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1. Why is the Stuxnet event considered to be historic?

Someone has conducted this incident as an acceptable form of international conduct. This is the
first type of cyberattack that had a certain type of tracker that finds a piece in a factory. Then it
can reprogram what to do in the factory machine that it targets.

2. What is a danger that the creators of Stuxnet have created for other industrial counties,
including the United States? What is the greatest fear created by Stuxnet?

Stuxnet can take over, It’s out there for people to copy, it doesn’t destroy itself, it could be
modified to be stronger, and more could emerge that target other technologies.

3. Why are people (agents) needed “on the ground” in order for the Stuxnet virus to work?

Somebody knew how to put this technology into place, they knew what machines would have
the best impact, they knew the processes in the factory, they knew how to proceed without
being caught.

4. Why did Iran, and American commentators, not consider Stuxnet an act of war?

He does not call it a covert action. The Iranians have not responded to it in this way like they
would to as an act of war.


1. What are some common types of malicious software, or malware? What best describes the
“man-in-the-middle” type of attack?

This attack is invisible to the user and the other party involved. Some common types of malware
are adware, spyware, and bugs.

2. Provide some examples of each type of authentication factor. What are your personal
experiences with each?

Some authentication factors that I have experienced are username and passwords (Social
media), a personal Identification number (a personal survey), Social security number (Bank),
Fingerprint (phone), passcodes/pins (credit card information).

3. Can you think of any drawbacks of the ZTIC device?

The ZTIC is plugged into the computer, and it is not as convenient to use because it is another
device to carry around. Also it is an extra step that shouldn’t have to be taken by the consumer
because the bank hasn’t advanced enough to make sure that they don’t have malware running
on their website. This makes the bank seem really untrustworthy.

4. How might malicious attackers try to get around devices like the ZTIC?

The attackers may develop a new software that can detect a ZTIC, and then portray the
information incorrectly on the ZTIC, or find a way to temporarily disable it.

5. Do you foresee a future where malware is completely eliminated, or protections are so good
that malware is no longer a threat? Explain your answer.

I think that malware is a technology that will constantly be changing and updating. There will
always be a way to hack technology, and someone will always have a reason to peruse this.

MIS Assignment

Find information on a recent information system security breach. Provide a link to your reference with a
summary of the issue.

Also, give me your personal thoughts on why this occurred and how it could have been prevented.

Tampa’s international airport had an information security breach. They had two employees
working in their IT department that were giving their passwords out to people in different
countries and they had access to very important information. A way that something like this
could be prevented would be to have some sort of personal identification system put into place
that would act as another barrier to the information. This could be anything from a fingerprint
or eye scanner, to rotating random personal questions, and a location tracker within their
intranet or information system, so that it can only be accessible at the airport, or any other
preselected locations.

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