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I. Phonetic
A. pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the other words
1. A. works B.students C.movies
2. A. guide B.guilty C.quite
3. A. concert B.concern C.connect
4. A. sediment B.severe C.several
5. A. wanted B.needed C.wicked
B. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other
6. A. academic B.idiom C.graduation
7. A. available C.materia
8. A. federal B.mountainous C.occasion
9. A. element B.direction C.relation
10. A. announcement B.approval C.promise
II. Vocabulary and structure
A. Error recognition : Choose the underlined part (A,B,C,or D) that is incorrect
11. Happiness mean different things to different people.
12. If you open the door , air will circulates better .
13. The Mississippi, the longer river in the U.S, begins as a small, clear stream in
northwestern Minnesota .
14. Anybody plans to attend the conference ought to send a short note to the chairperson .
15. They are going to have to leave soon , and so do we .
16. I don’t know where is John ; He could be at home .
17. If I had a car , I will drive it to the seaside every day .
18. He had an accident yesterday because he was driving too fastly .
19. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship , she has highest grades.
20. Tom says this chair is much more comfortable than other .
B. Choose the one (A,B.C, or D ) that best completes each sentence .
21. Carlos did very well on the exam : He .......... very hard .
A. must study B. must have studied C. should have studied
D. ought to study
22. Helen has ........... abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
A. such exceptional B. so exceptional C. such an exceptional
exceptional an
23. The man ......... to the headmaster is my uncle .
A. who talk B. who talking talking
24. We hate flying because planes ......too much noise .
A. causes B. make C. have D. are
25. Only after food has been dried or canned ......later consumption .
A. that it should be stored for B. it should be stored for
C. should it be stored for D. should be stored for
26. Food prices ...rapidly in the last few months.
A. have been rising B. have been raising C. have been growing
D. rose
27. Yu are going to join in the game , ...................?
A. do you B. will you C. won’t you D.
aren’t you
28. Heavy rains and floods ................. all trains .
A. have delayed B.have cancelled C. have been postponed D.
have omitted
29. Jane lives in the house .......... the green door .
A. that with B. whose has C. where has D with
30. Mike regrets the quiz slow last night .
A. not to attend B.not attending C.that he attends D. to
31. There are some people who always ................. trouble .
A. create B. cause C makes D.
32. The dean ....... to apply for a scholarship to study abroad .
A. advised me B. warned me C. suggested me D.
Approved me
33. We’d better start early ...... there is a lot of traffic .
A. so that B. as if C. therefore
D. in case
34. Criticizing is easier than ......................
A. making good suggestions B. to make good suggestions
C. make good suggestions D. good
35. After seeing the film “Harry Porter” , ........................
A. the book was read by many children B. many children wanted to read the
C. the book made many people want to read it D. the reading of the book
interested many people
III. Reading .
A. Circle the best options to complete the following passage .
According to Kelly , the worst thing about the commercial was music . Kelly
thinks it is ....(36) ........ She was bored with it . She did not like the storyline ...(37).... She
was confused by the appearance of so many actors and said she did not really understand
the story at all . She did not find the actors very .... (38)..... Nevertheless , she ...(39)...
by the expressions on their faces
Kelly was a bid puzzled by the words ...(40).... to describe the shoes . She also suggested
that we .....(41)..... the stunts . She was frightened by them and said that the blood was
...(42).... .
However , the commercial .....(43)..... some good points . The colourful images were
exciting and inspiring .
Kelly said that the shoes look quite interesting . She was also attracted to the main model
and described him as memorable .
Kelly was shocked by the price . This is the biggest problem. when ...(44)... whether she
would buy the shoes , Kelly replied that she would be surprised if she ........(45)...........
36. A. old-fashioned B. old-fashion C. out-fashion D. old-
37. A. too B. neither C. either D. as
well as
38. A.interest B. interesting C. interested D.
39. A. amused B. was amused C. was
amusing D. amuse
40. A. were used B. using C.used
D.that used
41. A. changing B. has changed C. would change
42. A. too shocking B. too shocked C. too shock
D. a shocked
43. A. have B. does have C. do have D. did
44. A. was asked B. asking C. to ask D.
45. A. does B. would C. did D. will
B. Read the passage and then and answer the questions below.

International Direct Dialling

Your handy aid to international dialling
International Direct Dialling (IDD) is the quick , easy way to telephone abroad . It is
currently available to over 160 countries , and more countries are being added each year.
What you dial
Whenever you are calling you will have to dial the complete international number . In
most cases this is made up of four distinct elements :
1. International Code ; 2. Country Code ; 3. Area Code ;
4.Customer’s Code
- First dial the international code . From the UK this is always 010 .
- Then dial the code for the country you require .
- Next dial the Area Code , remembering to omit any initial o ( or 0 in the case of Finland
and Spain).
- Finally dial the customer’s number .

Country Codes and brief selection of Area Codes are shown in this leaflet - tờ giṍy in rời.
Many more Area Codes are published in the international Telephone Guide (ITG) . The
(ITG) also gives hints on dialling , charging information and help with international time
differences . It is available free of charge by dialling 100 and asking for Freestone 2013
(during normal working hours)
No Area Code is required on IDD calls to some countries where this is the case simply
dial the customer’s number immediately after the Country Code .
After dialling you may have to wait up to one minute before hearing a tone ( ringing ,
engaged ,etc .)
Remember that tones in other countries often different . For a free demonstration dial one
hundred and ask for free tones 2070 ( for Europe) or free tone 2071 ( for North America
Should you need a code not shown or a precise time difference , or have difficulty with
international telephone service , contact the international operator who will be pleased to
help ; The number to dial is in your telephone Dialling Code booklet . ['buklit](n) - cuụ́n
sách nhỏ

46.When dialling the Area Code , you must remember ...................

A. to do so before dialling the Country Code . dial a nine if you are
phoning Finland or France .
C. not to dial the first number in some cases . D. to look for it in the ITG.
47. When dialling numbers abroad in some cases you can leave out .......................
A. the third element of the code . B. the International Code .
C. the direct dialling system. D. the first element of the code .
48. You may have to wait for almost a minute ...........................
A. before dialling the customer’s number . B. between dialling one code and the
next .
C. after hearing the ringing tone . D. before you hear anything .
49. Why should you dial Freetone 2013 ?
A. To get information about international time differences B. To get a list of Country
Code .
C. To get the number of the international operator . D. To hear examples of tones
50. What should you do if you have difficulty with an international call?
A. Dial the International Code . B. Dial one hundred , then ask for
C. Dial International Direct dialling . D. Dial a number given in another


I. Phonestic
A.pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the other words
1. A. works B.students C.movies
Proof [pru:f] danh từ - chứng cớ; bằng chứng
this requires no proof - viợ̀c này khụng cõ̀ n phải có bằng chứng gì cả
what proofs have you that he is a swindler? - anh có bằng chứng gì cho thṍy nó là
kẻ lừa đảo?
has he got any proof that he is related to me? - nó có bằng chứng gì cho thṍy nó bà
con với tụi?
written proof - bằng chứng thờ̉ hiợ̀n trờn giṍy tờ; bằng chứng viờ́t
documentary proof of her statement - tài liợ̀u làm bằng chứng cho lời tuyờn bụ́ củ a
cụ ta
- sự kiờ̉m chứng; sự chứng minh
incapable of proof - khụng thờ̉ chứng minh được
experimental proof - sự chứng minh bằng thực nghiợ̀m
- sự thử; sự thử thách
to put something to the proof/test - đem thử cái gì
to put somebody to the proof - thử thách ai
to be brought to the proof - bị đem ra thử thách
2. A. guide B.guilty C.quite D.mice
guilty ['gilti] - (a)
đă làm điều sai trái, đáng khiển trách
to plead guilty (to a crime) - nhận là ḿnh đă phạm tội; nhận tội
a guilty person - một người phạm tội
the guilty party - bên phạm tội
a guilty act - hành vi tội lỗi
a guilty conscience - lương tâm bị dằn vặt v́ mặc cảm tội lỗi
to look guilty - trông có vẻ như có lỗi
I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely - tôi cảm thấy có lỗi v́ đến thăm cô ấy quá ít
the verdict of the jury was 'not guilty' - phán quyết của hội đồng xét xử là 'không có
to be found guilty of negligence - bị phát hiện là phạm tội cẩu thả
to declare somebody not guilty - tuyên bố ai vô tội
3. A. concert ['kɔnsət] (n) B.concern [kən'sə:n] (n) lợi lộc; cổ phầnC.connect [kə'nekt]
connect ngoại động từ
( to connect something up to / with something) nối; kết nối
the wires connect (up) under the floor
các dây điện nối với nhau bên dưới sàn nhà
confirm - [kən'fə:m] - ngoại động từ
xác nhận; chứng thực Ex : to confirm someone's statement - xác nhận lời tuyên bố
của ai
thừa nhận, phê chuẩn Ex : to confirm a treaty - phê chuẩn một bản hiệp ước
làm vững chắc, củng cố Ex : to confirm one's power - củng cố quyền lực
làm cho (ai) nhiễm sâu (một thói quen, một nếp nghĩ...)
to confirm someone in his chain-smoking - làm cho ai nhiễm sâu cái tật hút thuốc lá liên
4. A. sediment B.severe C.several
sediment ['sedimənt] (n)- cặn; chất lắng xuống đáy chất lỏng (địa lư,địa chất) trầm tích
(như) cát, sạn, bùn.
severe [si'viə](a) - khắt khe, gay gắt (trong thái độ, cách cư xử)
a severe look - một cái nh́ n nghiêm khắc ; be severe with one's children - nghiêm
khắc với con cái
several (a) - ['sevrəl] - nhiều hơn ba; vài; dăm ba
5. A. wanted B.needed C.wicked
wicked (a) ['wikid] (nói về người or hành động của họ) xấu xa; độc ác
Ex: that was very wicked of you! - mày tồi tệ thật!
B. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other
6. A. academic B.idiom C.graduation
academic [,ổkə'demik] (a)
thuộc (sự giảng dạy hoặc học tập ở) nhà trường, trường cao đẳng học viện; (thuộc) trường
đại học
có tính chất học thuật Ex : an academic debate - một cuộc tranh luận có tính chất học
lư thuyết suông, không thực tế Ex: a matter of academic concern - một vấn đề thuộc lĩnh
vực lư thuyết
the question is purely academic - vấn đề này là thuần túy lư thuyết
idiom (n) ['idiəm] - thành ngữ ; đặc ngữ
cách biểu diễn, cách diễn đạt (của một nhà văn...) Ex : Shakespeare's idiom - cách diễn
đạt của Sếch-xpia
graduation (n) - [,grổdʒu'ei∫n] - sự chia độ
the graduations are marked on the side of the flask - các vạch chia độ được đánh dấu
bên ngoài chiếc b́ nh
sự cấp bằng tốt nghiệp; sự tốt nghiệp; (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) lễ trao bằng tốt nghiệp
students without jobs to go to after graduation - những sinh viên không t́m được việc
làm sau khi tốt nghiệp
graduation ceremony/day - lễ/ngày trao bằng tốt nghiệp
preparation - (n) [,prepə'rei∫n] - sự sửa soạn; sự chuẩn bị
Ex : you can't pass an exam without preparation anh chưa chuẩn bị th́ không thể thi đỗ
7. A. available C.materia
Available [ə'veiləbl] (a ) sẵn có để dùng, sẵn sàng để dùng, có thể dùng được
by all available means - bằng mọi phương tiện sẵn có
career (n) [kə'riə] - nghề nghiệp hoặc công việc có những cơ hội để thăng tiến hoặc
được đề bạt; sự nghiệp
she chose an academic career - bà ấy đă chọn sự nghiệp học thuật
material (a) [mə'tiəriəl] - vật chất; hữu h́ nh ; Ex :the material world - thế giới vật
về sự thoải mái về cơ thể; về nhu cầu xác thịt
our material needs - nhu cầu vật chất của chúng ta (đồ ăn, thức uống
application (n) [,æpli'kei∫n] - sự gắn vào, sự áp vào, sự ghép vào, sự đính vào, sự đắp
vào, sự tra vào ( (cũng) appliance)
the application of a plaster to a wound - sự đắp thuốc vào vết thương
lời xin, lời thỉnh cầu; đơn xin Ex : application for a job - đơn xin việc làm
to make an application to someone for something - gửi đơn cho ai để xin việc ǵ
to put in an application - đệ đơn xin, gửi đơn xin
8. A. federal B.mountainous C.occasion
federal ['fedərəl] (a) - (thuộc) liên bang
federal policies - chính sách liên bang ; federal police - cảnh sát liên bang
mountainous ['mauntinəs] (a) - có núi, lắm núi ; mountainous country - vùng
(nước) lắm núi
occasion [ə'keiʒn] (n) - thời điểm một sự kiện xảy ra; dịp Ex : on this/that occasion -
nhân dịp này/đó
on the present/last occasion - nhân dịp hiện nay/vừa rồi ; I've met him on several
occasions - tôi đă có nhiều dịp gặp nó
this is not an occasion for laughter - đây không phải dịp để cười
cơ hội Ex : I'll buy one if the occasion arises - tôi sẽ mua một cái nếu có cơ hội
pattern ['pổt(ə)n] (n)
gương mẫu, mẫu mực Ex : a pattern of virtues - một kiểu mẫu về đức hạnh
9. A. element B.direction C.relation
element ['elimənt] (n) - yếu tố Ex : element of comparison - yếu tố để so sánh
direction [di'rek∫n] (n) sự điều khiển, sự chỉ huy, sự cai quản
to assume the direction of an affair - nắm quyền điều khiển một công việc
( số nhiều) lời chỉ bảo, lời hướng dẫn, chỉ thị, huấn thị Ex : directions for use - lời
hướng dẫn cách dùng
relation / ri'lei∫n] (n)
( relation between something and something; relation to something) mối quan hệ; mối
tương quan
the relation between rainfall and crop production - mối tương quan giữa lượng mưa và
sản lượng cây trồng
the relation between knowledge and practice
discovery [dis'kʌvəri] (n) sự khám phá ra, sự t́m ra, sự phát hiện ra
phát kiến, điều được khám phá, điều được phát hiện
10. A. announcement B.approval C.promise
announcement [ə'naunsmənt] (n) - cáo thị; thông cáo
announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers
thông báo về sự ra đời, hôn nhân và sự qua đời được đăng trên một số nhật báo
the announcement of the royal birth was broadcast to the nation
thông cáo về sự ra đời của hoàng tử đă được phát thanh đi toàn quốc
approval / ə'pru:vəl] (n) - sự tán thành; sự chấp thuận; sự phê chuẩn
to nod in approval - gật đầu, đồng ư Ex : to give one's approval to a plan - tán thành
một kế hoạch
to meet with approval - được tán thành; được chấp thuận
on approval - (nói về hàng hoá) được bán với điều kiện khách không vừa ư th́ cứ trả lại
promise ['prɔmis] (n) ;(v) - ( promise of something) lời hứa, điều hứa, điều hẹn ước; sự
hứa hẹn
we received many promises of help - chúng tôi đă nhận được nhiều lời hứa giúp đỡ
to make a promise - đưa ra một lời hứa
particular / pə'tikjulə(r)] (a)
liên quan đến một người, một vật hơn là với những người hoặc vật khác; riêng biệt; cá
in this particular case - riêng trong trường hợp này
his particular problems - những vấn đề riêng biệt của ông ta
is there particular colour you would prefer? - có màu đặc biệt nào anh thích không?
hơn thông thường; đặc biệt; ngoại lệ
a matter of particular importance - một vấn đề đặc biệt quan trọng
II. Vocabulary and structure
A. Error recognition : Choose the underlined part (A,B,C,or D) that is incorrect
11. Happiness mean different things to different people. Mean - means
12. If you open the door , air will circulates better . Circulates - circulate
A B C D ['sə:kjuleit]
ngoại động từ
lưu hành, truyền, truyền bá
to circulate news
truyền tin
nội động từ
lưu thông, luân chuyển, tuần hoàn
blood circulates in the body
máu lưu thông (tuần hoàn) trong cơ thể
lưu hành (tiền)
lan truyền
news circulates quickly
tin lan truyền nhanh chóng
13. The Mississippi, the longer river in the U.S, begins as a small, clear stream in
northwestern Minnesota .
The longer - the longest
14. Anybody plans to attend the conference ought to send a short note to the chairperson .
Plans - who plans or planning
15. They are going to have to leave soon , and so do we . So do - so are
16. I don’t know where is John ; He could be at home . Is John - John is

17. If I had a car , I will drive it to the seaside every day . Will drive - would drive
18. He had an accident yesterday because he was driving too fastly . fastly - fast
19. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship , she has highest grades.
Highest - higher
A B C D [greid] (n)-như
gradient - mức; loại; cấp - Ex : a person's salary grade - mức lương của một người

20. Tom says this chair is much more comfortable than other . other - the other
B. Choose the one (A,B.C, or D ) that best completes each sentence .
21. Carlos did very well on the exam : He .......... very hard .
A. must study B. must have studied C. should have studied
D. ought to study
22. Helen has ........... abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
A. such exceptional B. so exceptional C. such an exceptional
exceptional an
23. The man ......... to the headmaster is my uncle .
A. who talk B. who talking talking
24. We hate flying because planes ......too much noise .
A. causes B. make C. have D. are
25. Only after food has been dried or canned [kổnd](a)-được đóng hộp......later
consumption [kən'sʌmp∫n](n)
sự tiêu thụ, sự tiêu dùng (hàng hoá, điện, than, nước...)
A. that it should be stored for B. it should be stored for
C. should it be stored for D. should be stored for
26. Food prices ...rapidly in the last few months.
A. have been rising B. have been raising C. have been growing
D. rose
27. Yu are going to join in the game , ...................?
A. do you B. will you C. won’t you D.
aren’t you
28. Heavy rains and floods ................. all trains .
A. have delayed B.have cancelled C. have been postponed D.
have omitted
29. Jane lives in the house .......... the green door .
A. that with B. whose has C. where has D with
30. Mike regrets the quiz slow last night .
A. not to attend B.not attending C.that he attends D. to
31. There are some people who always ................. trouble .
A. create B. cause C makes D.
32. The dean chủ nhiệm khoa....... to apply for a scholarship to study abroad .
A. advised me B. warned me C. suggested me D.
Approved me
33. We’d better start early ...... there is a lot of traffic .
A. so that B. as if C. therefore
D. in case
34. Criticizing is easier than ......................
A. making good suggestions B. to make good suggestions
C. make good suggestions D. good
35. After seeing the film “Harry Porter” , ........................
A. the book was read by many children B. many children wanted to read the
C. the book made many people want to read it D. the reading of the book
interested many people
III. Reading .
A. Circle the best options to complete the following passage .
According to Kelly , the worst thing about the commercial (n)- sự quảng cáo trên
vô tuyến truyền h́ nh hoặc truyền thanh was music . Kelly thinks it is ....(36) ........ She
was bored with it . She did not like the storyline t́nh tiết , ...(37).... She was confused by
the appearance of so many actors and said she did not really understand the story at all .
She did not find the actors very .... (38)..... Nevertheless ,[,nevəđə'les]phó từ & liên từ -
tuy nhiên, tuy thế mà she ...(39)... by the expressions on their faces
Kelly was a bid puzzled ['pʌzld] (a) - không hiểu được, lúng túng, bối rối by the words
...(40).... to describe the shoes . She also suggested that we .....(41)..... the stunts - tṛ
quảng cáo; cái làm để thu hút sự chú ư . She was frightened by them and said that the
blood was ...(42).... .
However , the commercial .....(43)..... some good points . The colourful images
['imidʒ](n)- h́ nh, h́ nh ảnh, ảnh (trong gương...) ; real image - ảnh thực ;
virtual image - ảo ảnh
were exciting and inspiring [in'spaiəriỗ](a) - truyền cảm hứng, truyền cảm, gây cảm
Kelly said that the shoes look quite interesting . She was also attracted to the main model
and described him as memorable . ['memərəbl](a) - đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được
Kelly was shocked by the price . This is the biggest problem. when ...(44)... whether she
would buy the shoes , Kelly replied that she would be surprised if she ........(45)...........
36. A. old-fashioned B. old-fashion C. out-fashion D. old-
37. A. too B. neither C. either D. as
well as
38. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D.
39. A. amused B. was amused C. was
amusing D. amuse
40. A. were used B. using C.used
D.that used
41. A. changing B. has changed C. would change
42. A. too shocking B. too shocked C. too shock
D. a shocked
43. A. have B. does have C. do have D. did
44. A. was asked B. asking C. to ask D.
45. A. does B. would C. did D. will
B. Read the passage and then and answer the questions below.

International Direct Dialling

Your handy aid to international dialling - sự giúp đỡ
International Direct Dialling (IDD) is the quick , easey way to telephone abroad . It is
currently available to over 160 countries , and more countries are being added each year.
What you dial
Whenever you are calling you will have to dial the complete international number . In
most cases this is made up of four distinct elements : ['elimənt](n) - yếu tố Ex : element
of comparison - yếu tố để so sánh
1. International Code ; 2. Country Code ; 3. Area Code ;
4.Customer’s Code
- First dial the international code . From the UK this is always 010 .
- Then dial the code for the country you require .
- Next dial the Area Code , remembering to omit - bỏ qua any initial o ( or 0 in the case
of Finland and Spain).
- Finally dial the customer’s number . [i'ni∫əl](a) - ban đầu, lúc đầu to
return to the initial position
trở về vị trí ban đầu
Country Codes and brief bản tóm tắt selection of Area Codes are shown in this leaflet -
tờ giấy in rời. Many more Area Codes are published in the international Telephone Guide
(ITG) . The (ITG) also gives hints - lời khuyên thực tế on dialling , charging information
and help with international time differences . It is available free of charge không phải trả
tiền by dialling 100 and asking for Freetone 2013 (during normal working hours)
No Area Code is required on IDD calls to some countries where this is the case simply
dial the customer’s number immediately after the Country Code .
Tones - tín hiệu nghe thấy trên đường dây điện thoại
After dialling you may have to wait up to one minute before hearing a tone ( ringing ,
engaged ,etc .)
Remember that tones in other countries often different . For a free demonstration dial one
hundred and ask for free tones 2070 ( for Europe) or free tone 2071 ( for North America
Should you need a code not shown or a precise time difference , or have difficulty with
international telephone service , contact the international operator who will be pleased to
help ; The number to dial is in your telephone Dialling Code booklet . ['buklit](n) - cuụ́n
sách nhỏ

46.When dialling the Area Code , you must remember ...................

A. to do so before dialling the Country Code . dial a nine if you are
phoning Finland or France .
C. not to dial the first number in some cases . D. to look for it in the ITG.
47. When dialling numbers abroad in some cases you can leave out .......................
A. the third element of the code . B. the International Code .
C. the direct dialling system. D. the first element of the code .
48. You may have to wait for almost a minute ...........................
A. before dialling the customer’s number . B. between dialling one code and the
next .
C. after hearing the ringing tone . D. before you hear anything .
49. Why should you dial Freetone 2013 ?
A. To get information about international time differences B. To get a list of Country
Code .
C. To get the number of the international operator . D. To hear examples of tones
50. What should you do if you have difficulty with an international call?
A. Dial the International Code . B. Dial one hundred ,
then ask for freestone.
C. Dial International Direct dialling . D. Dial a number given in
another booklet.

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