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TLED430W Creating Assessments Assignment – Lee von Krebs

If you use the grade of “C” as being the average grade for the entire class, then more of

the class is performing below average on this assessment. Two students performed as

average on this assessment, both with a grade of “C”. Five students performed above

average, with two students receiving an “A” and three students receiving a “B”. Nine

students performed below average on this assessment, with three students receiving a “D”

and six students receiving a “F”.

The class average is 67%, which is just slightly above a mid “D”. The class median is

also 67%. The Mode, which is the number that occurred the most is 53%, which is a

failing grade. The Range, which is the difference between the highest value and the

lowest value, is 60%. The highest assessment grade in the class was 100% and the lowest

assessment grade was 40%.

The students that are doing well are Juan, Cody, Hugh, Jack and Jamel. (Hugh, Jack and

Jamel all had the same final score on the assessment).

 Juan scored a 100% on the assessment. Juan answered all of the problems correctly.

 Cody scored a 93% on the assessment. Cody answered one addition problem incorrectly,

but answered all of the subtraction and division problems correctly.

 Hugh, Jack, and Jamel all scored 80% on the assessment.

o Hugh answered all of the addition problems correctly, answered one subtraction

problem incorrectly, and answered two division problems incorrectly.

o Jack answered one addition problem incorrectly, one subtraction problem

incorrectly, and one division problem incorrectly.


o Jamel answered all of the subtraction problems correctly, answered one addition

problem incorrectly, and answered two division problems incorrectly.

The students that performed the poorest on this assessment and need extra support are

Luke, Nathan, Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire. (Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire all

had the same final score on the assessment).

 Luke scored a 40% on the assessment. Luke answered three addition problems

incorrectly, three subtraction problems incorrectly, and three division problems

incorrectly. Luke needs extra support in addition, subtraction and division.

 Nathan scored a 47% on the assessment. Nathan answered four subtraction problems

incorrectly, two addition problems incorrectly, and two division problems incorrectly.

Nathan needs extra support in addition, division, and subtraction with more focus on


 Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire all scored a 53% on the assessment.

o Patrick answered three subtraction problems incorrectly, three division problems

incorrectly, and one addition problem incorrectly. Patrick needs extra support in

subtraction and division.

o Sarah answered four division problems incorrectly, two subtraction problems

incorrectly, and one addition problem incorrectly. Sarah needs extra support in

division and subtraction.

o Molly answered four subtraction problems incorrectly, two division problems

incorrectly, and one addition problem incorrectly. Molly needs extra support in

subtraction and division.


o Claire answered three subtraction problems incorrectly, two addition problems

incorrectly, and two division problems incorrectly. Clair needs extra support in

subtraction, addition, and division.

On the spreadsheet, the assessment scores for the addition problems are in light

yellow, the assessment scores for the subtraction problems are in light blue, and

the assessment scores for the division problems are in light green.

As a teacher I would review the material on this assessment with the class again,

due to more than half of the class performing below average on the assessment. I

would also look at question #5 and question #11 and attempt to ascertain why

only 31% of the class answered each of those questions correctly.

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