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Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) a Novel Data Analysis Technique for

Modeling and Forewarning Diseases in Plant Pathology

Article · January 2014


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Indian Agriculturist, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 1-11, 2014

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) a Novel Data Analysis Technique for

Modeling and Forewarning Diseases in Plant Pathology
Adam KameiA, Apou KameiB, R. DangmeiA, S. T. PawanA and D. K. DasB
Department of Plant Pathology, BCKV, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal: 741 252
Department of Agril.Chemistry and Soil Science, BCKV, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal: 741 252
Corresponding Authors E-mail:

Received : 06.06.2014 Accepted : 22.07.2014 Published : 01.09.2014

Artificial Neural Networks model have been used in plant pathology to study dynamics, modeling and forecasting
of several disease in recent years. Artificial neural networks are parallel computing systems made up of a large number
of simple, highly interconnected processing elements called nodes or neurons that process information by their dynamic-
state response to the external signals and can handle imprecise information. It provides a flexible way to connect disease
outcome with environmental and other determinant variables. ANN can automatically approximate any nonlinear
mathematical function. This aspect of neural networks is particularly useful when the relationship between the variables
is not known or is complex and hence it is difficult to handle statistically. Due to the nature of linear relationship in the
parameters, regression models may not provide accurate predictions in some complex situations such as non linear data
and extreme values data. As regression models need to fulfill the regression assumptions and multiple co-linearity between
independent and dependent variables, it causes regression models to be inefficient. The ANN model has non-linear
pattern recognition capability which is valuable for modeling and forecasting complex non-linear problems in practice.
Neural networks are similar to regression models, in that both develop coefficients that model patterns by evaluation of
the relationship between independent and dependent variables. However, neural networks don’t require hypothetical
information for modeling, unlike parametric statistical models. In general, neural networks consist of three or more groups
of elements that represent sets of equations used by the model. These recently developed Artificial Neural Network
(ANNs) techniques are interesting and have become the focus of much attention, largely because of their wide range
of applicability and the ease with which they can treat complicated problems even if the data are imprecise and noisy.
As disease can occur over the conditions provided by the host plants as well as when weather conditions are favourable.
Therefore, there is a need to develop effective forewarning model, which can provide advance information for outbreak
of the disease. In this paper an attempt is made to reveal the potential use of ANN in disease prediction.

Introduction decades, researchers have examined ANN models

from a statistical point of view (Cheng and
In an artificial neural network, simple artificial Titterington, 1994; Warner and Misra, 1996).
nodes, variously called “neurons”, “neurodes”, Statistical models that can be expressed in neural
“processing elements” (PEs) or “units”, are connected network form are regression, discriminant, density
together to form a network of nodes mimicking the estimation and graphical interaction models such as
biological neural networks — hence the term “artificial simple linear regression, projection pursuit
neural network” and it processes information using a regression, polynomial regression, non-parametric
connectionist approach to computation. The ANNs regression, logistic regression, linear discriminant
have largely impressed the agricultural researchers, as functions, classification trees, finite mixture models,
they are able to overcome the difficulties to many kernel regression and smoothing splines (Cheng and
extents of traditional statistical approaches. In last few Titterington, 1994).
2 Indian Agriculturist

The reason is that ANN (Artificial Neural Some of the common traditional statistical
Network) model is based on ‘prediction’ by smartly techniques used for predictions and classifications are
analyzing’ the trend from an already existing voluminous multiple regression, discriminant analysis, logistic
historical set of data. Apart from ANN the other models regression etc. In agricultural practices, crop
are either mathematical or statistical. These models have production is influenced by a great variety of interrelated
been found to be very accurate in calculation, but not factors and it is difficult to describe their relationships
in prediction as they cannot adapt to the irregularly by conventional methods. Thus, artificial neural
varying patterns of data which can neither be written network (ANN) is highly suggested to present the
in form of a function, nor deduced from a formula. complicated relations and strong nonlinearity between
These real-life situations have been found to be better different parameters and crop production. It is
interpreted by ‘artificial neurons’ which can learn from considered to be one of the best techniques for
experience, i.e. by back-propagation of errors in next extracting information from imprecise and non-linear
guess and so on. This may lead to a compromise in data (Caselli et al., 2009). Hence, Neural Networks
accuracy, but give us a better advantage in (NNs) methods have become a very important tool for
‘understanding the problem’, duplicating it or deriving a wide variety of applications across many disciplines
conclusions from it. including prediction of crop production where
Neural networks are powerful sets of methods traditional statistical techniques were used. This has
for solving problems of pattern recognition, data led to a number of studies comparing the traditional
analysis and nonlinear control. They include benefits statistical techniques with neural networks in a variety
of high processing speeds and the ability of learning. of applications. It has been recognized in the literature
Also they are complementary to conventional methods. that regression and neural network methods have
A feed forward neural network can be considered as become competing model-building methods (Smith et
a nonlinear mathematical function which transforms a al., 1997). Nowadays, NNs methods have been largely
set of input variables. A set of parameters called weight used in the areas of prediction and classification
do the transformation and the process of determining (Warner et al., 1996). NNs models are also preferred
these parameters is called learning or training. Once in the area of pattern recognition (Setyawati et al.,
the weight have been fixed, new data can be processed 2002). Many researchers have shown the relationship
by the network (Bishop, 1995). between neural networks and statistical models.

Neural Network Statistics

Features Variables
Inputs Independent variables
Outputs Predicted variables
Targets or training values Dependent variables
Errors Residuals
Training, learning, adaptation or self organization Estimation
Error function, or cost function, or Lyapunov function Estimation criteria
Patterns or training pairs Observations
Weights (synaptic) Parameter estimate
Higher order neurons Interactions
Functional links Transformations
Supervised learning or hetero-association Regression or discriminant analysis
Unsupervised learning, encoding or auto-association Data reduction
Competitive learning or adaptive vector quantization Cluster analysis
Generalization Interpolation
KAMEI, KAMEI, DANGMEI, PAWAN AND DAS et al. : Artificial neural networks (ANN) a novel data 3

Fig. 1. Simple Linear Perception= Multivariate Multiple Linear

Fig. 2. The ANN Network structure: Multilayer Perception=Simple Non-linear

4 Indian Agriculturist

Multilayer Perception=Multiple Non-linear Regression

Review of Literature A major aim of many forecasting systems is to reduce

fungicide use (Taylor et al., 2003), and accurate
Most of the earlier workers have utilized
prediction is important to synchronize the use of disease
regression models (both linear and non linear) for pests
control measures to avoid crop loss. Forecasting
and diseases forewarning (Agrawal et al., 2004;
systems with varying levels of sophistication and
Chattopadhyay et al., 2005a & 2005b; Desai et al.,
success are available for a large number of diseases
2004 and Dhar et al., 2007). These techniques are being
affecting horticultural and field crops (Cambell &
successfully applied across an extraordinary range of Madden, 1990).
problem domains, in areas as diverse as finance,
medicine, engineering, geology, physics, biology and The relationships among host-pathogen-
agriculture. weather are very crucial in their interaction to
understand but Dewolf and Francl (2000) demonstrated
In plant protection ANN have been used to the applicability of neural network technology for plant
model leaf wetness (Francl & Panigrahi, 1997), disease diseases forecasting. Zhang et al. (1998) provided the
dynamics (Yang et al., 1995), disease forecasting (De general summary of the work in ANN forecasting,
Wolf & Francl, 1997; Crisci et al., 1998) and pesticides providing the guidelines for neural network modeling,
in soil (Yang et al., 1997). Disease prediction is based general paradigm of the ANNs especially those used
on weather conditions under which a pathogen, when for forecasting. They have reviewed the relative
in contact with a susceptible host, can infect and performance of ANNs with the traditional statistical
become established (Hardwick, 1998). Weather-based methods, wherein in most of the studies ANNs were
forecasting systems reduce the cost of production by found to be better than the latter. Chakraborty et al.
optimizing the timing and frequency of application of (2004) utilized the ANN technique for predicting
control measures and ensure the operator, consumer severity of anthracnose diseases in legume crop.
and environmental safety by reducing chemical usage. Gaudart et al. (2004) compared the performance of
KAMEI, KAMEI, DANGMEI, PAWAN AND DAS et al. : Artificial neural networks (ANN) a novel data 5

Multilayer Perception (MLP) and that of linear approaches at classifying incidence (De Wolf, 2000)
regression for epidemiological data with regard to and detecting infection periods of Tan spot of wheat
quality of prediction and robustness to deviation from (Batchelor, 1997) and predicting wheat scab epidemics
underlying assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity (Yang, 1997). The Septoria blotch disease of wheat
and independence of errors and it was found that MLP incited by Septoria tritici Roberg in Desmaz.
performed better than linear regression. Therefore, (Telemorph: Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel) J.
ANNs technique can be utilized for forewarning pests/ Schrot in Cohn) cause major foliar diseases of wheat
diseases in advance. and considerable yield losses in many countries
worldwide (Eyal, 1999). This study was conducted to
As previously published weather-based models
analyze the temporal progress of wheat Septoriosis
for anthracnose (Chakraborty & Billard, 1995) are based
based on two different indices using ANNs. ANN can
on multiple linear regression analysis, and many plant
be used for multivariate data sets which have nonlinear
pathologists have used this approach to develop disease
dependencies and variables do not have to fit any
forecasting models, regression models were developed
theoretical distribution (Fausett, 1994; Lek and Guegan,
in this study using each of the three weather summaries
1999; Grinn-Gofron and Strzelczak, 2008). Therefore,
to provide reference points for the outputs of the ANN
it is useful for forecasting airborne fungal spore
distribution (Grinn-Gofron and Strzelczak, 2008).
The most conventional type of Neural Network Multiple regression models could not be used for
is Back Propagation Network which is a type of Feed- analysis of spore circulation due to nonlinear and non-
Forward Networks, used in study. The disease normal distribution (Grinn- Gofron and Strzelczak,
progress data as double digit disease index and disease 2008).
severity in five wheat cultivars (Tajan, Zagros,
Koohdasht, Shiroodi, Shanghai) were analyzed using Network Selection
Neurosolution 5.0. The results showed that double digit
The number of neurons in an ANN must be
disease index were more efficient compared to disease
sufficient for correct modelling of the problem of
severity in all cultivars and lines for describing disease
interest, but it should be sufficiently low to ensure
progress in time. All cultivars and lines revealed high
generalization of the network. Generally, a neural
efficiency of ANN in the disease progress of wheat
Septoriosis, according to high coefficient of network is created for three phases commonly referred
correlation and low Root of Mean Square Error and to as training, validation and testing. The network is
Maximum Absolute Error parameters. This study on trained with input and output values and the network
using ANN models in temporal progress of wheat is adjusted according to the obtained errors. Sample
Septoriosis. data (both inputs and desired outputs) are processed
to optimize the network’s output and thereby minimize
Artificial Neural Network has been applied for
deviation. Validation is used to measure network
classification, optimization, and prediction problems in
the agricultural sciences (Cook, 1991; Thai, 1991). In generalization, and to halt training when generalization
the past few years, ANN used for cereal grain ceases improving and testing has no effect on training.
classification and identification tasks (Visen, 2002). Its
Network Model and Parameters
application in plant pathology includes the prediction
of leaf wetness duration (Francl, 1995) and soybean The neurons of the input layer receive
rust progress (Yang, 1995). Also, it has been applied information from the outside environment and transmit
to the prediction of disease intensity (De Wolf, 1997; them to the neurons of the hidden layers without
Batchelor, 1997) and leaf wetness duration (Chtioui, performing any calculation. The hidden layer neurons
1999; Francl, 1997). It has been shown to perform then process the incoming information and extract
just as well as or better than traditional multivariate useful features to reconstruct the mapping from the
6 Indian Agriculturist

input space. The neighboring layers are fully Experimental Setup

interconnected by weights. Finally, the output layer The model building process consists of four
neurons produce the network predictions to the outside sequential steps:
world. As there is no general rule for selecting the
number of neurons in a hidden layer. Repeated trials 1. Selection of the input and the output data
showed that a model with three hidden layers, having for the supervised Back Propagation learning.
any numbers neurons in the first layer and numbers 2. Normalization of the input and the output
neurons in the second layer and neurons in the third data.
hidden layer were trained to check most useful for the
3. Training of the normalized data using BP
training. Number of epochs was determined and the learning.
model was trained through multiple iterations.
4. Testing the goodness of fit of the model.
Model Assessment 5. Comparing the predicted output with the
Mean square error was used to measure the desired output.
performance of the network in each run. Thus, the
There are two tools for implementing the
performance index either has one global minimum, a
algorithms in MATLAB. They are-
weak minimum, or no minimum, depending on the
characteristics of the input vectors. Specifically, the • Nntool – Open network/data manager. The
characteristics of the input vectors determine whether single layer and the multilayer algorithms are
or not a unique solution exists proving the mean square implemented in the nntool- open network/ data
error an adequate performance measuring standard. manager
In other words, it shows that the network is learning. • Nftool – Neural network fitting tool. Only
Training on the training vectors continues as long the back propagation algorithm is implemented in this
training reduces the network‘s error on the validation MATLAB tool. Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) was
vectors. After the network memorizes the training set implemented in the nftools and a minimum MSE was
(at the expense of generalizing more poorly), training obtained and a graph was plotted between the predicted
is stopped. This technique automatically avoids the values and the target values. The following are the
problem of over fitting, which plagues many values recorded using the nftools MSE = 3.6456. The
optimization and learning algorithms. Finally, the last regression can be plotted as follows:
20% of the vectors provide an independent test of
network generalization to data that the network has Advantages of ANN Model
never seen.
Because linear regression models have the
inferiority of not being able to explain the non linear
Performance measure
properties existing between the weld geometry
The forecasting performance of various ANN parameters and welding parameters, intelligent systems
models and regression models was judged by Mean (artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and expert
Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). systems) have emerged. It is clear from the literature
that ANN can automatically approximate any nonlinear
mathematical function. This aspect of neural networks
is particularly useful when the relationship between the
variables is not known or is complex and hence it is
Where, Yt is actual observation, Ft is the difficult to handle statistically.
forecast from model and n is the total number of test It is widely known that neural networks can
data point. serve as a powerful tool for pattern classification,
KAMEI, KAMEI, DANGMEI, PAWAN AND DAS et al. : Artificial neural networks (ANN) a novel data 7

especially when the distribution of the objective classes pursuit Regression, CVMSE : Cross–validated mean
is unknown or cannot be expressed as mathematical squared error, LRM: Logistic regression model,
models. (Lightfoot et al., 2005). There are also studies AV: Absolute Value, PCA : Principal Component
that have shown that full factorial design and neural Analysis, Tr-Ts : Training Testing, Tr-Ts-V :
networks can be used as tools for future extraction, Training Testing Validation, Tr-Ts-CV : Training
to produce new features based on the original ones or Testing Cross-Validation, MAPE: Mean Absolute
the inputs to a neural network (Sudhakaran et al., Percentage Error.
2011). The set of new features usually contains fewer
and more informative features so that future Conclusion
classification can be conducted at a lower It is clear from the study that ANN model can
computational cost using only the condensed new automatically approximate any nonlinear mathematical
features. An artificial neural network (ANN), usually function which is valuable for modeling and forecasting
called neural network (NN), is a mathematical model
complex non-linear problems in practice. This aspect
or computational model that is inspired by the Modern
of neural networks is particularly useful when the
neural networks and are non-linear statistical data
relationship between the variables is not known or is
modeling tools.
complex and hence it is difficult to handle statistically.
Disadvantages of ANN Model Neural networks and statistical models are not
The disadvantages of neural network are, it competing methodologies for data analysis. There is
needs suitable set of data for training and if there are an overlap between the two fields. It was found that
considerable differences between training data and neural network model using multilayer perception
inputs of new regions, the neural network will have a (MLP) architecture is better than Radial Basis
lot of potential problems. It has also been suggested Function and weather indices based regression
that the neural network should be considered as possible models in terms of MAPE. Therefore, reliable
candidate for solving traditional problems (Bishop, forewarning for maximum severity of disease, crop
1995). age at first appearance of disease, crop age at peak
AVDIF : Average Difference, SMLR : severity of disease in two different varieties of crop
Stepwise multiple linear regression, PPR : Projection is possible well in advance.
8 Indian Agriculturist


Reference Statistical No. of Validation Error Measure Findings

model Variables Method
Warner and Misra (1996) LR 12 Tr-Ts (70-30) C-index and [C]
Goodness of fit test
Drummond et al. (2003) SMLR, PPR 11 Tr-Ts CV CVMSE [A]
Paul et al. (2004) LRM 11 Tr-Ts CV R2 , MSE [A]
Jiang et al. (2004) MLR 5 Tr-Ts CV AV [A]
Kaul et al. (2004) MLR 20 Tr-Ts R2 , RMSE [A]
Yong et al. (2005) MLR 6 Tr-Ts-CV Goodness of [A]
fit test, CC and R2
Ji et al. (2007) MLR 60 Tr-V R2 , RMSE [A]
Li et al. (2007) MLR 15 Tr-CV R2,RMSE, AVDIF [A]
Sing et al. (2008) MLR 5 Tr-Ts-V MSE [A]
Mehnatkesh et al. MLR 57 Tr-Ts R2 and RMSE [A]
Ayoubi et al. (2011) PCA 14 Tr-Ts (80-20) R2 and RMSE [A]
Zaefizadeh, M. et al (2011) MLR 5 Tr-Ts t-test of mean [A]
deviation index
Laxmi et al. (2011) SMLP 5 Tr-Ts-V MAPE [A]

AVDIF : Average Difference, SMLR : Stepwise multiple linear regression, PPR : Projection pursuit Regression, CVMSE
: Cross–validated mean squared error, LRM: Logistic regression model, AV: Absolute Value, PCA : Principal Component
Analysis, Tr-Ts : Training Testing, Tr-Ts-V : Training Testing Validation, Tr-Ts-CV : Training Testing Cross-Validation,
MAPE: Mean Absolute Percentage Error.

Statiscal results of neural network model of septoria tritici using disease index in seven wheat cultivar

Cultivar/ Input Network Training Testing Network

line series architecture type


A 1 1-4-1 0.85 15.53 2.99 0.67 19.33 3.30 BPNN
B 1 1-4-1 0.76 23.87 3.81 0.83 31.73 4.70 BPNN
C 1 1-4-1 0.66 25.67 3.50 0.73 31.93 4.35 BPNN
D 1 1-4-1 o.40 48.09 5.52 0.47 63.96 6.07 BPNN
E 1 1-4-1 0.76 58.27 6.19 0.85 58.91 5.82 BPNN
F 1 1-4-1 0.75 29.99 3.90 0.69 44.69 5.09 BPNN
G 1 1-4-1 0.42 167.99 11.33 0.50 147.67 10.02 BPNN
KAMEI, KAMEI, DANGMEI, PAWAN AND DAS et al. : Artificial neural networks (ANN) a novel data 9

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