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1. The bathyscaphe, a free-moving c.

vessel designed for underwater d. world
exploration , consist of a flotation
compartment with a observation 5. Between 1871 until 1891, the
capsule attached underneath it population of Toranto more than
A. designed for tripled, increasing from 56.000 to
B. consist of 181.000
C. with a a. Until
D. attached underneath b. The population
c. More than
2. Alaska became the forty-ninth state d. From
in 1959, and Hawaii became the
fiftieth state lately, that year. 6. The naturally occurring magnetic
a. In fields of earth causes magnetic compass
b. And needles and other permanent magnets
c. Fiftieth to line up in the direction of the fields.
d. Lately a. Occurring
b. Causes
3. Because they obstruct navigation, c. Other
floating bridges have limited d. To line up
nonmilitary applications, yet several
have been Build in modern times, 7. For most bees, life revolves around the
including one over seattle’s lake scent, colorful, and nectar of flowers.
Washington. a. For most
a. Yet b. Revolves
b. Several have c. Colorful
c. Build d. Of flower
d. Including
8. The pituitary gland acts mainly by
4. Lake Superior, part of the united states- control the activities of all the other
Canadian boundary, is a largest endoctrine glands
freshwater lake in the world a. Mainly
a. Part of b. Control
b. Boundary c. Activities
d. The other
13. The originate of all steel and iron is
9. By selectively breeding plants, iron are, which occurs in great
researchers have created strains of abundance throughout the world.
plants that are more resistance to a. Originate
disease b. Occurs
a. Selectively c. Great
b. Have created d. Throughout
c. That
d. resistance 14. Nearly 100 million tons of fish,
10. Fossil records support the mollusks, squid, and crustaceans are
assumption which microorganisms extracted from the ocean every years.
were the first farms of life a. Nearly
a. Fossil b. Fish
b. Which c. Are extracted
c. Were d. Years
d. Of life
15. By the late twelve century, stained
11. In 1902 the world’s tallest of gloss had emerged in Europe as an
skyscraper was the 26 26 story park integral part of gothic architecture.
row building, across from city hall in a. By
the New York city b. Twelve
a. Tallest of c. Had emerged
b. Was the d. As an
c. Across from
d. In 16. The northern hemisphere faces the sun
most fully during the summer solstice,
12. Excessive moisture makes wood which occurs in about june 22
swell, paper have become limp, and a. Faces
organic substances develop mold. b. Fully
a. Excessive c. Which
b. Wood d. In
c. Have become
d. Mold
17. A supernova, the explosive death of a c. Settle
star, temporary attains a brightness d. Its
of 100 million suns or more
a. Explosive death 21. Poet anne sexton’s work, all of which
b. Temporary reflected her personal feelings of
c. Brightness vulnerability, has often been
d. More described as lyrical, irony, and
18. The economic performance of the a. All of which
thirty companies that make up the b. Personal feelings
dow jones industrial average has long c. Described
been considered a reflect of the d. Irony
overall stock market in the united
states. 22. In the feudal system, rulers gave land
a. Economic to powerful barons. What then gave
b. Make up land and protection to lesser lord, and
c. Has long so on through to peasants.
d. Reflect A. Rulers
B. What
19. Rachel Carson’s 1951 book entitled C. Protection
the sea around us describes the D. Through
biology, chemistry, geographically,
and history of the sea 23. ………. From the second stone age
a. Describes period, when stone age period, when
b. Geographically stone or bone needles were used with
c. And hair to stitch pieces animal skins
d. Sea together.
a. Sewing dates
20. One of the most powerful tools b. Sewing, which dates
available to labor unions has been the c. The dates of sewing
ability to strike in order to settle its d. To date sewing
disputes with management.
a. Tools 24. In the diurnal type of tidal oscillation,
b. Has the alternate rise and fall of sea level,
a single high water and a single low 28. a three-foot octopus can crawl through
water occur………. tidal day a hole ..... in diameter.
a. Each a. Than one inch less
b. Each of b. Less than one inch
c. Each of the c. One less inch than
d. Of each d. Than less on inch

25. Generally, the representatives…….. a 29. ...... adopted the clemical system of
legislature are constitutionally elected coinage in 1867.
by a broad spectrum of the population. a. Canada
a. Who they compose b. When Canada
b. Who compose c. Canada, which
c. And compose d. There was Canada
d. compose
30. The actor’s studio, a professional
26. The constinental united states lies actors’ workshop in New York city,
entirely between the tropic of cancer Provides ..... where actors can work
and 50 degree north latitude,………. together without the pressure of
That mostly confines better cold commercial production.
climates to that area’s high a. A place and
mountaintops. b. A place
a. Is a position c. So that a place
b. a position being d. A place is
c. a position
d. where a position 31. ....... that life began billions of years
ago in the water
27. Unlike flying birds, penguins have a. It is believed
solid bones that makes their b. In the belief
bodies……….. seawater. c. The belief
a. a as if the density airnost d. Believing
b. almost as dense as
c. are dence, almost like 32. By 1872 the United States had 70
d. almost of the density which engineering colleges, ...... astonishing
expansion credited largely to the
Morrill Act of 1862. 36. Roads in the United States remained
a. Because crude, ..... with graved or wood
b. An planks, until the begining of the
c. To which twentieth century.
d. Was a. Were unsurefaced or they covered
33. The artist Romare Bcarden was ...... b. Which unsureface or covered
whose yellows, deep blues, and c. Unsurfaced or covered them
fuchsias contrasted strongly with d. Unsurfaced or covered
photographic gray in his bright
collages. 37. Potrait prints were the first
a. With a gift for color reproductions of American
b. A gifted colorist paintings ....... widely distributed in
c. A gidt with colorfull the United States.
d. Gifteed with coloring a. Were
b. That wich
34. The most important chemical catalyst c. That being
on this planet is chlorophyll, ...... d. To be
carbon dioxide and water react to form
carbohydrates. 38. Abigail Adams was prodigious letter
a. Whose presence writer, ...... many editions of her
b. Which is present letters have been published.
c. Presenting a. Who
d. In the presence of which b. And
c. In addition to
35. One theory of the origin of the d. Due to
universe is ..... from the explosion of a
tiny, extremely dense fireball several 39. In geometry, an ellypse may be
billion years ago. defined as the locus of all points ......
a. Because what formed distances from two fixed points is
b. The formation that constant.
c. That it formed a. Which as the sum of
d. When forming b. Of the sum which
c. Whose sum of whose 43. Dubbing is used in filmmaking.….a
d. Whose sum that the new sound track to a motion picture.
A. Which to add
40. ....... at the site of a fort established by B. To add
the Nortwest Mounted Police, calgary C. Is adding that
is now one of Canada’s fastest D. To add while
frowing cities.
a. Built 44. The saybean contains vitamins,
b. It is built essential minerals,…..high percentage
c. To build of protein.
d. Haing built A. A
B. And a
41. An image on a national flag can C. Since a
symbolize political ideals that ...... D. Of which a
a. Take many words to otherwise 45. In the jurnal type of tidal
would associllation , the alternate rise and
b. Would take to many otherwise fall of sea level, a sigle high water and
words a single low water
c. Many words to take would accur………….tidal day
otherwise A. Each
d. Would otherwise take many words B. Each of
to C. Each of the
D. Of each
42. The approximately twelve species of
river otters are swimmers......close 46. Migran headache are more frequent
their ears and to make themsolves among women…………..among men
watertight, A. Than
A. That can B. However
B. How can C. Concept for
C. That they can D. On one
D. Can
47. American poet and novelist Sylvia
piath was little known at the time of
hear death …… now considered 1,500 miles from Colorado to
one of the important writers of the northwestern mexico
twentieth century….. a. It is the Colorado river
a. Because b. The Colorado river which
b. Whose c. And the Colorado river
c. But d. The Colorado river
d. Which

48. Astronomers devote much

offort……..about the physical nature
and origin of asteroids
A. Jearn
B. They learn
C. To learning
D. Learned

49. the serman antitrust act of

1890………..nearly unanimously
through the united states congress
a. Passed
b. In passage
c. Having passed
d. Passing

50. ……… high regard since the dawn

of human culture, gold was among the
metals used by prehistoric artisans.
a. Held in
b. Held
c. Holding
d. To hold it

51. One of the major rivers of westerm

united states……….flows for some

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