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CAD Marker & Cut-Plan Making Procedure | SOP: CAD

Marker & Cut-Plan Making |Garments-Info

Samiul Basir April 06, 2019  3

CAD Marker & Cut-Plan Making Procedure

CAD Marker and Cut-Plan Making Procedure

  Achieve maximum fabric utilization by making best marker/ Size combination to hit
maximum marker efficiency.
  Use right patterns with correct shrinkage/ process allowance to hit the spec after wash.

  Marker efficiency should be more than 88% in case of Solid.
  Fabric allocation should be 1% extra from net marker only (0.5% for end-bits and 0.5% for lay
  Marker has to be Shade/ Shrinkage wise.
  More than ½” width deference marker has to be separate.

A) Documents (Before Marker Making):

1)   Approved (by Quality manager) fabric Inventory & Inspection Report (Roll, Shade, width,
shrinkage, quality wise), with special remarks about fabric either normal or running shade or CS
shading etc.
2)   Buyer Approved Shade Band – Approved by concern merchandiser and Quality head
3)   Final buyer PO, for Size Breakdown - Approved by concern merchandiser
4)   BOM (Check list) or booking sheet - Approved by concern merchandiser.
5)   Approved Pattern (Soft or Hard copy) with clear shrinkage group – Approved by Technical and
Quality Head.

B) Procedure:
After receiving above documents – CAD head, need to make:
a)    Fabric grouping:
         Shrinkage
         Width
b)   Based on fabric, need best Ratio and check the best combination of ratio and marker to hit best
efficiency and utilization.
c)    Based on marker details need to make summary and fill the format with all details (attached)
d)   For each marker mini markers need to approve by cutting Head.
e)    For Each Marker has to checked and stamped with clear details:
         Length
         Width
         Shrinkage (Pattern No)
         Efficiency
         Ratio
         Type (Normal/ CS/ Running/ Block etc.)
f)    After complete all details need to take final approval from factory head before issuing to the
g)    One copy of Cut-Plan needs to send to concern Merchandiser and Warehouse manager, so that
Warehouse will not issue any extra fabric to the cutting.
h)   Cutting has to follow these markers strictly.
i)     Need to provide a copy of Marker summary Plan with mini markers to Cutting QC team, so
that cutting QC can check the markers prior to cutting.
C) Alert / Precautions:
j)     Need to alert management if any above documents not received on time.
k)   If fabric have more variety (More shade, width, shrinkage) need to discuss before bulk markers.
l)     If booking consumption is higher than actual then immediately need to discuss with
m)  Any Marker Efficiency if less than 88% then also need to discuss with valid reason.

n)   For small quantities (less than 1000 Pcs.), should be minimum number of markers to avoid
cutting efficiency loss.

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