Elective Activity Lesson 2

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Dianne D.


Lesson 2 Activity


1. Action potential
2. Automaticity
3. Conductivity
4. Arrhythmia
5. Heart palpation
6. Venous blood pressure and rate of venous return
7. Myocardial wall stress and imput impedence
8. Respiration
9. Hypoxia
10. Heart, low oxygen level
11. Change in LOC
12. Altered level of consciousness is a condition of being less responsive and aware of
environmental stimuli.

As nurses we must be knowledgeable about how diseases affect our patients.
Educating patients about self-care and helping them to perform their daily activities
independently is part of holistic care.
 Sleep for 8 hours each night. This will allow your body to truly rest and repair
from the day.
 Eat a nutrient dense diet that is high in plant-based foods and organic/pastured
animal products.
 Maintain a balanced blood sugar by eating meals and snacks that contain fat,
carbohydrates, and protein every 3-4 hours.
 Move your body for 30 minutes each day. While every person’s exercise routine
will be different, everyone can benefit from at least 30 minutes of movement
each day.
 Limit processed foods and hydrogenated oils which are highly inflammatory and
can increase risk of chronic disease.
 Do not smoke, and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
 Seek out therapy when needed. Therapy is an essential part of supporting our
emotional health and should be utilized whenever necessary.
 Practice mindfulness and stress reduction habits that can help you better
manage life’s daily stressors. For more mindfulness and stress reduction
resources check out The Well Library
 Keep a journal to record you thoughts and feelings. Use your journal to record
what you are grateful for as it can help bring positivity into times of stress.
 Make time for in-person connection. While technology has allowed for us to
feel connected more, research has shown that virtual connection still does not
provide us with the same level of happiness as in-person connection does.
 Get involved in your local community. Whether this is through your church,
local volunteer organizations, clubs, or programs at your kids school — getting
involved in your local community is one of the best ways you can support your
social health and improve happiness.
Set boundaries with people in your life that may increase stress or bring about
toxic energy. Also do not be afraid to walk away from friendships and
relationships that are negatively affecting your health.

2. It is done to monitor the heart's function and blood flow and pressures in and
around the heart. The symptoms will the nurse recognize that would indicate for
signs of impending respiratory insufficiency from the patient are restlessness,
anxiety, loss of consciousness, rapid and shallow breathing and irregular heartbeat.
Level 3 – Advanced respiratory support or basic respiratory support, multiorgan

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