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EN4630 / ENT630 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPER Academic Year: 2014/2015 Examination Period: SPRING Examination Paper Number: EN4630 / ENT630 Examination Paper Title: FUNDAMENTALS OF NANOMECHANICS Duration: 2 HOURS Do not turn this page over uniil instructed to do so by the Senior Invigilator. Structure of Examination Paper: There are 5 pages. There are 4 questions in total. There are no appendices. The maximum mark for the examination paper is 100% and the mark obtainable for a question or part of a question is shown in brackets alongside the question Students to be provided with: The following items of stationery are to be provided at the start of the examination: 1 Answer Book Treasury tag Instructions to Students: Answer ALL questions Secure all additional material and answer book(s) using the treasury tag The use of a translation dictionary between English or Welsh and another language, provided that it bears an appropriate departmental stamp, is permitted in this examination PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 1. Nanoindentation. (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) 0 (i (i) (iv) @ ii) Sketch a force-displacement (P - h) diagram of a typical Depth-Sensing Indentation (DSI) process and describe its branches. What are the specific requirements of nanoindentation tests? What materials are used to make the probes and why? What is the exact expression that follows from Hertzian contact theory for the slope of the force-displacement (P - h) curve during contact between a blunt axi-symmetric indenter and an elastic half-space? What is BASh formula? What assumptions were made to derive it? To what branch is it applied? [8 marks] Let an AFM be used instead of a nanoindenter for depth-sensing nanoindentation tests. What is the main specific feature of the use of an AFM for DSN that a researcher should take into account when dealing with obtained data? [1 mark] A Berkovich ‘indenter with a diamond tip is probing a flat DLC film. The maximum external load iS Pra = 112 mN . The measured depth of indentation under this load is 400 nm. Estimate the nanohardness of the film. [3 marks] Estimate the contact modulus (£*) of the above film if the stiffness S of the upper part of (P — #) diagram under unloading was 10.95 - 105 N/m Ee [4 marks] For a diamond indenter E; = 1200 GPa and the Poisson ratio vg = 0.2. Assuming U;im= 0.2 calculate the Young's modulus of the film. [5 marks] Using polar coordinates (r, 6), describe the shape function of a blunt_indente~ tip if the area 4 — depth h relation for h < 100nm is approximated as log A~1.22 log h Is this approximation affected by the value of the material work hardening exponent x of the stress-strain relation ~ < [4 marks] PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 NS eae inoue 2. Mechanical vibrations in nanotechnology and AFM. VO. Consider @ horizontal evtangular cantilever beam of an AFM made of sileon ‘with density of p, = 2.33 gfcm®/and elastic modulus of E =" =162 GPa = 162-102 N/um* i The length of the beams. =13fém) the width is w =41ym and the thickness is, r=4um — WV 362 ee ee (a) Find the Tésonant frequency of the AFN cantilever beam (i). fu fne Vep fee ase [ges [6 marks] t+ Ge (b) _ Ananoparticle of unknown mass m, is stuck to the above cantilever beam at IV/jq the free end. Calculate the mass of the nanopgstidle if the resonant frequency of the CB with additional mass is = 280. 10°(1z,)) ae 6 ‘is 5 16 marke? es (c) Using sputtering, the above cantilever beam was uniformly coated with a hydrogen-free tetrahedral amorphous diamond like carbon film (the film X) 2° covers all sides of the cantilever). The thickness of the coating is 6 = 21nm. ny a The density of the DLC is p, = 3.2 g/cm® and the Poisson ratio v = Q.2. The resonance frequency of the coated beam increased_and—tis" 6k#z. Find the elastic modulus of the DLC coating. ( x) yw - yi [13 marks} & lv /4m)- P My PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 Jie [- aot 64 J 3.Molecular mechanics. §£ [1/6 2-P_g 82a (a) The Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction potential given below was suggested to describe interaction between two carbon atoms 1) U,[6,12) (7) = 4e (Q- 1 5 ay : 1 See where the parameters ¢ and ¢ have the standard meaning and r is the” distance between atoms, Show that to describe interaction between two parallel layers of bi-layer graphene, one has to use the following potential ries o® U4 , 10] (2) % : ae i where z is the distance between layers. >. 6 Derive a formula for the/quilibrium distance zy as a function of o. Bi 22 6 =o ! Cr yrety yeaa [10 marks} a pao Ek. (4 (b) ()_ Using the Taylor decomposition, find the Hooke's (harmonic) approximation of —? /_ the above Lennard-Jones, 4-10 interaction potential at the equilibrium . distance. Find the spring constant K per one carbon atom in the Hooke's (harmonic) approximation. 2 tea Zorgr€ vast oy poe eee [10 marks] aE Is YI (i) What are the values of the U,, [4,10] (2), U'{4,10]() and "1, [4,10] (2) ee = + and atz=2)? - Supe a ee xh Zz Gay? [5 marks] ia raat (DZD een Geet es a ean Gea Ze Ow cee 32 gba 26 5 e2 ——_— 2a eye = GE ee |g fee] een ee. : Pome i ie Aa oO ee ma) ne (&y Oh gh Ga “Cw 4 PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 4. Adhesion of solids. 1 2. \ (=) What are the main assumptions of the Derjaguinsppimximation?. «5 [5 marks] (b) What is the difference between the Bradley and Derjaguin approaches for calculating the force of adhesion between a rigid sphere and an elastic half- space? Derive the force of adhesion formula using the Derjaguin approach. saab anal : [8 Marks] (c) An attachment device is designed as a perfectly smooth elastic silica sphere of diameter D=40nm Find the force of cohesive interaction between the sphere and the surface of a silica half-space. The work of adhesion for the tested silica material is 0.05 W/m’, the elastic modulus E=70 GPa, the Poisson ratio v=0.25 and the equilibrium distance 2=0.4 nm. Using the Tabor-Muller parameter fy Ip fe [12 marks] 5x EN4630 / ENT630 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPER Academic Year: 2013 / 2014 Examination Period: SPRING Examination Paper Number: EN4630 / ENT630 Examination Paper Title: FUNDAMENTALS OF NANOMECHANICS Duration: 2 hours Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so by the Senior Invigilator. Structure of Examination Paper: There are 6 pages. There are 5 questions in total. There are no appendices. The maximum mark for the examination paper is 100% and the mark obtainable for a question or part of a question is shown in brackets alongside the question. Students to be provided with: The following items of stationery are to be provided at the start of the examination: 1 Answer Book Treasury tag Instructions to Students: Answer FOUR questions only. Secure ail additional material and answer book(s) using the treasury tag Important note: If you answer more than the number of questions instructed, then answers will be marked in the order they appear only until the above instruction is met. Extra answers will be ignored. Clearly cancel any answers not intended for marking. Write clearly on the front of the answer book the question numbers of the answers to be marked The use of a translation dictionary between English or Welsh and another language, provided that it bears an appropriate departmental stamp, is permitted in this examination. PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 at. (a) (@) i) ii) iil) vy) Nanoindentation. What is Depth-Sensing Indentation (DSI) process? What information is usually extracted using DSI? Sketch a force-displacement diagram and describe its branches. What are the specific requirements of nanoindentation tests? What materials are used to make the probes and why? What is the exact expression that follows from Hertzian contact theory for the slope of the force-displacement (P — h) curve during contact between a blunt axi-symmetric indenter and an elastic half-space? What is BASh formula? What assumptions were made to derive it? To what branch is it applied? xy |A [10 marks] rE Na A diamond tip of Berkovich indenter was used to probe a flat film. The maximum of the éxternal load was Pnox = 8 MN. The measured depth of indentation under this load was 400 nm. Estimate theqranohardnessyof the film [3 marks] Estimate the contact modulus (E’) of the film if the stiffness S of the upper part of P — A diagram under unloading was 2.4 -10° N/m. a ee [3 marks] & Ee on For a diamond indenter £; = 1200 GPa and the Poisson ratio vy = 0.2. Assuming v,,,, = 0.3 calculate Young's modulus of the film, T [5 marks] Using polar coordinates (7, 4), describe the shape function of a blunt indenter tip if the area A — depth fh relation for h <100pm is approximated as log A ~ 1.242 log h. Is this approximation affected by the value of the material work hardening exponent x of the stress-strain relation « ~ e? [4 marks] 93018 ~ 9b or bra zeman | rz “ PLEASE TURN OVER eQ& ees jodxee eafere ‘ EN4630 / ENT630 Q2. (b) () iii) Nanotubes. Polymer based nanocomposites. What are nanotubes? Describe classes of nanotubes. Give examples. What is graphene and its structure? Give a description of carbon nanotubes. What are two main cases of CNT chirality? Give a sketch of these cases. What is the carbon-carbon bond length in graphene? What is the distance between layers of MWCNT? [8 marks] What can be taken as the effective thickness of a SWCNT and MWCNT? [3 marks] It is known that spherical nanoparticles with an average radius of R= 30 nm are almost perfectly dispersed in a polymer matrix, The volume fraction of the reinforcement particles is v,= 0.4. Let the effective thickness of the interfacial region in a nanocomposite be = 15 nm Find the total surface area per unit volume of the composite as a function of the particle radius R. Comment on the obtained result Find the average distance between two particles as a function of the particle radius 2. Find the particle radius such that the relative volume fraction of the interfacial material and particles to the bulk is 1 [14 marks] 25 marks | PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 Q3. Molecular mechanics. It was suggested to use the Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction potential to describe interaction between two parallel graphene layers (layers of graphite) Uy 7) = 4e [@"- on ; i) Derive a formula for the equilibrium distancd’p between two layers. Find the equilibrium distance p as a function of o. Sketch the LJ potential; show p and «. y, Oe ‘ [5 marks] AG 2 = ii) Using the Taylor decomposition, find the Hooke's (harmonic) approximation of the above Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction potential at the equilibrium distance. Find the spring sonstan cn the Hooke's (harivionic) approximation : Sige Sod [10 marks} Zz iii) What value ¢ in the above potential has to be taken to describe the experimentally measured transverse Young modulus of the system E , (between two parallel graphene layers) near the equilibrium distance (3% is 36.5 GPa? XH The equilibrium distance between the graphene layers is p = 0.34 nm > and the number of carbon nuclei per 1 nm? area N, = 38nm? aed. eer \ = 3% 410 mark ogee Tae oe oe Oe: ~? aeoy z a oF ites Bere oT BK. 6 (yest 6 3 aipaee @ J eae mone ye o> a2 Ona a6 a a oe iG tet oa ayia \ je, Fes po el a 4 ae ot oh: Pave’: 6 a o€ [+0 Fe G eave ir mee oe 4 aggee sl ae F F PLEASE TURN OVER 4h, tte © lt PAL % = e o) aha EN4630 / ENT630 a4. (a) Adhesion of solids. Consider the Tabor Muller parameter 1/3 Repw a i 28 (B*)?28 Explain the meaning of the components and the parameter /. [5 marks] An attachment, device is designed as a perfect smooth elastic Siliod 5 2. sohere of diatibler I; = 800 pm. It is suggested to introduce an alternative design by changing the geometry (Figure 1) from a single sphere contact into N’ close-packed. spherical contacts of spheres of diameter Z.= 40nm; where N=(L;/ 12)? -ak 3 NOR, Find the forces(Ajand()pf cohesive interaction between each version of the attachment device and the surface of a silica half-space. The work of adhesion for the tested silica material is w =0.05 J/m”, the elastic modulus E.= 70 GPa, the Poisson ratio v = 0.25 and the equilibrium distance = Wt uw What design provides higher value of the force of cohesion? e meee rN i oe 4. N= 4. EJ : . Figure 1: Two types of design of an attachment device. [20 marks] 25 marks PLEASE TURN OVER : Lice EN4630 / ENT630 zea pa _ ay o— Q5. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Mechanical vibrations in aA nanotechnology. me (a) Describe the principles of work of the dynamic mode Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). What advantages and disadvantages does the tapping mode have in comparison with the contact mode? [5 marks] av: (b) Using the Lagrange equatién of the second type. derive the equation of free oscillations for a molecule consisting of(wo atoms The molecule ‘Sficks to a rigid surface. The spring constant of the bond between the surface and the first atom is &, and the mass of the atom is m,. The elastic constant of the bond between the atoms is and the mass of the second atom is m.. es oe. gue How many fesanant frequencies\does the system have? A au How many initial conditions does one need to get a partigular solution of © ——= oscillations? uw |, [8 marks] pee (©) Consider an AFM cantilever beam (CB) of a rectangular cross sectiot and triangular in plane. Let the origin of coordinates be taken at the free end. pane ‘ The width w is made variable with x so that w(x) is a linear function with (0) = 0 at the free end and w(2) = w,= 30um at the built in end. The elastic jodulus £ = 300 GPa, length /= 200m, and thickness r= lum. The beam is loaded by a vertical concentrated load P = InN. Find the deflection diagram v = f(x) of the beam u a a et = YU )ere ee b : any a — et a Find the maximum deflection of the beam, 7 Uy +t ee Find the Ging constant the beam vga + v [12 marks] Le ee Ngee yer Y- 25 marks K Joa R = [bers lates per ats on Oo Le ar. Ke - L care gu = eats” oe \ a wy Ms )- \ \e(@-+@ Ss EN4630 / ENT630 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPER, Academic Year: 2012 / 2013 Examination Period: SPRING Examination Paper Number: EN4630 / ENT630 Examination Paper Title: FUNDAMENTALS OF NANOMECHANICS Duration: 2 hours Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so by the Senior Invigilator. Structure of Examination Paper: There are 6 pages. There are 5 questions in total. There are no appendices. The maximum mark for the examination paper is 100% and the mark obtainable for a question or part of @ question is shown in brackets alongside the question. Students to be provided with: The following items of stationery are to be provided at the start of the examination 1 Answer Book Treasury tag Instructions to Students: Y, §: Answer FOUR questions only. Secure all additional material and answer book(s) using the treasury tag The use of a translation dictionary between English or Welsh and another language, provided that it bears an appropriate departmental stamp, is permitted in this examination. PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 Q1. —_ Nanoindentation. (2) () WBive a description of the depth-sensing nanoindentation (DSN) process. a ketch a force placement diagram oe) GEE . (Ghat are the specific requirements of nanoindentation tests? ng were made to derive it? Qhinat is BASh formula? What assur e at = Cae ee A [8 marks] 7) ike (i, Let Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) be used instead of a nanoindenter for depth-sensing nanoindentation tests. What is the main specific feature of the use of an AFM for DSN that a researcher should take into account when dealing with the obtained data? APM les cadilever lich om ne Ceterrk went (b) A diamond tip of Berkovich indenter was used to probe a flat film. The maximum of the external load was Ppa = 4 mN. The measured depth of indentation under this load was 100 nm. Estimate the Nanohardness of the film. bx ow ahs mm) [3 marks] (©) Estimate the contact modulug (E>) of the film if the stitines§ dor the upper part of P — h diagram under unloading was 1.25 x 10° Nim. we BASH Lommla a Et £0 (6) For a diamond indentet"£, = 1200 GPa and the Poisson ratio vy = 0.2. Assuming Uyitm = 0.25 calculate Young's Modulus of the film. [3 marks] [5 marks] ©) (@) Describe the degree of bluntness of the indenter if area-depth 4 — h function for_h < 100 nm is approximated as a power-law function with exponent 0.72. Is this approximation affected by the value of the material work hardening exponent? a. Z= OCG) BE twrmer [Smaray Be : 3072/7 Re ako . PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 * (a) () @ Carbon Based Materials. Nanotubes. Polymer based nanocomposites. What is graphene and its structure? C6 a tean What is the carbon-carbon bond length in graphene? What is the relation between graphene and graphite? What are graphite oxide and graphene oxide? What is usually the thickness of GO flakes? [5 marks] Give a description of carbon nanotubes. What are SWCNT and MWCNT? What are the two main cases of CNT chirality? Give a sketch of these cases. [3 marks] What are the typical geometrical characteristics of SWCNT: diameter, length, distance between C atoms? ets ose What is the distance between the layers of MWCNT [4 marks] It is known that spherical nanoparticles with an average radius of R= 20nm are almost perfectly dispersed in a polymer matrix. The volume fraction of the reinforcement particles is v,= 0.1. Let the effective thickness of the interfacial region in a nanocomposite be = 20 nm. () Find the total surface area per unit volume of the composite as a function of the particle radius R. Comment on the obtained result. (ii) Find the average distance between two particles as a function of the particle radius R (iii) Find the particle radius such that the relative volume fraction of the interfacial material and particles to the bulk is 1 [13 marks] 25 marks EN4630 / ENT630 Q3. Molecular mechanics. e) (a) What models are employed in molecular mechanics? at oe Zdiio - sg What is wrong-with the assumption that the covalent bonds bet two nearest-peighbourin S may be modetiéd as load-beafing bending > bea lembers? nt a List the components of the Interaction energy. (3 [4 marks] (b) Use the Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction potential Ug@= 46 (SP 8) go! ety ee aN? ee with 4 = 9.644 x 10° N.nm'* and B= 1.222 x 10° N.nm’ “4 703) x 2.057 F}) VED Derive a formula for the equilibrium distance phewween two layers. x Find p. Sketch the L-J potential; show p. Whatis the ining erie w of the system? oh dat” Ug@= Jl “Fase - ° s (i) Using the Taylor decomposition find the Hooke's (harmonic) ls!" approximation of the Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction potential at the § equilibrium distance. Find the spring constant K in the Hooke's Y (harmonic) approximation, oe four Per = EM Gear TS cee) 124 marks] Ups) 2-64 Bon py 7A 25 marks coe r le , Soh OA Bet > ’ . coe Be? a a re ae we ae ¥ * wes PLEASETURNOVER cast EN4630 / ENT630 Q4,, Adhesion of solids. WA (a) Consider the Tabor-Muller parameter Explain the meaning of the components. < - ha Fe [5 marks] (b) In an engineering laboratory a tne ed 0) particle of radiu< R))is placed on a flat silica surface. Then thé particle is probed by api probe of radius Rprop = (20mm. The work of adhesion for the tested ed silica 2 material is( 0.05 J/m?, the elastic modulus 73 GPa, the Poisson = ratio v = 0.2 and the equilibrium distance zp =0.4 nm. See —_—s mT ake a: (i) Find the‘force of cohesiva interaction between the particle and fhe Sarace of half-space. Radius of the particle is Ry = oc 400m. eaa es A Rio. 3 (i) What are the fos of adhesiba between the Garten tneGeane) Give a justification for the use of the e1 .d model of adhesive contact. eee Db x08 (20 marks] Sxo? 25 marks PLEASE TURN OVER EN4630 / ENT630 Qs. gw (b) (0) (@) et ab Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Mechanical vibrations in nanotechnology. d Sg Describe the einepIeayof ork of a contact mode AFM and‘riétional force microscope ~~ —— 5A TEV rnarks) Using the Lagrange equation of the second type, derive the equation of free oscillations for a molecule of mass“m pe has been adsorbed to a Surface. The spring constant of the bond Between the molecule and the surface oe) iat is the general solution to the equation? How many ie initial conditions one needs to get a particular ‘Solution of oscillations? we [6 marks] Consider an AFM cantilever beam (CB) of a rectangular cross section What is the €igenfrequency> of a cantilever with elastic modulus E= 200 GPa, density p= 4 Gfem®, length / = 300 um, width w = 20 ym and thickness ¢ = 1 um ? ; co Von (7 marks] Consider a CB_with the spring constancy 6 x 10° Nim. A virus of unknown mass(m)) stuck to the cantilever b&am at the free end. Deriv. equat ing the mass of the virus. Estimate the virus mass if the eigenfrequency of the CB is wy=1.26x10° Hz and the eigenfrequency of the CB with i mass is w; = 1.18 10°Hz. kK Ww, =| co [9 marks] 25 marks 6x ENTS501 / ENT515, CARDIFF UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPER Academic Year: 2014/2015 Examination Period: SPRING Examination Paper Number: ENT501/ENT515 Examination Paper: Numerical Techniques in Civil Engineering / Numericai Techniques in Structural Engineering Duration: Two Hours Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so by the senior invigilator. Structure of Examination Paper: There are 6 pages There are 4 questions in total Appendix attached: Equation sheet The maximum mark for the examination is 100 and the mark obtainable for a question or part of the question is shown in the brackets alongside the question. Students to be provided with: The following items of stationery are provided at the start of the examination: ‘Answer book | Treasury Tag Instructions to and information for students: Answer All Questions The use of a translation dictionary between English or Welsh and another language, provided that it bears an appropriate departmental stamp, is permitted in this examination. PLEASE TURN OVER ENT501 / ENT515 Equation Sheet Vpn HV, tMSF (Hj) yn = 7) ZG )+ Fava Numerical Integration n=, Location n=2, Location n=3, Location £1/y3 £0.77459 0.000 Weight= 2.000 Weight= 1.000 Weight= 0.55556 0.88889 PLEASE TURN OVER ENTS014 / ENTS15 Question 1 The stiffnesses of the springs are given in Nmm”' in Figure 1. Nodes 1 and 4 are fixed, i.e. u, =x, =0. The applied forces at nodes 2 and 3 are indicated in Newtons. Use Finite Element Concepts and Methods to determine the unknown nodal displacements #, and u, and the unknown nodal forces F, and F,, and check if the solution is correct. R=? F=2N #=20 KO =30 340 Figure 4 48 Marks To Pb. 3 cD PLEASE TURN OVER ENT501 / ENT515 Question 2 The position x of a moving javelin and its velocity v in the horizontal direction can be described by the linked equations [> 2.233v, When f=0 s, the initial position is x(0)=x,=0 m and the initial horizontal velocity is (0) =, 4 =50 mis. If it takes 3 seconds for the javelin to touch the ground, use the Improved Euler's Method and take 3 steps (ie At =1 second) to calculate the whole distance x(3) that the javelin has gone during the 3 seconds. pees pas WSC | : > 3 20 Marks PLEASE TURN OVER ENTS501 / ENT515 Question 3 a) The master element and the associated real element are shown in Figure 2 The nodes A, B, C, D of the real element correspond to the nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 of the Master element respectively. The shape functions for the four noded element are given below. NGm=La-M-n) Nem =La+sa-m 1 hen) Ny, (+El+n) N, 1 4 Obtain the Jacobian maitix for point ¢ = 1/2, 7=-1/2 pafln Sa] [Ola ay/e8 “(Yu Inj Lelén y/én, [12 Marks] b) For the master element point (0.5, 0.5), find the co-ordinates (x, y) of the corresponding point in the real element. [40 Marks] ot ©(70, 70) | 3,30) A520) GL-p1 2¢1-1 Figure 2 Yee 1 ¢) Use numerical integration to evaluate the following expansion and check your answer using an analytical method, flare? +104 — 423 62? +22 + dé [8 Marks] 30 Marks PLEASE TURN OVER ENT501 / ENTS15, eo oeed Woy fim. ot Question 4 ' a) The ground flow system shown in Fig. 3 was subjected to a constant recharge of water q = 0.001 miday. The steady state distribution of the water level is governed by el ds Be ar D mvool Ht C» Where D=1 mr /day ~ 0.00051 4G ECS finite difference method to calculate the steady water levels at x=10, 0 and 30 m. ee ~634.3 [12 Marks] yea | 02 lst Water recharge [eee ) -D| h=l m q=0.001 miday h=2 m ioe gee oo: tg isla] ilaL eh eS x=0 x=40m eee BN eae lel e280 Wor 8 mfel Onze se amex ON Sa (ns: Ongena Reece YP Check the numerical answer with analytical calculations. [4 Marks] b) For the above system (shown in Fig. 3), the recharge suddenly ceases at the steady state. The distribution of the water level is then governed by oh ah a Where D=1.0 m? /day . Calculate the water level at x=10, 20 and 30 m at the time of 60 days affer the cessation of the recharge. The Boundary conditions are the same as those in 4a) ye [16 Marks] fy Oo 32 Marks EN4307 / ENT767 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPER Academic Year: 20141 2015 Examination Period: SPRING Examination Paper Number: N4307 / ENT767 Examination Paper Title: COASTAL AND ESTUARINE ENGINEERING Duration: 2 hours Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so by the Senior Invigilator. Structure of Examination Paper: There are 12 pages There are 3 questions in total. There is 1 appendix: Data sheets The maximum mark for the examination paper is 100% and the mark obtainable for a question or part of a question is shown in brackets alongside the question. Students to be provided with: The following items of stationery are to be provided at the start of the examination: 1 answer book Millimetre graph paper Treasury tag instructions to Students: Answer ALL questions. Secure all additional material and answer book(s) using the treasury tag. The use of a translation dictionary between English or Welsh and another language, provided that it bears an appropriate departmental stamp, is permitted in this examination. PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 Qi fa) (b) (co) Explain, with aids of a graph, how to obtain the wave heights using “time domain wave analysis" method (4 marks) Explain how to calculate Hzmean, Tamean: Hs, Tas and Tino (4 marks) Explain the differences between Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) wave spectrum and JONSWAP wave spectrum (4 marks) Complete Table Q1 by determining the values of the spectral energy density S(f) at the missing frequencies when winds with speed Uyeg=22.5 mls are acting on an unlimited fetch sea. Ba dds 58 (14 marks) Hence calculate Hm: and Tmz. (4 marks) Table Q1 f Si) (Hz) (m*s) 0.0250 0.000 0.0500 | 0.0750 _| 124.708 0.1000 42.364 | 0.1250 15.311 0.1500 6.374 0.1750 2.994 0.2000 Q2 A breakwater scheme is proposed on the English Channel coastline. Analysis of a one to: e (a) () ear offshore wave record is given in Table Q2. Use this information Estimate the 1 in 50 year return period wave height with Gumbel distribution (16 marks) Comment on the appropriateness of your analysis method by explaining how accurate the results are likely to be and how a more acourate estimate could be made (6 marks) Q2 continues on Page 3 ps2 rhy/ Gy PLEASE TURN OVER —N4307 / ENT767 Q2 continued ka Tales Use. Te (c) | Assuming that the wave period for the 1 in 50 year wave calculated in (a) is 10 sec, show that the wave length at the location. with-water-depti u T of 15 m is approximately 70% of the deep water wave length. Q3 ral és = (6 marks} G y t @ b oy () If the wave direction is 35 deg from shore normal, estimate the wave height at that location (15 m water depth) and comment on whether this wave is broken - u A (12 marks) Table Q2 No 1 lars 4.17 2 Ea 3.93 3 8 457 4 9 | 5.05 Ls ! 4 }) (2) Briefly describe: the main forces that cause the tides; the cause of spring and neap tides; and how to determine semi-diurnal and diurnal tides (4 marks) (b) To predict tides for a spring-neap tide cycle, what tidal constituents should be included and what is the minimum time period required? (4 marks) A rectangular plan-shaped estuary is 150 km long and 5 km wide at MTL, with a uniform depth of 15 m. Tides at the site are assumed to be semi-diumal((M2))and during the largest tides of the year, the fidal ranges at the estuary nTouth and the head are 10 m and 12 m respectively. The high. water lag (oti =4.5° from the head to the middle point of the estuary was. also measured. Use co-oscillating tidal theory to: (©) Determine the tidal constants (y and k) (10 marks) (¢) Determine the tidal range at the middle point of the estuary (6 marks) (2) Comment on the assumptions used in co-oscillating tidal theory (6 marks) PLEASE TURN OVER “/ EN4307 / ENT767 APPENDIX - DATA SHEETS Basic Data Fresh water density p= 1000kg/ im? ‘Sea-water density p= 1025kg/m* Gravity g =9.81m/s* Kinematic viscosity of sea water, v= 1.1410 m*/s 1 m® = 1000 litres Linear Wave Theory Br cara ne = ECTS Nw NX Se ATHOUVS wave celerity or phase velocity group velocity deep water group velocity depth of water energy/unit horizontal surface area gravitational acceleration wave height shoaling coefficient refraction coefficient wave length deep water wave length mean water level (z = 0) Cyc sub-surface pressure average power/unit length of wave crest wave steepness (=H/L) time wave period horizontal particle velocity vertical particle velocity horizontal coordinate — positive in the direction of wave propagation vertical coordinate — positive upwards from MWL mean position of water particle horizontal particle displacement from vertical particle displacement from (x,2) water surface displacement above MWL wave number (=2n/L) density of water wave frequency =2niT) PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 = Heos(er- at), c= Leann ike); aur ke @=2nT + cosh k(d +z) at =F Sana) ste) sinh k(t 2) sini — ot) sinh (kd coshk(d +z) fo aes ana Aisinnk(@s, cos cosh k(h +z). gosh kin +2), Sf sinh sinh k(d +z) sinh KO +2) os ix — at ania ) plxzt) eo coshk(d + K(d+2) 1 0) ba coshkd For deep water (d/o > 0.5) son a Gis, (C8 On For shallow water (d/o < 0.04) 2B \ 6] C=ygd C= For transitional water C 2kd C=C, tal oc, =2)14 A ‘tanh (kd) ef a aa Wave Energy and Wave Power IH oat = pgms PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 p=eC, where C, =© ( + wand | 2 P= Enc whore n= 11 Teal peo cca 2| sinh(2kd) Wave Refraction and Shoaling Hk, «,-[2} k,-[S] Hy b Le J For parallel contours sina Lo _ tanned) sina, Ly Co Wave breaking dy = 1.28 Hy Surf similarity (Iribarren No) Radiation Stresses 2kd3 (__kd =e(—2kd_,1 sya ( ee Sux (5+4) ev (asa) In deep water: Sx = SE Sw =0 3 1 In shall . [a, cos(2af,t)+b, sin(2zf,t)]= De, cos(2af,t+,) 2 =a2 +b? E(f)=c?/2/2 S(f) = E(fvat feat S(Af= Yo? /2 7 Hye = 44/7, (H) Trrae = (Mo/ma)°* 2) To= .9 to 0.86T, Q, = Rimi)f* #8 (AFF = [1 -ml(moma)}? o = [P sipdt =m (spectral peakedness) (spectral width) (spectral variance) tk PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 where m, Wave Spectra PM JONSWAP TA Sf) = where pee to - Note: U, = a YF = ie S(Nf"df (nth spectral moment) 5(fo\'| 12 on 5 t ) | 7 “WA. ic marae Gia 0.0081 (PM) 0.076 re (JONSWAP & TMA) aie : 22°Fhig for f <(2h/gP* [1-gb-2e are} for f > (2higy* O.14g og (Pm) Uys (JONSWAP & TMA) 0.07 forff, Uso (Z/10)"" (Z> 10) U is wind speed (m/s) F is fetch (m) Directional Wave Spectra S(F, 0) =G (f, 0) Si, where [7 G(1,0)=1 Parametric form (Mitsuyasu) Giff, 8) = N cos® (3) PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 1 c=) where N is a normalising factor = S = Sali 5 fst, as -25 fot, Sm 10 wind waves Sm 25 to 75 swell Estimates of H,, T, for the PM and JONSWAP spectra For the PM spectrum H, = 0.025U3, (m) Te 0.79Us0 ©) For the JONSWAP spectrum H, = 0.00051U,0F°* (m) T. = 0.059(UioF)"* (s) Probability Density Function (PDF) For waves 8S6349 recommends PDF name __ reduced variate wave parameter ‘Weibull loge loge (1/Pn) loge (Hp-H, Fisher-Tippet loge loge [1/(1-Pa)] loge (H.-H.) Frechet loge loge [1/(1-P,)] loge (Ha-H.) Gumbel og. log. [1/(4-pa)] Hr Gompertz loge loge (4/Px) He, where Pn ril(ny + 1) (exceedence probability) A rank no. (highest wave given highest rank) ny total no. of data points An wave height for rank no. n H! = ower (or upper) limiting wave height. (Chosen by trial) and T, 1 pide Haha. Mie eee re ey where Tr is the design return period (years) T. is data length (years) PLEASE TURN OVER EN4307 / ENT767 The co-oscillating tidal approach: RO)= (0) Seost2ka« cosh(2sa)) of yy = tan [- tan(kx)-tanh(x)] Jcosh®(yxx) = dhrenny sien —aNn¥ cos" (om )| [aene)- V(1+.N?)? -4N? 208*(olan)| an PTT “R(0) Tidal Power: nex = POSR® where: $= surface area upstream of the barrage, and R = tidal range at the barrage C= CE pax! T where: o=0.7 and T= tidal period. PLEASE TURN OVER N4307 / ENT767 TABLE OF FUNCTIONS d a ue e sinh(kd) cosh(kd) —_tanh(d) 5 Ks Lo L 0.000 0.0000 0.000 4.00 0.000 4.000 4 ooz or7e 113 at 112 296 242 008 0253 160 01 188 992 179 006 03s 4197 02 183 988 2 098 0360 226 03 za 986 5 0.010 0.0403 0.256 4.08, 0.248 os7e 148 015 0496 317 08 302 968 a 020 0576 370 o7 37 959 2 025 0848 418 08 386 28 7 0.030 oor 0.463 1.10 0.420 0.839 143 035 0775 506 2 482 29 os 040 0833 548 4 480 o19 06 045 0382 588 16 507 910 0% 0.050 0.0942 oszr 1.48 0531 0.900 102 085 0983 065 20 354 201 101 060, 104 703 2 575 881 ose 065 409 Tat 24 597 872 81 aro 114 779 7 oi 263 ont oo7s on19 oste 129 oss casa 0.962 020 123 854 31 0 245 955 085 128 302 34 665 836 948 000 132 220 a eet 828 942 C095.) 137 968 39 695 819 937 0.410 ona 401 142 0.709 oto 0833 " 4150 08 43 735 794 826 2 158 7 54 758 7 29 12 467 25 60 780 762 917 14 178 33 67 800 747 918 0.45 183 142 174 oats 0.738 oats 18 192 52 #2 235 719 913 7 200 61 90 850 708 13 18 208 mr 1.99 354 602 oe 19 27 82 2.08 arr 660 916 0.20 0.228 1.94 2.18 0.888 0.668 ose 1 PLEASE TURN OVER N4307 / ENT767 d ‘. as a sink(kd) cosh(kd) —_tanh(kd) i Ks Lo L 020 0225 194 218 oes osse ote 21 234 205 28 299 687 20 2 242 8 * 808 46 £23 3 251 at 5 ote 28 28 4 259 a & 826 626 28 025 0.268 260 278 0933 oei7 09 2 277 5 292 40 608 28 27 285 2.92 3.09 946 600 939 23 238 310 38 982 502 42 Fs 303 2 a 887 585 eae 020 ost aa 62 ost ose ove 31 22 © 383 985 572 ose 2 220 aga 408 369 506 955 3 338 a6 23 372 360 388 a 348 4 53 a6 58 1 0.38 0358 468 470 osre 0850 0864 08 367 437 507 980 546 os? Fa or 8.28 7 983 542 303 2 386 at 570 384 508 or 2 308 598 be 388 535 ora 040 040s 633 eat 0.988 0592 as7e 41 415 672 6.20 989 529 878 2 fae oi 328 200 28 820 pe a4 720 16 891 bee 50 a a6 b07 bie 382 B21 63 0.45 0.463 8.59 8.64 0,993, 0.519 0.985 «6 469 219 ote 04 18 08 2 a2 en are 995 316 387 48 462 10.3 10.4 995. 514 988. 28 a2 tho He 396 a3 380 080 os02 17 7 0.986 ostz 0.980 * - - - 1.000 0.500 1,000 = 9.09) i Meet eo 0Tl : (418 1 Yas ors. a AY 12X

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