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Questions and answers on ENGLISH Name: ____________


Noun is the name of people, place, and
1. What is noun?
Proper noun is the special names of
2 What is proper noun?
people, things, and places.
The first letter of the proper noun is capital
3 How is the first letter of the proper noun?
a. My name is Andi.
b. Lia is my sister.
4 Write 2 sentences that use proper nouns!
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
5 What is verb? Verb is an action word.
a. I go to school.
b. Dea kicks the ball.
6 Write 2 sentences that use a verb!
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
An adjective is a describing word. An
adjective is used to describe a noun. For
example: “Nia is beautiful.”
7 What is an adjective?
‘Nia’ is a noun. While ‘beautiful’ is an
adjective. Beautiful describes what is Nia
look like.
There are 3 kinds of adjectives. They are
How many kinds of adjectives that you
8 common adjectives, comparative adjectives
know? What are they?
and superlative adjectives.
What is common adjective? Common adjective is the adjective that
9 describe one or two nouns, but does not
mean to compare.
a. Linda is clever.
b. Safa is handsome.
10 Give 2 examples of common adjectives!
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
Comparative adjective is the adjective that
11 What is comparative adjective? compare two or more nouns. In comparative
adjective, we use ‘more than’ or ‘-er than’.
When do we use ‘more than’ in comparative We use ‘more than’ in comparative adjective if
adjective? the adjective consists of 3 or more syllables.
a. Gagah is more handsome than Leo.
b. Indah is more beautiful than Si Buruk
Give 2 examples of comparative adjective
13 Rupa.
that uses ‘more than’!
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
14 When do we use ‘-er than’ in comparative We use ‘-er than’ if the adjective consists of 1
adjective? or two syllables.
15 Give 2 examples of comparative adjectives a. Deny is older than Dina.
that use ‘-er than’! b. Rina is shorter than Deifa.
c. _______________________________
Questions and answers on ENGLISH Name: ____________
d. _______________________________
16 What is syllable? Syllable is the part of sounds in a word
17 How many syllables are in the word The word of ‘Beau-ti-ful’ has 3 syllables.
18 What is superlative adjective? Superlative adjective is the adjective that
compare 1 noun in a group of nouns. in
superlative adjective, we use ‘the most’ or ‘the
19 When do we use ‘the most’ in a superlative We use ‘the most’ if the adjective consists of 3
adjective? syllables or more.
20 a. Gagah is the most handsome in the
Give 2 examples of superlative adjectives
that use ‘the most’!
b. Indah is the most beautiful in her village.
21 When do we use ‘the –est’ in a superlative We use ‘the –est’ if the adjective consists of 1
adjective? or two syllables.
22 a. Deny is the oldest.
Give 2 examples of superlative adjective that b. Rina is the shortest
use ‘the –est’ c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
23 An adverb is the word that adds information to
What is adverb?
a verb.
24 There are 3 kinds of adverbs. They are
How many kinds of adverbs? Mention them! adverbs of manner, adverbs of place and
adverbs of time.
25 Adverbs of manner is the words that tell the
way something happen. Adverbs of manner
always answer the question ‘how’. It usually
consists of ‘adjective + ly.
What is adverbs of manner? For example: “Fina sings beautifully”
The word ‘beautiful’ is an adjective. If we add
‘ly’ to the word, it will become an adverb of
manner. The adverb ‘beautifully ‘ add
information on how Ahada sing.
26 Give 2 examples of adverbs of manner! a. Mei-Mei can run quickly.
b. The snail walks very slowly.
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
27 What is adverbs of place? Adverbs of place is the words that tell the
place where something happen. Adverbs of
place always answer the question ‘where’. It
usually comes after preposition of place (in,
on, under, in front of, behind, next to,
between, in the left side, in the right side,
above, below, over, to, from,) or here, there,
Questions and answers on ENGLISH Name: ____________
For example: “Mahmud comes from Iran”
The words ‘Iran’ is an adverb of time. It adds
information on where Mahmud comes from.
28 Give 2 examples of adverbs of place! a. Fina runs to the finish line .
b. The boy walks under the sun.
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
29 Adverbs of time is the words that tell the time
when something happen. Adverbs of time
What is adverbs of time?
always answer the question ‘when’.

30 Give 2 examples of adverbs of time! a. My Mam makes a delicious cake today.

b. The boy walks every Sunday morning.
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
31 Singular means 1 (one). Singular is the term
What is called singular? used for nouns if the number of the noun is
only 1. For example,
32 What is the meaning of public? Public means open for all people.
33 What is the meaning of public transportation? Public transportation is the transportation that
carries people from one place to another
place. The people should pay if they want to
get on the public transportation.
34 Can you describe a bus? A bus is a big transportation. It is like a big
box. It has four big wheels. Usually, people
use a bus if they want to go for a long journey.
35 Can you describe a soccer field? Soccer field is a place where we can play
soccer. The shape is rectangle. It is covered
by grass.

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