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Name: Kent Joseph Talaid, Jenelyn Gucor, Haide Añora

Yr&course: BSEd-English 2

Subject: Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Language Learning

Instructor: Mrs. Judith Odfeminina

Group Name: Avengers

Narrative Report:

November 22, 2019–The BSEd-English 2 students were assigned to interview random students and
create a video presentation about their perception in learning a second language.

In the 27th day of November 2019 we finally got our first interviewee. He was Zaxfel Palacio, a third year
student from BSFoodTech and has learned a startling three languages namely: Filipino, English and
Spanish. He then figured out the advantages and disadvantages in learning a second language. He also
remarked that he willingly learned Filipino and English since these two languages contribute a big part in
our linguistic nature knowing that Filipino is our national language and English as the universal language.

Meanwhile, he found it a little bit difficult to learn Spanish language since he was just forced to take it
during his third year high school. He also added that it's not literally the vocabulary that people seem to
find the hardest. Understanding the native speakers was the number one challenge for students learning
Spanish because speaking with locals seems hard compared to other languages.

On the next day November 28, 2019, a fourth year student from BSCS became our second prospect.
Carlo Reyes has surprisingly learned four languages aside from Visaya–our native language. These are
Filipino, English, Thai and German language. He then bestowed his learning as he introduced himself
using Thai language and had given examples of the basics in German language. He aforementioned that
the vocabulary of Thai language was not as extensive as the English language, there were not so many
completely different words to remember and we can only take it easy by learning basics and watching
them use compounds to form new meanings.

Among the languages he has learned he found it very difficult to learn the German language. He said
that although German and English originate from thesame language families and probably share
similiarities, German grammar still has a reputation for being mindfully difficult. He concluded that it is
really hard and the words were unfamiliar and strange because it totally differs from English.

At exactly 5:00 p.m., the interview ended successful. We have learned a lot from them. We deemed that
perception of difficulty can be a hindrance in learning a second language. The more difficult we perceive
it to be, the more difficult it becomes. To view something difficult or challenging it can go one of two
ways–we can either launch ourselves into the challenge, or hit a complete block of learning fright.

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