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Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream


Email Writing
By John Anghelache

© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream

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Copyright © 2009 by John L. Anghelache

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publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to John
L. Anghelache, 17566 Merlin Drive, Lowell, IN 46356.

Published by John L. Anghelache

17566 Merlin Drive
Lowell, IN 46356

Phone: (219) 789-4456



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© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream

I’m going to give you a simple template anyone can use to write riveting, effective and
profitable emails. When in doubt or when you have to crank out an email quickly rely on
this formula and you won’t go wrong.

The first thing I want to give you is the layout of the email…

• Subject line – benefit-rich and curiosity-provoking

• Opening – start with an interesting personal story

• Body – includes “what to do” and ties in to a product or service

• Soft Offer – I include two links to a product that ties into the story in the body
copy. But I don’t actually sell the product in the email. This is a soft sell approach
that works very well.

• Footer – You’ll notice no post script. One could have been added with the link to
the product page but it was not necessary. However, the footer should include
the links to all your main web pages. If possible, the first link could be to the
product eluded to in the email.

The main reason this process works is because the content in the body copy ties in
with the web page you are sending people to… without… having to sell them on
going to the page.

This is an under the radar selling process.

It works great.

Now, here’s the email…

© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream

Subject: Test This First To Raise Response

Yesterday I was reading one of my all time

favorite marketing mentors... Ted Nicholas.

Nicholas has written dozens of best seller

business books. One of the ones I refer to
often is "Magic Words That Bring You Riches".

I love that title.

The premise of the book is simple: If you

learn to communicate the right way - using
the right words - you can become successful
in business and in life.

Right on!

A slew of advertising and communication topics

are covered. None more important than how to
write ads that work.

In that section, Nicholas points out that he

spends something like 80% of his time on the
headline of his ads.


Because the headline must pull the reader into

the ad. If the headline does not do its job the
rest of the ad does not matter.

I often test various versions of headlines for

my online and offline promotions.

One of the ebook courses I am very proud of is

found at...

... ...

Here are two headline versions I've tested

recently for this product...

** The Amazing Secret Behind The Single Most

Successful Piece Of Advertising In The

© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream

History Of The World

** How To Legally Rip Off Blockbuster Money

Making Ads To Sell More Of Your Products
Or Services

Which one do you think pulled in more orders?

Not sure...

Well the answer is the first one. It's considered

the "control" for now. The idea is to keep on
testing different headlines until a new winner
or control is discovered. You can't do this by
guesswork. You have to test.

Now, I'm testing a third headline. You can

read it by going here...

... ...

In time, the ideal headline will be uncovered.

When that happens response rates should reach
their highest levels for that version of the

Test your headlines in this fashion and you'll

get better results without spending any more on
advertising or traffic.


John Anghelache

Copyright John Anghelache 2008.

All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

John Anghelache is a direct response copywriter

© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

Killer Email Profits: How To Turn Your Email List Into A Cash Flow Stream

and marketing strategist. He has worked for some

of the top marketers in the world including: the
late, Gary C. Halbert, Joe Vitale, David Garfinkel,
Yanik Silver and Michel Fortin.

John is the author of the top selling program The

Copywriting Crash Course. He develops marketing
campaigns, writes email autoresponders and helps
clients to leverage assets into multiple bottom
line revenue streams.

John Anghelache
17566 Merlin Drive
Lowell, IN 46356
219-789-4456 Phone

© 2009 John Anghelache – All Rights Reserved.

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