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Answer 1 A mixture is a substance that contains two or more different substances mixed together.

Answer 2 Homogeneous mixtures-The mixture in which the components that make up the mixtures are
distributed uniformly are called homogeneous mixtures.

Air is an example of a homogenous mixture. We cannot see the different gases present in the air is

Ans3- Heterogeneous mixture- the mixtures in which the components that make up the mixture are not
distributed uniformly are called heterogeneous mixtures.

A mixture of oil and water is an example of heterogeneous mixture. We can see the oil and water
distinctly in the mixture.

Answer 4 The process of separating insoluble solid suspended in a liquid by using a porous medium
(filter) is called filtration.

Answer 5 The process of separating the bigger particle from finer particles by passing them through a
sieve is called sieving. Ex. During construction of buildings stones and pebbles are removed from sand by

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