as-built
wall, and delaying strength degradation that was indeed observed at larger displacements. Bilinear idealizations of force-displacement
curves allowed the identification of displacement ductility, global overstrength, and strength reduction factor of the tested wall systems.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000193. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Full-scale tests; Masonry; Walls; Rehabilitation; Composite materials; Load bearing capacity;
Softening; Ductility.
Author keywords: Full-scale tests; Masonry; Walls; Rehabilitation; Composite materials; Load-bearing capacity; Softening; Ductility.

Introduction Both EC8 (CEN 2004) and the new Italian Building Code (IBC
2008) specify that spandrel panels can be included in the capacity
On-site inspections after severe earthquakes have shown that model of a URM building structure only in the presence of tie-rods,
unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings suffer frequently most part or reinforced concrete (RC) ring floor beams, at the top and lintels
of damage within spandrel panels, namely the horizontal masonry well-bonded to the adjoining piers at the bottom. This is the case of
components between two consecutive piers. In-plane resistance of URM buildings specifically designed for earthquake resistance. For
URM walls with openings under horizontal seismic actions is con- them, EC8 and IBC allow to predict both flexural and shear resis-
siderably affected by these structural components. Nevertheless, tance of spandrel panels through formulas derived for pier panels.
the most advanced seismic codes do not provide any rule to account
Although these seismic codes suggest to perform a frame analysis
for nonlinear response of spandrel panels within simplified models
of walls with openings, FEMA 356 (FEMA 2000) allows to carry
on the basis of the discretization of walls into different types of
out simplified calculations under the “strong spandrel–weak pier”
macroelements (Magenes and Della Fontana 1998; Brencich et al.
assumption. This approach cannot be applied to existing masonry
1998; Augenti 2000). Spandrel panels are typically considered to
buildings of historic urban centers located in Italy and the rest of
be secondary structural elements into seismic design and assess-
ment procedures. Europe because usually they have just wooden, or steel, lintels to
support gravity loads. No adequate anchorage length is given to
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering, Dept. of Structural lintels for providing flexural resistance against seismically induced
Engineering, Univ. of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, P.O. Box bending moments. Moreover, the “weak spandrel–strong pier”
I-80125, Naples, Italy. E-mail: assumption is also unrealistic because it results in full uncoupling
Ph.D. Candidate in Seismic Risk, Dept. of Structural Engineering, of piers.
Univ. of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, P.O. Box I-80125, Naples, A preliminary theoretical study by Cattari and Lagomarsino
Italy (corresponding author). E-mail: (2008) has revealed that interlocking phenomena at the spandrel
Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering, Dept. of Structural
Engineering, Univ. of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, P.O. Box
panel–pier interface provide significant flexural resistance to the
I-80125, Naples, Italy. E-mail: spandrel panel, even in the absence of tension-resistant elements.
Full Professor of Structural Engineering, Dept. of Structural Engineer- That resisting mechanism is also considered into FEMA 306 (ATC
ing, Univ. of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, P.O. Box I-80125, Naples, 1998), which provides analytical procedures to define ultimate
Italy. E-mail: bending moment and shear force in both uncracked and damaged
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 5, 2010; approved on conditions. Although potential failure mechanisms in spandrel pan-
November 14, 2010; published online on November 1, 2010. Discussion
els are almost equal to those of piers, that is, sliding shear, diagonal
period open until January 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites for cracking, and flexural toe crushing (Magenes and Calvi 1997;
Construction, Vol. 15, No. 4, August 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/ Tomaževič 2000), low axial forces and high moment and shear de-
2011/4-578–590/$25.00. mands induced by seismic horizontal actions and the boundary


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

conditions owing to spandrel-pier interlocking, may produce a was primarily aimed at confirming that the IMG strengthening
rather different nonlinear response. system installed on the spandrel could allow improving the energy
The spandrel-pier interaction in URM walls depends on their dissipation capacity of spandrels according to suggestions by
own length-to-width ratios, their relative flexural and shear strength Benedetti et al. (2001). At the same time, this retrofitting system
and stiffness, and the magnitude of gravity loads. If a strengthening was also chosen to ensure structural upgrading in compliance to
system is applied to spandrel or pier panels, their interaction may be the principles of minimum intervention and reversibility that are
altered resulting in different failure modes and collapse mechanism mandatory for historical buildings.
of the wall. A negative change in failure mechanisms was observed
by Benedetti et al. (1998, 2001), which carried out shaking-table
tests on brick masonry building models before and after strength- Experimental Program
ening of spandrels with RC bands. The energy absorption and
dissipation capacity was observed to be high in the case of as-built Mechanical properties of the constituent materials of both tuff
specimens and low in the case of repaired specimens. The former masonry and the IMG strengthening system were first determined
specimens suffered large damage to spandrels, whereas the latter through different laboratory tests (Augenti and Parisi 2010). After-
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experienced premature collapse because damage developed within ward, a full-scale masonry wall with an opening was built up and
piers. Therefore, Benedetti et al. (2001) suggested designing devi- tested under in-plane lateral loading with and without IMG com-
ces that allow highly energy-consuming damage to spandrel beams, posites. Three displacement-controlled lateral loading tests were
although controlling it. In this context, interesting new applications conducted in a quasi-static mode to capture softened nonlinear
involve the use of composite materials in seismic retrofitting of response: the first was monotonic and the others were cyclic.
URM structures.
The effectiveness of fiber-reinforced polymers, used in the form Design of Tested Specimen
of both laminates and near-surface mounted bars, has been assessed The design of the tested specimen and the test setup was conducted
for brick masonry buildings by Moon et al. (2007) that found sig- considering the monotonic behavior of the URM wall system; a
nificant improvements in in-plane resistance and spandrel-to-pier simplified analytical prediction of lateral load-bearing capacity
continuity over increased lateral displacements. Nonetheless, resin- was carried out to that end. Macroelement modeling of the wall
based composites are affected not only by sensitivity to high system was carried out by defining the following macroelements:
temperatures, moisture impermeability, and flammability, but also two pier panels, namely the vertical macroelements; a spandrel
by poor bond to the existing masonry substrate. These problems are panel, which was the horizontal macroelement located above the
solved by mortar-based matrix materials whose advantages have opening; and two joint panels connecting the piers with the span-
been recently assessed for different masonry types to improve both drel panel. The wall system was then idealized as an assemblage of
in-plane and out-of-plane earthquake resistance of masonry build- the aforementioned macroelements that were geometrically defined
ings (Prota et al. 2006; Papanicolau et al. 2008). Among natural by extending the contour lines of the opening in both horizontal and
stonemasonry types, tuff masonry, which is composed by tuff vertical directions.
stones and mortar joints, is affected by high porosity so mortar- The analytical formulation proposed by Augenti and Parisi
based matrix materials are very attractive for its strengthening. (2009) for static pushover analysis of standard masonry buildings
Because tuff masonry buildings represent a large part of the and individual walls with openings was employed within a trial-
existing building inventory (including cultural heritage construc- and-error testing design procedure aimed at reaching damage
tions) in countries located in the Mediterranean area, they are to within the spandrel panel without any sliding mechanism at
be preserved especially in earthquake-prone regions. the base of the piers. The nonlinear incremental static procedure
The present study focuses on tuff masonry walls with openings. used for the tested specimen was force-based and response-
To investigate the in-plane nonlinear response of perforated controlled to capture postpeak strength degradation on the force-
masonry walls without RC tie beams and well-bonded lintels displacement curve.
(i.e., the case of spandrels in existing buildings), lateral loading Different values of compressive strength and elastic moduli
tests on a full-scale tuff masonry system have been carried out; were assumed for spandrel and pier panels according to those listed
the tested subassemblage was supposed to be taken out from a typ- in Table 1 for tuff masonry. The unit weight of tuff masonry was
ical multistory wall with a series of vertically aligned openings. The set to 16 kN=m3 , whereas two-limit mean values of both tensile
wall system geometry and the applied vertical forces simulating and sliding shear strengths at zero-confining stress were assumed:
gravity loads were designed to avoid any predefined boundary con- τ 0;min ¼ 0:05 MPa and τ 0;max ¼ 0:10 MPa. To include kinematic
dition for the spandrel and to develop most of the damage within compatibility between piers, nonlinear force-displacement curves
the spandrel panel above the opening. were defined through a deformation-based approach. The peak
The first lateral loading test was conducted on the as-built wall lateral resistance of the macroelements was computed as the mini-
system to observe the nonlinear response up to the first significant mum between those corresponding to toe crushing (Augenti 2000),
cracking (namely, a permanent damage) of the spandrel. sliding shear (Magenes and Calvi 1997), and tensile diagonal
A second test was carried out on the damaged wall to prelimi- cracking (Turnšek and Čačovič 1970). Under these hypotheses,
narily evaluate residual response properties of predamaged URM the lateral resistance of the URM wall system was estimated to
buildings subjected to earthquake sequences. be 185.46 kN and 189.97 kN for the minimum and maximum shear
Finally, a further lateral loading test was performed on the wall strength, respectively.
specimen up to a near-collapse state, after repairing of the piers and IMG composites were selected for repairing of the spandrel
strengthening of the spandrel with an innovative external reinforce- panel because they do not increase mass or stiffness while provid-
ment system consisting of inorganic matrix-grid (IMG) composites ing shear strength and ductility. In view of seismic applications,
applied on both sides of the wall. The main scope of this experi- these characteristics ensure no significant increase in the global
mental test was to assess the effectiveness of the proposed strength- strength demand or modification in the distribution of seismic
ening technique for retrofit and upgrading of URM structures and actions between the walls. A moderate increase in stiffness was de-
rapid remedial works during seismic emergency scenarios. The test tected by Prota et al. (2006) only in the case of strengthening with


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

Table 1. Mechanical Properties of Tuff Units, Mortar, Tuff Masonry, and IMG Constituents
Tensile strength Compressive strength Young’s modulus Shear modulus
Material f t (MPa) f c (MPa) E (GPa) G (GPa)
Yellow tuff units 0.23 4.13 1.54 0.44
Pozzolana-like mortar 1.43 2.50 1.52 0.66
Tuff masonry (compression jj to mortar bed joints) — 3.85 2.07 0.86
Tuff masonry (compression ⊥ to mortar bed joints) 3.96 2.22 0.92
IMG system matrix 6.00 16.0 8.00 —
IMG system grid 1,276 — 72.0

two grid plies of cementitious matrix-grid (CMG) composites on dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm. Augenti and Parisi (2010) also
both sides of the wall. Conversely, a brittle behavior and a lower estimated mechanical properties of the entire tuff masonry
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strength increase were observed when the CMG grid was applied (assumed as a unique “equivalent homogeneous material”) through
just on one side of masonry panels. Based on those results, the two series of uniaxial compression tests along the directions
IMG system selected for the tested wall was realized with one parallel and orthogonal to the mortar bed joints of prisms
ply on both sides of the spandrel. (610 × 650 × 150 mm in size). The tuff units used for masonry
prisms had the same dimensions of those employed for the tested
As-Built Specimen Geometry and Material Properties wall and were bonded to one another through pozzolana-like mor-
The as-built specimen was a single-leaf tuff masonry wall with an tar joints with a thickness of 10 mm. The instrumentation and the
opening [Fig. 1(a)]. It consisted of two URM piers connected by a testing procedure used for masonry prisms were in compliance with
spandrel panel resting on a wooden lintel with bond length of American standards, which are specifically devoted to real-time
150 mm at both sides. The wall was globally 5.10 m long, measurements.
3.62 m high, and 0.31 m thick. To apply axial forces to the piers Different constitutive models were separately derived for the
ensuring structural continuity with an ideal overlying story, three aforementioned loading directions to characterize the full nonlinear
masonry layers were constructed over the piers. Both piers and behavior of masonry by including orthotropy in a simplified mode.
the spandrel panel had a length of 1.70 m, whereas the height The mechanical properties of tuff units, mortar, and tuff masonry
of the latter was equal to 1.00 m. The masonry layers were alter- are listed in Table 1. Masonry parameters are distinguished for
nated to get discontinuous vertical mortar joints with a thickness of compressive loading along the directions parallel and orthogonal
10 mm. In the context of a macroelement idealization of the wall to the mortar bed joints. In the macroelement modeling of the per-
(Augenti 2000), the pier and spandrel panels had an aspect height- forated URM wall, these loading directions were associated with
to-length ratio of 1.35 and 1.7, respectively. Therefore, the inter- the spandrel and the piers, respectively. The mortar used is classi-
sections between piers and spandrel, namely the joint panels fied as M2.5 by IBC, whereas the whole tuff masonry exceeded the
assumed to be rigid and infinitely resistant in simplified seismic referential interval of [1.4 MPa, 2.4 MPa] suggested by IBC for
analysis methods, were each 1:70 × 1:00 × 0:31 m in size. existing masonry buildings in the absence of specific mechanical
The tuff masonry was realized with yellow tuff stones characterization tests. Young’s and shear moduli of masonry were
(150 × 300 × 100 mm in size) from a quarry near Naples, Italy, higher than those related to tuff units and mortar as shown in
and a hydraulic mortar composed of natural sand and pozzolana- Table 1. This unusual characteristic is a consequence of the
like reactive aggregates with a water–sand ratio by weight of pozzolanic nature of the mortar. In fact, pozzolana is a fine sandy
1∶6:25. Tuff stones were characterized by uniaxial compression volcanic ash characterized by mechanical properties that increase
tests on cubic specimens with edge length of 70 mm, whereas significantly with time and moisture level. The presence of mois-
mortar was characterized through similar tests on specimens with ture within the porous tuff units induces a gradual stiffening of the

Fig. 1. Specimen geometry (dimensions in mm): (a) as-built; and (b) IMG-repaired


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

pozzolanic mortar and hence, of the whole masonry. This special 1;700 × 310 × 200 mm were realized below the piers and were cast
feature gives an explanation of the good preservation of ancient to Ω-shaped steel plates. The latter were in turn bolted to squared
Roman constructions. holes of the laboratory floor slab.
Two different reaction systems were installed to apply vertical
Repaired Specimen Geometry and Material Properties and horizontal loads to the masonry wall. The former consisted
The fiber-reinforced composite material employed for the external of two transverse steel frames located at the centerlines of the ma-
strengthening of the masonry wall consisted of a special two- sonry piers and allowed to apply vertical forces simulating gravity
component inorganic matrix and a glass fiber net. The former loads on the specimen. Bidirectional hydraulic jacks with maximum
was made of hydraulic lime and sand (ratio by weight 1∶3) added capacity of 500 kN were placed over rigid steel beams and were put
with glass fibers (ratio by total weight 1∶10) and mixed with in contrast with the cap beams of the transverse frames. The rigid
latex and water (ratio by weight 2∶1). The glass fiber-reinforced steel beams placed over the piers of the specimen were employed
matrix ensured higher ductility and tensile strength resulting in a to get rather uniform distribution of normal stresses throughout
high-performance composite. The grid was a bidirectional alkali- cross sections of the piers. Two teflon, that is, polytetrafluoroethy-
resistant glass coated net with texture 25 × 25 mm, unit weight lene (PTFE), layers were placed between the jacks and the rigid
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of 225 g=m2 , and ultimate strain less than 2%. Also mechanical steel beams to avoid any frictional resisting force at the interface.
properties of the IMG composite are listed in Table 1. The lateral loading was applied through a horizontal servocon-
The IMG strengthening system was applied at both sides of the trolled hydraulic actuator (maximum capacity of 500 kN and stroke
wall spandrel [Fig. 1(b)]. Cracks induced by the previous tests of 250 mm) bolted to a nonprismatic reaction wall having a lat-
within the spandrel panel were filled with mortar [Figs. 2(a) and eral load-carrying capacity of 250 kN and a corresponding horizon-
2(b)]. The masonry was suitably prewetted and the mortar was tal displacement equal to 0.77 mm. A suspension system was
troweled onto both sides of the specimen with a 5-mm-thick installed to provide further support to the actuator. The reaction
layer. The fabric sheet was firmly hand-pressed into the wet wall had a rigid base fixed to the laboratory slab through four steel
binder with the fibers aligned to the mortar bed joints of the wall bars, each pretensioned at 400 kN. The other end of the horizontal
[Fig. 2(c)]. The overlapping length of grids was 100 mm. Finally, a actuator was pinned at a perforated steel plate, which in turn, for
second layer of pozzolana-like mortar was applied to the specimen cyclic tests only, allowed to employ six steel bars (18-mm diameter)
by troweling a further 5-mm-thick layer [Fig. 2(c)]. The nominal aimed at applying force at the opposite end of the specimen. These
thickness of the IMG system was then equal to approximately bars ran along the wall spandrel at both sides of the wall. Finally,
10 mm. The strengthening system involved the first stone layer three steel beams were bolted to the columns of the transverse
below the spandrel to ensure anchorage. frames at both sides of the masonry wall to prevent potential
out-of-plane failure modes. Such mechanisms were not detected
Test Setup and Instrumentation during the tests owing to zero-eccentricity of the lateral load at
Fig. 3 shows the experimental setup employed for the lateral the actuator plate. Because the columns were loaded in tension
loading tests on the masonry wall. To rigidly connect the specimen owing to the pushing forces at the jacks, the transverse reaction
with the laboratory strong floor, RC beams with dimensions system was in a stable condition.

Fig. 2. (a)–(b) Filling of cracks with mortar injections; and (c)–(d) application of the IMG system (images courtesy of the authors)


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

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Fig. 3. Experimental setup

A load cell with capacity of 200 kN was positioned between the The first lateral loading test was carried out on the plain
central part of the horizontal actuator and its rigid end plate. This masonry wall under monotonically increasing displacements.
cell was employed to get real-time measurements of the actual hori- Two initial displacement cycles between 0.15 and 0.25 mm were
zontal force applied to the specimen. Linear variable differential applied on the specimen to reach good contrast between it and the
transformers (LVDTs) and string potentiometers were installed. actuator. The lateral force at the actuator was then applied to
LVDTs were placed at the end cross sections of the spandrel increase displacements at a constant rate of 0:01 mm=s up to a
and pier panels to obtain information about flexural deformations. displacement reading at the actuator of 28 mm (corresponding
Potentiometers were mounted along the diagonals of the pier and to an interstory drift ratio, θ, of approximately 1%).
spandrel panels to capture shearing deformations. The joint panels The second test was performed under cyclic displacements up to
were not instrumented as their behavior was expected to be rigid a moderate damage level, which was defined as cracking involving
because of the wall geometry. This assumption was confirmed by not only the spandrel panel but also a limited part of the piers. The
the tests. Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) show the arrangement of the displace- horizontal actuator was driven at a displacement rate of 0:35 mm=s
ment transducers on the front and back side of the specimen, in a way to attain increasing amplitudes in seven different blocks
respectively. Lateral displacements were measured at the opposite and repeated three times at each amplitude peak. The increment
side of the wall through a potentiometer transducer tagged as PT#1. was set to 5.6 mm so the target maximum displacement was
The displacement readings at this horizontal potentiometer were 39.2 mm (i.e., θ equal to approximately 1.2%).
associated with the lateral force readings at the load cell to plot Finally, the specimen repaired with the IMG system was tested
the force-displacement curve for each test. Indeed, the aforemen- under 15 cyclic displacement blocks up to a lateral displacement of
tioned readings were considered to be more accurate than load and 84 mm (i.e., θ equal to approximately 2.8%). The displacement rate
stroke readings at the horizontal actuator. was set to 0:35 mm=s in the first seven blocks and to 0:70 mm=s in
the last eight blocks. In Fig. 5, the time histories programmed in the
Loading Protocols computer (input) are compared with those measured (response).
The quasi-static tests on the masonry wall consisted of two stages:
in the former, vertical forces of 200 kN were applied to the piers by Damage Patterns
the hydraulic jacks to simulate gravity loads; in the latter, the wall
was subjected to in-plane lateral loading through the horizontal ac- Lateral loading induced damage especially to the spandrel panel
tuator, whereas the vertical forces on the piers were kept constant. without involving the adjacent joint panels. Fig. 6(a) shows the
Because the test model was regarded as a single-degree-of-freedom damage pattern observed after the monotonic test on the as-built
(SDOF) structure from a dynamic standpoint, quasi-static testing wall. Once the piers cracked at their base, vertical cracks owing
was believed to be effective for the simulation of the seismic action to flexure occurred at the end sections and in the middle of the
(Calvi and Kingsley 1996). The tests were performed in displace- spandrel panel. As the lateral displacement increased, piers’ rock-
ment control to capture strength degradation and cumulative ing was more evident and diagonal shear cracking took place in the
damage in the postpeak softening range. The lateral force was spandrel panel.
modulated by the computer program of the data acquisition system Fig. 6(b) demonstrates that load reversals induced horizontal
in a way to obtain the target displacement time history. Load cracks at the base of the piers attributable to rocking response
and deformation measurements were recorded at a sampling rate and extensive tensile shear failure along the other diagonal of
of 5 Hz. the spandrel panel. The latter suffered shear sliding failure along


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

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Fig. 4. Arrangement of displacement transducers (dimensions in mm): (a) front side; and (b) back side

spandrel panel. Such a failure mode consisted of vertical cracking

and involved the masonry from the top to the second layer above
the wooden lintel.
In all tests, the role of the wooden lintel was fundamental be-
cause it supported the masonry above and constrained the spandrel
panel in transmitting the applied load between the piers. This
resulted in damage accumulation within the spandrel panel even
at large displacements. Damage to the spandrel panel after the
monotonic test on the as-built wall, cyclic test on the predamaged
wall, and cyclic test on the repaired wall can be observed in
Figs. 7(a)–7(c), respectively. Moreover, Fig. 7(d) shows a detail
Fig. 5. Comparison between input and response displacement time of the transverse splitting that occurred at the near-collapse state
histories of the wall. This failure mechanism has never been observed in
the past for walls with openings and is currently under study.
Nevertheless, it is expected to be caused by high compression
the first mortar bed joint. Slight masonry crushing occurred at the forces acting along the mortar bed joints that induce a significant
compressed toes of the piers at larger displacements. strength reduction in the masonry. In spite of the large deformation
The cyclic lateral loading test on the repaired wall demonstrated and cracking of the repaired spandrel panel, no debonding was
the effectiveness of the external reinforcement with IMG compo- observed during the test. Although the bond strength of the
sites on both sides of weak spandrels. Although rocking failure of IMG system was not characterized because it was out of the scope
the piers was still detected also at small displacement levels, frac- of this study, the spread cracking shown in Fig. 7(c) suggests a uni-
ture propagation in the spandrel panel diverged from the pattern form distribution of stresses at the matrix-substrate interface
observed during the previous tests resulting in spread horizontal because of a satisfactory anchorage of the inorganic matrix to
cracking [Fig. 6(c)]. Extensive horizontal cracking and masonry the masonry substrate.
crushing attributed to rocking of the piers were identified when A uniform cracking was also observed during past diagonal
the wall was subjected to larger displacements. At the near-collapse compression tests on tuff masonry panels strengthened with
state, transverse splitting of the masonry was also detected in the CMG composites on both sides (Prota et al. 2006). This type of


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

cracking occurred for panels strengthened on both sides with two
grid plies per side, whereas the shear failure of masonry or the
rupture of the CMG system reinforcement occurred for panels
strengthened with one ply per side. The ability of the IMG system
to suffer uniform cracking even in the presence of one ply per panel
side could be considered an indicator of good performance in terms
of energy dissipation capacity, which allows a higher strength in-
crease. The absence of one ply per side in the IMG system com-
pared with the CMG system was probably balanced by a tensile
strength of the inorganic mortar (6.00 MPa) higher than that of
the cementitious mortar used by Prota et al. (4.58 MPa; 2006).
Increasing damage to piers from the monotonic test to the
second cyclic test is shown from Figs. 8(a)–8(d). Fig. 8(a) demon-
strates a small horizontal crack at the base of the right pier
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(front side of the wall) attributable to its rocking response.

Fig. 8(b) shows early crushing after the cyclic test on the predam-
aged wall, whereas Figs. 8(c) and 8(d) give a good explanation of
large rocking-induced cracking with early splitting and extensive
masonry crushing in the left pier (front side of the wall), respec-
tively. Crack width at the pier base exceeded 25 mm. An interesting
view of the repaired wall at the near-collapse state is illustrated in
Fig. 9(a), in which the rocking of the piers and the corresponding
drift demands on the spandrel panel are particularly evident.
Finally, Fig. 9(b) gives a better idea of the heavy damage suffered
by the spandrel panel and its deformed shape at the maximum drift
attained in the test.

Analysis of the Experimental Force-Displacement

Fig. 6. Damage patterns: (a) monotonic test on as-built wall; (b) cyclic
Quasi-static testing allowed to obtain global response parameters of
test on predamaged wall; and (c) cyclic test on repaired wall
the masonry wall with and without an IMG strengthening system.

Fig. 7. Damage to the spandrel panel: (a) monotonic test on as-built wall; (b) cyclic test on predamaged wall; (c)–(d) cyclic test on repaired wall
(images courtesy of the authors)


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

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Fig. 8. Damage to piers: (a) small rocking-induced cracks during monotonic test on as-built wall; (b) early crushing during cyclic test on predamaged
wall; (c) large rocking-induced cracks; and (d) heavy crushing during cyclic test on repaired wall (images courtesy of the authors)

Fig. 9. (a) Near-collapse state of the repaired wall; and (b) damage and deformed shape of the spandrel panel (images courtesy of the authors)

In all tests, the relationship between the resisting force and the changed significantly when flexural cracks formed at the base of
given lateral displacement was rather linear before flexural crack- the piers. This rocking-type damage could be approximately asso-
ing occurred in the piers. As the displacement demand increased, ciated with the cracking force and interstory drift ratio listed in
the resisting force increased in different modes depending on the Table 2, whose relevant elastic stiffness is 50:76 kN=mm. As
specimen characteristics. The cracking point in the experimental the lateral displacement increased, the stiffness of the as-built wall
force-displacement diagrams (the envelopes for cyclic tests) was was rather constant up to the attainment of the maximum resisting
defined at a lateral stiffness reduction of 10%. Such a computation force H max ¼ 184 kN at a displacement of 19:74 mm (i.e., θH max
was carried out by monitoring the ratio between the secant lateral equal to 0.65%). The experimental lateral resistance confirmed the
stiffness K, defined as the ratio between the measured resisting value predicted through a simplified macroelement analysis of the
force H and the relevant given displacement d, and the simple mov- as-built wall (namely approximately 185 kN) for the minimum
ing average at each force step. In this way, significant variations in shear strength of masonry. At this performance state of the wall,
stiffness were identified and the secant lateral stiffness at cracking the occurrence of diagonal cracking in the spandrel panel induced
was defined as the ratio between the estimated cracking force H cr an instantaneous resistance drop of approximately 15%. At larger
and the relevant displacement d cr . displacements, lateral resistance began to rise again up to a resisting
Fig. 10(a) shows the experimental force-displacement diagram force H θ max ¼ 172 kN at a displacement of 27.18 mm (i.e., θmax
for the monotonic test. The lateral stiffness of the as-built wall equal to 0.89%). Strength degradation factor C sd , defined as the


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

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Fig. 10. Experimental force-displacement diagrams: (a) monotonic test on as-built wall; (b) cyclic test on predamaged wall; (c) cyclic test on repaired
wall; and (d) envelopes

Table 2. Global Experimental Response Parameters of the Tested Specimens

Interstory drift Interstory drift Force at
Cracking force ratio at cracking Peak force ratio at peak maximum interstory drift Maximum interstory
Specimen H cr (kN) θcr (%) H max (kN) force θH max (%) ratio H θ max (kN) drift ratio θmax (%)
As-built 99 0.06 184 0.65 172 0.89
(0:5 H max )
Predamaged 97 0.07 155 0.57 146 1.10
(0:6 H max )
Repaired 91 0.07 189 1.11 159 2.46
(0:5 H max )

ratio between H θ max and H max according to Tomaževič (2000), was the predamaged wall, the resisting force reduced to 146 kN at
approximately 0.93. Actual drifts in the postelastic range were a maximum displacement of 33.51 mm (i.e., θmax equal to
lower than those associated with the horizontal displacements 1.10%). For the predamaged wall, C sd was 0.95 and strength
imposed at the actuator owing to some deformability sources in degradation was caused by cyclic damage accumulation. In fact,
the test setup (Fig. 5). load reversals induced diagonal shear cracking also along the
Hysteretic force-displacement diagrams in Figs. 10(b) and 10(c) other diagonal of the spandrel panel resulting in a significant loss
demonstrate that global in-plane response of the wall was essen- of integrity to withstand deformations in the opposite loading
tially governed by the rocking motion of the piers. Although this orientation.
type of mechanical behavior allowed large displacements, low Data processing for the cyclic test on the repaired wall demon-
residual displacements, and wall recentering, diagonal shear failure strated that the external reinforcement with IMG composites at both
in the spandrel panel affected the maximum resistance of the wall. sides of the spandrel allowed not only the restoration of the load-
Indeed, no considerable differences in the global response were de- bearing capacity of the as-built wall, but also the shifting of strength
tected up to the cracking of piers (Table 2). The elastic stiffness was degradation at larger displacement levels. Actually, C sd was esti-
estimated to be 47.89 and 44:36 kN=mm for the predamaged and mated to be 0.85, but it was associated with a maximum displace-
repaired wall systems, respectively. Conversely, the maximum re- ment of 75.06 mm (corresponding to θmax of 2.46%), that is, more
sistance of the predamaged wall was rather different from those of than twice the maximum drift imposed to the predamaged wall. In
the as-built and repaired specimens. This outcome is clearly shown all tests, C sd was higher than the typical coded value of 0.8, which
in Fig. 10(d), in which the experimental force-displacement curve is assumed to define displacement capacity and to compute dis-
for monotonic test is compared to the envelopes of the cyclic tests. placement demand of building structures at the life safety limit state
The maximum resisting force computed for the predamaged wall (CEN 2004; IBC 2008). The dramatic improvement in the lateral
was rather equal to that computed for the as-built wall at the response of the predamaged wall can be preliminarily explained as
occurrence of diagonal cracking in the spandrel panel (that is, follows: (1) the IMG system was able to bridge existing cracks of
157 kN). As displacement increased during the cyclic test on the predamaged wall and to ensure the lack of debonding failure at


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

the matrix-substrate interface; (2) the failure mode of the spandrel damage levels. The computation of these seismic capacity param-
panel changed from brittle diagonal shear cracking to ductile hori- eters was useful especially to compare the global performances of
zontal uniform cracking; (3) the cyclic behavior of the composite the tested models and to discuss current coded values.
system was quite stable; and (4) the IMG system did not induce any The first linearization procedure was established on the
modification in the stiffness of the spandrel panel, and hence in the assumption of elastic stiffness equal to the experimental secant
spandrel-piers interaction, so the rocking response of the piers led stiffness at cracking. The latter was equal to 0:5H max for the as-built
to large displacement capacity, allowing recentering behavior of and repaired specimens and 0:6H max for the predamaged specimen.
the wall. The spread fracture process within the spandrel panel Yielding displacement was computed by imposing equal areas
could be associated with the presence of a grid (rather than a below the actual and idealized curves (Tomaževič 2000). The ulti-
few fiber sheets) and glass fibers within the inorganic matrix. mate force of the idealized system was derived as the product of the
Nevertheless, a comprehensive study on the physics that stands assumed elastic stiffness for the computed yielding displacement.
behind the structural behavior of the composite material is needed In this way, the ultimate resistance of the idealized envelope was
to substantiate these observations. evaluated by assuming equal energy dissipation capacity of the
actual and idealized wall systems.
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The second bilinear idealization procedure used in this study is

Bilinear Idealization of the Experimental reported in IBC (2008) and EC8 (CEN 2004). These building codes
Force-Displacement Curves suggest the assumption of cracking at 0:7H max . The elastic stiffness
is then computed as the ratio between the idealized cracking
The experimental force-displacement diagrams were approximated force and the corresponding displacement identified on the actual
as bilinear to characterize the response of an idealized SDOF sys- force-displacement curve. The yielding displacement is derived
tem. The idealized bilinear force-deformation diagrams are exten- by assuming equal areas below the actual and idealized force-
sively reported in the literature as a simplified method of evaluating displacement diagrams.
the in-plane seismic response of masonry walls especially under The idealized force-displacement diagrams derived for the
cyclic loading (Shing et al. 1989; Magenes and Calvi 1997; tested specimens are shown in Figs. 11(a)–11(c). The ratio between
Vasconcelos and Lourenço 2009). In this study, two linearization the ultimate and maximum resisting forces (values in round paren-
procedures were used to estimate the ultimate force, interstory drift theses in Table 3) was found to be 0.88–0.93 for the as-built wall,
ratio at yielding θe (corresponding to d e ), elastic stiffness, displace- 0.95–0.96 for the predamaged wall, and 0.94–1.00 for the repaired
ment ductility, overstrength factor, and strength reduction factor. wall. The first interval related to the as-built wall is consistent
These estimates are reported in Table 3 in which, for each speci- with past experimental results on URM walls by, among others,
men, the first and second lines refer to the linearization procedures Sheppard and Lutman (1988), which found a mean value equal
by Tomaževič (2000) and IBC (2008), respectively. Displacement to 0.9. Different predictions of ultimate force, interstory drift ratio
ductility is a useful characteristic that makes possible the reduction at yielding, and displacement ductility were obtained for the as-
of elastic seismic design actions, because it gives an indication of built and repaired walls through the bilinear idealization procedures
the ability of the structure to dissipate the earthquake input energy. (Table 3). Conversely, their values were quite similar for the pre-
To compute displacement ductility as μ ¼ d u =d e , the ultimate dis- damaged wall. For the as-built and repaired walls, secant stiffness
placement d u was defined as the experimental value corresponding at 0:7H max was approximately one-half of its counterpart used in
to the minimum strength degradation observed during the tests and the first bilinear idealization procedure (i.e., the estimate of the
hence to a resisting force reduction of 5%. This assumption derived experimental stiffness at cracking). This was not the case of the
from the fact that strength degradation was lower than that typically predamaged wall because the elastic stiffnesses used in the two bi-
considered in seismic codes (that is, 20%), and different values of linear idealization procedures were very similar owing to the pres-
C sd were computed for the tested specimens. It is also underlined ence of a postcracking branch with high stiffness. As a result, the
that the bilinear idealization for the as-built and predamaged walls elastic stiffness predicted through IBC for the predamaged wall was
was aimed at reaching some hints on displacement ductility apparently higher than the relevant values computed for the other
and strength reduction factors, because they related to moderate specimens. The latter were characterized by lower postcracking

Table 3. Response Parameters of Idealized SDOF Models, Overstrength Factor, and Strength Reduction Factor
Interstory drift Strength
Ultimate force ratio at Elastic stiffness Displacement Overstrength reduction
Specimen H u (kN) yielding θe (%) K e (kN=mm) ductility μ factor Ω factor R
As-built 162.15 0.10 50.76 8.51 1.64 6.56
(0:88 H max ) [Rμ ¼ 4:00]
170.86 0.19 29.45 4.68 1.73 5.00
(0:93 H max ) [Rμ ¼ 2:89]
Predamaged 146.73 0.10 47.89 10.94 1.51 6.88
(0:95 H max ) [(Rμ ¼ 4:57]
147.99 0.12 41.04 9.29 1.52 6.37
(0:96 H max ) [Rμ ¼ 4:19]
Repaired 176.89 0.13 44.36 10.99 1.95 8.95
(0:94 H max ) [Rμ ¼ 4:58]
188.37 0.30 20.74 4.82 2.08 6.12
(H max ) [Rμ ¼ 2:94]


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

the repaired wall. Conversely, IBC provides Rμ -values of 2.0
for URM buildings and 2.5–3.0 for RM buildings. Instead, EC8
(CEN 2004) provides a strength reduction factor equal to
1.5–2.5 for earthquake-resistant URM buildings, 1.5 for URM
buildings not designed for seismic actions, and 2.5–3.0 for RM
buildings. In this context, the bilinear idealization procedure by
Tomaževič (2000) was more appropriate to capture the main
features of the global nonlinear response of the walls, especially for
the predamaged wall.
Although both displacement ductility and strength reduction
factor estimated for the as-built and predamaged walls are not to
be considered actual “supply” parameters, all linearization proce-
dures used in this study led to strength reduction factors higher than
those provided by EC8 (CEN 2004) and IBC (2008). Regardless of
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the particular linearization method used in this study, the benefits

of the IMG strengthening system were clear not only in high supply
displacement ductility but also in providing high strength reduction
factors. The estimation of these capacity parameters was affected
by the truncation of the experimental force-displacement curve at a
lateral displacement significantly lower than the maximum dis-
placement attained during the test. The effectiveness of the IMG
system can be fully expressed by considering the entire postpeak
degrading branch (i.e., a force reduction of approximately 15%).
In this case, the linearization procedure by Tomaževič (2000)
led to μ ¼ 19:16, Rμ ¼ 6:11, Ω ¼ 1:92, and R ¼ 11:73, whereas
the procedure provided by EC8 (CEN 2004) and IBC (2008)
led to μ ¼ 8:67, Rμ ¼ 4:04, Ω ¼ 1:98, and R ¼ 8:02. These values
are significantly higher than those presented in Table 3 for the same
force reduction percentage (i.e., 5%).


Three in-plane lateral loading tests on a full-scale masonry

wall with an opening were presented and discussed. After the
Fig. 11. Idealized force-displacement diagrams: (a) as-built wall; experimental program was illustrated, damage patterns observed
(b) predamaged wall; and (c) repaired wall during the tests were described. Finally, the experimental force-
displacement curves were analyzed and idealized as bilinear
diagrams to get some preliminary hints on nonlinear response of
stiffness. The clear presence of a postcracking branch led to the walls in terms of displacement ductility, overstrength, and
different, even if rather high, values of displacement ductility for strength reduction factor.
the as-built and repaired walls. It is emphasized that Tomaževič In all tests, the spandrel panel affected both lateral resistance and
(2000) proposed a trilinear idealization of experimental force- strength degradation of the wall and suffered the most damage.
displacement curves to improve consistency between the SDOF Although the wooden lintel above the opening had a low anchorage
system representation and the actual structure response. length, it played an important role in the load transfer between the
The overstrength factor of the wall system, denoted as Ω in piers because it forced the masonry of the spandrel panel to absorb
Table 3, was defined as the ratio between the ultimate and cracking and to dissipate input energy. Rocking of piers governed lateral
forces. Its average values were 1.7, 1.5, and 2.0 for the as-built, stiffness and hysteretic response, which was characterized by
predamaged, and repaired walls, respectively. IBC provides a value low residual displacements and recentering behavior. No damage
of 1.4 for single-story URM buildings and 1.3 for single-story was detected in the spandrel-pier nodal zones.
reinforced masonry (RM) buildings. The IMG strengthening system was able to provide energy dis-
Strength reduction factor was computed for each tested speci- sipation capacity to the spandrel panel, restoring load-bearing
men. According to IBC (2008) and Uang (1991), the total strength capacity of the as-built wall, and delaying strength degradation that
reduction factor, R, to be used in linear seismic analysis was was indeed observed at larger displacements. The IMG system
defined as ductility-related strength reduction factor Rμ (bracketed behaved as an energy dissipation device for the spandrel panel
values inpTable 3) multiplied by Ω. The former factor was evaluated although allowing damage control in the piers. No debonding
as Rμ ¼ ð2μ  1Þ according to the “equal energy rule” typically phenomenon was detected, demonstrating the satisfactory compat-
assumed for low-period structures like masonry buildings (Uang ibility of the inorganic matrix with the porous substrate (i.e., tuff
1991). Although the as-built and predamaged walls were subjected masonry).
to medium displacement demands, their ductility-related strength Displacement ductility, overstrength factor, and strength reduc-
reduction factors were quite high. It is worth noting that the average tion factor were quite high not only for the repaired wall but also for
values of Rμ for the as-built and damaged walls were 3.4 and 4.4 the as-built and predamaged walls, even if they were subjected just
respectively, whereas an average value equal to 3.8 was found for to moderate drift demands. In fact, both overstrength and strength


J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

reduction factors were always higher than those suggested by μ = displacement ductility of the idealized SDOF system
current seismic codes. (¼ d u =d e );
The reversibility of the IMG strengthening system makes it τ 0;min = minimum shear strength of masonry at zero-confining
an attractive tool for earthquake protection of cultural heritage stress;
masonry buildings, in which principles of minimum intervention τ 0;max = maximum shear strength of masonry at zero-confining
are mandatory and their application is carefully checked by national stress; and
offices for historical heritage preservation. Ease of installation gives Ω = overstrength factor of the subassemblage (¼ H u =H cr ).
the possibility of using IMG composites also for urgent remedial
works on damaged buildings during earthquake sequences.
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purposes: (1) to collect reliable estimates of displacement ductility,
global overstrength, and strength reduction factors for URM ATC. (1998). FEMA 306: Evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and
systems made of natural and artificial masonry; and (2) to assess masonry wall buildings, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City,
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the beneficial effects (such as, mitigation of out-of-plane collapse CA.

modes and favorable interaction between orthogonal walls) that Augenti, N. (2000). Il calcolo sismico degli edifici in muratura, UTET,
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C sd = strength degradation factor (¼ H θ max =H max ); Cattari, S., and Lagomarsino, S. (2008). “A strength criterion for the
d = lateral displacement of the subassemblage; flexural behaviour of spandrels in un-reinforced masonry walls.”
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d e = yielding lateral displacement of the idealized No. 05-04-0041.
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d u = ultimate lateral displacement of the idealized structures for earthquake resistance—Part 1: General rules, seismic
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E = Young’s modulus;
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f c = compressive strength; of buildings.” FEMA 356, Washington, DC.
f t = tensile strength; Italian Building Code (IBC). (2008). “Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni.”
G = shear modulus; D.M. 14.01.2008, Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transportation,
H = resisting force of the subassemblage; Rome (in Italian).
H cr = cracking force of the subassemblage; Magenes, G., and Calvi, G. M. (1997). “In-plane seismic response of brick
H max = maximum resisting force of the subassemblage; masonry walls.” Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., 26(11), 1091–1112.
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J. Compos. Constr. 2011.15:578-590.

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