2005-05 EPA 200-7 245-1 Metals - Durasoil

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1525 W. University Drive, Suite 106

P.O. Box 1510
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Phone: (480) 921 -8044 • FAX: (480) 921-0049 Lie. No. AZ0003


Tests were conducted during April and May 2005 using EPA Methods 200.7 and 245.1,
methods licensed by Arizona Department of Health Services. The submitted product was
analyzed as received with no dilution other than that analytically required.

Metals: Total Recoverable

Constituent Result
Aluminum <0.5 mg/L
Antimony <0.2 mg/L
Arsenic <0.1 mg/L
Barium <0.01 mg/L
Beryllium <0.01 mg/L
Cadmium <0.01 mg/L
Chromium <0.05 mQ/L
Copper <0.02 mg/L
Lead <0.2 mg/L
Mercury <0.0005 mg/L
Nickel <0.02 mg/L
Selenium <0.2 mg/L
Silver <0.1 mg/L
Thallium <0.2 mQ/L
Zinc <0.03 mg/L

Frederick A. Amalfi, Ph.D.

Laboratory Director

For questions pertaining to these analyses, please contact:

Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc.
phone: 480-921-8044
e-mail: ramalfi@aquaticconsulting.com

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