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CEP, ECD 2020

1. Exact design (by diode model) and implementation of alternative amplitude control circuit
for a Wein-Bridge Oscillator (using two parallel diodes) for a 8 KHz sine wave having +Vp =
7V while -Vp = 5V.
2. Design and implementation of a BJT based Phase shift oscillator for 8 KHz sinewave.
3. Design and implementation of a MOSFET based Phase shift oscillator for 8 KHz sinewave.
4. Design and implementation of an Op-Amp based Hartley oscillator for 2 MHz sinewave.
5. Design and implementation of an Op-Amp based Clapp oscillator for 4 MHz sinewave.
6. Design and implementation of a MOSFET based Hartley oscillator for 2 MHz sinewave.
7. Design and implementation of a BJT based Clapp oscillator for 4 MHz sinewave.
8. Design and implementation of a BJT based crystal oscillator for an 8 MHz sinewave.
9. Implementation of Colpitts oscillator using quartz crystal.
10. Generate a rectangular wave having +Vp = 7V while -Vp = 5V with f= 8 KHz and DC = 35% by
designing and developing an Op-Amp based astable multivibrator.
11. Generate a rectangular wave having +Vp = 5.5V while -Vp = 7.5V with f= 5 KHz and DC = 35%
by designing and developing a 555 Timer based Astable multivibrator.
12. Design and implementation of a regulated power supply by precession rectification for -10V.
Ensure that not a single Op-Amp will saturate during a whole period of the input cycle. Use
an appropriate filtration circuit following by 3 pin regulator to get -10V DC supply.
13. Design and Implementation of a push pull (class B) stage using TIP31 and TIP32 for a load
current of 1A by removing crossover distortion through negative feedback.
14. Design and Implementation of a transformer coupled (at input and output) push pull (class
B) stage using TIP31 and TIP32 for a load current of 1A and compare its efficiency with that
of the direct coupled amplifier.
15. Design and implementation a Transformer coupled Class A power amplifier to drive a load
of 4Ω/10w from 20mA input signal.
16. Design and implementation of an audio power amplifier: a class AB output stage to drive a
4Ω/10w speaker from 20mA input signal.
17. Develop a plant of transfer function (𝑠 2+3𝑠+2)
in LtSpice using inverting integrators and

inverting summers. Give a 1V DC signal to see its step response. Find the step response of
the same mathematical model in Matlab to verify the implementation.
18. Take an AC voltage supply of ±7.5V. Sample_&_hold it, digitize it by an 8-bit ADC and then
convert it back to analog signal by an 8-bit DAC. Plot both the sampled_&_hold signal and
DAC output signal on a single graph to compare the signals.
19. Design a Common Emitter amplifier stage for the following set of specifications.
1. Maximum input voltage swing: ±100mV
2. Mid-band Voltage gain: 100V/V
3. Lower cut-off frequency: 100Hz
4. Upper cutoff frequency: >20kHz
5. Input impedance: >2kΩ
Output impedance: <1kΩ
20. Design and Implementation of a Common Collector Amplifier for the following Set of
1. Maximum input voltage swing: ±10V
2. Load resistance: 250Ω
3. Lower cut-off frequency: 100Hz
4. Upper cutoff frequency: >20kHz
5. Input impedance: >2kΩ
6. Maximum collector current : <100mA

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