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Huge opportunities for industry of nanofibrous concrete


Abdullah Keyvani
Department of Civil Engineering, Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz,
(Recieved; 21 Apr 2007 and Accepted; 31 May 2007)

In spite of the fact that cementitious and concrete materials are mainly used on a large scale and in
huge quantities for roads, dams, bridges and building constructions, the mechanical behavior of these
materials depends to a great extend on structural elements and phenomena which are effective on a
micro and nanoscale. Although this is well known by researchers, material producers and engineers
for many years, the aspect of nanoscience and nanotechnology has hardly found any special attention,
so far. New efforts and possibilities of material engineering on nanoscale in other fields may well lead
to a new leap forward to improve mechanical and physical properties as well as durability of this
important group of composite construction materials. This paper intends to stimulate the application
and development of nanoscientific and nanotechnological concepts of nanofiber materials and their
applications in concrete. Due to the wide range of possibilities, however, it does not claim to present
a complete overview of the whole field. This would clearly go beyond the scope of this paper. It rather
gives a short outline on the related cementitious and concrete material problems and research topics
where nanoscience and nanotechnology could produce a major contribution to improve the nanofibrous
materials where research needs to be done. Capability to accurately predict failure in joints offers
significant potential for developing higher performance structural designs that are safer at the same time
since these nanotubes can be used to accurately assess the behavior of joints, members and structures.
Nanofibrous cement based materials can monitor regions of partial damages, localized changes in
strains, stresses and temperatures of any joints and members.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Cement, Concrete, Nanofibrous, Carbon Nanotubes, Multy-wall nano-
tubes, Single-wall nanotubes, Strength

1. INTRODUCTION of making things by designing and engineering

them at the atomic level [CRISP, 2004]. This has
Nanotechnology is defined as the control and already created many new products and processes,
manipulation of material at the nano scale (nm such as the lab-on-a-chip, surface coatings,
or 10-9 m) in the range from 0.1 to 100 nm. The nanostructur materials, nano-instruments and tools,
diagram opposite depicts a progression of images and nanosensors. Nanotechnology applications
from 10 cm to 1 nanometer, with the dimension of ‘promise more for less: smaller, cheaper, lighter and
each side of each square reducing by a factor of 100 faster devices with greater functionality, using less
between each image. Rather than a specific area of raw material and consuming less energy’ [Smith et.
science or engineering, nanotechnology is a general al., 2000].
technology. Nanotechnology may have far-reaching Study the feasibility of embedding wireless Micro
effects across many sectors of the economy over the Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nano
next two or three decades. It refers to a cluster of Electro mechanical Systems (NEMS) devices into
techniques and processes concerned with new ways concrete to measure concrete density and viscosity,

International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3

temperature, moisture content, shrinkage stresses, commercial applications ranging from electronics
pH, chloride concentration and carbon dioxide to chemical process control have meant that an
are the potential application of nanotechnology in enormous amount of effort has been undertaken
concrete material which are carried out by many on the investigation of nanotubes in the last six
researchers in the world [Saafi, 2006]. The objective years [Cientifica 2004, Makar 2003]. Despite
of these studies is to analyze the behavior of this high level of research activity, very little
concrete material during mixing and curing as well attention has been paid to potential applications
as when the concrete structure is put in service. For in the construction industry. This paper seeks to
example, with wireless MEMS and NEMS sensors bridge the gap between nanofibrous concrete and
the density and viscosity of unset concrete in mixing construction materials research. It describes carbon
and pumping equipment can be measured. The use nanotubes, including their structure, and their
of these devices in concrete material would also properties. Potential applications, both generally
increase the understanding of the cement hydration and specifically for the construction industry, are
process and damage evolution, and detect crack also presented.
initiation under loading. Also, another research Nanotechnology offers construction professional
potential is studied to analyze the applicability of opportunities for designing, engineering and
environmental responsive hydrogels as sensing building in new ways. It can change the rules of
elements that can actuate in response to an designing and engineering, through the auspices
environmental condition, such as pH or temperature of specifying the properties and performance
[Peppas and Wolfgang, 2006]. The actuation is of materials and components in advance. This
powered by water up-take and expulsion from a will challenge existing engineering, designing
network system, which makes this an attractive practice, unlocking the potential for architecture,
sensing/actuating element for micro devices to be civil, structural, environmental, and electrical
used in aqueous systems. A micro cantilever will and mechanical engineering, as well as other
be utilized as the transduction mechanism due to professions to break away from their traditional
its ability to detect surface stress changes with ultra design parameters. A dialogue is needed across
sensitivity. the professions to assess and explore how they can
Nanotechnology is usually associated with high become fully involved in future developments,
profile telecommunications, biomedical and military translating technological promise into new benefits
applications. But for most nations and citizens, one for customers and users of the built environment,
of the main ways of this science at nanometer level (Table 1).
which is revolutionizing our daily lives is right
under our feet concrete [NRC-IRC, 2005]. At the 3. CARBON NANO FIBERS PRODUCTION
civil and material engineering research institutes PROCESSES
for research in construction materials, researchers
are helping lead the way in understanding the Term of nanofibers refer to hollow and solid carbon
nano scale properties of concrete and using this fibers with lengths and widths varying from some
knowledge to create stronger more durable concrete tens of nanometers. These materials are often
in a more sustainable manner [Cientifica 2004, U.S. referred to as nanotubes but they do not have the
Army 2005, Keyvani 2005]. cylindrical chicken wire structure of Single-Walled-
Nano-Tubes (SWNTs) and Multi-Walled-Nano-
2. SIGNIFICANCE OF NANOFIBERS AND Tubes (MWNTs), where the walls of the tube are
NANOTUBES COMPONENTS parallel to the central axis, Figures 1 and 2 [Cientifica
2004, Makar 2003]. Production processes for
Nano tubes are the subject of one of the most carbon nanotubes vary from blasting carbon with
important areas of research in nanotechnology. an electrical arc or a laser to growing them from a
Their unique properties and potential for valuable vapor, either en masse (usually in tangled bundles)

4 IJNN,Vol.3, No.1, December 2007

Table 1: Nanotehnology applications lead to new products in construction

Market Availability General Applications Functions

Nano measurement techniques Nanoindentation, nanoscratch and nanofabrication methods

– used to evaluate weak links in the structure of materials and to
test materials for their fracture and bond properties.

Nanostructured materials,
nanoparticles and nanofibres Used to strengthen and improve the performance of construction
Certain types of concrete and cement incorporate superplasticers
Already available and stabilizers that are already produced by using nano
techniques. Nanoparticles provide new improved methods to
manufacture high-quality glass.

Surface layers and coatings Used to protect and strengthen materials, as well as provide new
functions. Examples include: ultra-thin energy-saving reflecting
layers composed of ultra-fine particles that allow only light of
a certain wavelength to pass through; adhesion techniques and
adhesion processes used as coatings on surfaces; surfaces with
catalytic activities; and corrosion-resisting layers.

Sensors Such as biosensors, chemo sensors, mm-wave sensors, NEM-

sensors that are embedded in materials that are used to monitor
and control the performance of materials.

Cement and plaster Cheaper, more durable, less cement hydration, self-repairing,
(hydraulic binders) etc.

On glass (various oxides) - e.g. self-cleaning, water repellent

Close to market Surface coatings glass, depolluting catalyzers under solar energy, photosensitive
applied to other materials (e.g. paints) - improved scratch
resistance, UV protection.

Nano-composite materials Fire protection materials, i.e. increased flame resistance.

Adapt to the environment and change their appearance: for

Responsive materials example, cladding systems that respond to change heat or light
to maximize comfort and minimize use of energy in buildings.

General sensors For environmental, safety or security purposes.

International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5

Figure 1: A single-walled carbon nanofibers Figure 2: A multi-walled carbon nanofibers

or on nanoparticles, sometimes in predetermined which compares with under 5 gigapacals for the best
positions. These processes vary considerably with traditional carbon fibers) and possess other useful
respect to the type of produced nanotube, quality, properties, such as good electrical and thermal
purity and scalability. Carbon nanotubes are usually conductivity.
created with the aid of a metal catalyst and this ends This is an appropriate point at which to introduce a
up as a contaminant with respect to many potential note of caution, and an area of research worth keeping
applications. IBM has very recently, however, an eye on. Just because the perfect nanotube is 100
grown nanotubes on silicon structures without a times stronger than steel at a sixth of the weight
metal catalyst [Cientifica 2004]. doesn’t mean you are going to be able to achieve
Current estimated global production of carbon those properties in a bulk material containing them.
nanofibers is more than 40 tons per a year, and To remember that the chicken wire arrangement
is expected to reach more than 58 tons by 2006. makes up the layers in graphite does not stick at
Total global production capacity of multi-walled all well to other materials, which is why graphite
nanotubes is higher than 99 tons a year and is used in lubricants and pencils. The same holds
expected to increase to at least 268 tons annually true of nanotubes-they are quite insular in nature,
by 2007. Current global production of single walled preferring not to interact with other materials. To
nanofibers can be estimated to be at least capitalize on their strength in a composite they need
9000 kg/year [Cientifica 2004]. The production is to latch on to the surrounding polymer, which they
expected to increase up to more than 27 tons by are not inclined to do (blending a filler in a polymer
2005 and to reach 100 tons by 2008. is difficult even without these issues-it took a decade
In nanofibers the angle between the graphite planes to perfect this for the new nanoclay polymers now
and the tube axis is non-zero, and the resulting hitting the markets).
structures are sometimes referred to as stacked- One way of making a nanotube interact with
cone structures. When they exhibit only small something else, such as a surrounding polymer, is to
angular deviations from the axis and are not solid modify it chemically. This is called functionalization
cylinders but hollow, they are often called multi- and is being explored not just for composite
walled carbon nanofibers (MWNFs). applications but also for a variety of others, such as
Nanofibers mostly consist of a mixture of forms of biosensors. For structural applications, the problem
carbon, from layers of graphite stacked at various is that functionalization can reduce the valuable
angles to amorphous carbon (lacking any large- qualities of the nanotubes that you are trying to
scale regular structure). Because of this variable capitalize on. This is an issue that should not be
structure they do not exhibit the strength of pure underestimated. Of course, in theory you don’t need
nanofibers but can still be quite strong (e.g. around to mix the nanotubes with another material. If you
7 gigapascals tensile strength for the heat-treated, want to make super-strong cables, for example, the

6 IJNN,Vol.3, No.1, December 2007

Figure 3: Nanoparticles of three calcium aluminate (3CaO, Al2O3)

best solution would be to use bundles of sufficiently are now widely used as fillers in protective paints,
long nanotubes with no other material added. coatings, and superplasticizers for producing high
For this reason, one of the dreams of nanotube performance concrete and monuments exposed to
production is to be able to spin them, like thread, to radioactive materials.
indefinite lengths. Concrete has the largest production of all man-made
Mechanically, carbon nanotubes appear to be materials with an annual global production of about
the strongest materials yet to be discovered. one cubic meter for every person on Earth. Asian,
Experimental results have shown that they have American, European, Canadian, Japanese and …
modulated of elasticity that exceed 1 TPa in value industry account for about more than $100 billions
[Salvetat et al., 1999] Measurements of ultimate for concrete construction annually [Keyvani, 2005].
strength and strain have been more difficult to Concrete is the single most important construction
make, but measurements of the yield strength of material. Composed of fine and coarse aggregates
SWNTs of 63 GPa have been reported as well as held together by a hydrated cement binder, it
yield strains are on the order of 6%, [Yu 2000, forms a part of most construction projects, ranging
Walters 1999]. Carbon nanotubes are also from house foundations through high-rise tower
highly flexible, being capable of bending in circles components to dams and highway bridges. Ordinary
or forming knots. Like macroscopic tubes, they can portland cement is the most common form of cement
buckle or flatten under appropriate loadings [Lourie binder used in concrete, although there are a large 1998]. Yakobson and Avouris have summarized number of specialty forms of cement. Ordinary
carbon nanotubes mechanical behavior [Yakobson portland cement is typically formed by grinding
and Avouris, 2001]. amorphous masses of cement clinker and gypsum
into powder. The primary constituents of the clinker
4. STRUCTURE OF CEMENT AND BEHAVIOR are a series of oxides, including tricalcium silicate
OF CARBON NANOFIBERS REINFORCED (C3S in cement chemistry notation), dicalcium
CONCRETE silicate (C2S), tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and
tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF). C3S and C2S
Nanoscience has played a central role to produce are the most important constituents in ordinary
innovative concretes for the 21st century [Keyvani portland cement. These oxides, when were mixed
2005]. Nanoscience enables scientists to work at with water, undergo hydration reactions to form the
the molecular level- atom by atom- to develop new solid cement binder. Direct observations of cement
materials with fundamentally new physical and grains show that many of them have dimensions on
chemical properties. Nanotechnology is already the order of 5 to 30 µm. However, smaller particles
used in a variety of ways to produce innovative are also present in ordinary portland cement (Figure
construction materials. Nanoparticulate additives 3). The impact of these finer particles, if any, on the

International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7

Figure 4: Carbon nanofibers interaction in cement matrix to hinder crack propagation

cement hydration process is not yet understood. composites can be anticipated with uniform structure.
The strength of concrete is depend on the number As a result, a high strength, machinable ceramic-
of factors, which include, among others, the ratio like material can be produced. Carbon nanofibers
of water to cement in the original mix of materials, were found to provide significant improvements in
degree and size of porosities present in the cement, compression strength, tensile strength and flexural
the presence of micro-cracking in the binder strength when are used in macro-defect free cement
and the quality of binding of the aggregate to the (MDF). Table 2 shows the compressive strength
cement. Hydrated cement is porous with a pore improvements were observed in macro-defect free
size distribution that ranges from the nanometers cement with only 3% by weight of carbon nanofibers
to millimetres. However, the pores are also a core [Ohio CDO and Ohio Uni., 2004].
weakness: they are a pathway for chloride salts One of the important characteristics of the carbon
and other chemicals to seep into concrete causing nanofiber reinforced cement is highly resistant
cracking and deterioration that costs countries to microcracking. The level of microcracking
economy billions of dollars annually [Keyvani, prevention is the ability to machine carbon nanofiber, 2000]. reinforced macro defect free cement on conventional
High value added materials with carbon nanotubes lathes. While the market for machined cement parts
are suitable for reinforcement of infrastructure is almost non-existent, the machinability of carbon
materials such as cement and concrete. Nanofiber nanofiber reinforced cement demonstrated the
reinforced cement offers unique capabilities. ability to produce machinable ceramic composite
Because of the high strength and nanoscopic scale parts and the ability to reduce the failure of cement
of the reinforcement, high strength cementitious and concrete products due to the “freeze-thaw”

Table 2: Carbon nanotubes mechanical properties improvements in macro-defect free cement

8 IJNN,Vol.3, No.1, December 2007

cycles that are so prevalent in icy and snowy regions and longer lasting components and structures-
of the world. Thus the cost of carbon nanofibers such as high specific strength and fatigue resistant
will need to be dramatically reduced in order for materials. While some engineers have worked on
carbon nanofibers to find use in infrastructure micro structures, greater effort is now required to
applications. push the technological frontier below the micro to
A quick overview of the scope of the global the nanoscale.
concrete industry and its environmental impact
makes it clear why nanotechnology R&D 5. APPLICATIONS OF CARBON NANOFIBROUS
advances will have enormous economic, social FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION
and environmental impacts. Concrete has the
largest production of all man-made materials with Failures in many construction materials at the
an annual global production of about one cubic macro or micro-scale are typically the result of
meter for every person on Earth [Keyvani, 2006]. tiny micro-cracks. Traditionally, new materials
Thus, a better understanding of the nanoscience have been developed to overcome such failures by
of cement hydrates and cementitious materials improving macro-engineering properties. But the
will reveal new routes for tackling this problem. real source of the problems caused by micro-cracks
For example, the addition of nanoparticulates to often occurs much earlier and can only be observed
concrete can improve its durability through physical at the nanoscale.
and chemical interactions such as pore filling. When thinking about structural applications such as
The addition of nanoscale particles to concrete is concrete construction, it should be remembered that,
expected to improve control of concrete porosity in general, as the fibers get smaller so the number
beyond what is presently possible with silica fume. of defects decreases, in a progression towards the
The performance of concrete can also be improved perfection of the single-walled nanotube. Recent
by adding nanofibres. Carbon nanotubes have the advances in high-performance computing now
potential to enhance the strength, to effectively make it possible to predict the bulk mechanical
hinder crack propagation in cement composites, and properties of engineered carbon nanotube composite
to act as nucleating agents. Reinforcing concrete materials based on molecular dynamics [U.S. Army,
with nanofibres will produce tougher concretes by 2005]. Improved mechanical performance is one of
interrupting crack formation as soon as it is initiated the benefits expected to be obtained through the
(Figure 4). application of nanofibrous and nanotechnology to
Development of efficient nucleating agents and low concrete structures. Just because the perfect carbon
energy cements will contribute to increase usage of nanofiber is 100 times stronger than steel at a sixth
supplementary cementing materials, such as fly ash of the weight [Makar and Beaudoin, 2003]. These
and slag while making concrete production more materials are expected to have several distinct
environmentally sustainable. While the exploration advantages as a reinforced material for cements
of various applications of nanotechnology to develop as compared to more traditional fibers [Makar
innovative construction materials continues, it and Beaudoin, 2003, Salvetat 1999]. First,
is already clear that the science of the very small they have significantly greater strengths than other
particles is making big changes, with numerous fibers, which should improve overall mechanical
economic benefits for the construction industry. behavior. Second, carbon nanofibers have much
Numerical methods and experimental techniques higher aspect ratios, requiring significantly higher
are providing useful descriptions of the processes energies for crack propagation around a tube as
responsible for the emergence of micro-cracks and compared to across it than would be the case
other sources of degradation at the nanoscale. The for a lower aspect ratio fiber. Third, the smaller
challenge is to move back from nanoscale to the diameters of these fibers mean both that they can
macroscopic level to see how the whole system be more widely distributed in the cement matrix
works together as part of a building. This can be with reduced fiber spacing and that their interaction
achieved, for example, by creating more reliable with the matrix may be different from that of the
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9
larger fibers. Fourth, carbon nanofibers have ultra from ultra high strength through unusual electronic
electronic behavior and high thermal conductivity. behavior and high thermal conductivity to an
Nonaofibers, with their diameters being close in ability to store nanoparticles inside the tubes
size to the thickness of the calcium silicate hydrate themselves has suggested potential applications in
(C-S-H) layers hydrated cement, could show very many different fields of scientific and engineering
different behavior, including different bonding endeavor. Reinforcing concrete with nanofibers
mechanisms. Finally, carbon nanotubes can be will produce tougher concretes by interrupting
functionalized to react chemically with cement crack formation as soon as it is initiated. Carbon
components, providing routes for other forms of nanotubes have the potential to enhance the
interaction and cement system property control. strength, to effectively hinder crack propagation in
The capability to predict accurately failure in cement composites, and to act as nucleating agents.
materials offers significant potential to develope Current technology has shown that it is possible to
higher performance structural designs that are at distribute carbon nanofibers bundles across cement
the same time safer since these nanotubes can be grains. Capability to accurately predict failure
used to accurately assess the behavior of joints, in joints offers significant potential to develope
members and structures. These nanofibrous cement higher performance structural designs that are at
based materials can monitor regions of partial the same time safer since these nanotubes can be
damages, localized changes in strains, stresses used to accurately assess the behavior of joints,
and temperatures of any joints and members. members and structures. Embedding wireless
Additionally, prediction capability also can result nano electro mechanical systems devices into
in lower development cost due to less reliance on concrete to measure concrete density and viscosity,
experimental testing to determine optimal design temperature, moisture content, shrinkage stresses,
details. Specifically, the use of modeling can increase pH, chloride concentration and carbon dioxide
likelihood that the joints and members will meet are the potential application of nanotechnology in
strength requirements when structural validation concrete material.
tests are conducted, thereby avoiding costly
redesign and retesting activities. This challenge References
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International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11

12 IJNN,Vol.3, No.1, December 2007

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