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Future of Retail

A Wasted Hour

”Walking while black: Michael Brown, black men and white police officers”.

“The Sentry”af Téa Obreht

”Kiss and Tell” af John Sam Jones.


novellen ”De-Luxe Model” af Adam Thorpe.

"What is Uber and what should I think about the controversies?

“Why Latino Children Are Scared of Donald Trump”

“The Weekly Visit” af Emanuel Melo.

Giving ex-cons a second chance

America First

Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra teksterne The Future Of Retail: How We’ll Be Shopping In 10 Years og Retailers Experiment
With a New Philosophy: Smaller Is Better. 

I hver sætning er en ing-form understreget. Forklar, hvorfor der er anvendt ing-form i netop denne sætning. Brug
relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. 

1. Given retail’s steady migration to mobile and e-commerce, you may be wondering what retail will look like in the future.

2. Are we all going to shop at home in our underwear?

3. But if you’ve been paying attention, you know that’s changing.

4. You won’t have to worry about running out of essentials like coffee, pet food or snacks because your containers will
sense inventory levels and replenish those items without you having to lift a finger.

5. Have you ever gone to a store hoping to buy something, only to learn that they were out of stock?

6. This is the antithesis of the standard shopping mall experience, with the overwhelming assortment of products, the
glazed apathy of part-time store workers, the disrobed patrons bellowing from fitting rooms for another size.

Opgave 2
Nedenstående sætninger er fra teksterne The Future Of Retail: How We'll Be Shopping In 10 Years,‘Dreamers’ Put Their Trust
in DACA. What Now? og Retailers Experiment With a New Philosophy: Smaller Is Better. 

Angiv subjekt (grundled) til det understregede verballed (udsagnsled) i hver af sætningerne, og forklar
verbalkongruensen (overensstemmelsen mellem subjekt og verballed). Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. 

1. Employee turnover, a costly problem at mall-based retailers, is lower in showroom-style stores, said Nadia
Shouraboura, who founded the retail technology company Hointer.

2. Contradicting what the attorney general and the president have said in public, a White House talking points memo on
DACA is making the rounds among my friends and colleagues, in group text messages and private Facebook groups.

3. How many more Mrs. Dennys have made and will continue to make that decision?

4. The customer service is often luxurious, but so is the time commitment for shoppers.

5. They also require less storage space, which makes them more affordable to lease, especially in expensive urban

6. One of the pains of going out to buy things is that you have to transport them yourself.

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse.
Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. 

1. The retailer from who I bought the laptop was extremely helpful.

2. All articles have been shipped immediate.

3. The company did not sent an invoice.

4. The US last year saw more than 2,500 store closures.

5. He made an enquiry on 200 headsets.

6. In five years, will 25% of America’s shopping malls be gone.

7. Small brick-and-mortar retailers seldom are able to compete with companies like Amazon.com.

8. You never know, when consumer trends change.

Opgave 4
Du arbejder i regnskabsafdelingen hos tøjvirksomheden Westseller. I har opdaget en række uregelmæssigheder i fakturaerne
fra en leverandør i Brasilien. Der er ikke overensstemmelse mellem omfanget af leveringerne og fakturaoplysningerne. I har
dobbelttjekket alle fakturaer, hvilket har været særdeles tidskrævende. Du skriver en e-mail til leverandøren for at få opklaret,
hvad der er gået galt. Da det ikke er første gang, at I oplever problemer med den pågældende leverandør, forklarer du samtidig,
hvilke konsekvenser det kan få, hvis der ikke fremover udvises større omhu i forbindelse med fakturering. 

Du skriver e-mailen til Josephine Taylor, jota@brazilfabrics.br 

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger. 

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med stort

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift. 

Omfang: 100-150 ord 

unfortunately invoices

irregularities explain

look forward to over the past month

Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen “A Wasted Hour” og artiklen “Joel Contartese Shares 5 Lessons On The American

Gør rede for brugen af komma i følgende sætninger. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. 

1. While he looked to his left and concentrated on getting back onto the road, she took a closer look at him.

2. “Thanks for stopping,” she said.

3. “Hemmingway, Steinbeck, Bellow and Faulkner,” she said.

4. Kelley always thumbed a ride back to college, but never told her parents.

5. “No, can’t pretend I did.”

6. “But to do her justice, which is quite difficult, she gave me two great sons.”

7. “I read The Grapes of Wrath when I was twelve years old, and I consider it to be one of the great novels of the
twentieth century.”

8. Throughout his struggles and successes, Contartese has learned a number of lessons about how the American Dream
has changed over the years and what it means to live this dream.

Opgave 2
Nedenstående tekststykke er fra artiklen “How the American Dream Turned into a Nightmare”. 

Find og skriv seks forskellige adverbier (biord) fra tekststykket. Forklar, hvad hvert adverbium lægger sig til. 

Trump’s promise to scrub the melting pot and reinstate majority rule was the second reason why Americans voted for him. As he
made quite clear during his campaign, he dismissed accepted social norms of “political correctness” toward any minority and,
without caring about whether he was accused of racism, misogyny or bigotry, he spoke in the name of the majority of “the
forgotten men and women of our country,” vowing that ordinary people who work hard should have a voice, pledging: “I am your

Interestingly, that message made full sense to naturalized minorities such as Latinos, Muslims and other former immigrants,
who by now felt themselves “proud daughters and sons” of America. […] 

As Trump assumes office, America is now another country. The American dream seems to lie in tatters, and there is growing
support for mass deportations of illegal and other unwanted minorities. 

As the new president will have to deliver upon his promises to blue-collar and middle-class Americans, many believe him to be
entirely unfit to govern. 

With no concrete plan as yet, it is unlikely that his policies will turn around the lives of Americans in downtrodden areas that
have lost factory jobs. Nor is it easy to imagine how scrubbing the melting pot will bring harmony and reduce the polarization
and racial conflict in American society. 

By far the most contentious terrain will be the institutions of federal government. The traditional checks and balances of the
American political system may withstand a presidential political assault, but will certainly be strained and, perhaps, partially

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse.
Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. 

1. Kelley contemplated to become a great American writer.

2. In today’s US, remains the American Dream just a dream to most people.

3. Kelley is interested in to save money by thumbing back to college.

4. Self-reliance is an American value frequent mentioned in textbooks.

5. Everybody know that it takes hard work to achieve the American Dream.

6. John Steinbeck, that wrote The Grapes of Wrath, died in 1968.

7. Much advice given to people who would like to climb the social ladder are useless.

8. Many Americans will properly never get out of poverty.

9. Opgave 4
Du arbejder som indkøbsassistent i Sainsbury’s, og I har lige modtaget et vareparti på tyve paller Fairtrade chokolade
fra Nigeria. I har desværre konstateret, at en del af forsendelsen har været udsat for vandskade. 

Du skriver en e-mail til shippingfirmaet, som har ansvaret for transporten, og forklarer problemstillingen samt foreslår
en løsning. 

E-mailen sendes til Bruce Wayne hos shippingfirmaet BlueOceanTransport (bw@bot.co.uk). Du refererer til
ordrenummer FCK155-2018. 

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger. 

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med stort

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift. 

Omfang: 100-150 ord 

consignment pallets
therefore damaged
in fact unfortunately

Delprøve 1.1

Nedenstående tekstuddrag er fra artiklen ”Walking while black: Michael Brown, black men and
white police officers”.
Tag stilling til, hvorfor der er anvendt ing-form eller udvidet tid i nedenstående tekststykke. Brug
relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

During my teen and young adult years, I recall being pulled over for having a non-working license
plate light, despite the fact that it was shining brightly. I was pulled over for having a license plate
partially obstructed by snow while it was snowing. I was stopped for having a small crack in my
windshield, as if the officer could see that from 50 yards away.

Far too often after their bogus reasons (sometimes they gave none at all), the officers would ask
the same questions. Where was I coming from? Where was I going? What was I doing in the area?

The message was clear. My blackness was seen as a threat, even in my home neighborhoods. One
officer swore that I was high and threatened me with arrest on my way home from work because
he said my tongue was green and that meant “cannabis sativa.” My tongue was actually blue from
the Powerade sitting in the cup holder. Luckily for me, after I passed all his sobriety tests with
flying colors he was kind enough to let me off with a stern warning.

Delprøve 1.2

Nedenstående sætninger er fra artiklen ”What caused the Ferguson riot exists in so many other
cities, too”.

Forklar, hvilke(t) ord i sætningen de understregede adverbier beskriver. Brug relevant

grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. America has continued to isolate poor black people in economically depressed

neighborhoods under increasingly oppressive police tactics that breed distrust and

2. Authorities often see fit to heavily police towns with growing black and poor populations,
to surveil them, and occasionally to harass them in the name of a “broken windows
theory” of policing, banking on such methods to control crime.

3. For example, the New York Police Department’s use of the controversial stop-and-frisk
practice is most commonly exercised against young blacks and Latinos.

4. A recent report by the Center for Constitutional Rights found that black and Latino people
are stopped much more frequently than whites under this program, even in mixed and
especially in predominantly white communities.

5. Clearly, the relationship between the police and the communities they are charged with
“protecting and serving” needs to change.

Delprøve 1.3

Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen
og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. African-Americans median income is only about 60 per cent that of their white

2. Most people dislike to be away from home for long periods of time.

3. Even today is racial tension a recurring problem in the US.

4. Michael Brown was shot of a Ferguson police officer.

5. The St. Louis area has traditionally been a racial segregated region.

6. The first step towards save young, black people’s lives is to clean up their image.

7. There is, of course, many lessons to be learned from Ferguson.

8. The shooting of Trayvon Martin, that was also unarmed, led to intensive protests in Florida.

Delprøve 1.4

Du overvejer at starte en kaffebar og beder derfor om et tilbud på italienske espressomaskiner fra

firmaet ItaliaEspresso.com. Du skal bruge mellem to og fire maskiner, afhængig af pris og
kapacitet. Du ønsker oplysninger om leverings- og betalingsbetingelser samt vedligeholdelse.

Du skriver derfor en forespørgsel til sales@ItaliaEspresso.com.

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive
dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du understrege de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Omfang: 50-100 ord





place an order


Delprøve 1a
Nedenstående tekstuddrag er fra novellen “The Sentry”af Téa Obreht.

Tag stilling til, om de understregede ord er adjektiver (tillægsord) eller adverbier (biord) og forklar, hvilket ord de
lægger sig til.

In July, he jumped the fence and made off with the widow's champion pug; two weeks later, an old gun dog that
lived at the rest-home two blocks over was seriously injured. People complained, but always indirectly, with
reluctance, usually at church and in ways that made their concerns seem more like observations than actual
grievances. They knew Bojan's father; they seemed to know better.

Around Bojan's father, the mastiff was keen but subdued, like a retired cannon in a museum. Bojan could picture
the two of them on sentry duty: his father, tall and heavy-set, the dog growling like a rusted grate at his side
while they performed manoeuvres, or, in some of Bojan's more daring fantasies, searched for mines.

Delprøve 1b
Nedenstående tekstuddrag er fra artiklen “Majority of voters think immigration is harming Britain”.

Forklar årsagen til anvendelse af apostroffer og deres placering i sætning 1 og 2 samt brugen af of-konstruktion i
sætning 3 og 4.

1. The research also used the Home Office’s recent “Go Home or Face Arrest” ad van campaign as a case
study to assess opinions on Immigration policy.
2. People’s concerns about immigration are part of a bigger set of anxieties.
3. This outweighed fears that foreigners took jobs that might otherwise go to British workers, or that they
changed the character and culture of local areas.
4. They see the pace of change continuing and even accelerating, and they know Britain in 20 years will
look different from the Britain of today, let alone that of 20 years ago.

Delprøve 1c
I hver af nedenstående sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Ret fejlen og forklar din rettelse. Brug
relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.

1. There is valid concerns about population growth.

2. By 2040 will the number of foreign born and non-white residents double in the UK.
3. Immigration figures have increased significant in recent years.
4. Britons which ancestors are immigrants should not be opposed to immigration.
5. The Pakistani girls did not knew that arranged marriages were unusual in the UK.
6. Many Romanians are now thinking about to move to Britain permanently.
7. Not all politicians agree with Camerons plans to curb immigration.
8. In British schools immigrant children are teached English.

Delprøve 1d
Du har besluttet at undersøge muligheden for import af silkestoffer fra Pakistan til Storbritannien. Du skriver
derfor en forespørgsel til LakhanySilkMills@lakhany.com for at forhøre dig om produktsortiment, priser samt
betalings- og leveringsbetingelser.

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med stort

I din besvarelse skal du understrege de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Omfang: 50-100 ord



quantity discount


look forward to

bank transfer



Delprøve 1.1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen ”Kiss and Tell” af John Sam Jones.

Forklar, hvorfor der er anvendt do-omskrivning i sætningerne 1-3.

Forklar, hvorfor der ikke er anvendt do-omskrivning i sætningerne 4-6.

1. “I don’t need the lonely kids club when I’ve got my dreams to keep me company,” he said…

2. He knew that puberty kicked in later in some, but why did he have to be the runt, and bear the brunt of
so much teasing?

3. But he did look at them in the showers.

4. ”He’s not gay;...”

5. …. Shân couldn’t concentrate.

6. “Who is he?”

Delprøve 1.2
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen “Kiss and Tell” af John Sam Jones.

Angiv det understregede verballeds (udsagnsleds) tid og tag stilling til (sæt kryds), om hovedverbet
(hovedudsagnsordet) er regelmæssigt eller uregelmæssigt. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Seimon had decided it wasn’t easy being fourteen.

2. Seimon found him fascinating to watch;…

3. … in 2005 teachers were offered in-service training on how they could support gay and lesbian students
in educational settings.

4. Seimon didn’t know what to say, or do.

5. “You’ll be suspended without prejudice pending further investigations,” Elery Clwyd said.

6. “He’s not gay; he’s going out with Anwen who plays the harp in assembly sometimes.”

7. “In a small country, especially, one that has recently gained some autonomy from its ruling neighbour,
things can change quickly.”

8. “He’s not gay; he’s going out with Anwen who plays the harp in assembly sometimes.”

Delprøve 1.3
I hver af nedenstående sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug
relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.

1. Those affected with affluenza shows symptoms early in the “disease”.

2. An overwhelmingly number of young Americans are shopaholics.

3. Last year Americans spend large amounts on online shopping.

4. The problems are caused by overcrowded prisons which facilities are worn down.

5. A countrys GDP generally reflects its level of wealth.

6. According to police statements, was the teenager speeding while under the influence of alcohol.

7. American sociologists are aware of that inequality is rising.

8. Growing numbers of British authors consider to publish their work online.

Delprøve 1.4
Du har lige modtaget den nyeste iPhone fra Smartcheatphone. Af firmaets hjemmeside fremgik det, at man ved
køb inden den 1. august ville få et gratis cover. Du købte varen den 27. juli, men modtog intet cover. Du skriver
til sales@smartcheatphone.com, forklarer situationen og foreslår en løsning.

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med stort

I din besvarelse skal du understrege de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Omfang: 50-100 ord


as soon as possible




look forward to

Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen "Streamlining".

Find og skriv hjælpeverbet i hver af sætningerne, og forklar for hver sætning, hvorfor der er
anvendt hjælpeverbum. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. She’d left home when she was seventeen for God’s sake.

2. Do you want money from her?

3. The feeling of dread was working its way through her system.

4. He just didn’t know he was irresponsible; the word wasn’t in his vocabulary.

5. You’ve always been weird.

6. Besides, they hadn’t been talking about burying anyone.

Opgave 2
Nedenstående eksempler er fra teksterne “My social mobility journey feels more like an exhausting,
endless quest” og “Middle-income families, young and poor being 'left behind economically',
government warned”.

Gør rede for brugen af komma i følgende sætninger. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig

1. Although I may appear to be a success story, my background still remains the biggest barrier
to earning a decent living.

2. Being expected to work for free is a scourge for all young people, but it feels
insurmountable if you don’t have money from your family.

3. For people from working-class backgrounds, this inability to take up the opportunities
required for the careers we want is often used against us.

4. The problem is insidious, institutional and unfair.

5. The Government’s “Starter Home” scheme should focus on households with average
incomes, and when sold these homes should go to other low-income households with the
same discount.

6. Alan Milburn, who chairs the commission, welcomed Theresa May’s pledge to make social
mobility a key priority but said it was time for her to match her “big ambition” with “big

7. The Social Mobility Commission said that families earning £22,500 a year have now joined
young people and those on low incomes in being unable to climb the social and economic

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret
fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. There are a growing need for affordable houses in Britain.

2. In November 2016, warned the Social Mobility Commission of increasing inequality.

3. Working class Britons are the least social mobile group in the UK.

4. The author with which she was going to dine sent her a text.

5. Education is important for you're future.

6. Much attention has been giving to social mobility.

7. Thomas was sure of that Samantha was having an affair.

8. There is a clear different between house prices in cities and towns.

Opgave 4
Du arbejder som indkøbsassistent hos juice- og cafékæden Tuttifrutti i London. Kæden har besluttet kun at
føre bæredygtige produkter i fremtiden. Du kontakter Jean Mendez hos Sun Fruit og forklarer, at I ønsker
en fast levering af økologisk frugt af en høj kvalitet og til en konkurrencedygtig pris. Du beder om
oplysninger vedr. sortiment, leveringstider og betalingsbetingelser.

Du skriver en e-mail til: jean.mendez@sunfruit.com

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med
stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift.

Omfang: 50-150 ord

assortment terms

regular for this reason

sustainable competitive

Delprøve 1.1

Nedenstående tekstuddrag er fra novellen ”De-Luxe Model” af Adam Thorpe.

Find 4 adjektiver (tillægsord) og 4 adverbier (biord) i nedenstående tekstuddrag. Angiv for

hvert ord, hvilket andet ord i sætningen det beskriver samt dette ords ordklasse.

I had only just noticed the lino: it was incredibly smooth and we were in socks. Hugh’s mother
came in and told us off for using the kitchen as a skating rink and making an awful racket. Her
glasses magnified her eyes and had curly bits over the top like extra eyebrows. She gave us tea and
sponge cake eaten with little forks and then, drawing deeply on her menthol cigarette, she ordered
us to ‘load the dishwasher’. This involved taking our tea things to the sink, rinsing them until all the
crumbs and clots of jam had gone, then placing the plates, cups and cutlery inside the machine in
exactly the right position as dictated by her. Hugh was reminded to flick what he called the ‘turbo-
jet-blade’ to check it didn’t catch on anything: this was really important, apparently. He asked
which setting and she said ‘heavily soiled’.

Delprøve 1.2

Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen ”De-Luxe Model” af Adam Thorpe.

I hver sætning er et relativt pronomen (henførende stedord) understreget. Angiv, hvad pronomenet
henviser til og forklar, hvorfor dette pronomen er anvendt. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Hugh’s mother, who was much taller than her husband, looked after the house with the help of her

2. I checked my inside jacket pocket: Basildon was no longer there, but now there was a hole at the
bottom through which I could tickle my armpit.

3. I liked being invited there and to stay overnight, which happened every so often.

4. Mrs Mallinson was the next-door neighbour, whose husband commuted to the City and drove a

5. He had panned for gold in Peru and sheltered in a cinema doorway during an earthquake that had
killed twenty-two thousand people in a few minutes.

6. The kitchen and scullery had floors of uneven brick, worn down by centuries of use, that were
useless when it came to racing our Dinky toys.

Delprøve 1.3

Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og
forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Earlier this year, announced Tesco it was expanding its charity food scheme.

2. No one want to throw away food that could otherwise be eaten.

3. Asda has announced it will give away all its surplus food instead of throw it in the bin.

4. Tesco needs informations about suitable partners in the community.

5. The majority of cans which labels were damaged were given to charity.

6. British retailer’s welcome charity programmes that eliminate food waste.

7. Last year, Asda and Sainsbury's did not spent enough time on renewable energy improvements.

8. The British retailers sold on Black Friday more than last year.

Delprøve 1.4

Du er bestyrer af en Netto-butik i Leeds i England og er meget optaget af problemet med madspild.

Hver dag kasserer butikken en lang række fødevarer, der sagtens kunne anvendes. Derfor skriver du
til den lokale afdeling af velgørenhedsorganisationen FareShare, som distribuerer kasserede varer
fra detailhandlen til socialt udsatte borgere.

I mailen forklarer du, hvorfor du kontakter FareShare. Du skriver, hvilke produkter der er tale om,
og hvorfor de ikke kan anvendes i butikken. Du foreslår samtidig et møde, hvor I kan diskutere,
hvordan samarbejdet kan foregå.

Du skriver en e-mail til fareshare@leeds.co.uk

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive
dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du understrege og fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve
eller fed skrift.

Omfang: 50-150 ord

food waste


sell-by date




Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra artiklen "What is Uber and what should I think about the controversies?"

Find verballeddet (udsagnsleddet) i hver sætning og angiv, hvilken tid det er. Brug relevant
grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Uber has been fighting a host of regulatory and legal battles around the world ever since launch.

2. Uber is available in more than 440 cities across six continents - including 20+ cities in the UK, from
Southampton to Belfast and Glasgow.

3. As of 2015, there had been at least 70 different conflicts around the world in relation to Uber.

4. In India, a national ban was debated in response to allegations of rape by an Uber driver.

5. So cabbies are experiencing a decline in customer base.

6. On average, black cab airport quotes were double the estimated Uber price for the same journey.

Opgave 2
Nedenstående uddrag er fra novellen "Day Trippers".

Gør rede for brugen af komma i følgende sætninger. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. After their reunion meal, her relationship with Aisling had lapsed into irregular social media contact

2. The evenings featured large quantities of wine, cheese from the deli and crackers, grapes, and an
assortment of nuts.

3. She was surprised she recognised him when, almost a year later in Birmingham on business, she
spotted him as she was checking in at her hotel.

4. When they complained, she turned up the volume.

5. The children would usually rip open parcels as soon as they arrived, but these were left unopened
for weeks.

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og
forklar din rettelse med udgangspunkt i sætningen. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. The aim is to ensure that the customers gets the best fares possible.

2. They were extreme pleased with the hotel at which they stayed.

3. In 2009 was Uber founded by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp.

4. Indians are used to wear traditional clothes.

5. Lyft, that is one of Uber’s main competitors, was founded in 2012.

6. Parminder and Gurpreet changed seat in the commuter train.

7. Naturally, taxi drivers did not approved of Uber’s business practices.

8. Gurpreet avoided to smoke in Parminder’s presence.

Opgave 4
Uber skal til at etablere et nyt hovedkontor i Indien og skal i den forbindelse have indrettet
lokalerne. Som projektleder sender du en forespørgsel til
salesdepartment@smartofficesolutions.com angående indretning af et kontorlandskab til ca. 80
medarbejdere. Du ønsker et samlet tilbud på indretning, møbler og belysning. I e-mailen beder du
også om oplysninger vedr. leveringstid og betalingsbetingelser samt eventuelle muligheder for at
opnå rabat.

Du skriver en e-mail til salesdepartment@smartofficesolutions.com

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive
dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift.

Omfang: 50-150 ord

office landscape Establish

please concerning
lighting as well

Delprøve 1.1

Nedenstående sætninger er fra artiklerne “Why Latino Children Are Scared of Donald Trump” og ”Barack
Obama enforces US immigration overhaul”.

Skriv den grammatiske forklaring på placeringen af de understregede adverbier/adverbielle led

(biord/biordsled) i hver enkelt sætning. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Ever since he began his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination with a vicious screed
against Mexican immigrants, Donald J. Trump has become a figure of dread and comic-book
meanness to the Latino community.

2. Like certain politicians in the Weimar Republic, he’s found a largely defenseless group to pick on —
who also happen to be reviled by a bankable minority of the electorate.

3. In just nine short years, Alexandra will be ready to vote.

4. At that moment, The Donald has unwittingly taught the girl the same valuable message that’s at the
heart of many scary monster tales: Be on guard, because there are people out there who might
harm you.

5. Monsters are really just myth.

6. And you can always make one into a piñata, and beat it until its paper shell breaks and candy falls

7. Millions of immigrants living illegally in the US will be allowed to apply for work permits under a
major shake-up unveiled by President Barack Obama.

Delprøve 1.2

Nedenstående sætninger er hovedsageligt fra artiklerne “Why Latino Children Are Scared of Donald Trump”
og ”Donald Trump wants to deport every single illegal immigrant - could he?”.

I hver sætning er en ing-form understreget. Forklar, hvorfor der er anvendt ing-form i netop denne
sætning. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. He said he was afraid of getting in trouble with his employer.

2. “We Latinos are becoming more powerful, and he doesn’t like it,” said Irene Huerta, a 24-year-old
college student.

3. Donald Trump considers building a wall paid for by the Mexicans.

4. I like to think of him as our Cucuy (a kidnapping boogeyman also known as El Cuco).

5. A 10-year-old like Damaris watches The Donald descending an escalator in Trump Tower.

6. “I’m afraid someone is going to hurt him,” my 10-year-old daughter pronounced recently.

7. Trump is keen on deporting all undocumented immigrants.

8. Using good old-fashioned American school buses, that's 650 bus loads every month for two

Delprøve 1.3

Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og
forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Antonio broke the leg when he tried to cross the Rio Grande.

2. Illegal immigrants always are watching out for the immigration officers.

3. Since early July 2015, has Donald Trump been the frontrunner for the Republican Party nomination.

4. The journalists who investigated the case has been fired.

5. Some Republicans enjoy to listen to Donald Trump.

6. Every year, a large number of Mexicans lose their life trying to get into the US.

7. The undocumented was pulled over by the police even though he had not done anything wrong.

8. Apparently, Congress does not have some good alternative to Obama’s immigration reform.

9. Julissa Arce, that used to work for Goldman Sachs, is now head of development at Define American.

Delprøve 1.4

Du har været på studietur i Barcelona, og under hjemtransporten med fly nummer CF147 er der
faldet et hjul af din nye Samsonite kuffert. Ud over det manglende hjul har kufferten dybe ridser.

Du skriver til flyselskabet, fortæller om hændelsen og beder om erstatning. Kufferten er kun et par
måneder gammel. Du vedhæfter en kopi af kvitteringen samt fotos af kufferten som dokumentation.

Du skriver en e-mail til baggageclaims@cheapflight.com

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive
dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du understrege og fremhæve (med farve eller fed skrift) de anvendte ord
og vendinger.

Omfang: 50-150 ord



claim compensation

on arrival

in addition


Delprøve 1.1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen “The Weekly Visit” af Emanuel Melo.

Tag stilling til, om de understregede ord er adjektiver (tillægsord) eller adverbier (biord).
Skriv, hvilket ord adjektivet eller adverbiet lægger sig til i sætningen, samt hvilken ordklasse
dette ord tilhører. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. The weekly visit, after his father died, to his aged and disabled mother, has begun to wear
him down and now he shows up at her door as if in front of a trap he consciously, and
dutifully steps into.

2. His heart is rigidly cold against her and he himself does not really understand how it got to
be this way.

3. Lately, this has become hard for her.

4. He bends down to give her a kiss on the cheek and a hug that she expects from him but
which he gives dutifully and not with a joyful heart.

5. Her face starts to look calm.

6. He ignores her command and takes his time picking up the holy cards, slow and deliberate,
trying to re-establish some order out of the emotional chaos he has felt since his arrival.

7. But she has been doing this weekly ritual for five years now; he has been coming to see her
every Tuesday night.

8. Instead, he just makes up excuses of how busy he is at work, so overworked that he won’t be
able to come back next week.

9. But today, the snow is falling fast and by the time he gets to the bus stop visibility is none.

Delprøve 1.2
Nedenstående sætninger er fra artiklerne ”GOP presidential candidates pounce on climate plan”,
“Attacking Obama’s Climate Plan Won’t Save America’s Dying Coal Industry” og “Obama’s New
Climate Rules Will Hurt Poor, Minority Americans the Most”.

Skriv, hvad det understregede relative pronomen (henførende stedord) henviser til, og

forklar, hvorfor netop dette pronomen er anvendt i sætningen. Brug relevant
grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. The first-ever federal limit on the amount of carbon that power plants can pump into the
atmosphere had not even been formally announced on Monday before the political fight

2. And he's supported by the fossil fuel industry, which has predictably piled on to the

3. A few weeks ago, President Barack Obama blasted critics of his Clean Power Plan, saying,
“Even more cynical, we’ve got critics of this plan who are actually claiming that this will
harm minority and low-income communities – even though climate change hurts those
Americans the most, who are the most vulnerable.”

4. If it survives legal and legislative challenges, the Clean Power Plan could remake the way
Americans generate and consume electricity, accelerating a shift away from coal-fired
power plants – the chief source of the greenhouse gas emissions that scientists blame for
global warming.

5. “So if there’s some billionaire somewhere who is a pro-environmental, cap and trade person,
yeah, they can probably afford for their electric bill to go up a couple of hundred dollars,”
Rubio said Sunday.

6. McConnell vowed to fight the Clean Power Plan, which requires a 32-percent cut in power
plant pollution over 2005 levels by 2030, with all the tools at his disposal – from legislative
maneuvers to lawsuits.

Delprøve 1.3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret
fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Obama is looking forward to present his new plan.

2. Jake inherited a lot of money, but he did not want to spend them.

3. During last weeks’ visit, his mom complained about the constant discomfort and pain in her

4. Cutting energy waste in homes are high on the political agenda.

5. The new climate plan will effect the coal industry.

6. He used to be CEO of a major coal company, but now he works as teacher at the local
community college.

7. Tomorrow will the Environmental Protection Agency release the Clean Power Plan.

8. The US coal industry, which profits depend on energy consumption, will object to Obama’s
climate plan.

Delprøve 1.4

Du har netop etableret din egen virksomhed, OutdoorCharger, som sælger opladere til smartphones og
tablets baseret på solenergi. Du kontakter et britisk reklamebureau og spørger, om bureauet kan lave en
markedsføringskampagne på de sociale medier i Storbritannien i løbet af foråret 2016.
Dine solcelleopladere henvender sig primært til unge backpackers og friluftsentusiaster. Du vedlægger et
katalog over dit produktsortiment og beder om et forslag til en kampagne samt et pristilbud.

Du skriver en e-mail til david.ogilvy@ogilvy.co.uk

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med
stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du understrege og fremhæve (med farve eller fed skrift) de anvendte ord og

Omfang: 50-150 ord


look forward to


solar charger

marketing campaign


Giving ex-cons a second chance
Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra teksterne “Can hiring ex-offenders make a business more
profitable?” og ”Let’s Be Honest, Gun Control Opponents”.

I hver sætning er en ing-form understreget. Forklar, hvorfor der er anvendt ing-form i netop
denne sætning. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Employers are finding that by being more inclusive, they are benefiting from employees like
Erickson who are determined to excel.

2. Butterball represents a growing number of companies hiring former inmates.

3. Excluding such a large group of people from the employment pool, they say, is impractical
and bad for the economy, costing tens of billions of dollars annually.

4. Just stop trying to fool yourself and others with the fallacious arguments, and then we can
all get back to praying it all away.

5. A national study by the American Bar Association identified a staggering 38,000 state and
federal statutes that impose such consequences on people convicted of crimes, the majority
pertaining to employment.

6. Just stop trying to fool yourself and others with the fallacious arguments, and then we can
all get back to praying it all away.

Opgave 2
Nedenstående sætninger er fra teksterne ”Let’s Be Honest, Gun Control Opponents” og ”Giving ex-
cons a second chance on the assembly line”.

I hver sætning er et modalverbum (mådesudsagnsord) understreget. Forklar for hver

sætning, hvilken indholdsmæssig betydning, der ligger i modalverbet (mådesudsagnsordet).
Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. I have already come to terms with the fact that you and I will never agree on gun rights or
how they should be regulated in this country.

2. I’ve exhausted myself far too much trying to get through to people and flip a switch of some
kind for a reality check that might stop the madness.

3. The element of surprise will always give the shooter an advantage.

4. And you are absolutely right about the fact that people could still get guns illegally despite
gun control measures.

5. To stop this revolving door, employers must start giving ex-cons a break.

6. Admittedly, hiring a former criminal can be scary.

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret
fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. For years inmates are been exploited by companies.

2. Many US colleges are worried about that students may have a criminal record.

3. In America, deserve many inmates a fair chance after they leave prison.

4. To who do the rules about guns apply?

5. The boys found some money, but their parents said they could not keep them.

6. Mary and his brother were both sentenced to death.

7. The murder received a life sentence.

8. Drug trafficking controlled by Mexican gangs are increasing.

Opgave 4
Du arbejder i den britiske shippingvirksomhed Go-First. I har netop afsendt et vareparti til en ny kunde i
Holland. Desværre er ordren endt i den forkerte container og er nu på vej til Hong Kong.

Du skriver en e-mail til kunden Thijs VanHooten (tvh@vanhooten.nl), hvor du beklager fejlen og forklarer
problemet. Du tilbyder at annullere ordren og give en rabat på næste ordre eller alternativt sende et nyt
parti med luftfragt. Desværre vil der gå fjorten dage inden det nye vareparti kan produceres.

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med
stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift.

Omfang: 50-150 ord

in fact by air

Cancel discount

However inform

America First….

Opgave 1
Nedenstående sætninger er fra artiklen "How Trump’s trade war affects working-class

Find og skriv hjælpeverbet (hjælpeudsagnsordet) i hver af sætningerne. Forklar for hver sætning,
hvorfor der er anvendt hjælpeverbum (hjælpeudsagnsord). Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig

1. President Donald Trump justifies tariffs on imports by arguing that “unfair trade policies”
have harmed American workers.
2. How do tariffs actually affect them?
3. In recent months, entry barriers have been erected, first to protect solar panels and
washing machines in January and then steel and aluminum in March.
4. Unfortunately, protecting a few narrow industries can generate much broader costs.
5. Their costs are now going up, endangering their competitiveness.
6. Trump’s recent steel and aluminum tariffs were said to benefit as many as 400,000 workers.
7. If one wants to count jobs, the numbers simply don’t add up to a net benefit for the U.S.
8. This is not to say that removing all trade barriers and opening the U.S. economy to all
comers will solve the problems facing working-class and poorer Americans.

Hjælpeverbum Forklaring

Opgave 2
Nedenstående sætninger fra artiklen ”How Trump’s trade war affects working-class Americans”
indeholder ti pronominer (stedord). Find dem, og skriv dem ind i skemaet under den korrekte

That’s not a problem for higher earners who can absorb the extra costs. But, for those with more
limited incomes, who are especially vulnerable to tariff increases, price hikes can quickly gobble up
take-home pay.

Tariffs also have negative consequences for American producers that rely on foreign inputs.

If one wants to count jobs, the numbers simply don’t add up to a net benefit for the U.S.

As tensions continue to escalate, poorer households, already struggling to keep up, will face
additional downward pressure on their incomes. That’s bad news for the workers whom Trump
promised to help.

American auto workers demonstrate against trade tariffs they say will negatively affect U.S. auto

Eksempel: How do tariffs actually affect them?

Personligt Possessivt Demonstrativt Relativt Indefinit
pronomen pronomen pronomen pronomen pronomen
(personligt stedord) (ejestedord) (påpegende (henførende (ubestemt
stedord) stedord) stedord)
Eksempel them

Opgave 3
Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen,
og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

1. Many people say that the New York Times not should have published an anonymous
article about Trump.

Rettelse og forklaring:

2. The President tweets often at night.

Rettelse og forklaring:

3. The press officer looked at he’s notes.

Rettelse og forklaring:

4. The “America First” slogan, that was originally invented decades ago, is frequently
used by Trump.

Rettelse og forklaring:

5. American farmers are becoming increasing aware of tariffs.

Rettelse og forklaring:

6. Trump considers to levy tariffs on all imports from China.

Rettelse og forklaring:

7. There are no turning back now!

Rettelse og forklaring:

8. When Americans earn money, they spend them instead of saving up for bad times.
Rettelse og forklaring:

Opgave 4
Du er ansat i salgsafdelingen hos Tesla Motors i Californien, der oplever problemer med
produktionen af deres nye model. Du skriver en e-mail til den britiske importør, Westfield
Motors, hvori du beklager forsinkelserne i leveringen af de forudbestilte biler, og forklarer
årsagerne. Du angiver den forventede leveringstid og beder importøren informere de britiske
forhandlere herom.
Du skriver en e-mail til: harry.hamilton@westfieldmotors.co.uk

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive
dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav.

I din besvarelse skal du fremhæve de anvendte ord og vendinger med farve eller fed skrift.

Omfang: 100-150 ord

regret time of delivery

consequently dealers
inform delay


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