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• MODULE NAME : Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS)

• SEMESTER : SMM 19-20
• LECTURER : Puan Norlaili Mohd Basri

I declare that this coursework is strictly my own work.


Lim Chang Jet, 10347399 Civil Engineering, MEng




Cover page 4
Introduction 8
Content 20
Conclusion 8
Total 40/4

1. Terangkan pengertian tamadun. (Explain the meaning of civilization.)

Civilization is an advanced community where certain levels of science, culture, industry and
diplomacy have been met. In addition, it is mainly made up of these three factors: social,
economic and political. Through the social aspect, the affability is affected by instinct,
creating a social circle. Other than that, through the economical feature, earning profits by
the act of monetization should be done with integrity and refinement. Based on the political
side of the community, regulations are set by both criminal and civil laws where it is the core
that makes a civilization civilized via the principles of the rule of law. Integrating all these
three factors would tally up as a sociopolitical civilization, inheriting the ability to follow the
constitution of the people.

2. Bincangkan, bagaimana proses pembentukan sebuah tamadun terjadi dandisertak

an contoh-contohnya. (Discuss, how the process of forming a civilization took
place by giving an example.)

The formation of a civilization typically stretches across a state or several states. This would
help in gathering resources and unify communities together under a common political system.
Moreover, religion plays a big role in the early stages of civilization as a system of beliefs
would help in bringing people together through faith, trust and respect. A great example to
this would be the act of divine kingship back in Ancient Egypt, where kings claimed
themselves as messengers of gods. Additionally, they have even called themselves as
human incarnations of gods. As a result, this has produced and strengthened social
hierarchies where the status between different groups of people are distinguished. Having a
leadership status with a definite decision such as initiating raids, starting a conquest or going
on a war could affect the entire civilization itself. If such a decision is carried out, the aftermath
would either be poverty or prosperity to its economic system as it is the backbone of a
civilization. The structure of this system consists of merchants, laborers and in some cases,
slaves. Other than that, records are written to keep track of economic or political activities.
Even more, some civilizations have used them to write poems or diaries. Despite the creation
of literacy, they are only limited to a small group of highly educated elites. To keep the law in
order, some civilizations will have steles inscribed with laws so that they maintain in the legal
system. Moreover, warriors assigned by the emperor or king would often regulate populated
areas to maintain law and order. Finally, to ensure the security of the civilization is kept
consistent and armies are well fed, taxes are introduced to rectify economic strains.

3. Pada pandangan anda, apakah kepentingan memahami ilmuketamadunan? (In

your opinion, why is important to understand the science of civilization?)

It is important to understand the science of civilization because it helps us become more

knowledgeable about the world itself. Hence, improving the quality of our lives while allowing
us to innovate further with a sense of professionalism. In addition, we can derive an
explanation for an unexplainable situation instead of relying on a superstition. Moreover,
additional knowledge can be discovered and taught for new generations to come so that
humanity can move on and be more advanced.

4. Ulaskan kesan positif dialog antara tamadun. (Discuss the positive effects of
dialogue between civilizations.)

When there’s interaction between civilization, there would be an encouragement on trading

of culture, religious beliefs, political ideals and technological advancements. Moreover,
exchange of resources between civilizations would also improve the economy and quality of
lifestyle among the people. With trading of culture, civilizations can made improvements upon
their culture with what they learnt from other civilizations. It would also help them to become
more aware with ideologies and practices from other civilizations. With an interchange of
religious beliefs and political ideals between civilizations comes open mindedness of one’s
opinion towards democracy. Despite wars and protests throughout history itself, it has given
the people the freedom to speak out their personal opinions instead of cowering in fear. When
it comes to technological advancements, it has made the biggest impact through history and
defines what modern world is today. Trading of technological discoveries has educated
civilization to civilization where any improvements are welcome without any discrimination.
This has also sparked creativity and educational institutions being built to help the people
become more well informed about the world itself while making changes along the way.


1. Apakah pengertian zaman Jahiliah serta ciri-cirinya dalam aspek politik,

ekonomi dan sosial? (What is the meaning of the pre-Islamic era and its characteristics
in terms of political, economic and social?)

The pre-Islamic era, typically referred as Jahiliya, is an age before the creation and rise of Islam.
The word is derived from ignorance and stupidity. Furthermore, this is to describe the un-Islamic
and uncivilised way of life before the birth of Islam. To describe its political factors, there was
little to no political influence as any related organizations did not exist back then. Hence, there
was no law and order to regulate the people. Any crimes committed will be punished by the
victimized party and no limits were imposed on how harsh it should be. Despite of this, so many
crimes happened as numerous tribes from the pre-Islamic era found this as a sport. In addition,
they would provoke wars as a test of strength. In terms of economic factors, slavery was the
driving force of the economy while the Jews were the leader of economy in farming and
craftsmanship. Other than that, there were also loan sharks preying on the poor to get poorer
while they get richer. Under social conditions, women had no status and voice of freedom other
than being treated as mere sex objects. There was also no limit to the number of women a man
can marry. Instead, the son will inherit all the father’s wives except his own mother. Furthermore,
gambling and getting drunk was a common pastime of the Arabs.

2. Bincangkan proses Islamisasi dan perkembangan Tamadun Islam di Asia

Tenggara. (Discuss the process of Islamization and the development of
Islamic Civilization in Southeast Asia.)

Islamization is done through the basis of converting a society to adopt Islamic ideals and
becoming Muslims. In addition, Islamic social and political structures are inflicted upon the
society from different social and political origins. When it comes to the expansion towards
Southeast Asia, trading heavily contributed to the cause as Islamic beliefs are shared throughout
the regions. Also, there were missionaries sent to these regions to promote faith and Islamic
teachings. Additionally, numerous noble class people supported it which further convinced more
people to adopt Islamic ideals and its teachings. However, the most essential factor which
assisted this cause was the usage of translation from the Arabic language to the native language
of the people.

3. Analisiskan usaha-
usaha penyebaran Islam oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.wdari Makkah hinggalah ke Madi
nah. (Analyze the efforts of the spread of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W from
Makkah to Medina.)

The prophet Muhammad had people follow him from many private preaching, mainly by
younglings and those who have lost their title from their tribe. Despite constant preaching held
by Muhammad, there were criticisms against him in which he condemned idol worship and
polytheism. This has offended those who believed in gaining wisdom and power from polytheistic
shrine, including those from his tribe. Due to this, most of the notorious and reigning tribes felt
threatened by this. Even more, influential merchants have approached him to talk him out of it
but failed to do so. After the death of his wife and uncle, Muhammad lost protection and had to
find new shelter for him and his followers. After many attempts looking for a new home, Medina
welcomed him as the people who lived there only believed in a single God and were urging to
gain control over Mecca. After a great influence of Islamization from Mecca to Medina, majority
of pagan groups were converted to Islam due to threatening leaders from other clans. In the end,
it was a victory for the Muslims as the Quraysh sees Muhammad as their equal and Islam as a
rising power.

4. Bincangkan pencapaian Tamadun Islam dan sumbangannya. (Discuss the

achievements of Islamic Civilization and its contribution.)
One of the most remarkable achievements of the Islamic Civilization was hygiene. In the
Islamic culture, the five daily obligatory prayers cannot be said without taking a bath and
staying hygienic. This has inspired Europeans and other non-Islamic countries to practice
hygiene. Moreover, the wheal and water pump were first invented by Muslims where
water is extracted for irrigation and hygiene purposes. Furthermore, the first modern
astronomical observatories were constructed in Baghdad and Syria in the 8 th century.
Related instruments such as the quadrant and astrolabe were utilised for ocean
navigation as well. Out of many achievements, mathematics made the most contributions
and has established the foundation of the modern world today. An astonishing
mathematician from the 9th century, named Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, invented
calculation of integration and equation which became a pillar of modern mathematics. In
addition, he also created algorithm which consists of a branch of mathematics. His works
were soon adopted throughout the world and has been praised for its contribution in
many technical aspects of the modern world.

1. Bincangkan kedudukan Melaka sebagai pusat tamadun yang penting diAlam Mela
yu. (Discuss the position of Malacca as an important center of civilization in the Malay
The Straits of Malacca features one of the most principal shipping waterways in the world from
an economic and a strategic standpoint. Also, it was a perfect place for storage of goods as it
was located on the west coast of India. Hence, trading of goods was made more convenient for
travelling between South Asian and East Asian trade routes. Other than that, there was a
Portuguese fortress which served as a market for traders from all over the world, mainly from
Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

2. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Pandangan Semesta Melayu? (What is the view
of the Pandangan Semesta Melayu?)
The Malay worldview follows the teaching of the Qur’an and Hadith which became basic values
that affect the lifestyle of Muslim Malays. There are six levels of operations in total. Firstly, there
is the level of belief and faith. Secondly, there is a level of formalized ritual acts of devotion and
forms of praying, fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage to Mecca. Thirdly, there is a level of
socialization and bonding with friends, families, neighbours, society and the nation. Furthermore,
there is a level of transactions, dealings, contracts, agreements, loans, trusts, etc. This is in
relation to economic, administrative, legislative, judicial, politics, etc. Moreover, there is a level
of ethics and morality which involves honest and virtuous characters that showcase goodwill and
provides support to other when needed. Finally, there is a level of intention on whether all
decisions are to satisfy Allah or for worldly benefits. Other than that, holding onto the customs is
compulsory to honour the older generation.
3. Analisiskan peranan Raja dan Kerajaan Melayu di Asia Tenggara. (Analyze the role
of the King and the Malay Kingdom in Southeast Asia.)
The role of the King was to uphold the sacred and sovereign power of the kingdom while
commanding his people to follow his orders. Even more, one of the major roles of a king was to
handle diplomatic functions to gain trust of other kingdoms or nations. On the other hand, the
people of the Malay Kingdom were to carry out the orders of the King without question. After the
introduction of Islamic teachings to the Malay world, they were later adopted which stated that
the King is Amirul Mukminin who was the leader of the Believers on Earth. There are nine rulers
in total who serves as head of state of his own state.

4. Galurkan pencapaian dan sumbangan Tamadun Melayu. (Discuss the

achievements and contributions of Malay civilization.)
In terms of the monarch system, the concept of dewaraja was created which was inspired from
cosmological conception. For education, it became more widespread as it is no longer exclusive
to the noble class and the people of royalty. Teachings were carried out in mosques, surau,
madrasah and pesantren. In Malay administration, the king is the highest governed power of a
state. Other that that, Malacca was served as an international trade centre in Southeast Asia
while traditions were maintained in community trading. Moreover, a business system was formed
with rules and regulations attached. Following this, the legal system was approved and metal
currencies, measurement systems and scales were introduced for transaction purposes. Other
achievements and contributions of the civilization include medicine, law, entertainment with
festivals, Malay architecture, art of carving and sculpting, etc.

1. Huraikan ciri-ciri utama Tamadun India. (Describe the main features of Indian

There are numerous main features of Indian Civilization such as its important cities which were
5 kilometres in circumference. Both were designed and constructed in a grid pattern with mighty
leaders in charge. Due to its design nature, the buildings look very neat in order. Moreover, these
cities provide a high quality of life with their complex drainage system. Harappa was located
near to the Ravi River while Mohenjo-Daro was located to the west of Indus River. Based on
how they were built up, indications show that they may have been twin capitals governed by the
same administration. In relation to this, the government had a parliamentary democracy system
which consists of 3 branches: Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. Its complex religions
consisted of 79.8% Hinduism, 14.2% Islamic and 6% others. Based on studies of the civilization,
there are 33 million gods, but then main god was Brahma. The social classes were Brahmens,
rulers, landowners and farmers. Unlike many civilizations, education was free to everyone and
no fee was required. Nevertheless, men had more privileges than women like many other
civilizations. Back in those days, the only jobs were scribes, farmers, blacksmiths and brick
makers. Bricks were made with clay, soil and water which then forms into mud. In writing, they
utilised it as amulets and markers for identification. In addition, the direction of writing goes from
right to left. In architecture, the style of the buildings was based on geographical climate, racial
and historical diversities. Art was painted on rocks to attract visitors on the strength of its king.
In public works, it was arranged by having a leader.

2. Bincangkan sumbangan dan kepentingan Tamadun India. (Discuss the contribution

and importance of Indian Civilization.)

One of the most interesting contributions from the Indian Civilization to the world would
be the concept of adding zero to math. It was perhaps the most significant factor to be used
in calculations. With ten symbols representing numbers, there is no limit to how large the
number can be. Moreover, with the decimal system being integrated into this, each symbol
would have a value of position as well as an absolute value. Hence, this has made the uses
of arithmetic in practical inventions much simpler and convenient. Furthermore,
mathematical inventions have led to the creation of ruler measurements where it can be
used at excavation sites for accurate markings. One of the interesting weapon inventions
was the usage of wootz steel. It is characterized by a pattern of bands with given names
such as Ukku, Hindwani and Seric Iron. They are able to cut wood and silk scarf with ease
as they are crafted by heating black magnetite ore in the presence of carbon in a sealed clay
crucible kept inside a charcoal furnace. Surprisingly, Indian Civilization was one of the
oldest civilizations to thought of plastic surgery. Comprehensive old Indian textbooks
include mentions of various illnesses, plants, preparations and cures along with complex
techniques in plastic surgery.

3. Tamadun India amat mempengaruhi perkembangan tamadun di Alam Melayu.

Bincangkan. (Indian civilization greatly influenced the development of civilization
in the Malay world. Discuss.)

Firstly, Indian royalty was descended from Malay royalty where any forms of tradition are passed
down from one royalty to the other. Secondly, Hinduism was also spread to the development of
Malay Civilization through trading by Indian merchants. It converted those who seeks a better
standard of living rather than because of a dominant religious system. Hinduism teachings are
also passed on through marriage with traditions of marrying off sons and daughters to thriving
merchants or their children. Early Malay literature was acquired from Hindu epics such as
Sanskrit words in Malay vocabulary. Other than that, the gods Malay worshipped long before the
coming of Islam were taken from Hindu divinities. Nevertheless, preaching of the Islamic concept
of heaven in a terminology is still in Hindu as Sanskrit words are still used in connection with
Islamic teachings.

1. Secara ringkas, bincangkan ciri-ciri utama Tamadun Cina dan perkembangannya.

(Briefly, discuss the main features of Chinese Civilization and its development.)

One of the main features that makes the Chinese Civilization unique was perhaps the use of
pen and brush. First invented bamboo pens for writing, bamboo plates were used to write down
records and later, silk cloth was used to get written with brush and ink. In addition, the brush was
made of camel hair. In relation to the uses of pen and brush, paper was invented after they found
the bamboo plates to be difficult to preserve for long periods of time. It was perhaps the greatest
contribution of mankind and its process was later taught to the Arabs. Furthermore, education
was one of its important features as it thrived in China. All levels of education were provided
from primary schools to university. This was to ensure the civilization stays as a peaceful, healthy
and law-governed society through education. With the flourishing of education, science,
medicine, surgery, art and architecture were taught. Hence, more discoveries were produced
such as knowledge in astronomy, treatment of illness and the ability to construct sturdy

2. Terangkan beberapa 11ystem nilai yang terdapat dalam peradaban Negara Cina.
(Explain some of the value systems found in Chinese civilization.)

The traditional values found in the Chinese Civilization were harmony, benevolence,
righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, loyalty, and filial piety. The fundamental value is
harmony which defines “proper and balanced coordination between things” and represents
rationale, propriety, and compatibility. With harmony, different things are correlated by
integrating them in an appropriate manner which gives the ability to develop from an
uncoordinated state to one of coordination; from asymmetry to symmetry; and from imbalance
to balance. In the modern era, it helps us to maintain harmony between humankind and nature;
between individuals and society; between members of different background and society;
between mind and body. Other than that, benevolence is the principal value of Confucianism. It
expands on the importance of family and blood related individuals, setting an example and is
held in high regard by the Chinese. Although benevolence is based in family ties as well, it
extends to friendships and social relationships. This creates a full set of values that include
justice, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, loyalty, self-discipline, and commitment. Moreover, one
value that is essential to understand in life is wisdom. Wisdom helps us to determine right from
wrong, judging one’s capabilities, understanding oneself, and be inventive. In contrast,
benevolence is about learning to love while wisdom is about understanding others. This tells us
to have a caring heart to love others, and to have the wisdom to acknowledge others. In addition,
it is about having the ability to restrain evil and promote good will.

3. Jelaskan sumbangan Tamadun Cina kepada dunia dalam bidang sains dan
teknologi. (Explain the contribution of Chinese Civilization to the world in the field
of science and technology.)

One of the greatest contributions of Chinese Civilization to the world in the field of science and
technology is the invention of paper. Before the invention of paper, bamboo plates, wooden
strips, tortoise shells and shoulder blades of an ox were used to inscribe words. With the process
of silk reeling, a kind of paper made of silk was produced called “bo”. However, due to the
shortage of materials, production can be costly. Later, it was discovered that paper can be made
from bark, rags, wheat stalks and other materials as well. Not only has it made paper more
durable and suitable for brush writing, production became much more cost efficient. Another
great contribution of the Chinese Civilization was the invention of printing. Before its invention,
circulation of knowledge can only be carried out through word of mouth or handwritten copies of
manuscripts. Both consumes a lot amount of time and prone to human error. Stone-tablet
running was the first attempt in printing for spreading Confucian classics or Buddhist sutras. This
was then evolved to engraving writings or drawings on a wooden board, which is then smeared
with ink and printed on pieces of paper page-by-page. This would be known as block printing,
notwithstanding the boards would become useless after the printing was finished and a single
inaccuracy in carving would devastate a whole block. Centuries after, this was advanced by
carving individual characters onto pieces of fine clay, which is then hardened by a slow baking
process, resulting in pieces of movable type. After the printing is finished, they would be put
away for future use. This would then go ahead and inspire German inventor, Johann Gutenberg
in the 15th century to invent a movable type made of metal.

4. Bincangkan pencapaian dan kepentingan Tamadun Cina. (Discuss the

achievements and importance of Chinese Civilization.)

Many great inventions by the Chinese Civilization are still used in today’s world. This includes
paper, silk, wheelbarrow, rubber, and many more. One of the greatest achievements was the
invention of gunpowder in which the Chinese originally used it for fireworks. They were invented
for superstition purposes and to scare off their enemies. Because of this invention, it has paved
the way to the discovery of gun making for military usage. Other than that, another great
achievement of the Chinese Civilization was the creation of silk road which refers to the land
routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with South Asia, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula,
East Africa and Southern Europe. The name was derived from the profitable trade of silk during
the Han dynasty. Many items were sold on the silk road such as weapons, silk, animal hides,
bamboo, etc. The road was made due to the convenience of transporting silk to markets. Even
more, the Great Wall of China was the greatest accomplishment of the Chinese Civilization in
art and architecture as this has made an advancement on structural engineering. Now, it serves
as a tourist attraction to people all around the world. The Chinese Civilization was also one of
the first to grow crops and invented wooden tools for agriculture purposes.


1. Huraikan pengaruh cabaran globalisasi dalam kehidupan manusia hari ini?

(Describe the influence of globalization challenges in human life today?)

With globalization comes with challenges that companies must overcome in order to meet their
expectations. A challenge such as international recruitment requires employing qualified
candidates while they are far away from the headquarters. Market’s demands for salaries and
benefits are essential to be analyzed in order to make competent offers. Hiring employees from
another country require the understanding in time zones, work culture and usage of language
for the company to operate smoothly. Even though this task can be quite difficult, it brings in
more people to suggest new and fresh ideas, moving the company forward with higher profits
and shares than before. Another corresponding challenge would be managing employee
immigration. Immigration laws are varied from country to country and they can get very tough in
securing visas. Other than that, another challenge companies would face is incurring tariffs and
export fees where exporting items to overseas can be costly. Hence, this would damage the
brand and its sales. When it comes to expansion, another challenge companies would face is
management of payroll and maintaining compliance with changing employment and tax laws.
Going through this task would get more difficult if operations are carried out in multiple markets.
As a result, this could cause quite a strain to the work schedule of responsible employees.
Furthermore, with cheap labor to lower the costs of each product, companies would shift their
production to countries such as China where lax regulations make it simpler to exploit workers.
This would help them compete better in the market against other brands without any regards to
integrity. However, this creates more job opportunities in less developed countries which would
then tap into much larger markets, improving the country’s economy as well.

2. Pertembungan antara tamadun boleh mencetuskan konflik sesama manusia.

Bagaimanakah itu boleh berlaku? (The clash between civilizations can trigger
human conflict. How can that be?)

This could be due to humanitarian factors such as greed, underground economies and
commerce. Dialogues of ruling power have been going back and forth, discussing about the
strengths of military power between countries. In addition, it is mainly a social scientific prediction
grounded in a primordia list worldview of politics. Political discussion of dialogue of civilizations
could end up in a dangerous position resulting from unacceptable proposals. This could in turn,
stir up a violent confrontation between civilizations. Other than that, the rule of tyranny from one
emperor could stir up controversies and quarrel, lacking in proper progression within the
civilization. Also, this encourages inequality among social classes, races and religions. Hence,
this would produce unequal values which would lead to protests and violence. Consequently,
this could also lead up to unwillingness to accept other cultures, races, religions, etc. In turn, the
ideals of righteousness are drastically varied and could end up in brutal conflicts during
3. Sejauhmanakah anda bersetuju bahawa dialog peradaban merupakan satu-satunya
cara bagi mengatasi masalah pertembungan antara tamadun di dunia ini? (To what
extent do you agree that the dialogue of civilizations is the only way to overcome the
problem of clashes between civilizations in this world?)

In the modern era, dialogue among civilizations has gotten better, with a comprehensible
objective, a well-managed organization, wider perspective and greater progression. Over many
years, projects have been held organizations which increases more significant dialogue between
civilizations. With more interaction between civilizations, dialogues over economic, political,
security, strategic, human rights and other global issues moderately intensified. What once was
violent conflict and international rivalry have turned into an international joint effort in economics,
technology and science. In addition, this also achieves the main goal of the United Nations which
was to guarantee security and peace all over the world. Other than that, diversity proves to be a
universal morality as people are more united than divided. Hence, this would achieve sustainable
peace and prosperity. Furthermore, promoting the dialogue of culture helps to spread love and
peace in order to gain universal acceptance and basic human rights. Getting to know other
cultures gives us an opportunity to understand them better and helps us to explore the legacies
of the past from different cultural backgrounds. Moreover, increasing dialogue between
civilizations would also assist us in pursuing higher goals of peace and tolerance between
countries and within countries.

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