Feb. Issue (Women Version)

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The Blueprint To Doing You Successfully

Women's Issue


The Best

Hello my freaks! It is the month of luv and ladies this issue is for you and
you only. The fellas have their own to flip thru on their devices. Ladies we
got to get down to business. Valentines Day. It is suppose to be a day of
sex, love, and having fun with your boo. But some of us make so much
pressure on our fellas to get that perfect, expensive gift almost as much as
you do with Christmas and that can be a problem. If they don’t come with
it, you are ready to put the poor fella on the couch for a week!
Why? Is it just for the simple fact of what the day is about? With all of
the pressures our men have started to despise the day with a vengeance and
will do anything to avoid the whole day. Ladies understand this. If you
make Valentines Day a little bit more about the man or just a together ef-
fort your man will come with it. There are ways to smartly sneak in hints
on what you want to do for that day or what you want. But the more you
push the more the men will not cooperate. Men are simpletons you got to
throw them a line every once in awhile, ya feel me?
Inside you will find ways to bring sexy back if you haven’t seen it in
awhile. You can get your mind right with the mind, body, and spirit article.
You will also get clues on what your man might want and how you can de-
liver so both of you are satisfied and excited for next year’s Valentines
Day. Have fun trying some or all of it!
Peace and Luv from your girl,

Ms. Talia
In this issue:
How long should you be together before you celebrate Valentine‟s Day? Pg. 4

Why your man might hate Valentine‟s Day pg. 5

Food & Drink Pg. 6 & 7

Lingerie 4 You Pg. 8 & 9

Can you be in luv with two people at the same time? Pg. 10

Freaky Freak? Hoe-ish Hoe? Pg. 11

Mind, Body, & Spirit Pg. 12

Top 5 Sex Positions to curl his toes! Pg. 14

Diamond Hustla: Zane Pg. 16

How Long Should You Be Together
Before You Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

S hould you expect a gift for Valentine‟s Day if For others who genuinely is feeling each
you and your partner just started dating oh say a few other and coincidentally hooked up right before V
weeks ago? And if you do what do you even get? Day and plan on sticking around for a minute the
question does still stands. What to do, what to do?
Beware of the V Day cuffers. Let me explain.
Actually there really is no concrete answer or solu-
Right before New Years or at the least in January so
tion. It depends on the couple and how much they
they will not look suspicious certain people (more
are putting into the new relationship.
women than men-sorry ladies) get on the prowl for
someone to cuff, become their future ex-boo for a I do advice though that if you are obsessed
guarantee Valentine‟s Day gift. For the most part a with V Day you need to find a way to get that across
person can sniff them out a mile away however some your significant other without seeming materialistic.
are so good they don‟t know it until they are sitting in Maybe slide the question in on what they would want
front of their 32” flat screen watching a soppy movie on V Day or how they feel about that day and go
in complete confusion over why that V Day cuffer from there. Or you could not say anything and let
dumped them a week later. Surely there had to be that person surprise you. If you are throwing it on
some kind of clue right? Lets just say this, if the first them then you have nothing to worry about, you
conversation he/she talks about V Day—run! good!
oes your man catch an attitude when you
mention Valentine‟s Day? Maybe grow silent
Why Your Man
dodging the whole subject? Well you might
have a Valentines Day hater. Ok maybe ‟hate‟
is a strong word but I have seen men do the
screwface when that holiday come up in con-
versation. And just my luck I have always
attracted those Valentine‟s Day haters in the
past. What do you do if you have a V hater?
Hate Valentine’s
Simple ladies, it is called reverse psychology.
Candy, roses, teddy bears and large
diamond rings is not a manly thing, never
was. That is what you see in every store—
pink, red, and white; way too girly for any
man to get into.
Men think in simple terms. They do
not need a day to confess their love and they
sure don‟t need some holiday to get it in with
you in the bed.
Lets think logically about this for a
minute. Men luv to feel like they run things,
that you think he is the beginning and end. It
does not take much to hype their heads up.
Go out of you way to see how they want to
get down on that day. Send some freaky ish
to their job. Not the typical stuff but maybe
some candy with some handcuffs attached.
Or text them with a pic of you in a sexy lin-
gerie or even better your birthday suit! My
point is go that extra mile to make his day so
I Don’t Wanna Be Your
he does not feel left out. Sure he might come
off as being hard for that stuff at first but if Valentine!
he know his boo is not too proud to show
her affection and let everybody know who
her boo is, that ring you want will not be so
hard to purchase. As a matter of fact he will
run to get that ring you deserve!
Happy V Day!
S etting the mood for that special Valentines night is imperative.
Have you heard of aphrodisiacs? I know you have. Those cer-
tain foods that intensifies you and your partner’s sexual drive.
They have not been scientifically proven just yet but different
cultures have sworn by them, so I have compiled some that are

considered aphrodisiacs. Try them out and see if they work; if
they do not at least you and your partner will have fun eating
them off of each other!

Peaches. Yes these
firm, juicy fruit can inten-
Bananas. I should not
have to explain why this
fruit made the list!

Pine Nuts. Since
Roman times these
tree seeds have been
used as an aphrodisi-

Mussels. Not your
man‟s muscles. Steam
them with some garlic
and white wine for a
sex fix.

5 6
These vegetables
have been voted
as the most sen- Cucumbers. LOL.
sual of vegeta- Once again, self-
bles. explanatory. On top
of that it has been said
that cucumbers stimu-
late a woman‟s olfac-
tory sense. Ah, who

Onions? Yes
these too will do
tricks to your li-

bido just ask the Truffles. Not
the candy but the

Egyptians. Just
make sure you rare mushroom
have plenty of delicacies.
mints and

Chocolate. Sci-

9 10
entists have finally
started to believe
Caviar. If you got the paper in women when we
then do you and I promise I won‟t say that chocolate
be mad at you. makes us hot and
Women love to
feel sexy and
beautiful inside
and out. There is
nothing wrong
with mixing the
two together. One
of the things that
makes us feel spe-
cial is our under-
wear a.k.a. linge-
rie. Pull out any fe-
males’ drawer and
you will see a rain-
bow of lace this,
see through that
matching bra and
thong/boy shorts
set. Women are se-
rious about what is
covering the good-
ies (well some of
us are). But for Val-
entine’s Day ladies
we must pull out
all stops. We got to
work for that five
carat diamond ring
he is about to put
on it so turn up the
heat a little.
Nard of
Can You Be In Luv Indian-
With Two People
@ The said,
Same Time? “At the
end of
the day
I was watching the movie you swore you tossed out. What do have been torn
„Eclipse‟ the other day and a certain you do? Common sense tells you to up by it, jobs
scene when Jacob was carrying chuck the deuces and keep it mov- lost, lives
Bella through the woods and he
said that a person can be in luv with
ing in the opposite direction. A few
of you will magnetize yourself to
stripped from
this earth—you
two people at the same time made that person because they give you get the picture.
me wonder do people really feel what your partner cannot and now Lust can actu- only go
that way. So I posted the question those needs/wants are more entic- ally be more
on my Facebook page. I really was
not expecting people to respond
ing than you thought they would powerful than
be. Is this being selfish? Of course,
love some-
out on a
the way that they did but it was in- especially if you have a family al- times. The
teresting. The majority said no you ready made. At the end of the day grass though limb for
cannot. Crystal Nard of Indianapo- who would you be there for is the may not always
lis, Indiana said, “At the end of the
day you‟ll only go out on a limb for
question. Saving one and not the
other does not mean you love one
be greener on
the opposite that one
that one person.” Valid point how- above the other; it‟s just an act a side. Inspect
ever I beg to differ. situation that unfortunately you do
not have the privilege of choosing
your own law
first, clip it,
No one is perfect so the
both. mow it, water
person you end up with will not
it and see if the dead grass come
have all of the qualities that was on Now you know there are
back to its original state before
your list. You are cool with that, the some stipulations to this question
hopping over to the neighbor
two of you start to date then get right? There is the case of mistaken
across the way! 80/20, I‟m just say-
married down the road. Not long identity. Love and lust have inter-
after you meet a person that has the twined with each other for ages.
unchecked boxes on your old list Wars have been started, families
Freaky Freak?
Hoe-ish Hoe?
I know, there is a line between being freaky and being down right hoe-ish. Apparently some females did not get that
memo or pressed delete before reading the email because they cannot distinguish between the two. So let me break it
down for you who have deleted that email. I won‟t tell anyone, this is just between me and you—pinky swear.
Freaky Freak Hoe-ish Hoe
* Open to trying new things with their boo * Will do anything with anyone
* Wears no panties in public but only her * Wears no panties at all and will show
boo knows it everyone that fact
* Sexually liberated (but keeps her cookies * Sexin‟ everybody
* Sends her boo sexy pics to his phone * Post erotic pics of herself on her Facebook pg.
* Knows how to please herself while * Pleases every man on the block
her boo watch
* Will watch pornos * Will make pornos
* Cooks in the nude * Walk the streets in the nude
* Lady in the streets, freak ONLY in the * Hoe all day, every day
Ladies a man may like a freak on his arms at the club but he will not bring a hoe home—period. Please do not get the
two mixed up or you are in for a lonely life. Knowing who you are and realizing your worth will prevent you from cross-
ing that line. Exposing all of your goodies is not cute. I see way too many women desperately try to get attention by
dressing seductively. That is the wrong kind of attention. A man will tell you that.
Do not allow the tv shows to depict how you should act or dress. I know it is hard to block that kind of foolery from
your mind and eyes because the females spotlighted are getting paid and getting close to some rich men but if you really
look at the celebrity men who are married, their wives look like me and you not some hoodrat, drama queen. Yes they
cheat with the plastic mamis. Never will those plastic mistresses be on the same level as wifey. And do not put it in your
head that your cookies are so good that it will change the above truth I‟m spittin‟ at you. Remember a man can never
turn a hoe into a housewife!
Body &
Ladies no one can love you until you love yourself diabetes. And lastly exercising just feels good. Do it
You will have a more healthier relationship once your by yourself to relieve stress or get all your girlfriends
mind, body and spirit are aligned right. together once or twice a week. Good health is the
best gift you can give yourself!
Mind. Studies have shown that most women are un-
able to achieve an organism due to stress. Hell we did Spirit. There is nothing like knowing who you are and
not need a study to tell us that! No wonder with so being comfortable with who you are. That is the sexi-
many hats we have to wear on a daily basis—mama, est trait a woman can possess, don‟t let anyone tell
doctor, taxi driver, PDA, cook, housekeeper, ac- you different. Meditation keeps you level with your-
countant, you get what I am saying. So how do you self and your Higher being. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear
come out of that so you will enjoy a delicious Valen- you. But seriously meditation is not for pretzel twist-
tine‟s Day? ing, bald-headed, vegan eating Yogis. It does not take
a lot of time. Find five minutes and a quiet spot to
First of all, get some sleep. Yes getting your
start. Focus solely on your breathing, nothing else.
mind right starts before you even wake up. 6-8 hours
Once you push everything out you will then be able
of good, uninterrupted sleep is needed for an adult.
to connect with your Higher being. Some people use
Tossing and turning does not count as productive
music or repeat a word but it is all up to you. Do not
sleep nor does waking up in the middle of the night
get discouraged if you do not get it the first time.
for a sex fest for two hours knocking down your
Keep trying. Meditation not only releases stress it
sleep time 4 hours. It will relieve some stress but you
eliminates the clutter in your mind and you will be
will be groggy at work. You do not want to fall asleep
able to think clearly on another level that you have
in the middle of doing the do, especially if your boo
not been on.
spent a grip on the five star hotel you are christening.
Not only will your spirit be enhanced all of
Body. I know you not trying to hear this word but
that vibrant, joyous aura will radiant onto your part-
exercise has its benefits. For starters exercising keeps
ner. Sex is a hell of a lot better when both of you are
you more energized; that helps for those late nighters
spiritually in tuned. Do not knock it until you try it.
or freaky exhibitions with your boo in those weird
spots he has been hinting at. Regular exercise can
increase your life span. You can prevent diseases such
as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and Type 2
Zane Presents...

All @
Top 5 Sex Positions That Will Have His Toes
1. Going down on your man is not a nasty thing. Fe- But instead of letting him do the work you do it, just
males get out of that bougie cloud you surfin‟ on es- let him stand there. Bounce, bounce, bounce,
pecially if you want him to return the favor and put it bounce, bounce that azz until he cannot take it any-
down on you. Let him work the middle while your more. Screw squats, this right here will give your azz
mouth handles its business. Devour it for goodness a toned, tight look!
sakes! Act like you like it! It really ain‟t that bad! Up-
4. Sit and Spin. Now I cannot take the credit for the
side Down—lay on your back and have your head
name of this one, my girl coined the phrase; I
hanging over the edge of the bad. Connect eyes with
am not going to call her out
your man and let him stand
either she knows who she is.
right over you. This is
But the concept is real
why it is called up
simple—sit on top
and down, you
backwards giving
will definitely get it up
him a nice view of what you
while you are going down on him!
working with. Once you both got your fill
Do not neglect his boys either.
that way, grip it real tight
2. Toy Love. In- and turn without falling
corporate props off. All of your walls will
into the scene. Not be hit and he will be im-
role playing props nec- pressed. All of those kiegal
essarily but that little (or big) ex- ercises will definitely come in handy.
treat you have stashed under your pillow? Yeah, go
5. Listerine Splash. Ok so you do not have the luxury
ahead and pull that out. It is no surprise that more
a.k.a. money to go out and buy those special creams
and more men are feelin‟ seeing their girl use a vibra-
and sprays that you have seen on tv, you know the
tor while they sit back and watch. *sideeye* if you
ones with the husband and wife looking all innocent
are having problems in the bed and is ashamed to tell
one minute and then the next they lying up in bed or
your man what you like, this is the perfect opportu-
the couch after having passionate sex while using KY
nity to show him what gets you off without making
Liquid. Well here is a cheap but effective way to heat
him feel less of a man. You know how men are about
up the bedroom among other things. Right before
their equipment.
going down on your man take a swallow of Listerine
3. The Ol’ Skool Doggy-style. This really should be (yeah I said it, Listerine. That is the most powerful).
self explanatory but I just thought I‟d put it in the Do not swallow, hold it in while he is in your mouth.
mix. Get on all fours either on the floor or on the What will it do? This will intensify his senses and curl
edge of the bed (I prefer the bed), you know the rest. his toes of course!

WARNING: DO NOT try these positions with just anyone! Only discover
them with someone worth it!
Every 9.5 minutes
someone is in-
fected with HIV in
the U.S. Please get
tested not only for
you but your part-
ner and your fam-
AIDS and STD’s
does not discrimi-
nate! Go to
AIDS.gov to get
more info and find
the nearest place to
get tested.
Diamond Hustla:
Hustlas we don’t sleep, we rest one eye up!

Success. Longevity. Powerful. Oh and sellers numbers. Word of mouth is the

trailblazing. Those are just a few words best marketing, that is when you know
to described my diamond hustla of the you have a good prod-
month—Ms. Zane a.k.a. queen of erot- uct. After signing she
ica. You have seen her books or maybe wrote fifteen books in
even read a few—if not all. I know I had four years. Zane became
a few. I say had because once people the only author to have
seen it they want to „borrow‟ them and three out of the five
well lets just say I haven‟t seen them books on the bestsellers
since. list at once.
For any up and coming writer this will Now being the publisher
motivate you. She has set the bar high of Strebor Books Inter-
and continues to do big thangs. It is hard national LLC Zane has
for someone who does not have a fa- over fifty authors under
mous name or some famous connects to her belt. Has produced
jump in the writing game—I outta know. movies out on DVD
But Zane has managed to squash that based off of her stories and has been
stigma with some stiletto heels! working on a big screen movie. What
else could she possibly do? I heard she is
Before signing that fifteen book deal
thinking of doing a cosmetic and sex toy
with Simon & Schuster Zane self pub-
line. Fitting.
lished three books selling well over
250,000 just off of word of mouth.
These kind of numbers are NYT best-

I’m on the web!


Email me with questions or comments:


Or follow me on Twitter: @diamondp79!

Diamond Publicationz

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