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What did I teach myself

A. A lot of the law often requires you to give your own legal opinions and argue
them in front of a judge on any given case
1. Talk about how a lot of law is interpreting and not a lot of gray area as I
initially anticipated
2. Build off law interpretation point to talk about how your argument in front
of a judge can end getting cited for other cases
B. Getting into the Supreme Court bar, with the eventual goal of arguing in front of
them is a lot easier than expected
1. Talk about requirements to get on SC bar (experience, clerk note,
endorsements, etc.)
2. Talk about my ability to network and makes friends will make
endorsements not so hard
3. Talk about how my argumentation and persuasion abilities combined with
my philosophical background would give me an edge to be in good
standing with the bar
C. How did I acquire this information?
1. Talk about my google process. Using multiple sources, corroborating
them, etc.
II. My efforts to get a placement
A. Emails
1. Talk about how emails was the primary way I contacted
2. Talk about how I emailed ten different places
a) Talk about how I received only three responses
(1) Talk about content of responses
III. Reflection
A. My thoughts on the career
1. Talk about various things inherent to being a trial lawyer
a) Creating and refining a bulletproof case through evidence
b) Arguing in front of others using both logic and rhetoric
2. Talk about how I love those things
B. How I would describe my efforts
1. Talk about how I would rate my efforts as a 2.5 on a scale of 1 to 5
a) Talk about my lack of follow-up with a lot of the places
(1) Talk about how I didn’t want to be an annoyance
(a) Talk about how I now recognize that that is the only
way to get things done
C. What I would do differently
1. Talk about how I am going to cast a wider net, lack of responses was a big
2. Talk about how I currently plan to follow up with those places over the
break over the phone
a) Talk about how I will (at least for the DA’s office) show up there
myself if I have to
(1) Talk about how I really want to work there specifically so
that is why I am extra motivated

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