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Learning Exercises / Activities:

1. FILL IN THE BLANKS.(10 pts)

1.1. Consumer behaviour is the dynamic interaction of the (1) affect and (2) cognition,
behavior, and (3) environment.
1.2. Consumer is dynamic because the thinking, feelings and actions is always (4)
1.3. The role of (5) consumer research and analysis is to help the exchanges thru
creation of marketing strategies.
1.4. If a consumer is referred to as buyer, a seller then is the (6) producer/supplier.
1.5. The three approaches to the study of consumer behavior are (7) Decision-Making
perspective, (8) Experiential Perspective, and (9) Behavioral-influence
1.6. A (10) components of consumer analysis is the design, implementation and control
of a plan to influence a consumer.

2. IDENTIFICATION. Using the wheel of consumer analysis, identify what element each
statement is referring to. (10pts)

2.1. Likes the song. Affect and cognition

2.2. Middle class. Consumer environment
2.3. Beliefs about how to live longer. Consumer behaviour
2.4. Buys sugar free coffee. Consumer behaviour
2.5. Goes to the gym to exercise. Consumer behaviour
2.6. Returns item to the customers service angrily. Affect and cognition
2.7. Compares different brands of laundry bar. Affect and cognition
2.8. Browse the internet to get product information. Affect and cognition
2.9. Gets information from an uncle. Consumer environment
2.10. Goes shopping when department store is on sale. Affect and cognition

3. ESSAY (20 pts)

3.1. Why do marketers need to consider consumer’s affect and cognition, behaviour, and
environment in formulating marketing strategies? Explain.
 Answer:

Marketers need to consider consumers affect and cognition, behaviour, and environment in
formulating marketing strategies because by doing so, marketers would be able to identify and
understand the expectations of wants and needs of the consumers. It helps also the marketers
understand what makes consumer to buy a product. It is important to asses the kind of products
liked by the consumers so that they can released a product and offer it the market. Therefore, the
marketing strategies they had formulated would be effective and productive.

3.2. How did the regional lockdown, clustering of barangays and vehicle coding’s affected
consumer behaviour? Give at least three examples. Explain your answer.
 Answer:

The regional lockdown, clustering of barangays and vehicle coding’s affect consumer behavior

 Because of clustering, regional lockdown and vehicle coding, consumers had only
limited supplies of products resulting in increase of prices of the goods they wanted to
 Consumers had limited time and has only a scheduled day to go in the market to buy
the good they wanted; therefore, most consumers can only go buy only on their
scheduled day and others prefer to buy in the nearest market only on their place to
avoid travel hassle and expensive fare in traveling to and fro.
 Limited movement of consumers. Many consumers would rather stay at their own
cluster and barangays due to expensive fare in commuting. PUVs and commuters are
most affective ones

3.3. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, how would a beauty parlor fulfill or meet the needs
of each level. Give an example for each level.
 Answer:
 Basic needs:
A beauty parlor should ensure the customers that they will be satisfied by the service
they can give. They should accommodate well and give the best service they could
provide to their client not only with a promise but should also be seen in the result. A
person who goes to a beauty Parlor wanted to be beautiful and attractive, therefore, in
order to fulfill that need, the beauty parlor should make her beautiful, gorgeous, stunning
and attractive in order for her to be satisfied.

 Psychological Needs:
Most people who goes to a beauty parlor wanted to feel beautiful and feel attractive
even though they are already perfectly beautiful. They want to be MORE beautiful,
therefore, in order to fulfill that need, the beauticians in the beauty Parlor must do their
best they can do to make that person feel more beautiful than before .

 Self-Fulfillment:
When the beauty Parlor provide the best service they gave to their customers, the
customers feel satisfied and contented when they Got what they wanted to achieve. Self-
fulfillment would be eminent and visible when after the service has done, their customers
are happy and has smile on their faces and does not regret the expenses they had spent in
paying. As a beautician, I too would feel happy that I was able to provide the need of my
client and I can call that achievement and self-fulfillment.
(This Rating Guide will be utilized in scoring individual output and performance. Take time to
read and understand the content of the rating guide.)

The ideas are full, There are ideas but There is no idea and
Include verifiable
detailed and well not detailed and collaboration at all.
ideas and
elaborated. slightly elaborated.
elaboration of
ORGANIZATION The ideas have not
The ideas are well The ideas are slightly
Include organized and
organized and organized and has
chronological presented.
presented. good presentation.
presentation of
There are lots of
GRAMMAR AND There are no There are slight
grammar errors and
PUNCTUATION grammar errors, an grammar errors, has
poor choice of words.
Include correctness excellent choice of good choice of words
Punctuation marks
of grammar, choice words and and some misuse of
are inappropriately
of words and use of punctuation marks are punctuation marks.
appropriate appropriately used.
punctuation marks.


Rated by: _______________________________ Date Rated: ___________ Score: _______

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