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Milking Parlor
• A milking parlor is part of a building where
cows are milked on a dairy farm. Cows are
brought to the milking parlor to be milked and
are then returned to a feeding and/or resting
• Cows may also be milked in their housing area
by hand milking, using bucket milkers or a
pipeline milking system.
Advantages of Milking Parlor
• The main advantages of a milking parlor when
compared to milking cows in their housing
area are that it increases labor efficiency,
provides ergonomic advantages, and reduces
the risk of injury, both traumatic and
repetitive stress-related.
Menuju Milking parlor
Holding Area/Pattern
Milking Parlor
PT. Greenfield Malang
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Standard Exit
Standard Exit
Rapid Exit
Rapid Exit
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
‘Parabone ‘/
70 degree
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Rotary Parlor
Typical Elevated Parlor Arrangements
Rotary Parlor
Rotary Parlors
Rotary Parlors
Rotary Parlors
Which is the Perfect design??
While no one design is perfect, the following factors
will impact milking parlor design and style:
• number of cows, group size, production level,
and frequency of milking
• cow traffic pattern and number of groups
• initial investment, annual costs, and existing
debt load
• labor cost, labor availability, and level
of mechanization
• personal preference
• Rapid-exit parallel parlors (both parabone and
side-by-side styles) and rotary parlors are
popular in larger dairy herds. Mechanization
continues to invade the parlor, including
automated cow identification, automatic
takeoffs, predipping and postdipping,
electronic detection of mastitis by milk
conductivity, and electronic tracking of treated
or sick cows.
• Milking parlors on large farms operate for more than
20 h day 1 and cows are milked three times a day.
• Automatic or robotic milking systems usually operate
without someone being present to supervise the
milking process and have been in use for the past
decade on commercial farms.
• Robotic milking is appearing in the United States,
Canada, and western Europe, but may be more
economic for smaller herd sizes, areas with high labor
costs, and/or areas with family labor limitations.
Terimakasih !!

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