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Planning is a process which involves steps that would be taken in the future to attain desired end.
It is performed to source out and allocate resources. The concept of planning are as follows:

dynamic process
systemic process

Approaches to Planning Health

Participatory Planning for Community Health
Primary Health Care Approach. Emphasizes the need to “work with people” as equal partners
towards the goals of increased individual & community control, political efficacy, improved quality of
community life & social justice.

Three Important approaches:

Community - Integrated Comprehensi
Based Approach ve approach
Approach considers strikes at the
other root of the
empowers dimension of problem
people health such as
health care
Procede – Proceed Model in Community Health Planning (Green and Kreuter, 1999). The
nurse clarifies the roles of stakeholders as well as strategies / approaches in addressing health
The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for
designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to
meet those needs.
provides the structure for
PRECEDE planning a targeted and
focused public health program.

provides the structure

for implementing and PROCEED
evaluating the public
health program

PRECEDE stands for Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling, Constructs in Educational / ecological

Diagnosis and Evaluation.
PROCEED consists of Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Constructs in Educational and
Environmental Diagnosis


!. Situational Analysis
Answers the question , “where are we now?”
Involves the process of collection, synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting information in a manner
that provides a clear picture of the health status of the community. Stages in Conducting
Situational Analysis are:

Behavioral And Administrative

Environmental And Policy
Social Diagnosis Diagnosis Diagnosis

Epidemiological Educational And

Diagnosis Organizational

2. Goal and Objective – Setting

This answers “where do we want to go?”
This a process that formulates the goal and objectives of the health program and nursing
strategies. Goal is the desired end Objective are more precise.

3. Strategy and Activity Setting

This answers “How do we get there?”
This defines the strategies and the activities that the nurse and community set to achieve in
order to realize the goals and objectives. It implies the identification of resources. In here, the
nurse facilitates the definite strategy or approach in health program. Resources, constraints of
the program are estimated.

4. Developing an Evaluation Plan

This answers the question, “How do we know we are there?”
This determine if the program is relevant, effective, efficient and adequate. It involves two
process, observation and measurement. Two approaches in evaluating program are qualitative
method and quantitative method. Three aspects of a program are process, impact and
outcome. The nurse use an indicator to measure program. These indicators are as follow:

A v a ila b ility

R e le v a n c e

A c c e s s ib ility

U ti liz a ti o n

C o v e ra g e

Q u a lity

E ff o rt

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