Purposive Comm - Activity # 1

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Jaymee-Mohini C.

1st Year -BSA

Purposive Communication
After Readings Questions
1. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating today?
Ethics in communicating is equivalent to also being respectful. The way
you communicate also shows a lot about one’s personality. If one speaks in an
ethical way you will be perceived as someone with good moral standards. Taking
in consideration your listener’s culture, background, beliefs, and values when you
communicate. You are giving respect not only to the person you are talking to but
also being a respectable human being for yourself and the community you
2. Is honesty still a virtue valued today? Why or why not?
Yes, although there are few who remains honest, honesty is a quality that
people look up to. There are a lot of wickedness in the world and we can
sometimes see it in our day to day lives. The opposite of honesty is lying and
anyone can lie. When it is done often, it becomes a habit and a simple task for a
person to lie without feeling any guilt. That is why I believe in the hope that
honesty can also be developed as someone’s virtue. I see it in young kids, a
simple choice of telling the truth to their parents that they broke something can be
brought when they become an adult leading people with honesty.
3. Can you give historical examples that show how intolerance of dissent has been a
problem for certain sectors of society?
An article by Heshmat Alavi (2018) features a look at Iran’s History of
assassinating dissidents. One of this was the assassination of Prof. Kazem Ravaji
in 1990 the leader of Iran’s main opposition. He represented the Iranian
opposition in Switzerland and the United Nations European Headquarters. Being
a strong critic of the Iranian regime’s human rights violations, they wanted him
dead and went to extreme measures to kill him. Ravaji was shot in his car on
April, 24, 1990. Intolerance of dissent has been a problem ever since. People will
always not have the same opinion or viewpoint, but it is not right to shut them
4. Can you give historical examples that show why hate speech is a problem?
One that I have been pondering for a long time is the story of the
Holocaust. The anti- Semitic leader at that time Adolf Hitler who views Jews as
an inferior race. According to the site History.com the death of approximately 6
million Jews along million others including Gypsies, intellectually disabled,
homosexuals, those targeted for racial, political, ideological, and behavioral
reason died in the Holocaust. In my thought how could such a leader persuade all
the Germans to view Jews that way. Hitler used his communication skills to
insight people his negative views about Jews. If only the entire German nation
was not brainwashed the genocide wouldn’t have happened. This shows how
powerful words can be.
5. When you think of politicians today, would you say that they have been
communicating in an ethical manner?
My answer will be neutral, there are a lot of politicians out there and as much as
possible I want to avoid generalizing. If I answered yes, then I would be
disregarding the types of politicians who don’t communicate in an ethical manner.
If I said no, then I would be excluding the types of politicians who do
communicate in an ethical manner. As I like to stay on the positive side, two
politicians who have been hot in the media and have gained my interest and the
people in our household are Mayor Isko Moreno and Mayor Vico Sotto. As
Elder’s praised their respectful, calm, and formal way of communicating to the

6. Who comes to mind on the subject of violating the ethics of communication?

My first thought is President Rodrigo Duterte followed by the people in
social video platforms like Tiktok or Youtube. For the reason that the 3rd NCA
Credo rule implies that they "condemn communication that degrades individuals…”.
The same applies to those people in social media platforms who spews words without
thinking if it’s right to do so. A most common example of this is when non-black people
uses the N word comfortably.

7. Why do people communicate in an unethical manner?

There are many reasons why people are unethical in their way of
communication. One reason I understand is that most people grow up in a
household that shows and condones such behavior. As kids follow what
adult shows they tend to grow accustomed to such way of unethical
speaking as they view it as normal. This leads to being uneducated so
when one speaks and doesn’t know ethics in communication this could
lead to offending some people even though you mean no harm.

8. What consequences can you think of because of this?

I agree on the thought that there should be consequences when

people do wrong and against the law, this is to put the world in peace and
have security. Breaking the US NCA Credo for Ethical Communication is
said to have some outcome. As they stated on their 4th rule communicators
should "accept responsibility for the short- and long-term consequences of
our own communication and expect the same of other”. People won’t look
at you the same when you have given an impression of being unethical. In
the internet world many people become cyberbullies, they harass people
for their own entertainment. When you are reported and caught you will
receive punishment. The same applies to personal communication your
unethical ways won’t go overlooked. This is commonly seen in the
professional world the inappropriate or unprofessional language with
colleagues or clients can get warnings from the company. The level of severity
of behavior determines the punishment what’s worse is one could even get
demoted or fired.

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