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Mechanics Research Communications 95 (2019) 85–88

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Neural network based constitutive modeling of nonlinear viscoplastic

structural response
Marcus Stoffel∗, Franz Bamer, Bernd Markert
Institute of General Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 64, Aachen D-52056, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present study constitutive equations in finite element simulations are replaced by means of an ar-
Received 5 December 2018 tificial neural network (ANN). Following this approach, a physically nonlinear stress-strain behavior with
Revised 10 January 2019
strain rate dependency is substituted by an algebraic system of equations. Implementing this mathe-
Accepted 10 January 2019
matical approximation of a constitutive law into a finite element code, a so-called intelligent element is
Available online 11 January 2019
created. This approach leads to a significant reduction of computing time, because a complex material
MSC: model is treated numerically by matrix multiplications as in the case of elasticity. Here, a viscoplastic
74K20 material analysis by means of an ANN is proposed and applied to nonlinear structural behavior.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Artificial neural network
Structural mechanics
Intelligent finite element

1. Introduction loadings. A comparative study is then conducted between mea-

surements of plate deformations in a shock tube, finite element
Artificial neural networks have already been applied to engi- simulations, and intelligent element predictions.
neering problems as an alternative approach compared to classi-
cal methods based on continuum mechanical modeling, e.g. steel
structures [1], stability [2] or welding problems [3]. However, the
modeling of the entire structure with neural networks limits the
application to one particular problem. But if only the material law 2. Experiment
is replaced by an ANN, then the neural network based constitutive
model can be applied to different engineering problems wherein In order to obtain measurements of structural deformations and
the same material behavior is considered [4]. For this reason, in corresponding loads, experiments in shock tubes are carried out
the present study, an ANN is developed to mimic nonlinear vis- [9].
coplastic material behavior. Studies about the substitution of a con- In Fig. 1, the shock tube is shown for subjecting aluminum
stitutive model by means of an ANN have been published in [5]. A plates of 553 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness to impulsive load-
beam element, based on a neural network, is proposed in [6] and ings. The tube consists of a high pressure chamber (HPC) and a
leads to less computing time than a classical finite element ap- low pressure chamber (LPC), separated from each other by an alu-
proach. This advantage is in multiscale approaches even more visi- minum membrane. Due to the pressure difference between HPC
ble [7]. Several neural network constitutive models (NNCM) were and LPC, the membrane bursts, generating a shock wave which is
discussed in [8]. However, it was pointed out that the correct moving through the LPC and loading the plate specimen at the end
choice of the training data is essential for a reliable intelligent fi- of the tube. Consequently, a high-density impulse during millisec-
nite element [5]. onds is caused, leading to inelastic deformations of the plate sam-
In this study, a neural network based constitutive viscoplas- ple. The mid-point deflection of the plate is measured during mi-
tic model with nonlinear hardening is proposed and implemented croseconds by a capacitive sensor, developed for this purpose [9].
into a finite element code. As an example, this intelligent element The pressure acting on the plate is measured during the impulse
code is applied to structural deformations caused by shock wave period by means of piezoelectric pressure sensors. The pressure
evolution during the shock wave loading can be varied by using
different gases in the HPC. If a light gas, such as helium, is used

Corresponding author. in the HPC, then a faster shock wave and, hence, a higher pressure
E-mail address: (M. Stoffel). on the plate specimen can be caused, than in the case of nitrogen.
0093-6413/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
86 M. Stoffel, F. Bamer and B. Markert / Mechanics Research Communications 95 (2019) 85–88

of all weighted normalized input values in the propagation func-


Xj = xni wi j (5)

with N as the number of input neurons and j for the jth neuron in
the hidden layer. Bias terms are neglected, because they were not
necessary in the present study.
For training the neural network, a matrix A with Z input data
rows is necessary. Each row denotes the input vector xTn leading to
a matrix multiplication
B = A w, (6)
see Fig. 2. The vector XT
is obtained Z-times, with components Xj
representing the values which are important for the activation of a
neuron in the hidden layer. Hence, they are the arguments of the
sigmoid activation function
Fj = (7)
1 + e−X j
for each neuron in the hidden layer. Calculating forwardly to the
Fig. 1. Picture of the shock tube. output layer, the next propagation function reads

Yk = Fj w∗jk (8)
3. Artificial neural network based viscoplastic model i=1

with K as the number of output neurons, k for the kth neuron in

The starting point for developing a material model based on an
the output layer, and new weights w∗jk between hidden layer and
ANN is the viscoplastic law from [10] with kinematic hardening. It
is expressed by output layer. With Z vectors F, each in a row of matrix C in Fig. 2,
a second matrix multiplication is performed by
3 σi j − Xi j
   σ n
ε p˙
= p˙ with p˙ =
(1) D = C w∗ . (9)
ij 2 J2 (σrs − Xrs ) K
The obtained components Yk in Z rows, one row for each vector
 2 YT (Fig. 2), are inserted into the activation function
σv = J2 (σi j − X ij ) − k and X˙ i j = aε˙ ipj − sXi j p˙ . (2)
3 1
Gk = (10)
1 + e−Yk
Here, εipj ,
σ ij , Xij , k, p, σ v denote plastic strain tensor, stress
leading to normalized components Gnk of the output vector
tensor, backstress tensor, yield limit, equivalent plastic strain, over-  
stress, and a, s, n, K are material parameters. The deviatoric part of GTn = ε˙ 11
ε˙ 22
ε˙ 12
ε˙ 13
ε˙ 23
pn ˙ n ˙ n
X11 X22 X˙ 12
n ˙n ˙n
X13 X23 . (11)

a tensor is denoted by () , () ˙ indicates the material time deriva-
Transforming these normalized values by means of Eq. (3) back
to physical ones, the strain rate and hardening rate tensors are ob-
During the numerical simulation at a time t, the values of
tained for the simulation time t + t. As an example, the neurons
stresses, strains, and backstresses are known and can be regarded
in the upper row in Fig. 2 are marked with their mathematical
as input values for the ANN. With this information in the current
meaning. In order to identify the weight matrices wij and w∗jk , the
configuration the ANN must predict the strain and backstress in-
ANN has to be trained by given input and output values with Z in-
crements εi j and Xij , respectively, for a time step t. Conse-
put and output vectors. The training data is obtained from the con-
quently, the output values are defined as plastic strain rate ε˙ i j and
stitutive law in the above mentioned ranges (Eq. (3)) expected dur-
backstress rate X˙ i j . In order to obtain better convergence and nu- ing the simulation. The ANN is implemented in a separate python
merical stability, all input and output values are normalized [11,12]. code. In this algorithm a loop is generated over the entire train-
Here, this is carried out for all stress, strain, strain rate, backstress, ing data together with the back-propagation method. This gradient
and backstress rate values, denoted by xi , in the form descent algorithm is applied in order to minimize the least square
 x −x  error between calculated and provided output data. The topology
i imin
xni = 0.1 + 0.8 · (3) of the ANN has to be determined by the user.
ximax − ximin
However, the use of an ANN represents mathematically a func-
leading to unified values xni and with ximin and ximax as minimum tion approximation, in which the user has to determine the num-
and maximum values. The index i stands for the ith input neuron. ber of neurons in the hidden layer iteratively. This process could
Following this approach, an input vector with normalized compo- be continued by including further internal variables, such as ad-
nents, abbreviated with the index n, is obtained in the form ditional hidden layers or biases, if necessary. Nevertheless, all
 variables are obtained by applying an optimum criterion. In the
xTn = σ11n σ22

 present study, the determined topology of the ANN, shown in

pn n
X11 n
X22 n
X12 n
X13 n
X23 . (4) Fig. 2, lead to the smallest error between input and output val-
ues during the training procedure. Changes around this optimized
In the present study, a feed forward neural network is devel-
topology, e.g. changes in the number of neurons in the hidden
oped, see Fig. 2. This type of ANN is well established in literature
layer, would impair the accuracy the output results.
[13]. All components of the input vector have to be multiplied with
Consequently, seven neurons in the hidden layer have been
weights wij between input layer and hidden layer, leading to a sum
identified iteratively to lead to the minimal least square error.
M. Stoffel, F. Bamer and B. Markert / Mechanics Research Communications 95 (2019) 85–88 87

Fig. 2. Artificial neural network with arithmetic operations for replacing viscoplastic constitutive equations.

Fig. 3. Comparative study between measured and simulated plate deflections using FEM and ANN.

For detailed descriptions of activation and propagation functions of the material is required in the present study, which is essential
in ANNs it is referred to related textbooks [14]. Extended studies for reducing computing time. The structural part in this finite ele-
about backpropagation methods are reported in [15]. ment code is based on a geometrically nonlinear first-order shear
Finally, two optimized weight matrices wij and w∗jk are ob- deformation shell theory as reported in [9].
tained, which are needed to replace the constitutive law in the
finite element simulation by means of the ANN. In the finite el- 4. Results and discussion
ement code [9], the material law in Eqs. (1) and (2) is substituted
by Eqs. (3)–(11), leading to a new material description in form of In Fig. 3 middle point deflections of two aluminum plates and
matrix multiplications, see Fig. 2. Then, one input vector in matrix the pressures acting on them during the impulse duration are
A denotes the input data in one Gaussian point. This mathematical shown. Two experiments with peak pressures pp = 7 bar and
way is comparable to pure elastic constitutive equations. Thus, no pp = 3.5 bar using helium (He) and nitrogen (N2 ) in the HPC, see
treatment of history variables representing the inelastic evolution
88 M. Stoffel, F. Bamer and B. Markert / Mechanics Research Communications 95 (2019) 85–88

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