Sadruddin Bahadur Qutoshi

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The findings show that role of the Headteacher in SI is complex, daunting, multi-dimensional, and
multilayered (Lizotte, 2013; Moos, 2013). Headteacher performs her best to provide better education
to learners; tries to meet stakeholders " expectations in terms of improving teaching and learning,
improving school infrastructure (e.g., up-gradation of the school building), keep her teachers
motivating and satisfying parents.

Qutoshi (2014) stated that head teacher perform best to provide and keep their teachers
motivate and improve teaching and learning. Qutoshi cited from the study of Lizotte and
Moos that head teacher is complex, daunting, multi-dimensional, and multi-layered in
school improvement.
The Role of a Principal / Headteacher in School Improvement: A Case Study of a
Community-Based School in Pakistan


Sadruddin Bahadur Qutoshi

Qutoshi, S, B. (2014). The Role of a Principal / Headteacher in School Improvement: A

Case Study of a Community-Based School in Pakistan. Retrieved

Findings of the study indicated that head teachers support creativity, innovation and practice of new
skills in the classroom. They also praised to those teachers who use creativity in classrooms to enhance
the learning of students. They held meetings with teachers to discuss the students’ performance and
solve the problems of teachers as an instructional leaders. It is recommended that head teachers may
be trained that they can use new innovative methods and ideas to discuss with teachers and they help
out the teachers to make the dull topics interesting. Head teachers may be motivated to teachers by
giving different incentives in the shape of awards for bringing innovation in school.

Batool (2018) revealed that the head teachers showed support to their teachers through
enhancing and developing the creativity, introduce innovation and practice new skills in
the classroom. Head teacher held meetings with teachers to discuss the students’
performance and solve the problems of teachers as an instructional leaders.
Batool, A. (2018). Head Teacher as an Instructional Leader in School. Retrieved from

Head Teacher as an Instructional Leader in School

Ayesha Batool


Currently, in Barbados there are some teachers who are excellent or expert teachers. They are very
knowledgeable about the curriculum, the pedagogy, practice and methodology of education. These
expert teachers are not willing to move in to educational administration, but prefer to remain within
the classroom and work at that level. The establishment of a post called the Master Teacher would
provide the opportunity for the expert teacher to be remunerated at a level commensurate with the
post of principal. The “master teacher” would serve as mentor, facilitator, curriculum specialist,
collaborator and advocate for professional development and other vital policies within the
educational institution. According to White (June, 1991) the master teacher shall be…maintained in
the classroom and shall not be assigned duties of an administrator. This provision shall not prohibit
the master teacher from serving as an evaluator. 

Mcclean (2016) stated that master teacher serves as mentor, facilitator, curriculum
specialist, collaborator and advocate for professional development and other vital
policies within the educational institution. Master teacher are very knowledgeable
regarding the curriculum, pedagogy, practice and methodology of education. They are
not willing to move into educational administration, but instead prefer to remain within
the classroom and work at that level. Mcclean cited from the study of White that the
master teacher shall be maintained in the classroom and shall not be assigned duties of
an administrator. This provision shall not prohibit the master teacher from serving as an
The Master Teacher: Role and
Responsibilities in the Reform Process

Wilma Mcclean

Mcclean, W. (2016). The Master Teacher: Role and Responsibilities in the Reform
Process. Retrieved from <
Foreign Studies
The study established that most of the headteachers were rarely or never engaging in their roles on
curriculum and instruction. It was also established that teaching and learning resources in schools
were available in schools but they were not adequate. This affected implementation of the curriculum
in schools which as a result affected students‟ performance. Regarding the methods of
communication in schools, the study concludes that schools heads were discussing issues on
curriculum instructions with staff during the staff meetings. It also emerged that most schools were
holding staff meetings twice per term. 

Wanjiku (2014) stated that the most of the head teachers were rarely engaging in their
roles on curriculum and instruction may affects the students’ performance.

The role of headteachers in curriculum and instructional management:

a case of secondary schools, in Gatundu District, Kiambu County,

Gichobi, Grace Wanjiku

Wanjiku, G. (2014). The role of headteachers in curriculum and instructional

management: a case of secondary schools, in Gatundu District, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Retrieved from <>.
The Role of the Master Teacher

Master teachers are funded in New Jersey's State Preschool Program to

provide and maintain high levels of quality by helping and supporting
preschool teachers.  Their primary role is to visit classrooms and coach
teachers using reflective practice to improve instruction. 

Division of Early Childhood Education


NJ Department of Education

New Jersey Department of Education (2019). The Role of the Master Teacher.
Retrieved from <>.

New Jersey Department of Education (2019) stated that the role of master teacher was
to visit the classroom and coach teacher using reflective practice to improve instruction.

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