Optimise Your Grammar - A2: Food Like Your Grandmother Makes

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Past simple: regular verbs, Wh- words 4 Find and underline the mistakes in the
following sentences, then correct them.
1 Complete the sentences with the past
simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 What did you had for breakfast this morning?
1 The girls        (watch) a new cookery
programme last night. 2 Sarah sayed that she wasn’t hungry.       

2 My brother        (not help) me with my 3 Gianni maked a lasagne for dinner tonight.

3 The teacher        (ask) us a lot of 4 Did you went to the shops this morning?
questions in class today.       

4        you        (cook) dinner 5 They didn’t understood anything you said to
last night? them.       

5 They        (try) my chocolate cake and

they        (love) it. Unit round-up
2 Match to make questions. 5 Complete the text with the correct form of
1 What did    the verbs in brackets.
2 Who do   
3 Where did   
4 Why does   
5 Which one did    Food like your
6 Whose   
grandmother makes
a) he want, the blue one or the red one?
b) ice cream is that? Jody Scaravella is from New York, and when he
was a boy, he (1)              (eat)
c) he buy at the supermarket?
his grandmother’s food every day. He often
d) she never have breakfast? (2)              (go) shopping
e) they learn to bake bread? with her and saw how careful she was about
f) you think is the best cook? the food she bought. At that time, he
(3)              (not know) how
important grandmothers were to the history
Past simple: irregular verbs of food, but when he was older, he
(4)              (understand).
3 Complete the sentences with the correct
Jody (5)              (want)
affirmative or negative past simple form of
people to forget this. So in 2008, he opened
the verbs below.
Enoteca Maria, a restaurant with a big
buy | drink | eat | go | teach difference. The cooks (6)             
(not be) professional chefs. They were
1 You don’t feel well because you Italian grandmothers. The restaurant
             enough water today. (7)              (become) very
2 Phil              a pizza on the way popular, and lots of people came to eat the food
home so we don’t need to cook dinner. the grandmothers (8)             
(make). In 2016, Jody decided to invite
3 Monica              a lot of cakes at grandmothers from different countries, and
the party and now she doesn’t feel well. today there are grandmothers from all over the
4 We haven’t got any food because we world making the food.
             shopping today.
5 My mum              English in
Spain for a year when she was younger.

Optimise A2 Optimise A2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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