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a. Please identify which of the statements below describes a manager and a leader.
Write them on the table provided:

Scheduling of work Inspiring people
Delegating tasks Create a positive feeling
Follow systems & procedures Build teams
Monitoring progress Take risks
Gives orders & instructions Sharing a vision
Coordinate budgets Provide focus
Give orders Guide progress

b. As a leader, do you have Power preferences? What and why?

A leader might lead through power and maintain order but for me it is through
personal connections, inspiration, and great emphasis on personal values that the most
memorable leaders are made from.

a. If you are chosen as a leader in an organization, what leadership style would you want to
adopt? Why?
The leadership style that I want to adopt is servant leadership because I want to lead
through example. Just as the saying goes, “action speaks louder than words”, I would like
people to follow me and be inspired through my work.

b. We have a list of different characteristics of a leader. Which leadership characteristic do you

have? Do you believe that you were born to be a leader? If so, why and why not?
I think I can be a good leader because there are instances in my life that I have
inspired people to become better. I would say one of the strengths that I have is I am a good
listener. And I make sure that people can trust me whatever they share to me. When they
asked for an advice, this is the moment where I inspire them to accept who they are, to
endure their present experience and to believe in themselves.

Think of leaders that you have met. Each of them has their own managerial and leadership
skills and qualities. Through your observation, reflect on those skills and qualities they possess and
what would you want to emulate and develop. Why?
My inspiration, the Iron Lady of Asia, the Philippine’s own “Incorruptible Lady,” the
fascinating power dressing woman in red, Miriam Defensor Santiago, one of the best
presidents we never had. She was too intelligent to be brought down and sometimes too
brilliant to be understood. She was too passionate to be ignored, too fierce to be bypassed,
but at the same time, too good for a government that thrived—and still thrives—on dirty
politics. On the latter, she never needed a reality check. It was something she was always
well aware of, a reality she made a life mission to change, if not, challenge. With her
intellect, she was sure to arm herself with facts first and foremost. With her scholarly
undertakings, she was able to gain a worldview and understanding. With a good heart and
unwavering moral compass, she had the kind of ambition that would not get the best of her.
This made her the rarest of the rare kind of leader. Today, she is sorely missed because of
the kind of public servant she was. She was bright. She was brave. She was by far the most
consistent leader when it came to purpose, platform and promises.

IV. How would you envision yourself as a nurse leader and manager in the future?
While I am still unsure where my future will take me, or rather where I will take my
future, I want to be a leader who can leave behind a positive legacy. Personally, I want to be
a leader who is humble and appreciative, and who realizes the many blessings she has been
given. Not only recognizing these strokes of good fortune, but also giving back to others who
have not been so fortunate is a goal that I have as a leader. I want to be a leader who leads
by example, who is a good role model, who does the right thing, no matter the
circumstance. I want to be an approachable and understandable leader. I want to maintain a
positive appearance, mind-set, and attitude. I will strive to put a smile on the faces of the
people who I come in contact with. I want to always be the kind of leader who people feel
they can come to with questions, concerns, or criticism. At the same time, I want to make
people feel challenged as I have been challenged, but also accepted and comfortable sharing
opinions and ideas. Most importantly I want to be a leader who listens well and responds to

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