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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723



Research Scholar, Yoga for Human Excellence, WCSC-VISION SKY Research Centre,

Aliyar, Pollachi-642 101, Coimbatore District.


Man could be a Supreme Being on the planet. Anyway man can't quantify an undeniable life,
since he contains a sentiment of frailty on this world. This life vogue could be consequences of
the occasion of science and innovation. Blessing day life vogue is route disapproved towards the
materialistic world. Man is confronting a few issues wherever he cannot look out perpetual
answers for them inside the quick paced days. He has no opportunity to sit down and consider
the issues moreover. In this manner there's partner degree squeezing need for the great people to
pass on sensible answers for the common issues. Vethathiri Maharishi's life and his lessons give
a comprehensive strategy for life to get a handle on oneself and furthermore the world. A chipper
life could be a quiet life for the yogistic information. Serene living turns round the hub of
thoughtfulness, sympathy and non-hurting on each dimension. The yogi endeavors to go on the
far side inward and external clash and disturbance in each activity, from what we will in general
eat to anyway we will in general appear in close to home and talented connections. The
fundamental arrangement of the yogi life is internal harmony occur after we rest in agreement
with ourselves and our environment. Joy doesn't rest in a vacuum and characteristically to be
extremely glad we in general ought to develop tranquility on each dimension, consistently and
everywhere. Amid this work, Vethathiri Maharishi's yogistic strategy for instructing is
incontestable for quiet life.

Keywords: Philosophy, Vethathiri Maharishi, Peace, Logical Solutions.


Yoga is tried philosophy of non-open apply that shows every understudy essentially the best
approach to savor the collect of life. Yoga is best drilled in an exceedingly network with
individuals walk the indistinguishable way and face the indistinguishable every day battles [3].

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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723

It's optimal to search out a confirmed instructor has strolled the trail as of now, knows about the
bundle well and aides you prudently and empathy. After you have a way, you have an obviously
sketched out way. After you create different people to direct with and a proficient manual for
pursue, you're very much prepared for a prosperous climb into the non mainstream woodland.

Yoga utilizes the human body as a mirror with that to test into our actual being. The yoga stances
give a window into the internal world and when a couple of long periods of apply you begin to
work out on the far side the surface of the apply and eventually profoundly into yourself. You'll
start looking for quality or adaptability, anyway you'll see that the vital points of interest are
plenteous more profound. At the point when a couple of long periods of apply you'll search
inside the mirror and see lowliness, fearlessness, bliss and confidence. You'll wind up a touch a
great deal of blessing, lighter, more joyful and after that way more associated with ourselves and
hence the people we tend to adore.

The planet on that we tend to live might be a tremendous one loaded with all assets save enough
for all the living creatures living on the world. Anyway the in this way alluded to as heavenly
being man, because of his substance and parsimonious thoughts needs everything to be whole in
his own pocket. This idea is totally wrecking every one of the assets on the world [2].

It is the prerequisite of great importance to know oneself, the starting point and execution of
oneself. It is anything but a direct errand. In this manner we'd like decent people will
manufacture to see these marvels. One such individual is our dearest’s ace. His quality Sri
Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, the entire soul. This work bargains in short the historical backdrop
of Vethathiri Maharishi, the technique he comprehended the general public, the issues existing
inside the general public and in this manner the intelligent arrangements endorsed by him.


Mr.Varadappa Mudaliar who sat tight for Vijayadashami exhibition with progress joined his
child to the varsity inside the year 1916 once Maharishi was 5 years past. Tragically he arrived
up to third standard exclusively in light of the poor monetary situation.

In his childhood Vethathiri intersection rectifier a terribly poor life and he had battled difficult in
his youth paying little heed to the adoration and astuteness shared by his oldsters. His almost no

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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723

mind scrutinized the presence of destitution. He expected to enquire the birthplace of destitution
and endeavored to kill it. He constantly willed to claim monetary balance and security inside the
general public. By his seventh year he began serving to his oldsters in weaving. The occurrence
that made him to work a weaver was:

One day once he was ten years past, it completely was around 12-45 p.m. He was anticipating
that his mom should choice him to claim his lunch. Anyway it didn't occur. They were living in
an extremely cottage that was divided off by a mass of four feet. Behind the divider there was the
room from wherever he may hear the murmur of his oldsters. When he just peeped in he may see
his mom wipe her eyes together with her dress. He couldn't endure it. Up to that point he had not
seen his mom crying [4]. He essentially entered in and asked his mom over and over on for what
valid reason she was crying? His mom grasped him and previously mentioned that, she had got
him as a present when an extended time of compensation anyway nowadays they were not able
even offer him a measure of protest. Indeed, even his dad broke out crying holding his glove.
Anyway by one way or another mom figured out how to display him a measure of protest getting
from some place. Anyway Maharishi didn't drink it immediately while he was ravenous. He
asked for his oldsters conjointly to impart to him. For his fulfillment they drank a spell of it and
offered it to him. At the point when this occurrence he began asking his oldsters, why there was
such a condition of poverty for them? Anyway they probably won't put forth a defense for him
the conditions; they basically everywhere by revealing to a few reasons.

This made Vethathiri to break down the common wrongs inside the social exercises and
activated him to consider an existence with ethical quality for social capacities, virtue for private
capacities and philanthropy to share the belonging impartially with the contrary social groups.


Vethathiri has streamlined the conventional exploration of Kundalini Yoga right up 'til the
present time world. This logical procedure of Simplified Kundalini Yoga for God-
acknowledgment, can at last unfurl on the whole grounds, acquire harmony masses and help
every one of the Nations in making agreement. He trusted that the reasoning should convey the
merchandise sensible outcomes for the greater prosperity of society. He found that human choice
was activated by the feelings for satisfaction. Last information originates from knowing oneself,

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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723

that by comprehension "Who am I?" The extra an individual knows about, the greater his or her
capacity to reason and make choices that may bring genuine bliss.

Vethathiri's point was to acknowledge was to bring World harmony. Vethathiri requested down
the entirety of his standards in his very own characteristic dialect Tamil, wherever by numerous
people may see the substance of the reasoning just. Hence he was known as in light of the fact
that the Layman's mastermind. He totally pointed toward understanding four perspectives the
body, life, psyche and perfect. He had an enthusiastic need to handle of these. He ne'er depended
on any writing to handle of these certainties. He made all trials all alone body and life and
achieved the truth from town of universe. He did investigation for with respect to forty years on
the present yogistic practices abuse his own body as partner instrument, found the advantages
and downsides, later he drilled every one of the activities, contemplation, Kayakalpa and it found
the points of interest thus offered it to the general public. Vethathiri comprehended the need of
yoga for the stylish world; with store of worry on human network he has improved Kundalini
yoga best fitting for the in vogue world. Kundalini Yoga that was immediately not admissible to
be rehearsed by the women was rearranged and by this he was perceived as Yogiraj. He most all
around jumped at the chance to be known as the globe national [1].

Vethathiri had experienced a horrendously unfeeling battle for survival, and found him
inexhaustibly suitable to confront the test. It had made him relate laborer, a merchant, relate
enterpriser. He was inside the chase of building money enemy living and at the indistinguishable
time he's watching out into the spans of noticeable and imperceptible inside the yogistic mode.
He attempted to shape the body and mind, watch and plan to get on the indistinguishable pivot.
He never-endingly scrutinized his possibility and intensity to gauge, to think, to procure, to get a
handle on, to watch, to examination and to grasp. It's a movement from minor natural, social and
physical living to the social and inestimable acknowledgment.

He made out himself monetarily satisfactory, and rather progressed, mentally enquiring and
profoundly progressed to get a handle on the undetectable factors behind the screen of the
physical indications. It's a voyage from being to on the far side the being. So he clad extra
philosophical, conviction and experimental. It's a subjective trim of Vethathiri a poor worker on
a hand-linger to end up into a Maharishi. It's a transformation from everyday social segment to
the al vast part.

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Vethathiri had offered significance to 3 realities in Social and reasoning especially Utility,
uniformity and modesty. The origination of utility was acclaimed all through the nineteenth
century; Jermy Jeremy Bentham was the utilitarian scholar, it pointed toward "most noteworthy
joy to the best number". Bentham's work opens with a declaration of the guideline of utility:

Nature has put mankind underneath the administration of 2 sovereign experts, agony and delight.
It's for only them to involve what we tend to ought to do. By the guideline of utility is assumed
that rule that supports or objects to each activity any steady with the inclination it appears to
have to fortify or reduce the bliss of the gathering whose premium is being referred to: or, what's
the indistinguishable issue in various words to showcase or to restrict that joy. I say of each
activity any, and consequently not exclusively of each activity of a non-open individual, anyway
of each live of state.

This has turned into a watch word for Vethathiri and like Jeremy Bentham Maharishi conjointly
took a stab at evacuating the torment and joy. The trail of picking up delight made Vethathiri to
consider torment affectation factors like monetary condition, sicknesses and passing. Vethathiri
addressed budgetary condition and furthermore the foundations for it. He may see that it's the
inconvenience of the incredible minority over the feeble lion's share inside the general public. At
this point he sued for monetary equity [6].

With the end goal to frame the financial balance he took to the speculations of communism and
socialism. Communism implies that equity of monetary benefit and zip else" says George Bernad
ruler and distinctive Fabian communists. Nationalization of properties is unfathomably a ton of
satisfactory to communism and Vethathiri gives entirely unexpected systems and plans to
nationalize sustenance, water, arrive, and so forth, He gives hugeness to the working groups.

So ordinarily we tend to hear the cry-"On the off chance that we wish to disentangle the issues
that face our blessing society, expel his belonging and make them the property of the state."
Vethathiri don't acknowledge as valid with this shibboleth because of its conceived out of
resentment and disappointment and identical to political robbery. Passionate methodologies will
ne'er illuminate man's issues. In the event that we wish a perpetual and enduring answer, the
methodology must be scholarly, levelheaded and non common. That is the reason Vethathiri says

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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723

"Make man him the property of the state related there'll be a complete to all or any issues." This
has interminably been the center and quintessence of the educating of Vethathiri Maharishi.

The long for the end of executing inside the legal, glorification of young ladies, raise to rights for
young ladies, picking virtue for each the sexes are that the moral component of Vethathiri.
Vethathiri's methods forever and furthermore the troubles he Janus-looked in his life adjusted the
point he had on the general public. The age hole assumes a huge job inside the general public.
Vethathiri was conjointly not relating special case from this. Survival, character, possibility,
standing and power are the 5 factors that were inexhaustibly overwhelming inside the human
activity even inside the social and non common segment. Vethathiri too battled for survival and
personality beginning from the grip of money related condition, attempted to have relate
character of his own and endeavored to use every one of the open doors gave normally and a
little bit at a time built up his standing and influence as Yogiraj and Tatvagnani.

As an advertiser of Simplified Kundalini Yoga Vethathiri might be an uncommon figure anyway

a man to work with the general public and self and difficulties presented and Janus-confronted he
too is one ever. Anyway the significance of Vethathiri might be found inside the place given to
virtuousness what he calls in light of the fact that the "zenith of the lead of man". Vethathiri has
no profound logic aside from bound framework tendencies etched out because of the religion of
reason what he had pursued.

For Vethathiri life implies that yoga and yoga implies that congruity. He accepted and
acknowledged Yoga and solid aside all contentions against yoga because of the character had
opened the window of the creation through the arrangement of yoga exclusively. Arrogant a
moral obligation to showcase bliss, harmony and seventh paradise to no less than one and each
one, he had scaled the get-togethers conjointly on the Divine scale exclusively [5]. Reliable with
Vethathiri the finish of the Divine state should be the objective of the life and furthermore the
rest are on the whole assistants for him. Anyway he had offered hugeness to fate yoga, which
will be that, the key for the theory of Vethathiri.

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Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723


A tutor will rapidly see every one of the issues of lifetime of people and decide ways that and
implies that to beat the troubles. Anyway as each sufferer is combined with the impressions of
characteristic and counterfeit wants, and along these lines the deeds and thoughts of each are
molded by age long propensities and natural conditions, it'll set aside it’s very own time for
reconstruction of life for a few ages. In this way, men of information pay the vast majority of
their important time in talking and composing for who and what is to come. exclusively such
wash works are controlling and transforming the general public well ordered notwithstanding the
entirety of devilishness' made by the greedy power seeking, obstinate, unmindful and blameless
people. When man understands the enormity of his own self, he achieves the specific best
pinnacle of humankind for regarding the needs and desire of others with due respect. Such
flawlessness exclusively can anchor and keep up harmony among self, among individuals and
between countries. There, every one of the issues of lifetime of people is illuminated. In this
way, all commendable men should comprehend self in time. This is frequently completely they
might want for the globe in these days of logical headway. The inquiry "Who am I" emerging in
once mind demonstrates that he merits self acknowledgment. This will be earned exclusively by
right guiding. By this investigation we will good see that it's basic to pursue the standards
recommended venerated aces when an all-inclusive time encounters. Vethathiri Maharishi's
Philosophy is the answers for the overall issues inside the general public. On the off chance that
his life and rationality is found and rehearsed by any plebeian and dead inside the general public,
it'll emphatically lead them to a substitution upbeat prosperous life and such nations will flourish
until the end of time.


[1] Vethathiri maharishi, Yenadu Vazhkai Vilakam, Vethathiri publications, Third Edition- 1992

[2] Dr.Kasibhatta.Satyamurty, Philosophy of Vethathiri Maharishi, Published by Vedadri

Brahmajnana Kendram, First edition-2014

[3] Dr.Kasibhatta.Satyamurty, Simplified Kundalini Yoga, Published by Vedadri Brahmajnana

Kendram, First edition-2013

Volume 7, Issue XI, NOVEMBER/2018 Page No:344

Universal Review ISSN NO : 2277-2723

[4] Vethathiri Maharishi, Anboli, August 1997, Lamp-29, W.P.Y.12, Flame-8 [5] Swami
Omkaranandagiri, Vision of Vedadri, 2013

[6] Vethathiri Maharishi, Prosperity of India, Vethathiri publications, 1997

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