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Describe how synchronicity has played a role in your life.

Think about causality and

teleology and how they may have played a role in these events.

Synchronicity has played a role in my life when it came to the decision on where I
should go to college. I am from Colorado, and most of my friends were all going to
schools close to home. I was really interested in OU from the beginning, but was not
sure if I should go there when I did not know anyone. Before I made my decision I
decided to go to a ou held event near my home to meet people from colorado going to
OU. I did not know anyone still, but I met a girl in ym group there. Turns out she lives in
my neighborhood, and went to a highschool 10 minutes away from mine. The
coincidence of us both choosing to go to this event turned out to be very meaningful.
She is not one of my best friends, and I got to know her at OU and at my home in
Colorado. In terms of causality, an experience from my past that led me to my college
decision may have influenced me to make the decision that I did. When I was about 8
my family moved from Texas to Colorado, just like for college I was hesitant to go
because I did not know anyone and I would be leaving my friends. And while this is true
I ended up meeting many new friends and now love my life back in colorado. I took the
experience from this and applied it to my college decision in hopes that I would have a
similar experience in making new friends at OU. When it comes to teleology, when I
made my decision to go to Ou, I took my future into great consideration. The goals I
want to achieve would be achieved best at OU based on my major and aspirations for
my future.

How would Jung explain these events? Be sure to include information that reflects
your understanding of Jung’s theory.

Jung would see these events as all being connected. They happened because of a
similar erious event that I had experienced, and that explains why I made the decisions I
made for myself. His theory says that the ultimate goal of life is to achieve self-
realization, and I myself took the steps I think would get me to this point.

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