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IV- ( 4 points)

.est la courbe représentative d’une fonction f )c(

a) Déterminer le domaine de définition de f. ( ½ pt )

lim f ( x)
lim f (x), x→−2
b) Déterminer x→−∞ . ( 1 pt )

c) Dresser le tableau de variation de f. ( 1 pt )

d) Discuter suivant m le nombre de solutions de l’équation f(x) = m. ( 1 pt )

e) Résoudre graphiquement f(x) >0. ( ½ pt )

Q2) [ 4 ½ points][ ¾ each]

Evaluate the following limits. (Show your work).

2 x 2−5 x3
1) lim
x→+∞ x 3+ 2

5 x−2
2) lim
x →3 x 2−x−6

6+3 x
3) lim 2
x→−3 x +6 x +9

3− √ x 2
4) lim
x→−∞ 2 x +1

x 2−49
x →1 2 x+14
−6−3 x
x →3 x 2+ 6 x+ 8

:Exercise One:(4 points)Calculate the following limits

2 x2−5 x +1 x 2−3 x x 2+ 3 x −18

1. lim 3.lim 5. lim
x→+∞ 4 x 2+ 3 x−3 x →3 3−x x →3 x−3

3 lim ¿
2. lim 4. 2
x→−∞ √ 5−x
x→ 2 2 ¿
x −4

Exercise One: (5 points)

Part A

2 x2−5 x +1 x 2+ 3 x −18
1) Find the limits of the following: lim ; lim
x→+∞ 4 x 2+ 3 x−3 x →3 x−3
x 2 + x−5
2) Find the derivative of the following functions: l x =
( ) ;
g ( x )=(−2 x+ 4 ) ( x 2+ 1 )
3) Solve the equation −4 x 2+ 400 x −3600=0
4) Deduce the solution of the inequation: −4 x 2+ 400 x −3600<0

Exercise Three: (4 points)The following parts are independent

x 2−5 x +6
1) Solvethe system of inequality : x 2
{ x+3
2 x +1
5 x−4

1 '
2) let f ( x )= find f (1 ) by two methods

Q3) [ 4 ½ points][ ¾ each]

Calculate the derivative function f ' in each of the following cases:

1) f (x )  (2x  1) (x  3) .
2 5 2

3x  5
f (x ) 
2) x 2 1 .
3) f (x )  (3x  2) x  1 .

3x 5  2x 2  5
f (x ) 
4) x3 .
f (x )  3x 6  2x 5  2
5) x2

6) f (x )  3x (2x  2)  2x
2 2 5

The following parts are independent

1) Calculate the derivative of the following functions:

1 2
f ( x )=2016 x + + √ x∧g ( x ) =x ( x 2 +2 x−1 )

:Calculate the derivative of the following functions

x 2 +1 3
1. f x =
( ) 3. l ( x ) =( x 2+1 )
( x−1 )2
4 2
2. g ( x )=√ x2 +3 x−1 4. h ( x )= x +3 x −5 x+1
: Shown below is the table of variations of a function f

 +


0 –

f (x)
 –1

  1

.Designate by (C) the representative curve of f in an orthonormal system

Part A
.Determine the domain of definition of f )1

.Give the equations of the asymptotes of (C) )2

? What is the number of solutions of the equation f(x) = 3 )3

.Solve the inequality f(x) < 0 )4

.Compare f(2) and f(3), with justification )5

.Write an equation of the tangent to (C) at the point A(0 ;-1) )6

.Draw the curve (C) )7

Part B
xa + 1
f (x =
. x 2+ b In this part we let

.Use the table of variations of f to determine the values of a and b )1


I) a) Solve the following equation and system of equations:

1 1
x− 5 x+ 4= 0 ;¿ { + = 5 ¿ ¿¿
x y
. x− 5 x+ 4≤ 0 :b) Solve the following inequation

.The curve (C) drawn below is the graphical representation of a function f

.The straight lines (L) and (D) are the asymptotes of (C)



O. 1


:Use the above graphical representation to

. a) Determine the domain of f )1

lim ¿ x→ 1 ¿ ¿f(x)¿ lim ¿ x→ 1 ¿ ¿f(x)¿

.b) Find x<1 ¿ and x>1 ¿ , and write an equation of the line (D)

.a) Find f(0) and f(3) )2

' '
. f (3 ) b) Find f (−1) and

:Solve each of the following inequalities )3

a) f(x) > 0

b) f(x) ¿ 1
. f (x )> 0 )c

.Write an equation of the line (L) )4

.Set up the table of variations of f )5

Exercise Four: (4 points)

This graph is the curve of a function f

and a line (d) tangent to the curve at the origin
Referring to the graph answer the
:following questions
lim f ( x ) , lim f ( x )
1) Find: x→−∞ x →+∞

lim ¿
2) Find: −¿
x→ 1 f ( x ) ∧ lim +¿
x→ 1 f ( x ) ¿

lim ¿
3) Find: −¿
x→(−2) f ( x ) ∧ lim+¿
x→(−2) f ( x ) ¿

4) Deduce the asymptotes for this function.

5) Write equation of the line (d)

6) Deduce f '(0)

7) Set up the table of variation

8) Solve graphically f(x) > 0

Exercise Four:(2points)

.This graph is the curve of a function f

Referring to the graph answer the
:following questions

lim f ( x ) , lim f ( x )
9) Find: x→−∞ x →+∞

lim ¿
10) Find: −¿
x→ 2 f ( x ) ∧ lim +¿
x →2 f ( x ) ¿

lim ¿
11) Find: −¿
x→(− 4) f ( x )∧ lim+¿
x→(−4) f ( x ) ¿

12) Deduce the asymptotes for this curve.

Good Luck

:In the adjacent figure )3

 (C) is the representative curve of afunction f
defined on ]0 , + ∞ [.
 The two lines x = 0 and y =1 are the asymptotes of (C).
 (C) Intersects the axis of abscissas at the point A with abscissa α = 0.41.
a) Determine graphically:
lim f ( x) lim f ( x)
x  0 , x  and f (1) .
b) Study the sign of f.
Q1)[ 5 points ][ ½ + ¼ each+ ½ +(1+½ ) +½+½ ]

The following graph is the representative curve in an orthonormal system ( o; ⃗i ; ⃗j ; ⃗k )

of a function f.

1) Find Df the domain of

definition of f(x) ?
2) Determine the following
limits and deduce the
a) lim f (x).

lim f (x ).
b) x→+∞
c) lim ¿
x→−2 f ( x ) .¿

d) lim ¿.
x→ 2 f (x)¿

e) lim ¿
x→ 2 f ( x ) .¿

f) lim ¿
x→−2 f ( x ) . ¿

3) Solve graphically f '(x) = 0.

4) Solve graphically f '(x) > 0, then construct the table of variation of f(x).
5) Solve graphically f (x) > 0.
6) Find the equation of the oblique asymptote.

I- (5.5 points)
The table of variation below belongs to a function f where (C) is a representative curve of f .

x −∞ −1 0 2
2 +∞
f (x)
0 −1

In the following table, only one answer for each question is correct.
Give the correct answer.
N° Questions
a b c d
1 The domain of definition of f is: ¿−∞ ; +∞ ¿ ¿ ¿−∞; 2 ¿ ¿−∞ ; 2 ¿

The number of solutions of the

2 0 1 2 3
equation f (x)=0 is:

3 The number of asymptotes of (C) is: 0 1 2 3

The limit of f (x) as x tends to −∞

4 −∞ 0 1 +∞

5 The limit of as x tends to 2 is: −∞ 0 1 +∞
f (x )

6 f ' (x) is negative over: ¿ 2 ;−1 ¿ ¿−1; 0 ¿ ¿−∞;−1 ¿ ¿0;2¿

The number of solutions of the

7 0 1 2 3
equation f (x)=2 is:

The equation of the tangent to (C) at

8 y=2 x=2 y=−x+2 y=2 x−1
its point of abscissa −1 is:

II- (6.5 points)

Consider a function gdefined over R by g ( x )=x 3+ ax 2+ bx+ c .
Denote by (C ¿¿ g)¿ be the representative curve of g.
(C ¿¿ g) ¿ admits a tangent (T ) at the point of abscissa 0 of equation y=x +5.
Part A:
Using the graph:
1) Determine: g(0) and g '(0)
(T )
2) Study the sign of g( x ).
3) Show that: a=−3 ; b=1 and c=5

Part B:
Consider a function f defined over R−{1 } by
2 x−4
f ( x )=x−1+
( x−1)2
Denote by (C ¿¿ f )¿ be the representative curve of f .
(C g )
1) Calculate:
lim ¿
x→ ¿¿

Deduce an asymptote (d ) to (C ¿¿ f )¿.

2) a- Show that the line ( D) of equation y=x −1 is an oblique asymptote to (C ¿¿ f )¿.
b- Study the position between (C ¿¿ f )¿ and ( D).
3) Admit that f ' ( x )= , give the table of variations of f .
( x−1)3
4) Determine the equation of tangent to the representative curve f at the point of abscissa
5) Plot (d ), ( D) and (C ¿¿ f )¿.

IV. (7 points)
:Part A : Let f be a function defined on : ]−∞ ; 0 [∪] 0 ; +∞[ by
− x + 5 x− 4
f (x =
) .

. O( ;{ i⃗, j⃗¿ ) is its representative curve of f in an orthonormal system )C(

.Prove that x = 0 is an asymptote to (C) .1

: etaluclaC
2. mil f (x; ) mil f (x ).
x→ +∞ x→−∞

f (x =−
) x+ 5− .
x a) Prove that f(x) can be written in the form .3

.b) Prove that the line (D) of equation : y = -x +5 is an oblique asymptote to (C)

4−x 2
.Verify that f’(x) = then draw the table of variation of f .4
.Determine the equation of the tangent (T) to (C) at a point of abscissa1 .5
.Plot (D), (T) et (C) .6
.Part B : A factory makes watches
The total cost of production function, expressed in thousands of dollars, is given by
− x + 5 x− 4
C T (x =
, x
.Where x is expressed in hundreds of units with 0 ≤ x ≤ 5
.Determine the fixed cost of production .1
,Each watch is sold at 20 dollars .2
.a) Show that the function revenue R (x) is given by R (x) = 2x     
.b) Determine the profit function P (x) of this factory
.c) Calculate P (4), gives an economic interpretation of the value found

I- (7.5 pts)
Part A:
x +3
Let f be the function defined over ¿−∞ ;−1 [ ∪ ] −1 ;+∞ ¿ by f ( x )= and (C) is its
x +1
representative curve in an orthonormal system (O ; ⃗i ; ⃗j ).
lim f (x ) and lim f (x).
1- Calculate x→+∞ x→−∞

2- a- Calculate lim ¿ and lim ¿.

x→ ¿¿ x→ ¿¿
b- Deduce an asymptote to ( C ) .
3- a- Determine the real numbers , b and c so that f ( x )=ax+ b+ .
x +1
b- Show that the straight line (d ) of the equation y=x −1 is an asymptote to (C).
4- Verify that f ' ( x )=
( x−1 ) (x +3) and set up the table of variation of f .
5- Trace (C) and its asymptotes.
6- Determine an equation of the tangent to (C) at a point of abscissa0.

Part B:

A factory manufactures a quantity x of batteries. The function C T ( x ) =f (x ) , defined over ¿

represents the total cost in thousands of $.

1-Calculate the fixed cost in $.

2-Determine the quantity that must be manufactured to obtain a minimum cost.
Indicate this cost.
3-Each battery is sold at 2 $.
a- Determine the revenue functionR( x ).
b- Determine the break-even points of this factory.
c- For which values of x, will the factory make profit?
x2  3
A) Consider the function f defined over ]  , 1[  ] 1, +  [, by: f(x) = x  1 and (C)

its representative curve in an orthonormal system O; i, j . 
1) a- Determine the limits f at   and at +  .
b- Verify that the line (d) of equation y = x + 1 is an asymptote to (C).

c- Study the position of (C) and (d).

lim f ( x ) lim f ( x )
x 1 x 1
2) Calculate x 1 and x 1 .Deduce an asymptote to (C).
 x  3  x  1
f ' x  
 x  1
3) Verify that , then draw the table of variation of f.
4) Draw (C) and (d).
5) Find the equation of the tangent to (C) at point of abscissa 0.

B) A factory produces calculators. The total cost, expressed in millions L.L. , is defined
x2  3
CT  x   f  x  
over ] 1 ; 8 ] by x  1 where x is the number of hundreds of
calculators produced.

1) Find the minimum total cost and the corresponding value of x .( use can use the
results of part A)
2) Each calculator is sold at 20 000 L.L. Suppose that all calculators produced are sold.

a- Verify the revenue function is given by : R(x) = 2x.

b- Find the profit function P(x).
c- Calculate P(6), give an economic interpretation of the value obtained.

Part A
x2  x  2
f ( x) 
Let f be the function defined over ]   ; -1[  ]-1 ; +  [ by  x  1 . Designate by

(C) its representative curve in an orthonormal system (O; i  ; j ).
lim f ( x )

lim f ( x)

1) Determine x ( 1) and x ( 1) . Deduce an asymptote to (C).
lim f ( x) lim f ( x ).
2) Calculate x  and x 
f ( x)  x  2  .
3) Show that x 1
4) Show that the straight line (d) of equation y = x – 2 is an asymptote to (C) at  .
5) Study the position between (C) and (d).
( x  1)( x  3)
f ( x) 
6) Show that ( x  1) 2 and draw the table of variations of f.
7) Draw (d) and (C).
Part B
A factory manufactures and sells electronic devices, the total cost of production of x
x2  x  2
CT ( x)  f ( x) 
hundreds of electronic devices is given by x  1 where CT ( x) is
expressed in millions LL with x  [0 ; 20] .
1) Calculate the total cost of production of 700 electronic devices.
2) Determine the quantity to be produced to get a minimum total cost and determine this
minimum cost.
3) The sale price of each electronic device is 87000 LL.
a) Determine the revenue R(x) obtained from selling all the production x
b) Determine the profit P(x) obtained from selling all the production x.
4) Does the factory realize a profit for a production of 200 electronic devices? Explain.

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