5 Bralcxxxxzke System PDF

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( A
Antilock Brake Syste
w, electrical 

e braking, ch

e braking system
The eng
gagement and disengage ement of the service brak
ke for the veh
hicle is controolled by
pressurized air signa
als from the footbrake
f va lve.

The servvice brake syystem has tw wo separated d circuits which are supplied and monnitored by the e APM (
A177) po orts (21) and d (22).
The APM M can diseng nt of a fault or air leakage
gage a circuiit in the even e.
The APM M has an antti-compound function. It llimits the parrking brake fo orce on the bbrake cylinde
ers by
he APM port (4.2).
re-injectting air into th

The fronnt circuit (F) and
a the rear circuit (R) ha ave separate ed air-tanks and
a control liines.
Each cirrcuit has a re y supplied witth compresseed from the air-tank.
elay valve (Rff, Rr) which iis constantly
The relaay valve is ussed to rapidlyy engage and d disengage the service brake.
The servvice brake syystem can ha wo pressure sensors (B237, B237A), which activa
ave one or tw ates the
brake lig
ghts. The fron nt brake circuit pressure sensor (B23 37A) have beeen added reecently and is
s not
present on earlier ve ehicles.

g braking system

The parkking brake syystem has no
o air tank; it is supplied frrom the APM
M ports (28.1 ) and (28.2)..

Some ve ehicles also activate the service brakke on the trailler when the parking brakke is engage
This function is contrrolled by the APM port (2
29.2) (trailer braked at pa

The parkking brake iss released orr applied, eith

her automatically or manually by the hhand lever (A
In "Drivin
ng" mode the e system is constantly
c prressurized by
y the APM (A

On some e vehicles will
w the parking brake be a automatically
y applied whe
en the door iss opened.
The parkking brake iss applied if th
he vehicle sp
peed is below
w the maximuum activationn speed.

Tech da
Parking brake, maxim
mum activation speed ≈ 7 km/h
Trailer braking syystem
The trailler valve (Tr)) is controlled
d by air presssure signals..
The signnals only eng gage or disen ngage the traailer service brake.
The signnals can com me from differrent indepen ndent air valvves, manually
y or automattically

The trailler braking syystem is presssurized fromm the APM (AA177) port (223), via the trrailer brake valve
v (
Tr), whicch has one supply
s circuit (Ts) port (12
2) and one control
c circuit (Tc) port (222).
Some ve ehicles have a separate pneumatic va alve (Y134) mounted nea ar the trailer brake valve (Tr).
ng activates the
t trailer braake valve:

● The seervice brake foot valve (F Fv) directly coontrols:

Port (41) rear brake circuit.
Port (42) front brake circuit.
● The paarking brake handle (A17 73) sends a ssignal to the APM.
Port (43) is directly controlled
c via
a the APM.
The APM M port (29.1)), for trailer not
n braked att parking.
The APM M port (29.2)), for trailer braked
b at parrking.
● The auuxiliary brake e stalk (S2755) sends a si gnal via the VMCU (A187) and the C
3) to
the pneuumatic valve (Y134).
Port (42), is directly controlled byy the pneuma atic valve (Y134).
Brake llights

The brakke lights are controlled by the RCIOM M (A164).
At extra high retarda
ation the brakke lights flash
h rapidly to enhance
e the warning.

Foot braaking and othher braking th

hat causes reetardation ovver a certain limit, activatte the brake lights.
Hand co ontrols such as
a the auxiliaary brake sta
alk (S275) orr parking brakke hand conttrol (A173) canc also
activate the brake lig
ghts in the sa
ame way as tthe brake peedal (Fv) doe es.

ng activates the
Followin t brake lighhts:
● Norma aking, brake pressure se nsors (B237, B237A).
al service bra
● Proportional brakinng with parking brake han
nd control (A
A173) via APM (A177).
● Auxilia
ary braking, via
v VMCU (A A187).

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