Reflection Essay

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Running head: REFLECTION 1

Reflection Essay

Ethan Rogers

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.200

Dr. Marian Ellis, Instructor

Dec 6, 2020

Throughout watching and studying these student observation videos I have learned a

great deal about how to effectively teach students. Because, if you do not take the time and care

needed to professionally train and teach these young boys and girls, you’re only raising a society

that will do nothing in the “real world.” There are a few different things I saw on these videos

that really stuck out to me. For instance, I learned that feelings of the students matter just as

much, if not more then the information you are teaching them. Another thing I took out of these

videos was how to deal with different cultures in the classroom, and how to effectively learn and

make connections with student who have different cultures so you can understand them a little

bit better. Lastly, it became clear from watching these student observation videos that teaching is

very social. There are a lot of interactions students have with other students. So, to help myself, I

will be using different techniques found in the video to help the students learn from each other

during different activities.


Feelings of the students matter! After watching some of the observation videos I

concluded that feelings are among the most important subjects to learn and understand in a

classroom. By learning how a certain student feels about one thing, and how they will react to it,

you get a better understanding of who that child is and how to teach them. I learned that my job

as a teacher is to create an emotionally safe environment. I will be implementing this in my own

classroom of course by teaching student awareness of their own feelings, and how to control

them. Students need to know that their feelings are not a bad thing. By creating a safe

environment that works on self-management of emotions, social problem solving (through the

student’s friendships, relationships, etc.), a child can become in control of their emotions and

they become ready to learn.

Cultural connections are extremely important in the classroom. From watching the

student observation videos, I gained valuable knowledge on how to use your students and their

parents as a resource to learn and understand more about different cultures. As a teacher I will be

in contact with a variety of different cultures. One way to truly be able to teach someone of

another culture, is to learn about their culture so you get a better understanding of who the

student is. You can do this by a cool scrapbook idea I saw in one of the observation videos.

Essentially, students have a diary/notebook they fill up with pictures and memories from home

and school. You look at those notebooks and get to learn a lot about the students.

Lastly, students learn from each other. Students get to talk to each other all day, and it

would be a shame if we did not use that to our advantage. In the videos I saw a lot of group

activities because it is proven that students learn from each other. I will be implementing a ton of

group activities as a teacher.


Overall, I learned a lot from these videos and am thankful for teachers more and more

every day. As a teacher, I would have a big responsibility to help shape and mold this country’s

kids to do great things.


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