Airbnb: Analysis & Marketing Plan

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Analysis & Marketing


Sarah Bryant, Joseph Morris,

Elisa Morrison, Sofie Uhlending



INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................... 5
Industry Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 6
Market Review..................................................................................................................... 7
Factors of Demand .......................................................................................................... 7
Five Force Analysis ......................................................................................................... 8
Competitive Review ........................................................................................................... 12
Brand Competitors ........................................................................................................ 12
Product Competitors ..................................................................................................... 13
Solution Competitors ..................................................................................................... 13
Total Budget Competitors.............................................................................................. 13
Three Most Significant Competitors .............................................................................. 14
Current and Past Strategies .......................................................................................... 14
Financial Performance .................................................................................................. 16
Strengths and Weaknesses .......................................................................................... 17
Future Strategies ........................................................................................................... 18
Impact on Airbnb ........................................................................................................... 19
Type of Competitive Market .......................................................................................... 22
Customer Review .............................................................................................................. 23
Potential Market ............................................................................................................ 23
Purchase Process ......................................................................................................... 24
Why customers buy and expectations ........................................................................... 26
Microenvironment Review ................................................................................................. 27
Legal and Regulatory .................................................................................................... 27
Economic ...................................................................................................................... 27
Social and Cultural ........................................................................................................ 28
Environmental ............................................................................................................... 29
Technological ................................................................................................................ 30
Firm Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 31
Key Information ................................................................................................................. 32
Size ............................................................................................................................... 32
Key Management .......................................................................................................... 32

History ........................................................................................................................... 33
Primary Products/Services ................................................................................................ 35
Current Goals & Objectives ............................................................................................... 37
Current & Past Strategies .................................................................................................. 39
Performance ...................................................................................................................... 41
SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................. 42
Strengths: ...................................................................................................................... 42
Weaknesses:................................................................................................................. 43
Opportunities: ................................................................................................................ 43
Threats: ......................................................................................................................... 44
Current Lifecycle Stage ..................................................................................................... 45
Current Branding Strategy ................................................................................................. 46
Core Competencies & Competitive Advantage...................................................................... 48
Core Competencies........................................................................................................... 49
Competitive Advantage ..................................................................................................... 52
Cost Advantage ............................................................................................................. 52
Differentiation Advantage .............................................................................................. 52
Segmentation ........................................................................................................................ 55
Segmentation ........................................................................................................................ 55
Convenience Seekers: ...................................................................................................... 56
Low-Budget Culture Seekers............................................................................................. 58
Event-Location Seekers .................................................................................................... 59
Experience Focused .......................................................................................................... 62
3 CIRCLES ............................................................................................................................ 64
Target Market and Competition ......................................................................................... 65
Target Market Segment: Low-Budget/Culture seekers ................................................. 65
Key Competitor: HomeAway ......................................................................................... 65
Context .......................................................................................................................... 65
Customer Perspective ....................................................................................................... 66
Firm Perspective ............................................................................................................... 66
3-Circle Map .................................................................................................................. 68
Opportunities for Growth ............................................................................................... 69
Features that can be Eliminated .................................................................................... 69

Features that should be better promoted ...................................................................... 70

Points of Difference ....................................................................................................... 70
Marketing Plan....................................................................................................................... 72
MARKETING PLAN ............................................................................................................... 72
Marketing Goals & Objectives ........................................................................................... 73
Segmentation .................................................................................................................... 75
Non-Current Airbnb Users ............................................................................................. 75
Current Airbnb Users..................................................................................................... 76
Targeting ........................................................................................................................... 78
Positioning Strategy ...................................................................................................... 78
Marketing Implementation ................................................................................................. 80
Actions .......................................................................................................................... 80
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................... 86
References ............................................................................................................................ 87


Travel as an industry has been evolving dramatically. In recent years, sharing

economies have become more popular, giving rise to companies like Airbnb that utilize

sharing economies to create an online marketplace for the exchange of private products and

services. Sharing economies have complex dynamics in how they form relationships between

market participants. The lines between customer and seller become blurred, and trust has

become an increasingly important factor as this trend continues to grow. In the travel

industry, in particular, Airbnb has been utilizing this unique structure to create a new type of

experience for its customers.

This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of Airbnb, its competitors, and the

travel industry as a whole. An analysis of the firm and industry are provided to determine

whether the vacation rental industry itself is favorable. Next, the paper examines core

strengths and competencies that Airbnb has developed in order to succeed in the industry.

Four key market segments were identified as: business travelers, low-budget culture seekers,

event-goers, and group/family travelers. Low-budget culture seekers were isolated as the

ideal segment based on its potential to further Airbnb’s overall goals. Lastly, the paper will

inspect how Airbnb fills the needs of its ideal segment in a way that is meaningful and

differentiated from its competitors.


Industry Analysis
A key factor in determining the success of a company is analyzing the industry it resides in. No matter

the strength of an organization, if the industry it operates in is dying there is no way for it to continue. In this

section, the vacation rental industry is reviewed for opportunities and challenges that could be posed to Airbnb.

Market Review
In order to examine the firm’s current situation, it is helpful to start with external market

factors and then move inward. For this reason, the paper will begin with an overview of the

market based on Porter’s 5 Forces model. Afterwards, a comprehensive view of competitors

will be offered to better frame the external review. Each competitor will be examined based

on its relation to Airbnb’s unique solution. Each competitor’s current strategy will be explored

as well as the potential effects that each of those strategies might have on Airbnb’s strategic

decisions. Once the competitors have been thoroughly evaluated, the paper will shift to

internal factors focused on an analysis of Airbnb’s ability to compete in the current market.

Factors of Demand
The vacation rental industry is influenced primarily by the discretionary income of

individuals according to the 2017 IBIS World Reports.1 These reports also indicate that when

discretionary income increases, people tend to spend more money on traveling, particularly

on vacations and leisure trips. The price and variety of hotels, hostels, and other

accommodations also influence demand for vacation rentals.2 Individuals looking for a unique

experience or trying to get a better value for long-term stays, tend to be more interested in

vacation rentals than hotels. Last, but not least, the overall health of the tourist industry plays

a large part in the health of vacation rentals since a thriving tourist industry promotes travel to

a wider range of locations and boosts spending.


Five Force Analysis


The threat of new entrants is high in the online, vacation rental industry. According to

the 2017 IBIS industry report for travel agencies and online booking services, the competitive

intensity is quite high.3 Since minimal capital is needed to set up a website for people to list

their home rentals online the barriers to entry are fairly low. One hindrance to new entrants is

the networking effect, since sites with a reputation and a larger user base tend to attract more

sellers and buyers. Homeowners that intend to list a rental will visit the site with the most

traffic, and buyers tend to prefer the sites that offer them the widest variety in terms of price

and accommodation type.


Buyer power is medium in the online vacation rental industry. There are alternatives

including hotels, hostels, or staying with friends or family. These, however, do not offer the

same benefits that a vacation rental would - such as privacy, price, or customization. For

example, staying in a hotel could be an alternative, but there is little privacy due to the close

proximity to other rooms, the prices are often astronomical, and, other than the number of

beds, there is little room for customization. Staying with friends and family is a much more

customized experience, but is not always an option that is readily available for travelers.

While there are options for vacation travelers, options for staying in relatively private,

customized lodgings are more limited.



Supplier power in the vacation rental industry is usually low. While there are many

businesses that allow consumers to lease their own properties on a short-term basis, few

exist on a large scale since home-sharing is a new industry. This gives this small number of

businesses that offer a rental platform a greater power over the suppliers (those leasing

property/rooms). In order to reach the greatest number of people and optimize the chances

that their property will be leased, the suppliers rely on companies already operating on a

large scale. There are many smaller companies where the supplier power is higher. This is

because they are not only less established, they rely on suppliers to fill their portfolio of

rentals. Without rentals, the business would fail. Large companies are less impacted by this

phenomenon, because the company has an established base of suppliers and the power is

spread thinly amongst them.


The threat of substitutes in the vacation rental industry is high. Rental agencies, hotel

services, hostels, and full-service vacation booking agencies are all well-established

industries.4 Consumers considering short-term vacation rentals might also have the option of

staying with family or friends, which is considerably less expensive. Short-term stay options

are widely available in other formats as well. There are camping services, bus rentals, and

couch sharing options.


The vacation rental industry provides a unique challenge since it intersects multiple

industries. The first of these, home-sharing, has a relatively high level of competitive intensity


because the model is fairly easy to replicate.5 It is important to note that, while there are

several options, many of the new home-sharing businesses have not established notable

scale. The second industry, accommodation booking through third party services, is an older

industry with a reportedly high level of competitive intensity according to IBIS World’s Industry

Report.6 This industry includes travel agencies and similar full-service travel business. While

it seems that home-sharing hasn’t become completely established, despite the rush of new

entrants, the rental market is an established concept. For this reason, competitive intensity

could be considered medium-high and increasing.


The vacation rental industry relies heavily on other travel and vacation centered

expenses. Transportation to and from destinations is important, whether that be by plane or

by services such as Uber or Lyft. Access to local hot spots and tourist attractions also

influences the attractiveness of a vacation rental. If a location is easier to access, it is likely to

be more attractive to renters looking for a vacation spot. Vacation rentals are also strongly

influenced by events such as concerts, festivals, and seasonal activities.


The most important force in the vacation rental industry is the threat of substitutes,

which is high. There are a lot of alternatives for places to stay. In many cases, price is a key

driver for which platform consumers decide to book through. According to IBIS World’s report

on Travel Agencies, “Travelers are increasingly booking directly with travel operators, or with

travel sites that provide side-by-side comparisons of hotel rates for various destinations.”7


This makes it similar to the airline industry, where customers rent from whichever site can

give them the cheapest price for their desired accommodation. Airbnb is a sharing economy,

which allows it a far greater degree of diversity than many of its substitute options. This is the

key feature of a sharing economy. Offerings are less commoditized than a consumer would

expect from a typical rental or booking service.

The intersection between sharing economies and vacation rentals is where Airbnb

operates. The industry has become considerably less attractive since Airbnb opened its

service. The industry has just begun to saturate with new entrants, many of which are

attempting to emulate Airbnb’s business model. The hotel and vacation rental industries are

highly saturated and competitive. However, the sharing economy niche is still relatively new,

which means there is likely still some room to become better established.

Competitive Review
Competitors are an essential piece of the external review. This paper breaks down

Airbnb’s competitors based on the solution they provide. Brand competitors are those with a

similar product and price. Product competitors are those with different products that are very

similar in nature and fulfill the same need. Solution competitors are those with a very different

product that can be used to fulfil a similar need. Total budget competitors can be considered

competitors whose goods fall within the same “mental budget.” Total budget competitors do

not necessarily fill the same need, but exist in a similar category. In the case of Airbnb, total

budget competitors are businesses that relate to travel.

Brand Competitors provides a meta-search site for users to compare rates across platforms.

Rather than providing its own listings, offers a one-stop shop to compare deals

from multiple rental sites. It partners with HomeAway, VRBO, Housetrip, FlipKey, and others

to show consumers what the different sites have to offer all in one place. FlipKey is a

subsidiary of TripAdvisor, founded in 2007 and bought in 2008. FlipKey connects consumers

to over 300,000 international rentals.8 Much like Airbnb, anyone can post their property on the

site for rental. HomeAway is a subsidiary of Expedia, Inc. and is based in Austin, Texas.

HomeAway includes consumer rental listings from,, and HomeAway also operates, “the most

comprehensive global site for finding bed and breakfast properties.”9


Product Competitors
Staying with friends and family is one example of a product competitor. It is a similar

alternative to Airbnb in that it is a potential place to stay during travels; however, the usage is

different in that it is not booked online and uses strangers instead of friends and family.

Another product competitor is Craigslist. Craigslist is another online/app company that allows

strangers to connect and share goods and services, however the focus of Craigslist primarily

on goods rather than lodging. Another product competitor is Real Estate agencies, apps, and

websites. These also allow people to find homes, but the focus of Real Estate agencies is

mostly on buying rather than renting.

Solution Competitors
Marriott is the biggest hotel chain in the world, with over 5,800 properties and 1.1

million rooms that cover 110 different countries.10 As is common in the hotel industry, Marriott

owns a small portion of its rooms, and instead franchise their brands to individual owners.

This has reduced Marriott’s liability as a company as they are not heavily invested in

properties that may be hard to liquidate. Hostels are a cheaper alternative to hotels, often

with dormitory style housing. Hostels target students and people traveling on a very low

budget, as they offer much less amenities and often require visitors to help with chores.

Total Budget Competitors

Airbnb’s major total budget competitors are expenses associated with travel and

vacation. Travel expenses can include plane rides, food, and other transportation. Vacation

expenses can include tours, local activities, and souvenirs. These costs have a large impact


on what lodging options are used during travel. Large purchases such as cars and TV’s also

are a competitor because of their impact on vacations. People who spend their disposable

income on material things instead of taking a trip, are obviously less likely to use Airbnb.

Three Most Significant Competitors

The three most significant competitors are HomeAway, FlipKey by TripAdvisor, and

Marriott. These are the most significant competitors because they each pose as different

types of competition within the vacation rental industry.

Current and Past Strategies


According to VRM Intel, a site dedicated to providing up-to date news in the vacation

rental industry, HomeAway’s past strategy was to give travelers a “one-stop shop for whole

home vacation rentals in leisure travel markets.”11 Its current strategy is fairly similar. It

focuses on resort locations and emphasizes treating its landlords like business owners. On

average guests pay a higher price, but typically stay longer at its locations.12 One key

distinction is HomeAway’s pricing strategy. Rather than charging guests extra fees, it charges

the host either a 13% fee per booking or an $349-$999 annual subscription for its services.13

This makes it more attractive for guests but offers slightly less incentive for hosts.



Previously FlipKey focus on vacation rentals near resorts and tourist destinations. In

addition, it had more of a domestic focus, in 2012 50% of its listings were in the U.S.

market.14 FlipKey initially offered annual subscription or short-term subscriptions for its hosts

to list properties on its site.15 After getting bought by TripAdvisor in 2008, FlipKey updated its

strategy to integrate with TripAdvisor’s larger goals. Currently it aims to provide a holistic

traveling experience through both FlipKey and TripAdvisor’s online travel community. 16 In

2013, it switched from subscriptions to a fee-based model for homeowners looking to list on

its site. Now it charges a 3% booking fee per accommodation. Recently it has also expanded

its listings to include more apartments and urban dwellings. 17


Marriott’s strategy has been to attract customers by providing a wide variety of

accommodations and destinations at different price points. Their motto was, and still is, “One

company many brands.”18 Marriott was the first international company to offer a vacation

sharing program in 1984.19 Through timeshares or vacation sharing, customers can own the

room for a specific week of the year. Programs like this have led to a whole new marketplace

where individuals exchange and sell their “weeks” for weeks at other Marriott Timeshare

locations around the world.20


Marriott’s current strategy is to attract more than just customers looking for a short-

term stay through its timeshares and other hotel-sharing programs.21 In 2010 Marriott

changed its timeshares to a point-based system that allowed its members to travel to any

Marriott hotel location in the world.22 It continues to focus on leveraging its properties and

multiple brands to create a unique, yet consistent experience for its customers around the


Financial Performance


HomeAway had a revenue of $446,762,000 in 2014.23 The market share of

HomeAway within the vacation rental industry was 2.7% in 2014,24 which was .6% higher

than it was the previous year.25 The net profit margin for HomeAway in 2014 was 2.9%, which

is relatively low compared to other companies operating in this industry.


TripAdvisor had a revenue of $1,480,000,000 in 2014.26 This is more than double that

of HomeAway in the same year. TripAdvisor had a 9.1% market share of the vacation rental


industry. This market share was a .1% decrease from the previous year’s market share.

TripAdvisor has a net profit margin of 8.1% which is relatively average for this industry.


Marriott had a revenue of $17,072,000,000 in 201427 and a 27% market share of the

hotel industry. The company saw a .5% growth in market share the following year. 28 The

Marriott had a net profit margin of 8.01%, which is also relatively average for the hotel


Strengths and Weaknesses


HomeAway’s primary weakness is that it is more expensive on average for hosts to list

their accommodations on, the prices are generally more expensive for guests as well which is

a drawback. HomeAway’s strength is it can tap into economies of scales due to its ownership

of multiple vacation rental sites. This allows it to leverage its core competencies across

multiple platforms and reach a wider spectrum of people.


FlipKey by TripAdvisor struggles since it is does not have a strong brand. Its

connection to TripAdvisor is beneficial, but at the same time it is also detrimental. FlipKey is

just viewed as supporting TripAdvisor whereas its competitors have a more narrowly defined

focus on providing unique vacation rentals for customers. Its advantage is that it only charges

a 3% booking fee which is cheaper than its competitors



Marriott has less flexibility to its highly efficient system of operations it has established

over the years. Because of this it is less agile and cannot take advantage of the sharing

economies since it is already heavily invested in its own properties. The fact that it owns its

own resorts and rentals gives it an advantage though. Location is key and owning property in

highly sought-after destinations gives it an edge over its competitors who are merely acting

as a broker. Lastly, its brand is globally recognized and trusted which is a huge asset since

guests feel less apprehension about committing to stay for a week at a Marriott versus in a

stranger’s home.

Future Strategies


HomeAway is likely to follow the same format as many of its previous marketing

strategies. This means that the company is likely to release many print ads as well as many

video ads. Most of the company’s advertisements are humor centered and involve the use of

celebrities, most notably and frequently Nick Offerman. HomeAway will likely continue to

follow this format for their ads as well as keeping the motto: “Get away, Get HomeAway.”


TripAdvisor will likely continue to emphasize trust and use brand recognition and

sincerity in their marketing efforts. They will probably continue to use a variety of different

media vehicles such as print, video, digital/online, and TV ads. The company has recently

begun to use an owl in a bathrobe29 as its spokesperson, and that will likely continue in future


marketing strategies. The main personality that the company has been, and will likely

continue to, try to convey in its marketing efforts is a fun and trustworthy personality.


Marriott will likely follow a different approach to the previously mentioned companies in

its marketing strategies in the future. Marriott has taken to a more content-based marketing

strategy in which the company puts out information not only about themselves, but also

information and content that its customers would be interested in.30 The company has been

on a mission to establish itself as the authority in the travel lifestyle and it will convey this

using storytelling tactics as well as its history.

Impact on Airbnb


HomeAway’s strategies are most likely to directly impact Airbnb. This is because they

operate in the exact same niche of the vacation rental industry, sharing economies. Airbnb

and HomeAway use similar strategies to reach their consumers, humor and vacation appeal.

HomeAway also has a strong parent in Expedia, which has allowed it’s successful use of

celebrity endorsements.

Airbnb capitalizes on “fun” and “cool.” Often, marketing strategies are centered toward

building a close-knit and trendy community of travelers. In 2015, Airbnb hosted a ‘floating

house’ publicity stunt that on the Thames River in London, which was attended by several

important social influencers.31 The resulting coverage and brand engagement that followed


were immense. Airbnb has also paid for a few celebrity trips in return for social media

acknowledgement, but it has yet to make any lasting relationships with celebrity endorses. 32

Depending on the strength of HomeAway’s endorsements, Airbnb may need to consider a

more lasting celebrity approach.

Because HomeAway appeals to a similar demographic, it’s also important that Airbnb

maintains its online communities. Currently, it hosts a large online community with detailed

profiles, communication options, and a strong review focus.33 The Airbnb Community even

offers “Meetups,” which allow you to meet new people in Airbnb hosted events all around the

world. A local function allows Airbnb users to find clubs and events that they can attend

nearby, even if they’re not currently paying customers.34 HomeAway does not currently have

the same set up, but it could easily be emulated by a business in their position. For this

reason, Airbnb should focus on better integration to continue to support the digital hub it’s



The greatest danger of TripAdvisor is the easy comparison of prices, and the fact that

businesses and users can use TripAdvisor for free.35 Unfortunately, the nature of Airbnb

gives it very little control over price. TripAdvisor’s strategy of building consumer trust and

comparing prices across channels appeals primarily to consumers whom might be less

comfortable with traveling and searching for accommodations. TripAdvisor doesn’t seem to

be targeting the same young and trendy demographic that Airbnb has focused on, but

TripAdvisor does offer a wide variety of listings from multiple sites and could compete with


Airbnb on diversity. As Airbnb moves forward, it might need to consider new ways to highlight

its diversity, or even consider a partnership that might allow Airbnb listings to appear on

TripAdvisor’s multi-business search.


Marriott is the least similar to Airbnb of the chosen competitors, but it does have an

extraordinary content strategy.36 In 2014, Marriott founded its own global content studio.37

Marriott content efforts focus primarily on “storytelling.” In 2015, it created its own TV show

(The Navigator Live), a short film (The Two Bellmen), a personalized online time travel

magazine, and even a few short programs for the Oculus Rift.38

Airbnb has also attempted to produce some content, but content offerings are often a

public response to legal issues. For example, in 2012 Airbnb sponsored an Economic Impact

Study in San Francisco that was meant to highlight its positive impact on the area.39 It has

since used its proprietary data to support similar studies in other cities, but these studies

have usually been packaged into “feel good” campaigns following legal battles.

Airbnb has also participated in traditional content marketing campaigns geared toward

social media movement. In 2013, it produced the first crowd sourced Vine.40 At the same

time, it produced short films meant to tell short stories about Airbnb hosts.41 However, Airbnb

has never produced content on the scale that the Marriott currently does, and Airbnb may

need to commit to creating more content in the future in order to compete. Marriott has just


begun the shift into providing short, virtual experiences as well. It might be difficult to compete

with VR marketing on high end rentals without creative marketing efforts in the future.

Type of Competitive Market

The vacation rental market seems oligopolistic, because there are only a handful of

firms that command the majority of sales and business within the industry. However, due to

very low barriers to entry, the industry has begun to shift toward monopolistic competition.

The firms within the industry sell somewhat differentiated but similar products, which might

lead customers to have some preference over one service or another.

Only brand awareness and scale have allowed the current market leaders to maintain

their extremely dominant positions, but,

because many of these businesses use share

economies, there is a huge number of

potential hosts available to help new players

build inventory. Hosts could conceivably list

with multiple services or jump services fairly

easily. Only the potential loss of positive

reviews keeps a host with a specific service.

Furthermore, the industry is still in a state of

rapid growth, which allows for competitors to

easily snatch up developing market share.


Customer Review
The customer review is an excellent place to start the internal analysis of the firm. A

successful firm examines a potential market and looks for holes in consumer needs that can

be filled with a new firm’s offerings. The potential markets for both travelers and hosts are

wide and extraordinarily diverse. This review will begin with an overview, then identify key

segments. Later in the paper, a more specific Three-Circle analysis will identify the target

most advantageous for Airbnb. Each segment will be identified based on the primary needs

of consumers within the segment and evaluated based on Airbnb’s potential to meet those

needs at a higher level than competitors targeting the same segment.

Potential Market
The existing and potential users of the Airbnb can be broken into two different

categories: hosts and guests. The hosts are generally people who have extra space and

people who are looking for additional

income. The guests are people who

are traveling often for work or for

leisure. The demographics for the

users of Airbnb are men and women

ages 25-44. The market is made up

mostly of people with at least some

college and an annual household

income of $75,000-$150,000.42 The


most common occupation for users of Airbnb is a position in an office or business setting. This

could be in part because of the amount of travel often necessary for business, thus increasing

the demand for vacation rentals in that occupation. Typical business trips place employees in

standard hotels. It is possible that individuals who normally go on business trips are looking for a more

unique experience when they travel, since typical hotels are something they could find commonplace.

These users can either be single or married. Single users are more likely to use Airbnb for fun

and adventurous travel while married users are likely to use it for family-based travel. The

users are travelers who value unique experiences. The guests get the unique experience of

staying in someone else’s home while the hosts get the unique experience of having a

stranger be a guest in their home. Because of the stranger aspect of the business model

users are generally very trusting and very adventurous. Vacation rentals as a whole, and

especially Airbnb, allow for users to book on very short notice, this leads to the possibility of

the users being impulsive in their travels. Airbnb is a global company which operates in over

161 countries and over 65,000 cities. The main group of people that Airbnb has the potential

to reach and middle and high income travelers. These two groups of people summed up to

1.16 billion people.43 Currently, however, Airbnb has an existing market of over 200 million


Purchase Process


The purchase decision process begins with problem need or recognition. In regards to

Airbnb this means that the guests recognize that they want to travel for leisure, need a place


to stay for a business trip, or they were exposed to advertising promoting fun travel

destinations. For the hosts, the need is often recognized by either an excess of space or a

need for more income.


The second step of the purchase decision process is information search. Because

Airbnb is an online and app-based product, the information search is primarily done through

online search engines. Another reason for this is that the primary users of Airbnb are people

ages 25-44, most of whom are accustomed to using online searches to find most of the

information they seek.


The third step in the process is evaluation of alternatives. When traveling people have

a multitude of option of where to stay, everything from staying on a friend’s couch to staying

in a penthouse at a hotel. Even people who know that they want to use a vacation rental

website have many different options to choose from. Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway are only

a couple of examples.


The fourth step in the purchase decision process is the actual purchase decision. The

guests who choose to book via Airbnb go through a simple booking process where they

specify how many people and how long they wish to stay. When a host decides to use

Airbnb, they go through a process in which they post pictures and describe the specifics of

the rental that they are posting. When a guest finds a listing that fits their specific needs the

booking is made, and, on the specified date, the product offered by the host is enjoyed by the



The fifth and final step of the purchase decision process is post-purchase behavior.

The main post-purchase behavior for Airbnb comes in the form of reviews. Like many other

sharing companies, both the hosts and the users have the opportunity to rate their

experiences with one another. The idea behind this is that it will give future users and hosts

more information and will allow them to make a more informed decision upon whether or not

they want to rent to or from someone. An additional post purchase behavior is simply telling

other people about experiences with using Airbnb. Often, word-of-mouth referrals can be the

most important in sharing economies, where consumer trust is especially important.

Why customers buy and expectations

The main reason that consumers choose to use Airbnb can be broken into two

categories: guests and hosts. As previously mentioned, the hosts choose to use Airbnb for

extra income. Additionally, Airbnb offers a very customizable renting experience in which

hosts are given a lot of power to choose who to rent to. Guests use Airbnb primarily when

traveling, but also get the same benefits as the guests in a customizable, unique experience.

When a host rents via Airbnb, they have an expectation that they are going to be

presented with all the information necessary to make an informed decision regarding who

they are renting to. Additionally, they expect to get paid the amount agreed upon when they

posted the rental. Guests expect to have a pace to stay which meets the expectations

outlined in the rental description.


Microenvironment Review
Microenvironmental factors can have a powerful impact on a firm’s ability to sustain

itself in an industry. The microenvironmental review will follow a PESTLE format, including

the following topics: legal and regulatory, economic, social and cultural, environmental, and

technical. In the case of Airbnb, microenvironmental factors become especially important due

to global scope and the legal ambiguity regarding short-term rentals. After the essential

microenvironmental factors have been explored, focus will shift to firm-specific analysis.

Legal and Regulatory

The concept of sharing economies in the vacation rental industry is relatively new. For

this reason, some of the legalities surrounding the industry are still a little blurry. Online rental

agencies like Airbnb are being sued by cities for not paying taxes and undergoing typical

regulations that most hotels are subject to.44 Additionally sometimes the rentals aren’t

authorized by the landlords of the buildings, this is a problem for apartments and condos in

particular.45 Airbnb does have a webpage on legal issues, which claims that it will handle

“calculating, collecting, and remitting local occupancy tax” in some tax jurisdictions, but there

is no elaboration on which zones its working with. 46

The impact that economic factors have on Airbnb vary by country. Generally, the price

of gasoline and other fuel alternatives impacts Airbnb’s flow of business. This is likely


because fuel prices often impact travel costs, which in turn affects how many people book

with Airbnb. Due to the strong travel focus of the service, inflation and deflation of the local

currency also have an effect on Airbnb.

Social and Cultural

Airbnb allows complete strangers to rent space or rent spaces to another. The norms

for staying in someone else’s home vary depending on country, customs, and culture.

Cultural differences in guest treatment, trust, and social interaction impact Airbnb’s relevance

in certain areas. The following is a brief overview of social and cultural impacts of the four

most popular countries for travel:47

U.S. - The United States is an individualistic culture that places a premium on

efficiency.48 Communication efforts are explicit, which leaves very little room for

misunderstandings in everyday conversation. However, it may be more difficult for

American hosts to communicate with guests from countries where communication is

highly contextual. U.S. citizens are also less likely to be risk averse, which makes

them more likely to try new business ventures - like an Airbnb service.49

The United States is well developed and many of its citizens are digital natives

who are very familiar with online marketplaces. Furthermore, the concentration of

Airbnb hosts in this area is extremely high, which allows for easy movement within the



France - France is an individualistic country with a strong focus on quality of life.

French citizens enjoy a 35-hour work week and five weeks of holidays per year.50 Due

to the popularity of short vacations, France is a prime target for the Airbnb service.

France also ranks highly in uncertainty avoidance and low on indulgence.51

Spain - Spain, unlike many other European countries, is collectivist.52 In collectivist

societies, people belong to social groups that care for one another. Often, the group’s

wellbeing is placed before the individual’s. Spain also ranks highly in uncertainty

avoidance and prefers to find certainty in social situations in particular.53

China - China is a highly collectivist culture that places a strong emphasis on personal

relationships.54 The Chinese are success oriented and driven. The culture is extremely

pragmatic with a strong future orientation.55 Airbnb had to localize very strongly in

China, due to its unique outlook on rentals and guests, but China is considered a very

important part of Airbnb’s future expansion.56

Airbnb operates worldwide, though it is more concentrated in some areas than others.

The habitability of the area strongly affects Airbnb’s access to it. The inventory of homes in a

specific area affect not only the asking price of the hosts but also the willingness to pay of the


guests. Airbnb is sensitive to season shifts in demand, the presence of natural disasters, and

shifts in weather patterns. Often, the natural environment is one of the key draws of a

particular rental property. While Airbnb does not have direct control of the location of its

rentals, environmental factors should be considered of high importance.

Technology has been advancing with increasing speed, and, because Airbnb operates

on a digital platform, it is sensitive to shifts in technology. Some form of internet connection is

required to use the Airbnb service, and Airbnb will be expected to adapt as technology shifts

into new platforms. Currently, multichannel effects are essential for digital-based businesses

like Airbnb, but multichannel is quickly shifting to omnichannel. Omnichannel promotes a

more integrated experience across all popular channels: social, site, mobile, and often in-

person. Virtual reality options are also gaining popularity.


Firm Analysis

Key Information

Airbnb is headquartered in San Francisco, California and operates in more than

65,000 cities and over 191 countries.57 As of 2017, Airbnb had 2,276 employees.58 In August

2017, it reached over 4 million listings.59 This

number exceeds its competitors, the only firm

that even approaches the same volume is

Homeaway with over 2 million listings.60

Key Management
Airbnb’s management is headed by its

co-founders. Brian Chesky is Airbnb’s CEO,

Nathan Blecharczyk is the Chief Strategy

Officer, and Joe Gebbia is the Chief

Procurement Officer61. Airbnb’s management

team also includes Belinda Johnson who is Chief Business Affairs and Legal Counsel,62

which is an important role because of the current concerns and debates over Airbnb’s

legality. In many cases, the legality of Airbnb’s business model is still being determined.


Lastly, an essential part of the team is Airbnb’s VP of Engineering, Michael Curtis.63 He

guides Airbnb’s team of engineers and data scientists to ensure customers are consistently

receiving relevant matches through the site.

Airbnb was founded in 2008 under the name Air Bed & Breakfast64 by roommates Joe

Gennia, Brian Chesky, and Nathan Blecharszyk. At the time, the three roommates were living

in San Francisco and were struggling to pay rent. In order to come up with some extra money

to subsidize their rent, the group created a website to rent out space in their apartment to

people who needed a place to stay.

Gennia, Chesky, and Blecharszyk

had graduated with degrees in

design, so creating and designing a

website were skills they had already

mastered. The trio launched their

new “business” with perfect timing.

They knew that there was a big design conference coming up in San Francisco. Hotels likely

to reach maximum capacity, and many design students would be looking for a more

affordable place to stay. That weekend, they booked three guests, each paid $80 to sleep on

air mattresses on the floor of their loft.


This idea was originally meant to help with rent and was not supposed to last beyond

the design conference, but it ballooned into something more. The three roommates quickly

realized that their concept could work on a much larger scale. Conceptually, they could make

an incredible and unique business by constructing a network of people who had extra space

to rent out. In early 2008, they took their idea to

fifteen angel investors. They were rejected by

eight and ignored by the other seven. However,

they were not dissuaded and decided to

continue trying to make the business work. The

group seized another golden opportunity and

opened the business up in Denver, CO for the 2008 Democratic Convention.65 Once again,

they thought there would be a shortage of traditional hotel rooms, and they believed their

unique model would increase the supply. During this time, the major issue that they found

was a lack of awareness of their website. In order to increase awareness, the three designers

created two limited edition cereals; Obama O’s and Cap’n McCains. Each box contained its

limited edition number as well as a card containing information about Airbnb. Not only did this

successfully get the word out about Airbnb, but it also generated over $30,000 of additional


With proven results to back-up their business concept, the founders searched for

investors once more. The majority of investors still had trouble seeing the value in shared

rooms and air mattresses. However, in 2009 they landed a $600,000 investment which gave

them the foundation that skyrocket them to be in the position that they are in today.


Primary Products/Services

Airbnb is an online marketplace that allows hosts to post their spaces for rent and

allows guests to seek accommodations while traveling. Airbnb collects a host service fee of

approximately 3% and charges a guest service fee that ranges between 5% and 15%,

depending on location and circumstance.66 Airbnb also facilitates guest profiles, reviews, and

offers 24 hour support.67 Perhaps most importantly, Airbnb supports a digital community that

allows for the easy sharing of experiences.68 The Airbnb website boasts planned events for

travelers, meetups, club activities, and events for local communities.69 This active community

is what allows Airbnb to maintain brand engagement and differentiate itself from its

competitors. Because competitors have been unable to match Airbnb’s scale, they have had

difficulty building similar, tight-knit traveler communities.70

The “Experiences” section of Airbnb allows consumers to explore and purchase

unique “experiences” that are provided by locals whom are often Airbnb hosts.71 Examples of

“experiences” include cooking classes with a local chef, hikes with rescue dogs, or meditation

with a local shaman. The “Restaurants” section recommends the best local eateries and

offers a unique “average price per person” metric.72 Airbnb has partnered with Resy, a mobile

app the books reservations, so that consumers can find and book a reservation within a


single app.73 In a similar partnership with Nest, Airbnb has been attempting to reduce the

environmental footprint of its hosts. Airbnb offers select hosts in the U.S. with a

complementary Nest Learning Thermostat.74 Airbnb states that it promotes environmental

friendliness amongst its hosts and also claims that internal studies have shown that Airbnb

guests use approximately 63% less energy than the average hotel guest.75


Current Goals & Objectives

Airbnb’s main goal is to enhance their market share and their customer revenue

through added services. This is exemplified by Airbnb expanding its offerings outside of

accommodations and to create a vibrant tourist ecosystem within cities while supporting

greater product adaptation in the global market. Speaking on their vision for New York, Brian

Chesky said,

“We imagine a more accessible New York that even more people can afford to

visit, where extra space in people’s homes will not go to waste, and where millions of

visitors patronize neighborhood small businesses across all five boroughs. This will

be a city where tens of thousand of jobs for people like photographers, tour guides,

and chefs will be created to support this thriving new ecosystem.” - Brian Chesky76

Currently, Airbnb has been focused on promoting growth for its newest feature -

“Experiences.” “Experiences” offer specialized activities that provide guests with the

opportunity to experience local cultures in an authentic and unique way. “Experiences” are

more complex than rentals and require more management and quality control. For this

reason, Airbnb has begun to set up its events and experiences on a city-by-city basis. In each

city, Airbnb management examines and approves “experience” plans ahead of time, rather

than allowing hosts to list them freely as it did with rental accommodations.77 In a 2017

Fortune interview, Brian Chesky explained the nuances of listing events as opposed to



“...with Experiences it was more important to start with a managed marketplace

because with a home, it has to be at least good enough for somebody to live in, so

there’s an inherent quality bar. With experiences, because it was so new, there was

no established quality bar. When we were doing pilots, some experiences were

amazing, some weren’t even experiences.”78

Another goal Airbnb has been working toward is product adaptation to support

worldwide movement. Currently, larger markets that vary greatly from the US and European

markets are a primary focus. China especially is a popular travel destination with huge

potential for advancement. Individualistic cultures, like the U.S., are more explicit and less

risk averse, which makes its members more likely to adapt to shared economies. In

opposition, China has a collectivistic culture, which means that long standing social bonds

are extremely important.79 The Chinese are far less likely to trust complete strangers or

accept short-term relationships, which meant that the Airbnb model needed considerable

adaptation before it could be successful in the Chinese market. Of Airbnb’s nearly 4 million

listings, only 80,000 are currently in China.80 In March, Airbnb announced plans to rebrand

itself as “Aibiying” in China which translates roughly to “welcome each other with love.”81 It

also announced plans to partner with the popular Chinese social app WeChat and to support

the Chinese payment method Alipay in order to promote greater brand trust with Chinese



Current & Past Strategies

Airbnb’s current strategy is to move beyond rental accommodations for guests.

Instead, Airbnb aims to provide a holistic travel experience through its rooms, online

community, and “Experiences” platform. Airbnb is increasingly emphasizing community by

working to facilitate events and activities that connect hosts and guests in a more meaningful

way.83 Sharing culture and life together has become a central theme on a global scale. In all

offerings, even within product adaptations, the concepts of “community,” “sharing,” and

“experience” have been preserved.84

In the past, Airbnb took a far more laissez-faire approach to how it organized its

business. Minimal management and interference with its hosts and guests allowed it to enjoy

organic growth and expand its platform fairly quickly.85 Inevitably, culture was shared

organically as guests shared spaces with their local hosts; however it wasn’t emphasized to

the degree it is now. For instance, Airbnb promoted the idea that one could stay with the host

at their house and the host would also make breakfast and share tips and tricks for getting

around the city.86 Its focus remained on providing authentic and affordable accomodations

rather than facilitating the experience of the trip as a whole. As more and more people began

listing on its site, Airbnb began to gain a reputation for offering unusual rentals. From

treehouses to castles to yurts it allows guests to stay in one of a kind rentals 87.


Another key component in Airbnb’s current strategy is broadening its customer base.

When Airbnb was founded, it targeted cost-conscious millennials who were seeking a more

authentic experience, but, in order to continue its growth, Airbnb recognized the need

increase its appeal. Business travelers became an important target. Airbnb set up

partnerships with companies like Hyundai and Dominos to find places for traveling employees

that catered to unique needs: wireless internet, a desk, and 24-hour check in.88 In 2017, it

was reported that over 250,000 businesses regularly booked travel with Airbnb.89 In February

2017, Airbnb also acquired the luxury rental site, Luxury Retreats, in order to appeal to high-

end clientele and fight the developing stigma that Airbnb offered “quantity over quality.” 90



Airbnb is a privately owned company. For this reason, all performance numbers are

educated estimates calculated using information from external sources. According to the

Bloomberg Report for Airbnb’s 3rd Quarter in 2017, revenue was approximately $1 billion. 91

It’s market share in 2016 ranged from 1% in Washington DC to 3.9% in Greater London.92 Its

market share globally was estimated to be approximately 2.7%.93 This would be a .2%

increase from its estimated 2015 market share of the global vacation rental industry of 2.5%.

Airbnb’s exact net profit margin on listed rentals is unknown. It charges hosts a 3% fee

per listing which covers the costs of listing on its site. In addition, it also charges each guest a

6%-12% fee per booking,94 which can be considered its approximate net profit margin.

However, this assumption cannot account for the costs of running and setting up tours on its

platform, since Airbnb is still preparing that feature and it is unclear how it will impact net

profit. Additionally, as a fast-growing startup, with an estimated 40% to 50% growth in listings

per year, Airbnb listings could make up 3.6% to 4.3% of inventory by 2020.95

Market share, in 2017 was approximately 2.7% which represents a growth of 0.2%

between 2016 and 2017. The calculations are shown below:

Current Market Share 2017:

[($1 billion) / (35.9 billion96)] * 100 = 2.7%.
Growth in Market Share 2016-2017:
[Current Market Share (2.7%)] - (Previous Market Share [$900 million]/[35.9 billion] * 100 = 2.5%) = 2.7%-2.5% = .2%


SWOT Analysis
Airbnb was the first vacation

rental company to incorporate a sharing

economy into its business model. Being

the first mover in the industry allowed

Airbnb to get a head-start on scale,

which is one of its competitive

advantages. As a first mover, it also

garnered a lot of attention, both positive

and negative, which has helped contribute to a high level of brand awareness. Airbnb is a

very recognizable brand, most people who live in the countries in which Airbnb operated are

aware of it and the major services it provides.97 Airbnb has also expanded into international

markets, which uncapped enormous growth potential.98 The platform provides a lot of outlets

for customer input, which is essential to the model since it relies on consumer feedback and

reviews. Airbnb uses a star system to determine rankings of hosts and guests. Finally, a

major strength that Airbnb offers over competitors is additional services, such as location

photographers, and their new “Experiences”, to the users.99


One of the main weaknesses that Airbnb faces is that it relies heavily on clients. The thought

of staying in a stranger’s home causes many to think back to the age old saying: ‘stranger danger.’100

Although most guests have pleasant, issue-free stays using Airbnb, there have been instances where

hosts took advantage of the almost anonymous nature of the booking process. In 2017, guests found

a spy camera in the home that they were renting via Airbnb.101 This is just one example, and it shows

a major weakness within Airbnb - a reliance on its hosts and the need to curate a necessary level of

trust betweens its guests and hosts.102 Airbnb also depends on its consumers to fill its portfolio with

desirable and affordable rentals. If Airbnb were to suffer any large string of incidents tied to its brand,

it would be extremely difficult to rebuild trust with both customers and homeowners listing on its site.

As mentioned previously, one of Airbnb’s primary goals is growth. Airbnb has

considerable opportunities in this area, because its concept is applicable worldwide. Some

sources have stated that Airbnb has been considering adding additional services such as

personal chefs and travel options.103 This is a good opportunity as many of Airbnb’s direct

competitors already offer such services. Airbnb is also particularly well positioned for

partnership opportunities, which could make product adaptation for new markets considerably

easier (which is what we’re beginning to see in China).104 Finally, most of the current clients

of Airbnb are people ages 25-44. Airbnb could expand its market to include older and

younger clients.


One of the major threats that Airbnb faces is new entrants. As the sharing economy

continues to grow in size, more and more companies attempt to copy or create models

similar to Airbnb. The increasing competition creates an additional threat in the form of price

wars. As more companies enter the market, it could become tempting for Airbnb to compete

as a cheap option, but it is a fast race to the bottom and these types of price wars can be

detrimental to a company. The final, and possibly most important threat that Airbnb faces, are

larger companies as competition. Unlike FlipKey by Tripadvisor and other similar competitors,

Airbnb does not have the backing of a large parent company.105 It lacks the option to borrow

internally and hide its intentions from its competitors. Additionally, the possibility of added

regulations poses a threat to the future of Airbnb.


Current Lifecycle Stage

Airbnb is in the growth stage on the product life cycle for vacation rentals that operate

in a sharing-economy model. Previously, renting spaces from strangers was met with

skepticism and fear. The majority of customers were innovators and early adopters who didn’t

need the reassurance of a globally recognized brand or online-presence. In recent years,

Airbnb and other sharing economies have grown in prevalence, which has taken away some

of the fear that came with the newness of its model. Questions about safety and

accountability have been answered and its model for dealing with issues has been more

developed which has allowed customers to feel more comfortable engaging in sharing

economies.106 Unfortunately, competition has increased as individuals have become more

accepting of Airbnb’s model. As mentioned earlier, other companies like HomeAway have

started to cut in, and cost is becoming a more important differentiator. Another indicator of its

growth is Airbnb’s funding and listings are growing at an increasingly large rate.107


Current Branding Strategy

The branding strategy of Airbnb focuses around 4 key factors. The first of these is

visual recognizability.108 Having a clear logo, color scheme, and general visual presence is

something that Airbnb focuses on in its branding. The second factor is playing a role in

culture. Instead of simply using culture to benefit the business, Airbnb puts an emphasis on

adding to the culture, which they have done by helping to get the Sharing Economy going.

The third factor that the brand focuses on is making sure that the product and brand stand for

something bigger than themselves. Airbnb embodies the idea of community on a global

scale. The final factor, which the Nancy King, the director of branding for Airbnb, deems the

most important is: creating an emotional connection.109

Airbnb uses multiple media vehicles to advance its strategy. Airbnb’s 2017 Super Bowl

ad, titled “We Accept”,110 is a great example of the use of emotions over rationale in branding.

The ad featured very little about the

company itself but instead a strong,

relevant message about acceptance.

Additionally, Airbnb’s branding focuses

on perceptions of quality. This is done

through the use of high quality

photography as well as the continuous

development of beautiful imagery. It is

108 from


also builds on perceptions of cool. This is exemplified through the exclusive parties,

sponsored celebrity stays, etc… that Airbnb hosts.

As Airbnb continues its advancement, it has also focused on adapting to local cultures

in order to assure continued success in foreign markets. Airbnb has always tried to present

itself as a global citizen. Branding efforts have been offered in 26 different local languages. 111

Airbnb’s engineering group has produced a highly sophisticated translation management tool

(TMS) that allows the company to continue to add new languages and update existing

content with ease.112 Airbnb ads are also extremely localized with targeted adaptation based

on internal data collection. Additionally, when online recruiting tactics have failed, Airbnb has

sent staff members to host info sessions, meet potential hosts, post fliers, and exercise other,

more personal outreach tactics.113 This led to Airbnb’s most recent success in Cuba.

Airbnb has attempted to expand its global citizen image to include “good citizen”

efforts that emphasize improvement for the global community. Airbnb has emphasized the

idea of global understanding and has made efforts to promote environmental friendliness as a

worldwide benefit of its service. Airbnb’s environmental efforts with Nest is just one example

of these good citizen efforts, but efforts have gone far beyond brand partnerships. 114 Airbnb

has hosted volunteer efforts with its hosts all around the world, and they’ve spread the news

of these efforts using internal content marketing efforts and the trending tag “global

citizenship” on its community website.115


Core Competencies &

Competitive Advantage

Core Competencies
Airbnb’s core competency is its superior design coupled with an innovative mindset in

how it approaches solving customer’s needs.

Airbnb has a high caliber design to all its products and services.116 The superior

aesthetics and experience customers have while browsing through Airbnb’s services are an

asset that can be leveraged in multiple areas

of its business. Airbnb strongly encourages

hosts to have all photos of their property

taken by professional photographers, and

every photo must go through an approval

process before it can be added to the listings on the site.117 The attention to detail in the

listing photos greatly add to the professionalism of the site, which leads to a greater sense of

customer trust. Because building trust is one of the greatest hurdles for a sharing economy

business, the uniformity and professionalism of Airbnb’s listings has lent to its current

success and scale.

While high caliber design is not a core competency that is easily copied, it is feasible

for other organizations to accomplish a similar result in time. However, Airbnb has built its

business model around providing a superior experience on its website and makes user

experience a top priority. Airbnb continually tests variations on its website to improve

customers’ experience.118 Airbnb data scientists partner with engineers, designers, and

product managers in order to create a completely integrated experience while capturing the


best data possible.119 With over 30 million guests per year, Airbnb would struggle to

individually review all of the information it receives. 120 Instead, it relies on complex data

management systems to make decisions about community growth, product development, and

resource prioritization.121 Currently, data initiatives are used to determine and track host

preferences, ensure diverse hiring, and to determine what guests are more likely to book

again in the future.122

Along with its superior design, Airbnb has also led in innovation ever since it first

entered the market.123 It was one of the first companies to effectively utilize a sharing

economy in a way that appealed to consumers. As it grew, it continued to add value for its

customers by adding new services that aligned with Airbnb's business model. Airbnb has

expanded into postings for photographers, personal chefs, and is looking into adding airfare

to its site.124 New services such as these can help Airbnb add variety to its product offering

and assist their efforts to adapt to new markets. The new “Experiences” feature moves Airbnb

further toward full-service travel offerings,125 and the addition of community involvement

information to its website has allowed it to become more integrated into the lives of its

consumers.126 Innovation is particularly beneficial in the hotel and travel industry. The market

is highly saturated, and Airbnb’s ability to creatively problem solve gives it an edge over its


competition.127 The unorthodox approach Airbnb takes to solving its customers problems is a

unique competency it can leverage across multiple businesses and platforms going forward.

The ability to find rentals that meet segment needs is another core competency.

Airbnb caters to four primary segments: business professionals, millennials, event-goers, and

group/family travelers. Airbnb is especially well structured to cater to business professionals

due to its partnerships with businesses such as Hyundai and Dominos128. The primary needs

for business professionals were: wireless internet, a desk, 24-hour check in, and privacy129.

Airbnb has been able to work with hosts in order to find reasonably priced accommodations

for long term business stays that better cater to these needs than an average hotel service.

Airbnb is very well structured for similar partnerships meant to cater to their other segments.

For example, a partnership with the reservation app Resty allowed Airbnb to provide direct

reservation channels for their guests130. In China, Airbnb created strategic partnerships with

WeChat and Alipay to allow Chinese consumers to more easily communicate and to pay in a

more familiar format131. The recent addition of Experiences has been particularly attractive to

the millennial and group/family segments, because both seek unique and diverse

experiences when traveling.



Competitive Advantage
Cost Advantage

Airbnb started with an inherent cost advantage due to the far lower price of host’s

spaces in comparison to established solution competitors (such as hotels). Airbnb also has a

much larger scale, which allows it to accept lower margins. Airbnb charges a 3% fee 132 for its

host relative to its competitors who average around 4 - 9%.133 The cost advantage is

disappearing as more competitors copy it’s initial model. While its initial cost advantage is

decreasing, Airbnb still has a marketing cost advantage relative to its competitors. Unlike its

some of its smaller competitors, Airbnb is able leverage its size of its business and its brand

community to create a more profitable impact with its marketing investments.

Airbnb has no investment in physical properties. This reduces its operating costs significantly

as properties require extensive maintenance and may decrease in value overtime. The

decision to not purchase properties or rentals has decreased Airbnb’s risks and liabilities.

This is a distinct advantage Airbnb has over traditional hotel companies like Marriott.

Established hotel industries do not have the flexibility to sell off their properties and switch to

a sharing-economy business model.134 Despite this, the advantage is not sustainable since it

is easy for other online rental agencies to copy Airbnb’s business model.

Differentiation Advantage

Airbnb is shifting to a differentiation advantage to remain ahead of its many

competitors. Over the years it has created a little monopoly, leveraging its larger scale to


build an integrated online community.135 Airbnb users are able to access local community

information such as club events or community service opportunities when they’re not

traveling.136 When Airbnb users are traveling, they can access the “MeetUp” feature to find

Airbnb events hosted nearby.137 Detailed user profiles and advanced data tracking allow

Airbnb to cater to users and continually engage.138 Airbnb’s first mover strategy and large

scale almost certainly contributed to its ability to build and maintain such a tremendous


Airbnb also differentiates via the scope of listings it carries. The wide selection and

vast array of listings they maintain make its more appealing for users looking for variety. The

different types of rentals, everything from rooms to mansions differentiates Airbnb particularly

with renters looking to list their spaces. With Airbnb they can list rooms versus needing to list

an entire property, this attracts more individuals looking to post listings as well as individuals

looking for cost-friendly places to stay. 139

Airbnb’s most essential differentiation advantage is its continuous innovation toward

becoming a full-service travel experience. Ultimately, Airbnb hopes to be able to host each

aspect of a user’s travel experience and thus reach a high level of consumer integration.

Airbnb’s partnership with Resty allowed it to add restaurant reservations to its list of services,

and the addition of “Experiences” has allowed Airbnb to offer some activities for travelers as

well.140 By continuously increasing its involvement with the travel experience of its users,


Airbnb is creating lasting customer relationships at a level that competitors have not been

able to match.

Airbnb also enjoys a unique advantage in the way it has cultivated its company

management and culture. It will be difficult for Airbnb’s competitors to copy or steal Airbnb’s

tacit knowledge, and the company culture isn’t easily replicated.141 The Airbnb management

has been built slowly over time, so as to prevent the spreading of essential tacit knowledge

outside of the organization. The co-founders are still with the company, thus the learning and

knowledge they have accumulated throughout the lifetime of the organization remain a

competitive advantage. This can be leveraged against competitors who would have to start

from scratch when learning to grow a online sharing economy successfully. Airbnb’s

company culture is another asset that is difficult for its competitors to replicate. As of 2017

Airbnb ranked sixth on the employee experience index.142 Employees at Airbnb are

encouraged to keep personal blogs exploring creative idea and new methods to improve the

customer experience. The innovation orientation has been infused into every aspect of

Airbnb’s culture from its management down to its employees.

Lastly, Airbnb’s brand is a competitive advantage. Its unique design, the values it

stands for, and the vision it pursues are all elements that bring meaning into its users lives

and create value. Since brands are a co-creation between the consumer and the

organization, Airbnb’s competitors cannot necessarily capture the same brand meanings

Airbnb has cultivated over the years. It requires a significant investment of time and money,

as well as a certain amount of user engagement to build a strong brand. This is an area that

Airbnb particularly excels at that can be used to create superior value for its customers.




Convenience Seekers:
Those focused on amenities and having a wide variety of global locations are often traveling

business professionals. These customers are located all over the world so accommodations need to

be available globally. In 2017, Airbnb reported that approximately 250,000 businesses booked

regularly with Airbnb143. Primary needs for business travelers were identified as: wireless internet, a

desk, and 24-hour check in144. Airbnb achieved a better understanding of this segment by partnering

with companies like Hyundai and Dominos to find places for their traveling employees that catered to

their unique needs145. Business professionals tend to be less sensitive to price than other segments

as many of them have more disposable income.

The primary competitor of Airbnb for this segment is hotels. Hotels are located all over the

world and offer similar benefits. The primary point of difference that sets Airbnb apart from the hotel

industry is that Airbnb offers a more diverse portfolio of options, which includes offerings that are far

more private than hotel rooms. In hotels, guests often have neighbors on either side, Airbnb offers

many options which are much more secluded. However, the greater consistency in the pricing of hotel

rooms could been seen as a benefit for many businesses.

The business professional segment can be considered extremely large. The number of

individuals in the U.S. employed in a professional or business services job is 20.6 million146. Because

Airbnb is global, the potential market could be considerably larger. It’s important to consider that the

offered number also excludes individuals in other lines of work who may also have to travel.

Furthermore, the number of business travelers seems to be very consistent each year. Statista, a

popular statistics site, displays both the recent travel information for business and leisure travelers as

143Airbnb stresses it is making strides in duty of care for business travellers . (2017, November 15). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
144Among private tech firms, Airbnb has pursued a distinct strategy. (2017, May 27). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
145Among private tech firms, Airbnb has pursued a distinct strategy. (2017, May 27). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

well as estimates for the next few years. Since 2008, the number of business trips out of the U.S. has

hovered between 434.3 million and 466.2 million147. On average, American business travel accounts

for approximately 16% of all long-distance travel148. The majority of business trips are less than 250

miles but often local accommodation149. The average stay is between 4 and 6 days per business


Image from Statista

According to the U.S. Travel Bureau, approximately 77% of business travelers were male in

2003, though there is some evidence that the number has become less skewed in recent years151.

Approximately 55% of business trips are taken by individuals between the ages of 30 and 49, and the

average traveler has an income level that exceeds the national average152. U.S. business

147Number of business and leisure travelers U.S. 2008-2020 | Statistic. (2018). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
148U.S. Business Travel. (2003). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
149U.S. Business Travel. (2003). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
150Among private tech firms, Airbnb has pursued a distinct strategy. (2017, May 27). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
151U.S. Business Travel. (2003). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
152U.S. Business Travel. (2003). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

professionals tend to work in professional, managerial, or technical positions and often value


Low-Budget Culture Seekers

Those using travel as a way to experience culture on a budget are typically millennials.

Millennials look for a way to affordably escape their day-to-day jobs and impending student loans.

According to a recent study done by Airbnb, most millenials would value travel over paying off student

loans or buying a home. Millennials often seek out culturally rich experiences and they overall value

experience over material things. In the same study, over 80% of millennials say they travel to discover

something new and want to have unique local experiences. ** Airbnb offers these benefits to

millennial travelers by offering global rental locations and with their new experiences feature that

allows locals to offer unique experiences in addition to rentals.

Airbnb’s largest competitor in this segment is Flipkey by TripAdvisor. Flipkey is a very similar

company to Airbnb and offers many of the primary benefit that millennials are looking for. Because of

backing from TripAdvisor, Flipkey is able to offer an extremely large portfolio of affordable rentals.

However, Airbnb’s focus on experiences, especially pairing with locals to provide these experiences is

more fit to fulfill these benefits than a traditional hotel chain or similar competitors like Flipkey.

Millenials are a large generation, consisting of about 92 million.154 Millennials are born

between the years of 1980 and 2000 (ages 18-38).155Millennials are recently coming into their prime

working and spending years, so who they choose to support is crucial for the success of a business.

153U.S. Business Travel. (2003). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
* Schultz., B. (2015, August 18). Not Just Millennials: Consumers Want Experiences, Not Things. Retrieved February 19,
2018, from
**Airbnb and the Rise of Millennial Travel. (2016, November). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

They are the first generation of digital natives and are therefore more adept at using many

technologies than previous generations. Millennials also often have less money to spend and are

more encumbered with debt, and consequently are less likely to invest luxury or high-priced items.

Instead, millennials are turning to a new set of services that provide access to products without the

burdens of ownership.

Millennials priorities are also different, with many putting off traditional milestones like

marriage and home ownership. Compared to 68% in 1968, only 23% of millennials in 2012 were

married and were living in their own household. In addition, the previous generation had an average

age of 25 for home purchases while millennials on average wait until 45. Many millennials never buy,

with 60% choosing to rent instead. This contributes to millennials connection to Airbnb as they are

less focused on ownership and are more inclined to share space with others.

Event-Location Seekers
One of Airbnb’s primary segments are those individuals traveling to a location to

participate in a specific event - often outlined of as tourism events. Event tourism has grown

exponentially since 2008, and Airbnb has certainly benefited from the increase 156. The people

in this customer segment are seeking accommodations that are efficient, easy, and hassle

free. The primary feature members from this segment seek is an accommodation close to the

activity or event they traveled to participate in. A short commute to local destinations is

important as the reason these individuals are traveling is to participate in that specific event

or activity. Because their focus is on attending a specific event, they are a looking for

accommodations that can be booked far in advance or last minute since they often will book

on either end of the spectrum.

156Getz, D., & Page, S. (2015, May 13). Progress and prospects for event tourism research. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

Image from Volume 52 of Tourism Management by Donald Getz and Stephan J. Page157

The type of event can vary from a concert, theme park, festival or rally. Often, the

needs vary based on the scale and importance of he event. The segment size is difficult to

calculate since the number of events people participate in along with the frequency they

attend events varies. Often events are broken down into four categories: 1.) local events, 2.)

regional events, 3.) periodic hallmark events, and 4.) occasional mega-events. The value of

rentals within an area increases depending on its place on the event spectrum. For example,

a rental in proximity to an occasional mega event would have its value greatly increased for


the duration of the event, whereas a local event is unlikely to significantly impact the value of

a short-term rental property158.

Image from Volume 52 of Tourism Management by Donald Getz and Stephan J. Page 159

Airbnb’s most important competitor in this segment includes hotel industry competitors like

the Marriott, because the hotel chains frequently own properties near common event

destinations. Hotel chains also allow for consumers to book their visits far in advance, which

allows those planning for large scale events to secure housing long before the event

approaches. However, in locations that are more unique and rare, Airbnb has an advantage

since it has access to a broader inventory of locations due to its network of hosts. This could

be seen in this year’s recent solar eclipse in Oregon. Airbnb was able to provide a platform

for individuals living near the eclipse with the means to rent their homes in a professional

manner. The demographics and psychographics change depending on the event type. The

majority of concerts and festivals typically draw a younger crowd. Sports events draw people

158Getz, D., & Page, S. (2015, May 13). Progress and prospects for event tourism research. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

from all backgrounds, but the higher priced games typically draw avid fans with the money to

spend on tickets. Because the event types are so broad, it is difficult to pinpoint specific

characteristics of this customer segment.

Experience Focused
Families or large groups that travel together are typically looking for accomodations

that not only provide an affordable rate, but allow everyone in the group to stay in close

quarters. Often, if the trip is a pleasure trip or vacation, they are looking for a space with a

common area that can be shared by the members in the group. Flexibility of space and the

ability to spend time together in a large group without disturbing other guests is important,

because the purpose of the trip is to group bonding. These trips typically take the form of a

family vacation or reunion of some type (either a reunion of friends or family members). It has

also been posited that the group traveler segment has more a more diverse set of interests,

and that traveling groups may prefer areas that offer a relatively wide variety of activities160.

Adjoining rooms, suites, condos with kitchens, and a common area that can be shared

by all members of the group are generally features that offer what this segment is seeking. A

space to eat together as a group, to prepare food, and to participate in activities (indoor and

outdoor) together also provides the ability for large groups to connect as they travel. The

primary need is a space to be loud in and spend time together without disturbing fellow

guests. According to Group Travel Leader, retirees dominate the group travel market and

only 16% of their respondents are under the age of 50161. Group travelers also tend to prefer

160Jewell, B. (2016, August 30). Statistics on the Modern Travel Planner. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from
161Jewell, B. (2016, August 30). Statistics on the Modern Travel Planner. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

full-package accommodations that include events and activities162. For this reason, it seems

that Airbnb could expect more group travelers as its “Experience” options become more

widely available.

According to Edith Wagner, the editor of Reunion Magazine, as of 2013, at least

200,000 official family reunions were held every year in the U.S. with over 1 million people.163

This number counts for official family reunions only and doesn’t include family vacations or

trips made with a group of friends. It also does not account for families and groups who travel

together globally. However, it is assumed the segment is quite large, particularly in areas

were families are close-knit such as India164 and China.165

Airbnb’s most important competitor in this segment includes friends and relatives who

offer places to stay to groups of travelers, as well as other home rental sites such as

HomeAway. Because individuals in this segment travel in groups, it is often more convenient

to rent a whole house or apartment, because the stand-alone properties become more

affordable when the cost is split between multiple people and privacy can be assured. The

privacy allows greater flexibility for the group to interact and eat together. In opposition, hotels

tend to be cramped and inconvenient for members to spend time in each other’s rooms

where there is limited space. The segment tends to be comprised of families, relatives, and/or

close knit friends. Culture plays a large part in how people interact in groups.

162Jewell, B. (2016, August 30). Statistics on the Modern Travel Planner. Retrieved February 19, 2018, from



Target Market and Competition

Target Market Segment: Low-Budget/Culture seekers

A segment vital to the success of Airbnb is the Low-Budget/Culture Seekers. This

segment sees travel as a way to discover new places, experience unique adventures, and

soak in the local culture. They also expect to do this with a minimal budget and tend to avoid

luxury products. This segment is represented by the Millennial generation and range in age

from 18 to 38.166

Key Competitor: HomeAway

A key competitor to Airbnb that also seeks to target Low-Budget/Culture Seekers is

HomeAway. Although HomeAway does not rent out single rooms, but focuses on the entire

apartment/house it still competes with Airbnb for the Low-Budget/Culture Seekers. Besides

Airbnb it is the option that provides a cheap, authentic stay, with a vast selection of locations

globally. Unlike staying with neighbors or friends, HomeAway allows greater diversity and

flexibility in locations. Both HomeAway and Airbnb in essence connect their consumers to a

larger network of relatively cheap rentals.

Our goal is to determine how Airbnb can grow market share globally by

creating more value for Low-Budget/Culture Seekers than HomeAway does.


Customer Perspective

Factors Importance

Location of Accommodations 10

Cleanliness 7

Amenities 7

Aesthetics/Uniqueness of Lodgings 6

Trustworthiness/Safety of rentals listed. 9

Ease of Booking Experience 6

Customer service in case something unexpected
Price 10

Firm Perspective
- Airbnb- -HomeAway-
Importance Importance
Score Weighted Score Weighted
Score Score

Location of Accommodations 10 x 10 =100 10 x 8 =80

Cleanliness 7 x 5 =35 7 x 5 =35

Amenities 7 x 8 =56 7 x 7 =56

Aesthetics/Uniqueness of Lodgings 6 x 10 =60 6 x 8 =48
Trustworthiness/Safety of rentals listed. 9 x 8 =72 9 x 8 =72
Ease of Booking Experience 6 x 9 =54 6 x 7 =42
Customer service in case something 8 x 7 =56 8 x 8 =64
unexpected happens.

Price 10 x 9 =90 10 x 9 =90

Total ------------ 66 523 ------------ 60 487


*Unless otherwise note the information gathered here was obtained via Airbnb’s website.

• “Experiences” that gives individuals options for unique local tours and activities.

• Over 1 million listings worldwide. 5

• Reviews of renters and rentals to help increase accountability and safety.

• Online community of travelers and renters.

• Easy to navigate website, and overall easy booking platform.

• Elegant design, facilitates browsing rentals.

• A greater variety of listing types, from treehouses to castles168

• A wide range of rental prices, from cheap to luxury.

• Offers greater flexibility for renting part of a property (such a single room)169

• Local fine dining reviews and ability to make reservations170


*Unless otherwise note the information gathered here was obtained via HomeAway’s website.

• Over 1 million listings worldwide172

• A limited number of referrals and reviews posted.

• Easy to navigate website.

• A wide range of prices on accommodations.

• Can sign in with a Google Account.

• More options for luxury rentals173

• Only allows whole properties to be rented


3-Circle Map

Opportunities for Growth

A key opportunity for Airbnb is making the Airbnb website and app a “one-stop-shop”

for everything you need during travel. The first steps would be branching out into flight

booking and local travel arrangements. It has been reported that Airbnb already is developing

a way to add flights to it’s app, which would pull it closer in competition to sites like Expedia

and Priceline.174 Once at the destination this segment is looking for an affordable way to get

around. A partnership with a company like Uber could satisfy this need without having to

switch between apps. Not only will the addition of transportation add value for this segment, it

will also add another revenue stream for Airbnb.

Features that can be Eliminated

Currently, Airbnb offers a catalog of popular local restaurants with average estimated

per person costs of $40 or above.175 The segment of Low-Budget/Culture Seekers tend to not

value luxury experiences or rentals.176 This segment is looking for local and affordable

eateries, not the expensive tourist traps. In order to appeal to this segment Airbnb needs to

refocus this feature, or strive to include the unique small places that this segment seeks out.

Airbnb also recently announced “Beyond by Airbnb,” an extension of Airbnb that offers luxury

full-service rentals.177 Beyond includes only the most expensive and luxurious rental homes

that are paired with experiences for a “elevated” travel experience. This is diametrically

opposed to what this segment is looking for in travel accommodations.


Features that should be better promoted

One feature that Airbnb offers which is not as widely promoted as it could be is the

experiences portion of the business. Most people know Airbnb for its wide offerings of unique

vacation rentals around the world. However, one aspect that many low budget/culture

seekers value are the experiences that they can have when on vacation. While Airbnb offers

services to help solve this unmet need, these services are not particularly well promoted. In

the “Experiences” feature local hosts can post adventures that range from guided tours and

personal cooking classes to classical Japanese dance classes or snorkeling. This feature

moves Airbnb further towards being a full-service travel provider and being able to provide

every benefit this segment looks for when making travel decisions. To best appeal to this

segment it is important in promotions to feature travel as a holistic experience and highlight

the multitude of unique activities and tours Airbnb can offer. Going forward Airbnb should

focus more of its resources and capabilities on growing and enhancing its experiences in

order to grow market share with the Low-Budget/Culture Seekers segment.

Points of Difference
One of the major points of difference that Airbnb offers over its competition is readily

available services which offer restaurant reservations and reviews. This information can be

valuable to consumers as they travel and are more likely to eat out.178 This feature of Airbnb

is well designed and easy to navigate with a wide variety of specific filters to help the user

customize their results. Despite this, the feature may not be a particularly valuable point of

difference for Airbnb. This segment, low budget/culture seekers, are likely going to be


seeking either low cost meal options, or culturally accurate meal options. Many of the

restaurants promoted on Airbnb are more expensive and the company doesn’t offer very

many small local restaurants. Although there is room for growth in this service, as it stands

now, this is not a particularly valuable service to be offered to this specific segment.

Marketing Plan


Marketing Goals & Objectives

Our first major goal for Airbnb is to, “Gain market share from its competitors.” While

the intersection of vacation rentals and the sharing economy is still relatively new,

competitors like HomeAway and continue to rival Airbnb. One objective

identified to help achieve this goal is to, “Create 20 large scale business partnerships with

major companies by January 1st, 2019.” Already, Airbnb has partnered in the growing Asian

market with WeChat, the popular app that increased Chinese signups by 700%.179

Partnering with businesses that deliver benefits that Airbnb does not already provide will help

to differentiate itself from its competitors. Examples of potential partner could be with

Duolingo or Uber.

The second goal is to, “Grow the market for short-term vacation rentals.” While the

market for travel accommodations is immensely saturated by hotel chains, the market for

short-term vacation rentals is relatively untapped. According to IBIS World, the revenue for

global hotels and resorts is 878 billion dollars.180 This is compared to the vacation rental

market with estimated revenue of 17,949 million dollars.181 The objective associated with

achieving this goal is to, “Increase conversions by 20% for low-budget culture seekers by

January 1st, 2019.” As consumer spending on travel is expected to increase over the next

five years, pulling Airbnb’s chosen segment away from hotels and towards more personal

and local vacation rentals is vital to sustaining Airbnb's growth.182


The third goal is to, “Capture the market for ‘Experiences.’” Experiences, Airbnbs new

offering where travelers can buy unique, local experiences, is still in its fledgling stage. This

offers a key benefit to Airbnbs target segment of Low-Budget Culture Seekers so it is

essential that “Experiences” is available wherever Airbnb has listings. In order to reach this

goal Airbnb should focus on, “Expanding ‘Experiences’ to 400 new cities globally by January

1st, 2019.” In October 2017, Airbnb launched its 40th city of “Experiences” in New York

City.183 Airbnb’s CEO wanted the introduction of this offering to be more gradual and

controlled, unlike the unbridled growth of rental listings.184 Now that experience listings have

proven to be a success, launches in cities across the globe are impending.

The final goal pinpointed for Airbnb is to, “Become more globally relevant.” Thus far,

Airbnb has experienced extraordinary growth in North America and many major European

cities. Already, two thirds of trips are booked internationally. 185 Efforts to expand listings

internationally will likely prove to be profitable and successful as market saturation is low and

internet adoption is increasing.186 To fulfill this goal, the following objective has been offered:

“Increase the number of international listings in Asia by 20% by January 1st, 2019.” Growth in

major Asian cities accounts for three of the top five fastest growing cities for Airbnb, with

Osaka growing an astonishing 512% in additional listings.187



Non-Current Airbnb Users
“Airbnb allows hosts all over the world to rent out space for guests to use, so no matter
how big or small and no matter where the business is located Airbnb hosts can rent space
out through Airbnb.”

Although this segment does have the potential to benefit from using Airbnb it seems as

though Airbnb is not focusing on filling the needs of this segment. A lot of the company’s

promotions are focused on experiences and adventurous travels. Often, these promotions

disclude small, rural areas. Airbnb operates in over 150 countries, and many of these

countries are more rural. For this reason, the company is missing out on promoting a large

part of the business.


“With an easy to navigate website Airbnb is able to fill the needs of travellers who are
not as comfortable using web based technology.”

One segment that could greatly benefit from using Airbnb are people who are seeking

vacation rentals who are not as familiar with technology, also known as digital immigrants.

These are individuals, mostly those over the age of 55, who were not brought up with

technologies such as cell phones or the internet. Unfortunately, because of the primarily

digital nature of Airbnb, this would be a difficult segment for Airbnb to capture and fulfill the

needs of. However, the Airbnb website was created with ease of navigation in mind so this

segment is not completely lost to Airbnb.


Current Airbnb Users

“Airbnb offers a variety of different lodging options from single bedroom apartments to
8 bedroom mansions, so no matter what the traveller is looking for Airbnb has a convenient
location available for them.”

One of the primary segments that exists for Airbnb are convenience seekers. These

are typically individuals who are travelling primarily for business and are in need of

convenient locations globally. Because so many businesses book their employee travel

lodging through Airbnb, this is a significant segment for Airbnb to consider.


“Travellers looking for an affordable way to lodge to culturally rich places can find
locations in over 150 countries through Aribnb.”

Many people are in need of affordable places to stay while traveling. A large portion of

this segment is made up of millennials who are looking for an affordable way to escape their

everyday jobs. Additionally, this segment has a focus on experiencing new things and

interesting cultures over material things. Although a large portion of this segment is

millennials, the low budget culture seekers segment flows into other segments as well, as

most people booking through Airbnb are looking for an affordable vacation rental.

“With a variety of different types of lodgings located all over the world any customers
looking for a place to stay for a specific event can find what they need through Airbnb.”\

When people travel for specific events, such as concerts, and other tourist events,

they are in need of efficient, easy, and hassle free lodging. As the tourism event industry has

increased as has the need for this type of lodging.



“The variety of locations and experiences offered through Airbnb help travelers looking
for entertainment and lodging for large groups to find what exactly what they need.”

Groups who travel together, families in particular, are looking not only for lodgings to

accommodate larger groups, but also entertainment. Airbnb offers an experience service

which helps to cater to these needs. Additionally, with the large selection of different kinds of

lodgings located all over the world Airbnb, is able to help fill the needs of this segment.

The segment which Airbnb should be targeting are the low-budget culture seekers.

The reason for this is that it the largest segment and has needs that will also benefit other

segments if met. Because of this, if the low-budget culture seeker segment is focused on,

then it has the highest amount of positive impact. Furthermore, this segment is seeing the

most growth as the number of millennials who travel increased by 35% in 2017 and is

expected to continue to grow.188 Airbnb has the scope to continue to offer lower

accommodations, and the availability of its rentals in other countries has continued to grow

each year. Millennials are coming into their prime spending years, and who they choose to

support will become vital to the success of the business.

Positioning Strategy
“For those travelers with a low budget and seeking local culture, Airbnb creates a holistic
travel experience via scope, experiences, and community.”
Airbnb is “first” when it comes to the intersection of vacation rentals and the sharing

economy. This gives Airbnb several advantages. Airbnb is the first look for not only

consumers looking for short-term vacation rentals, but also the first look for those looking to

rent an extra room or their home. Airbnb IS short-term vacation rentals. This association

gives Airbnb unmatched scope, with limitless hosts and cities. In addition to being able to

offer incredible variety beyond that of its competitors, Airbnb utilizes this scope to be able to

offer a wide range of price points for rentals. While there are high-end rentals available,

Airbnb has capitalized on their reputation for affordable vacation rentals.


Airbnb is the first and only business in this market to offer “experiences” in conjunction

with its rentals. Bringing accommodations and activities together captures everything this

segment values when traveling. Incorporating this new feature positions Airbnb beyond just

being a vacation rental company. Airbnb does not just offer rentals, it offers this segment an

entire travel experience with integrated applications to offer continuously improving ease of


While Airbnb currently has an online community for its hosts to share tips and network,

we recommend developing a similar online platform for renters. Allowing renters to share

images and stories of not only their rentals, but also their activities, will help further position

Airbnb as the provider of a full travel experience. Personal stories and engaging photos will

also bring out the desire for locality and cultural experiences that this segment associates

with travel. Positioning Airbnb as a gateway to this locality and unique experiences will further

distance it from its competitors that are more reminiscent of hotels.


Marketing Implementation
Airbnb will start a social media campaign to encourage engagement with its brand.

The campaign will focus on engaging users in a conversation on Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram, and other relevant social media platforms specific to the country. Airbnb will utilize

a continuous scheduling for its owned media. For paid or promoted ads on social platforms it

will utilize a pulsing strategy and increase the number of promoted posts or ads during

vacation worthy events such as spring break, summer vacation, and other nationally

recognized holidays specific to each country. Early interactions will be initiated by asking

provoking questions about travel in general, and reaching out to individual consumers to ask

about their experience using Airbnb. The campaign will center around Airbnb’s “Experiences”

and building a discussion around the pros, cons, and interesting opportunities it offers

consumers. One way that Airbnb could accomplish this is by creating events such as online

video or photo contests for participants to record and vote on their favorite “experience”

videos or photos. Airbnb will encourage users to post or tag the brand’s social media account

and do its best to respond to as many individual posts as possible so that users feel they are

being heard. It will help enhance the “experience” element of the Airbnb brand by making it

more shareable and visible for friends and family. Airbnb will also work to create more of a

back-and-forth conversation between Airbnb and the consumers by asking thought provoking

questions about what makes an “experience” enjoyable or authentic.

Another method Airbnb will employ is utilizing the plethora of online vacation bloggers,

vloggers, and content creators. Airbnb will offer these content creators free “experiences” in

return for honest reviews and articles on their individual content platforms. This will help the

experience section of Airbnb gain traction and promote the idea of Airbnb providing a holistic

travel experience. It can also leverage native advertising with these content creators to

promote itself online.

A key component that will tie together all the other marketing elements is an online

community for travelers. Currently, Airbnb has an online platform for hosts to connect and

discuss, however there is no such platform for individual travelers. If Airbnb were to create its

own website to host an online forum for guest interactions, it would help promote a greater

sense of community among guests. Airbnb would need to make the site integratable with

other social media sites so that conversations could be fluid across platforms but still be

grounded within Airbnb’s hosted site.

Last, Airbnb can encourage engagement and awareness among low-budget culture

seekers through strategic partnerships and integration with common language and traveling

apps. Duolingo, is a popular language app, partnering with apps like these could be beneficial

since they offer a service relevant to travelers needing to learn a new language. Airbnb could

promote these apps on its sites and in return Duolingo and other travel/language apps could

integrate Airbnb services through their apps.


Each of these marketing plans shall be implemented by region and then on a more

granular level, by country. Implementing by regions (Asia, Europe, America, Africa etc.) will

help ensure that the programs can be enacted on a large scale while still taking into account

cultural differences. After the programs are implemented regionally, steps will be taken to

tailor each one by country. Airbnb’s current language algorithms should be incredibly

beneficial to this process.



All of the marketing programs will be started right away. In order to drive engagement

with the brand, Airbnb will need to work on each of the programs simultaneously. However,

Airbnb’s traveler site should take approximately nine months to develop. For this reason,

some of the site integration may take time. The social media campaign and engagement with

vacation bloggers will help drive the conversation online. The online community platform for

guests and app integration will provide users more resources to participate in that dialogue.


Unfortunately, it will take approximately 9 months to build the website 189 for the online

community for guests. The social media campaign will take approximately 1-2 months to start

gaining traction online. Because the length of traction time and campaign relevance varies by

platform, it is difficult to predict more exact values for the social campaign. It is possible that

this could take more or less time depending on the current political and cultural environment,

because these factors can strongly affect how people interact with and use social media

offerings.190 The app integration will take approximately 6 months to a year since Airbnb will

have to negotiate with each individual app company and integration with each of these apps

will vary. In some cases, Airbnb may just display its logo or post ads frequently. In other

cases, it may act as an app sponsor191, or it may chose integrate its services within the app

and vice versa.

It will also take, at minimum, a year to encourage content curation with vacation

bloggers, vloggers and other content creators. Airbnb will have to work with each of these



content creators individually. Curating these relationships can be time consuming, but

ultimately having the support of subject matter experts will help their “experiences” services

gain credibility in the marketplace. Because consumer trust is so vital in sharing economies,

the process of gaining credibility can be considered vital to widespread adoption efforts.

Estimating the costs of a global campaign can be difficult. The following numbers

should be considered to be educated estimates based on the information available. The

overall budget for the marketing efforts as calculated below is $1,251,950 ($551,950 for

social media outreach, $200,000 for a community site, $500,000 for app partnerships). The

overall budget can be considered to be $1,300,000 with approximately $48,050 set aside for

miscellaneous expenses.

Ultimately, the cost of a social media engagement campaign was estimated to be

$551,950. The average salary of a social media marketing specialist in the U.S. is $50,390,

and an estimated five specialists (50,390 x 5 = $251,950) were required for the global

campaign192. An additional marketing budget of $300,000 was provided to pay for advertising

and content creation. A closely related influencer outreach budget was set at $150,000. This

was based on a goal of 150,000,000 or more impressions and an industry average provided

by Sprout Social of $1,000 - $5,000 per content piece expected to receive 500,000 or more

impressions193. This budget may seem relatively high, but Airbnb’s scale indicates that it

should seek high visibility influencers. Celebrity bloggers, youtubers, and actors require a

much higher fee. Influencer collaboration efforts often result in improved brand advocacy,


expanded brand awareness, and often leads to an expanded reach. For these reasons, the

influence budget was considered one of high priority194.

A web app creator for Quora provided a rough estimated cost of $500,000 for a

website with features similar to Facebook195. The estimate was based on the development of

several smaller social media websites. Airbnb doesn’t require the same level of integration as

Facebook. In fact, a more lean social design akin to its host community that could be linked to

a user’s existing social media platforms would be more advantageous to the company,

because it would allow Airbnb to access Facebook network connections. For this reason, a

more conservative budget of $200,000 has been set aside for the development of the online

community. This budget assumes a lean design and the ability to reuse resources used in the

development of the host community. The estimated time to establish the community based on

the features desired is approximately nine months196.

App partnerships and integration efforts have been essential to Airbnb’s attempts to

create a holistic experience. App integration has also been essential to establishing the

Airbnb model internationally. Estimating the cost of app partnership efforts is extraordinarily

difficult. Cost is based on the type of partnership, the degree of integration, and the nature

and scope of the app in question. A budget of $500,000 has been set aside for app

partnerships, but this value could be re-evaluated based on the opportunities the

management team is able to source.



The social media marketing campaign will be based primarily on social media

marketing metrics including: click-through-rate, social shares, conversion rates, reactions,

and impressions197. The traffic derived from social to the new guest community site will also

be closely monitored. The social media marketing campaign will begin immediately and be

carefully observed over the next year by the new social media marketing specialists focused

on the new campaign. Budgets will be managed and adjusted on a monthly basis.

Impressions has been identified as the most important metric for influencers. The goal

for influencer outreach is to reach approximately 150,000,000 impressions. Impressions are

expected to drive essential site traffic both to Airbnb’s main site and to its host and traveler

communities. All traffic brought through influencer content will be monitored to assess its

relevance and effectiveness to better inform influencer outreach efforts in the future.

Unfortunately, the engagement metrics for app partnerships are more difficult to identify,

because of the wide variability it potential app partners. For this reason, all potential app

partnerships will require careful evaluation and the identification of performance metrics

specialized to the individual partnerships.

The success of the new community engagement website will be based on adoption

metrics. The number of new users and conversion from social outreach efforts will be the

most important considerations. Because the development of the website is expected to take

nine months, there will be limited data on the launch of the website when the campaign

comes under review again on January 1st, 2019. The budget will be adjusted at that time

based on the success of the site’s launch.


Airbnb has many challenges as well as opportunities in its future. While demand for

culturally authentic vacation rentals is growing, competition from businesses that use a

similar sharing economy model as Airbnb is also increasing. As Airbnb expands it product

offerings, it continues to face issues with legality and trust. Rentals have become more

commoditized across the industry as a whole. Travelers looking to get the best value for their

dollar are comparing offerings across sites based on price. Despite this, Airbnb has found

ways to leverage its core competencies in order to create a value for customers that

supersedes the superficial act of pairing a user with a vacation rental. Airbnb continues to

look at the needs of its customers, and in so doing has begun to branch out into other product

offerings such as “experiences.” It can be successful if it continues to focus on who it is, what

it does, and who it serves.



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